Name Description Size
android-ndk.configure 9971
android-sdk.configure 5191
arm.configure 8442
bindgen.configure \ cbindgen version {} is too old. At least version {} is required. Please update using 'cargo install cbindgen --force' or running './mach bootstrap', after removing the existing executable located at {}. 12659
bootstrap.configure 11054
checks.configure An exception to throw from a function decorated with @checking. It will result in calling die() with the given message. Debugging messages emitted from the decorated function will also be printed out. 7738
compile-checks.configure 17998
compilers-util.configure \ int main(void) { %s ; return 0; } 6610
finalize-flags.configure 1836
flags.configure #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << 1;} 24229
headers.configure 3046
init.configure This cache is used to cache the results of compiler invocations between different runs of configure and save them to the disk, which results in a significant speed up of subsequent configure runs (15%-50%). It is not currently thread safe because it is just a simple dictionary wrapped in a dummy class (ConfigureCache). It could be improved to be thread safe in the future, if we ever make configure parallelized, but for now there is no advantage to doing so. 42926
java.configure 2136
keyfiles.configure 2301
libraries.configure 4672
lto-pgo.configure 14648
memory.configure 5364
node.configure Executing `mach bootstrap --no-system-changes` should install a compatible version in ~/.mozbuild on most platforms. If you believe this is a bug, <> is a good way to file. More details: <> 3283
nspr.configure 3832
nss.configure 1172
old.configure 13713
pkg.configure 7731
rust.configure 25674
toolchain.configure 125833
update-programs.configure 5927
util.configure Raise a programming error and terminate configure. Primarily for use in moz.configure templates to sanity check their inputs from moz.configure usage. 19310
warnings.configure 13446
windows.configure 22308