Name Description Size
Cargo.toml 1130
cbindgen.toml 1615
DCLayerTree.cpp 79665
DCLayerTree.h DCLayerTree manages direct composition layers. It does not manage gecko's layers::Layer. 16265 3708
Moz2DImageRenderer.cpp 15290
README.webrender To build and run WebRender in Gecko: 1867
RenderAndroidHardwareBufferTextureHost.cpp 7848
RenderAndroidHardwareBufferTextureHost.h 2217
RenderAndroidSurfaceTextureHost.cpp 10536
RenderAndroidSurfaceTextureHost.h 2835
RenderBufferTextureHost.cpp 8608
RenderBufferTextureHost.h 2317
RenderCompositor.cpp 10457
RenderCompositor.h 8487
RenderCompositorANGLE.cpp static 32133
RenderCompositorANGLE.h 5561
RenderCompositorD3D11SWGL.cpp 17651
RenderCompositorD3D11SWGL.h 3956
RenderCompositorEGL.cpp static 11222
RenderCompositorEGL.h 2468
RenderCompositorLayersSWGL.cpp aPremultiplied 16469
RenderCompositorLayersSWGL.h 6784
RenderCompositorNative.cpp 22593
RenderCompositorNative.h 8262
RenderCompositorOGL.cpp static 3933
RenderCompositorOGL.h 1495
RenderCompositorOGLSWGL.cpp aSurfaceWidth 16311
RenderCompositorOGLSWGL.h 3485
RenderCompositorRecordedFrame.h aZero = 1436
RenderCompositorSWGL.cpp static 11783
RenderCompositorSWGL.h 2944
RenderD3D11TextureHost.cpp 23265
RenderD3D11TextureHost.h 6908
RenderDcompSurfaceTextureHost.cpp 1626
RenderDcompSurfaceTextureHost.h A render texture host is responsible to create a dcomp surface from an existing dcomp handle. Currently usage is that MF media engine will create a surface handle from another remote process, and we reconstruct the surface and use it in the DCLayerTree in the GPU process. 2430
RenderDMABUFTextureHost.cpp 2247
RenderDMABUFTextureHost.h 1289
RenderEGLImageTextureHost.cpp 6935
RenderEGLImageTextureHost.h 2167
RendererOGL.cpp aZero = 14230
RendererOGL.h Determine if any content pipelines updated, and update mContentPipelineEpochs. 5461
RendererScreenshotGrabber.cpp 3185
RendererScreenshotGrabber.h Used by |RendererOGL| to grab screenshots from WebRender and submit them to the Gecko profiler. If the profiler is not running or the screenshots feature is disabled, no work will be done. 2775
RenderExternalTextureHost.cpp 7841
RenderExternalTextureHost.h RenderExternalTextureHost manages external textures used by WebRender on Mac. The motivation for this is to be able to use Apple Client Storage OpenGL extension, which makes it possible to avoid some copies during texture upload. This is especially helpful for high resolution video. 2516
RenderMacIOSurfaceTextureHost.cpp 5730
RenderMacIOSurfaceTextureHost.h 1846
RenderSharedSurfaceTextureHost.cpp 2535
RenderSharedSurfaceTextureHost.h This class allows for surfaces managed by SharedSurfacesParent to be inserted into the render texture cache by wrapping an existing surface wrapper. These surfaces are backed by BGRA/X shared memory buffers. 1728
RenderTextureHost.cpp 3762
RenderTextureHost.h 5755
RenderTextureHostSWGL.cpp 7250
RenderTextureHostSWGL.h 2308
RenderTextureHostWrapper.cpp 6456
RenderTextureHostWrapper.h RenderTextureHost of GPUVideoTextureHost. GPUVideoTextureHost wraps TextureHost. This class wraps RenderTextureHost of the wrapped TextureHost. Lifetime of the wrapped TextureHost is usually longer than GPUVideoTextureHost and the wrapped TextureHost is used by multiple GPUVideoTextureHosts. This class is used to reduce recreations of the wrappded RenderTextureHost. Initializations of some RenderTextureHosts(RenderDXGITextureHost and RenderDXGIYCbCrTextureHost) have overhead. 3407
RenderThread.cpp 56427
RenderThread.h 19068
rustfmt.toml 295
webrender_ffi.h 4542
WebRenderAPI.cpp 73007
WebRenderAPI.h 38633
WebRenderTypes.cpp 3309
WebRenderTypes.h Generate a brand new window id and return it. 28100