Name Description Size
App.js App component The top level component for representing main panel 3446
CustomRequestPanel.js Custom request panel component A network request editor which simply provide edit and resend interface for network development. 11579
DropHarHandler.js Helper component responsible for handling and importing dropped *.har files. 3320
MonitorPanel.js Monitor panel component The main panel for displaying various network request information 8408 636
NetworkActionBar.js 4259
SecurityState.js 2191
SourceEditor.js CodeMirror editor as a React component 4308
StatisticsPanel.js Statistics panel component Performance analysis tool which shows you how long the browser takes to download the different parts of your site. 12862
StatusBar.js Status Bar component Displays the summary of total size and transferred size by all requests Also displays different timing markers 5311
StatusCode.js Status code component Displays HTTP status code icon Used in RequestListColumnStatus and HeadersPanel 3754
TabboxPanel.js Tabbox panel component Display the network request details 7989
Toolbar.js Network monitor toolbar component. Toolbar contains a set of useful tools to control network requests as well as set of filters for filtering the content. 21736