Name Description Size
.eslintrc.js 343
ActionsProvider.sys.mjs A provider that matches the urlbar input to built in actions. 3394
ActionsProviderContextualSearch.sys.mjs A provider that returns an option for using the search engine provided by the active view if it utilizes OpenSearch. 9068
ActionsProviderQuickActions.sys.mjs A provider that matches the urlbar input to built in actions. 4532
ActionsProviderTabGroups.sys.mjs A provider that matches the urlbar input to built in actions. 3339
docs 800
MerinoClient.sys.mjs Client class for querying the Merino server. Each instance maintains its own session state including a session ID and sequence number that is included in its requests to Merino. 16013
metrics.yaml 75578 3782
pings.yaml 3214
QuickActionsLoaderDefault.sys.mjs 9701
QuickSuggest.sys.mjs This class manages Firefox Suggest and has related helpers. 17478
SearchModeSwitcher.sys.mjs Implements the SearchModeSwitcher in the urlbar. 16583
triage.json 3941
UrlbarController.sys.mjs The address bar controller handles queries from the address bar, obtains results and returns them to the UI for display. Listeners may be added to listen for the results. They may support the following methods which may be called when a query is run: - onQueryStarted(queryContext) - onQueryResults(queryContext) - onQueryCancelled(queryContext) - onQueryFinished(queryContext) - onQueryResultRemoved(index) - onViewOpen() - onViewClose() 52469
UrlbarEventBufferer.sys.mjs The UrlbarEventBufferer can queue up events and replay them later, to make the urlbar results more predictable. Search results arrive asynchronously, which means that keydown events may arrive before results do, and therefore not have the effect the user intends. That's especially likely to happen with the down arrow and enter keys, due to the one-off search buttons: if the user very quickly pastes something in the input, presses the down arrow key, and then hits enter, they are probably expecting to visit the first result. But if there are no results, then pressing down and enter will trigger the first one-off button. To prevent that undesirable behavior, certain keys are buffered and deferred until more results arrive, at which time they're replayed. 12995
UrlbarInput.sys.mjs Implements the text input part of the address bar UI. 175838
UrlbarMuxerUnifiedComplete.sys.mjs This module exports a component used to sort results in a UrlbarQueryContext. 55308
UrlbarPrefs.sys.mjs This module exports the UrlbarPrefs singleton, which manages preferences for the urlbar. It also provides access to urlbar Nimbus variables as if they are preferences, but only for variables with fallback prefs. 69025
UrlbarProviderAboutPages.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that offers about pages. 2603
UrlbarProviderActionsSearchMode.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that returns all the available actions for an actions search mode. 2945
UrlbarProviderAliasEngines.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that offers engines with aliases as heuristic results. 2728
UrlbarProviderAutofill.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that provides an autofill result. 34405
UrlbarProviderBookmarkKeywords.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that offers bookmarks with keywords. 3302
UrlbarProviderCalculator.sys.mjs A provider that returns a suggested url to the user based on what they have currently typed so they can navigate directly. 11362
UrlbarProviderClipboard.sys.mjs A provider that returns a suggested url to the user based on a valid URL stored in the clipboard. 4612
UrlbarProviderGlobalActions.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that returns all the available global actions for a query. 6193
UrlbarProviderHeuristicFallback.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that provides a heuristic result. The result either vists a URL or does a search with the current engine. This result is always the ultimate fallback for any query, so this provider is always active. 11789
UrlbarProviderHistoryUrlHeuristic.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that provides a heuristic result. The result will be provided if the query requests the URL and the URL is in Places with the page title. 4181
UrlbarProviderInputHistory.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that offers input history (aka adaptive history) results. These results map typed search strings to Urlbar results. That way, a user can find a particular result again by typing the same string. 9313
UrlbarProviderInterventions.sys.mjs A node in the QueryScorer's phrase tree. 28947
UrlbarProviderOmnibox.sys.mjs This module exports a provider class that is used for providers created by extensions using the `omnibox` API. 5970
UrlbarProviderOpenTabs.sys.mjs This module exports a provider, returning open tabs matches for the urlbar. It is also used to register and unregister open tabs. 12100
UrlbarProviderPlaces.sys.mjs eslint complexity: ["error", 53] 54648
UrlbarProviderPrivateSearch.sys.mjs This module exports a provider returning a private search entry. 4076
UrlbarProviderQuickSuggest.sys.mjs A provider that returns a suggested url to the user based on what they have currently typed so they can navigate directly. 20195
UrlbarProviderQuickSuggestContextualOptIn.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that offers a search engine when the user is typing a search engine domain. 7540
UrlbarProviderRecentSearches.sys.mjs This module exports a provider returning the user's recent searches. 4400
UrlbarProviderRemoteTabs.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that offers remote tabs. 7799
UrlbarProviderRestrictKeywords.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that offers restrict keywords for search mode. 2197
UrlbarProviderRestrictKeywordsAutofill.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that offers restrict keywords autofill for search mode. 6048
UrlbarProviderSearchSuggestions.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that offers search engine suggestions. 21427
UrlbarProviderSearchTips.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that might show a tip when the user opens the newtab or starts an organic search with their default search engine. 15547
UrlbarProvidersManager.sys.mjs This module exports a component used to register search providers and manage the connection between such providers and a UrlbarController. 30912
UrlbarProviderTabToSearch.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that offers a search engine when the user is typing a search engine domain. 14181
UrlbarProviderTokenAliasEngines.sys.mjs This module exports a provider that offers token alias engines. 7282
UrlbarProviderTopSites.sys.mjs This module exports a provider returning the user's newtab Top Sites. 13603
UrlbarProviderUnitConversion.sys.mjs Provide unit converter. 4838
UrlbarResult.sys.mjs This module exports a urlbar result class, each representing a single result found by a provider that can be passed from the model to the view through the controller. It is mainly defined by a result type, and a payload, containing the data. A few getters allow to retrieve information common to all the result types. 13296
UrlbarSearchOneOffs.sys.mjs The one-off search buttons in the urlbar. 16773
UrlbarSearchTermsPersistence.sys.mjs Provides utilities to manage and validate search terms persistence in the URL bar. This class is designed to handle the identification of default search engine results pages (SERPs), retrieval of search terms, and validation of conditions for persisting search terms based on predefined provider information. 13740
UrlbarSearchUtils.sys.mjs Search service utilities for urlbar. The only reason these functions aren't a part of UrlbarUtils is that we want O(1) case-insensitive lookup for search aliases, and to do that we need to observe the search service, persistent state, and an init method. A separate object is easier. 12685
UrlbarTokenizer.sys.mjs This module exports a tokenizer to be used by the urlbar model. Emitted tokens are objects in the shape { type, value }, where type is one of UrlbarTokenizer.TYPE. 16844
UrlbarUtils.sys.mjs This module exports the UrlbarUtils singleton, which contains constants and helper functions that are useful to all components of the urlbar. 109120
UrlbarValueFormatter.sys.mjs Applies URL highlighting and other styling to the text in the urlbar input, depending on the text. 19965
UrlbarView.sys.mjs Receives and displays address bar autocomplete results. 127263