Name Description Size
CachePanel.js Cache panel component This tab lists full details of any cache information of the response. 4345
CookiesPanel.js Cookies panel component This tab lists full details of any cookies sent with the request or response 6274
HeadersPanel.js eslint-disable complexity 26887 459
NetworkDetailsBar.js Network details panel component 3116
PropertiesView.js eslint-disable react/prop-types 7232
RequestPanel.js Params panel component Displays the GET parameters and POST data of a request 9469
ResponsePanel.js Response panel component Displays the GET parameters and POST data of a request 15256
SecurityPanel.js Localize special values for key exchange group name, certificate signature scheme, and certificate transparency status. 9896
StackTracePanel.js This component represents a side panel responsible for rendering stack-trace info for selected request. 2438
TimingsPanel.js Timings panel component Display timeline bars that shows the total wait time for various stages 8243