Name Description Size
class-list.js Manages the list classes per DOM elements we care about. The actual list is stored in the CLASSES const, indexed by NodeFront objects. The responsibility of this class is to be the source of truth for anyone who wants to know which classes a given NodeFront has, and which of these are enabled and which are disabled. It also reacts to DOM mutations so the list of classes is up to date with what is in the DOM. It can also be used to enable/disable a given class, or add classes. @param {Inspector} inspector The current inspector instance. 8773
element-style.js ElementStyle is responsible for the following: Keeps track of which properties are overridden. Maintains a list of Rule objects for a given element. 35414 418
rule.js Rule is responsible for the following: Manages a single style declaration or rule. Applies changes to the properties in a rule. Maintains a list of TextProperty objects. 27610
text-property.js TextProperty is responsible for the following: Manages a single property from the authoredText attribute of the relevant declaration. Maintains a list of computed properties that come from this property declaration. Changes to the TextProperty are sent to its related Rule for application. 13957
user-properties.js Store of CSSStyleDeclarations mapped to properties that have been changed by the user. 2251