Name Description Size
constants.js 878
models 580
rules.js Our model looks like this: ElementStyle: Responsible for keeping track of which properties are overridden. Maintains a list of Rule objects that apply to the element. Rule: Manages a single style declaration or rule. Responsible for applying changes to the properties in a rule. Maintains a list of TextProperty objects. TextProperty: Manages a single property from the authoredText attribute of the relevant declaration. Maintains a list of computed properties that come from this property declaration. Changes to the TextProperty are sent to its related Rule for application. View hierarchy mostly follows the model hierarchy. CssRuleView: Owns an ElementStyle and creates a list of RuleEditors for its Rules. RuleEditor: Owns a Rule object and creates a list of TextPropertyEditors for its TextProperties. Manages creation of new text properties. TextPropertyEditor: Owns a TextProperty object. Manages changes to the TextProperty. Can be expanded to display computed properties. Can mark a property disabled or enabled. 82516
types.js A CSS class. 5057