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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* This module exports the UrlbarPrefs singleton, which manages preferences for
* the urlbar. It also provides access to urlbar Nimbus variables as if they are
* preferences, but only for variables with fallback prefs.
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
NimbusFeatures: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs",
UrlbarUtils: "resource:///modules/UrlbarUtils.sys.mjs",
CustomizableUI: "resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.sys.mjs",
const PREF_URLBAR_BRANCH = "browser.urlbar.";
// Prefs are defined as [pref name, default value] or [pref name, [default
// value, type]]. In the former case, the getter method name is inferred from
// the typeof the default value.
// NOTE: Don't name prefs (relative to the `browser.urlbar` branch) the same as
// Nimbus urlbar features. Doing so would cause a name collision because pref
// names and Nimbus feature names are both kept as keys in UrlbarPref's map. For
// a list of Nimbus features, see toolkit/components/nimbus/FeatureManifest.yaml.
const PREF_URLBAR_DEFAULTS = new Map([
// Whether we announce to screen readers when tab-to-search results are
// inserted.
["accessibility.tabToSearch.announceResults", true],
// Feature gate pref for addon suggestions in the urlbar.
["addons.featureGate", false],
// The number of times the user has clicked the "Show less frequently" command
// for addon suggestions.
["addons.showLessFrequentlyCount", 0],
// "Autofill" is the name of the feature that automatically completes domains
// and URLs that the user has visited as the user is typing them in the urlbar
// textbox. If false, autofill will be disabled.
["autoFill", true],
// Whether enabling adaptive history autofill. This pref is a fallback for the
// Nimbus variable `autoFillAdaptiveHistoryEnabled`.
["autoFill.adaptiveHistory.enabled", false],
// Minimum char length of the user's search string to enable adaptive history
// autofill. This pref is a fallback for the Nimbus variable
// `autoFillAdaptiveHistoryMinCharsThreshold`.
["autoFill.adaptiveHistory.minCharsThreshold", 0],
// Threshold for use count of input history that we handle as adaptive history
// autofill. If the use count is this value or more, it will be a candidate.
// Set the threshold to not be candidate the input history passed approximately
// 30 days since user input it as the default.
["autoFill.adaptiveHistory.useCountThreshold", [0.47, "float"]],
// Affects the frecency threshold of the autofill algorithm. The threshold is
// the mean of all origin frecencies plus one standard deviation multiplied by
// this value. See UrlbarProviderPlaces.
["autoFill.stddevMultiplier", [0.0, "float"]],
// Feature gate pref for clipboard suggestions in the urlbar.
["clipboard.featureGate", false],
// Whether to close other panels when the urlbar panel opens.
// This feature gate exists just as an emergency rollback in case of
// unexpected issues in Release. We normally want this behavior.
["closeOtherPanelsOnOpen", true],
// Whether to show a link for using the search functionality provided by the
// active view if the the view utilizes OpenSearch.
["contextualSearch.enabled", true],
// Whether using `ctrl` when hitting return/enter in the URL bar
// (or clicking 'go') should prefix 'www.' and suffix
// browser.fixup.alternate.suffix to the URL bar value prior to
// navigating.
["ctrlCanonizesURLs", true],
// Whether copying the entire URL from the location bar will put a human
// readable (percent-decoded) URL on the clipboard.
["decodeURLsOnCopy", false],
// The amount of time (ms) to wait after the user has stopped typing before
// fetching results. However, we ignore this for the very first result (the
// "heuristic" result). We fetch it as fast as possible.
["delay", 50],
// Some performance tests disable this because extending the urlbar needs
// layout information that we can't get before the first paint. (Or we could
// but this would mean flushing layout.)
["disableExtendForTests", false],
// Ensure we use trailing dots for DNS lookups for single words that could
// be hosts.
["dnsResolveFullyQualifiedNames", true],
// Controls when to DNS resolve single word search strings, after they were
// searched for. If the string is resolved as a valid host, show a
// "Did you mean to go to 'host'" prompt.
// 0 - never resolve; 1 - use heuristics (default); 2 - always resolve
["dnsResolveSingleWordsAfterSearch", 0],
// Whether we expand the font size when when the urlbar is
// focused.
["experimental.expandTextOnFocus", false],
// Whether the heuristic result is hidden.
["experimental.hideHeuristic", false],
// Comma-separated list of `source.providers` combinations, that are used to
// determine if an exposure event should be fired. This can be set by a
// Nimbus variable and is expected to be set via nimbus experiment
// configuration.
["exposureResults", ""],
// When we send events to (privileged) extensions (urlbar API), we wait this
// amount of time in milliseconds for them to respond before timing out.
["extension.timeout", 400],
// When we send events to extensions that use the omnibox API, we wait this
// amount of time in milliseconds for them to respond before timing out.
["extension.omnibox.timeout", 3000],
// Feature gate pref for Fakespot suggestions in the urlbar.
["fakespot.featureGate", false],
// The minimum prefix length of a Fakespot keyword the user must type to
// trigger the suggestion. 0 means the min length should be taken from Nimbus.
["fakespot.minKeywordLength", 4],
// The number of times the user has clicked the "Show less frequently" command
// for Fakespot suggestions.
["fakespot.showLessFrequentlyCount", 0],
// The index of Fakespot results within the Firefox Suggest section. A
// negative index is relative to the end of the section.
["fakespot.suggestedIndex", -1],
// When true, `javascript:` URLs are not included in search results.
["filter.javascript", true],
// Focus the content document when pressing the Escape key, if there's no
// remaining typed history.
["focusContentDocumentOnEsc", true],
// Applies URL highlighting and other styling to the text in the urlbar input.
["formatting.enabled", true],
// Whether Firefox Suggest group labels are shown in the urlbar view in en-*
// locales. Labels are not shown in other locales but likely will be in the
// future.
["groupLabels.enabled", true],
// Set default intent threshold value of 0.5
["intentThreshold", [0.5, "float"]],
// Whether the results panel should be kept open during IME composition.
["keepPanelOpenDuringImeComposition", false],
// Comma-separated list of result types that should trigger keyword-exposure
// telemetry. Only applies to results with an `exposureTelemetry` value other
// than `NONE`.
["keywordExposureResults", ""],
// As a user privacy measure, don't fetch results from remote services for
// searches that start by pasting a string longer than this. The pref name
// indicates search suggestions, but this is used for all remote results.
["maxCharsForSearchSuggestions", 100],
// The maximum number of form history results to include.
["maxHistoricalSearchSuggestions", 0],
// The maximum number of results in the urlbar popup.
["maxRichResults", 10],
// Feature gate pref for mdn suggestions in the urlbar.
["mdn.featureGate", true],
// Comma-separated list of client variants to send to Merino
["merino.clientVariants", ""],
// The Merino endpoint URL, not including parameters.
// Comma-separated list of providers to request from Merino
["merino.providers", ""],
// Timeout for Merino fetches (ms).
["merino.timeoutMs", 200],
// Set default NER threshold value of 0.5
["nerThreshold", [0.5, "float"]],
// Whether addresses and search results typed into the address bar
// should be opened in new tabs by default.
["openintab", false],
// Feature gate pref for Pocket suggestions in the urlbar.
["pocket.featureGate", false],
// The number of times the user has clicked the "Show less frequently" command
// for Pocket suggestions.
["pocket.showLessFrequentlyCount", 0],
// If disabled, QuickActions will not be included in either the default search
// mode or the QuickActions search mode.
["quickactions.enabled", true],
// The number of times we should show the actions onboarding label.
["quickactions.timesToShowOnboardingLabel", 0],
// The number of times we have shown the actions onboarding label.
["quickactions.timesShownOnboardingLabel", 0],
// Whether we will match QuickActions within a phrase and not only a prefix.
["quickactions.matchInPhrase", true],
// The minumum amount of characters required for the user to input before
// matching actions. Setting this to 0 will show the actions in the
// zero prefix state.
["quickactions.minimumSearchString", 3],
// Whether we show the Actions section in about:preferences.
["quickactions.showPrefs", false],
// When non-zero, this is the character-count threshold (inclusive) for
// showing AMP suggestions as top picks. If an AMP suggestion is triggered by
// a keyword at least this many characters long, it will be shown as a top
// pick. Full keywords will also show AMP suggestions as top picks even if
// they have fewer characters than this threshold.
["quicksuggest.ampTopPickCharThreshold", 0],
// JSON'ed array of blocked quick suggest URL digests.
["quicksuggest.blockedDigests", ""],
// Whether the Firefox Suggest data collection opt-in result is enabled. If
// true, this implicitly disables shouldShowOnboardingDialog.
["quicksuggest.contextualOptIn", false],
// The last time (as ISO string) the user dismissed the Firefox Suggest
// contextual opt-in result.
["quicksuggest.contextualOptIn.lastDismissed", ""],
// Number that the user dismissed the Firefox Suggest contextual opt-in result.
["quicksuggest.contextualOptIn.dismissedCount", 0],
// Period until reshow the Firefox Suggest contextual opt-in result when first dismissed.
["quicksuggest.contextualOptIn.firstReshowAfterPeriodDays", 7],
// Period until reshow the Firefox Suggest contextual opt-in result when second dismissed.
["quicksuggest.contextualOptIn.secondReshowAfterPeriodDays", 14],
// Period until reshow the Firefox Suggest contextual opt-in result when third dismissed.
["quicksuggest.contextualOptIn.thirdReshowAfterPeriodDays", 60],
// Whether the user has opted in to data collection for quick suggest.
["quicksuggest.dataCollection.enabled", false],
// Global toggle for whether the quick suggest feature is enabled, i.e.,
// sponsored and recommended results related to the user's search string.
["quicksuggest.enabled", false],
// Comma-separated list of Suggest exposure suggestion types to enable.
["quicksuggest.exposureSuggestionTypes", ""],
// Whether Suggest should be hidden in the settings UI even when enabled.
["quicksuggest.hideSettingsUI", false],
// Whether non-sponsored quick suggest results are subject to impression
// frequency caps. This pref is a fallback for the Nimbus variable
// `quickSuggestImpressionCapsNonSponsoredEnabled`.
["quicksuggest.impressionCaps.nonSponsoredEnabled", false],
// Whether sponsored quick suggest results are subject to impression frequency
// caps. This pref is a fallback for the Nimbus variable
// `quickSuggestImpressionCapsSponsoredEnabled`.
["quicksuggest.impressionCaps.sponsoredEnabled", false],
// JSON'ed object of quick suggest impression stats. Used for implementing
// impression frequency caps for quick suggest suggestions.
["quicksuggest.impressionCaps.stats", ""],
// If the user has gone through a quick suggest prefs migration, then this
// pref will have a user-branch value that records the latest prefs version.
// Version changelog:
// 0: (Unversioned) When `suggest.quicksuggest` is false, all quick suggest
// results are disabled and `suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored` is ignored. To
// show sponsored suggestions, both prefs must be true.
// 1: `suggest.quicksuggest` is removed, `suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored`
// is introduced. `suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored` and
// `suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored` are independent:
// `suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored` controls non-sponsored results and
// `suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored` controls sponsored results.
// `quicksuggest.dataCollection.enabled` is introduced.
// 2: For online, the defaults for `suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored` and
// `suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored` are true. Previously they were false.
["quicksuggest.migrationVersion", 0],
// Whether Suggest will use the ML backend in addition to Rust.
["quicksuggest.mlEnabled", false],
// The user's response to the Firefox Suggest online opt-in dialog.
["quicksuggest.onboardingDialogChoice", ""],
// The version of dialog user saw.
["quicksuggest.onboardingDialogVersion", ""],
// Whether Firefox Suggest will use the new Rust backend instead of the
// original JS backend.
["quicksuggest.rustEnabled", true],
// The Suggest Rust backend will ingest remote settings every N seconds as
// defined by this pref. Ingestion uses nsIUpdateTimerManager so the interval
// will persist across app restarts. The default value is 24 hours, same as
// the interval used by the desktop remote settings client.
["quicksuggest.rustIngestIntervalSeconds", 60 * 60 * 24],
// Count the restarts before showing the onboarding dialog.
["quicksuggest.seenRestarts", 0],
// Whether to show the quick suggest onboarding dialog.
["quicksuggest.shouldShowOnboardingDialog", false],
// Whether the user has seen the onboarding dialog.
["quicksuggest.showedOnboardingDialog", false],
// We only show recent searches within the past 3 days by default.
// Stored as a string as some code handle timestamp sized int's.
["recentsearches.expirationMs", (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 3).toString()],
// Feature gate pref for recent searches being shown in the urlbar.
["recentsearches.featureGate", true],
// Store the time the last default engine changed so we can only show
// recent searches since then.
// Stored as a string as some code handle timestamp sized int's.
["recentsearches.lastDefaultChanged", "-1"],
// The maximum number of recent searches we will show.
["recentsearches.maxResults", 5],
// When true, URLs in the user's history that look like search result pages
// are styled to look like search engine results instead of the usual history
// results.
["restyleSearches", false],
// Allow the result menu button to be reached with the Tab key.
["resultMenu.keyboardAccessible", true],
// Feature gate pref for rich suggestions being shown in the urlbar.
["richSuggestions.featureGate", true],
// If true, we show tail suggestions when available.
["richSuggestions.tail", true],
// Disable the urlbar OneOff panel from being shown.
["scotchBonnet.disableOneOffs", false],
// A short-circuit pref to enable all the features that are part of a
// grouped release.
["scotchBonnet.enableOverride", false],
// Allow searchmode to be persisted as the user navigates the
// search host.
["scotchBonnet.persistSearchMode", false],
// Feature gate pref for search restrict keywords being shown in the urlbar.
["searchRestrictKeywords.featureGate", false],
// Hidden pref. Disables checks that prevent search tips being shown, thus
// showing them every time the newtab page or the default search engine
// homepage is opened.
["searchTips.test.ignoreShowLimits", false],
// Feature gate pref for secondary actions being shown in the urlbar.
["secondaryActions.featureGate", false],
// Alternative switch to tab implementation using secondaryActions.
["secondaryActions.switchToTab", false],
// Whether to show each local search shortcut button in the view.
["shortcuts.bookmarks", true],
["shortcuts.tabs", true],
["shortcuts.history", true],
["shortcuts.actions", true],
// Boolean to determine if the providers defined in `exposureResults`
// should be displayed in search results. This can be set by a
// Nimbus variable and is expected to be set via nimbus experiment
// configuration. For the control branch of an experiment this would be
// false and true for the treatment.
["showExposureResults", false],
// Whether to show search suggestions before general results.
["showSearchSuggestionsFirst", true],
// If true, show the search term in the Urlbar while on
// a default search engine results page.
["showSearchTerms.enabled", true],
// Global toggle for whether the show search terms feature
// can be used at all, and enabled/disabled by the user.
["showSearchTerms.featureGate", false],
// Whether speculative connections should be enabled.
["speculativeConnect.enabled", true],
// If true, top sites may include sponsored ones.
["sponsoredTopSites", false],
// If `browser.urlbar.addons.featureGate` is true, this controls whether
// addon suggestions are turned on.
["suggest.addons", true],
// Whether results will include the user's bookmarks.
["suggest.bookmark", true],
// Whether results will include a calculator.
["suggest.calculator", false],
// Whether results will include clipboard results.
["suggest.clipboard", true],
// Whether results will include search engines (e.g. tab-to-search).
["suggest.engines", true],
// If `browser.urlbar.fakespot.featureGate` is true, this controls whether
// Fakespot suggestions are turned on.
["suggest.fakespot", true],
// Whether results will include the user's history.
["suggest.history", true],
// If `browser.urlbar.mdn.featureGate` is true, this controls whether
// mdn suggestions are turned on.
["suggest.mdn", true],
// Whether results will include switch-to-tab results.
["suggest.openpage", true],
// If `pocket.featureGate` is true, this controls whether Pocket suggestions
// are turned on.
["suggest.pocket", true],
// Whether results will include QuickActions in the default search mode.
["suggest.quickactions", false],
// Whether results will include non-sponsored quick suggest suggestions.
["suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", false],
// Whether results will include sponsored quick suggest suggestions.
["suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", false],
// If `browser.urlbar.recentsearches.featureGate` is true, this controls whether
// recentsearches are turned on.
["suggest.recentsearches", true],
// Whether results will include synced tab results. The syncing of open tabs
// must also be enabled, from Sync preferences.
["suggest.remotetab", true],
// Whether results will include search suggestions.
["suggest.searches", false],
// Whether results will include top sites and the view will open on focus.
["suggest.topsites", true],
// If `browser.urlbar.trending.featureGate` is true, this controls whether
// trending suggestions are turned on.
["suggest.trending", true],
// If `` is true, this controls whether
// weather suggestions are turned on.
["", true],
// If `browser.urlbar.yelp.featureGate` is true, this controls whether
// Yelp suggestions are turned on.
["suggest.yelp", true],
// Whether history results with the same title and URL excluding the ref
// will be deduplicated.
["deduplication.enabled", false],
// How old history results have to be to be deduplicated.
["deduplication.thresholdDays", 0],
// When using switch to tabs, if set to true this will move the tab into the
// active window.
["switchTabs.adoptIntoActiveWindow", false],
// Controls whether searching for open tabs returns tabs from any container
// or only from the current container.
["switchTabs.searchAllContainers", true],
// The minimum number of characters needed to match a tab group name.
["tabGroups.minSearchLength", 1],
// The number of remaining times the user can interact with tab-to-search
// onboarding results before we stop showing them.
["tabToSearch.onboard.interactionsLeft", 3],
// The number of times the user has been shown the onboarding search tip.
["tipShownCount.searchTip_onboard", 0],
// The number of times the user has been shown the redirect search tip.
["tipShownCount.searchTip_redirect", 0],
// Feature gate pref for trending suggestions in the urlbar.
["trending.featureGate", true],
// The maximum number of trending results to show while not in search mode.
["trending.maxResultsNoSearchMode", 10],
// The maximum number of trending results to show in search mode.
["trending.maxResultsSearchMode", 10],
// Whether to only show trending results when the urlbar is in search
// mode or when the user initially opens the urlbar without selecting
// an engine.
["trending.requireSearchMode", false],
// Remove 'https://' from url when urlbar is focused.
["trimHttps", false],
// Remove redundant portions from URLs.
["trimURLs", true],
// Whether unit conversion is enabled.
["unitConversion.enabled", false],
// The index where we show unit conversion results.
["unitConversion.suggestedIndex", 1],
// Untrim url, when urlbar is focused.
// Note: This pref will be removed once the feature is stable.
["untrimOnUserInteraction.featureGate", false],
// Whether or not Unified Search Button is shown always.
["unifiedSearchButton.always", false],
// Feature gate pref for weather suggestions in the urlbar.
["weather.featureGate", false],
// The minimum prefix length of a weather keyword the user must type to
// trigger the suggestion. 0 means the min length should be taken from Nimbus
// or remote settings.
["weather.minKeywordLength", 0],
// The number of times the user has clicked the "Show less frequently" command
// for weather suggestions.
["weather.showLessFrequentlyCount", 0],
// Feature gate pref for Yelp suggestions in the urlbar.
["yelp.featureGate", false],
// The minimum prefix length of a Yelp keyword the user must type to trigger
// the suggestion. 0 means the min length should be taken from Nimbus.
["yelp.minKeywordLength", 4],
// Whether Yelp suggestions will be served from the Suggest ML backend instead
// of Rust.
["yelp.mlEnabled", false],
// Whether Yelp suggestions should be shown as top picks. This is a fallback
// pref for the `yelpSuggestPriority` Nimbus variable.
["yelp.priority", false],
// The number of times the user has clicked the "Show less frequently" command
// for Yelp suggestions.
["yelp.showLessFrequentlyCount", 0],
const PREF_OTHER_DEFAULTS = new Map([
["browser.fixup.dns_first_for_single_words", false],
["", false],
["", true],
["", false],
["keyword.enabled", true],
["security.insecure_connection_text.enabled", true],
["ui.popup.disable_autohide", false],
// Default values for Nimbus urlbar variables that do not have fallback prefs.
// Variables with fallback prefs do not need to be defined here because their
// defaults are the values of their fallbacks.
addonsShowLessFrequentlyCap: 0,
fakespotMinKeywordLength: null,
pocketShowLessFrequentlyCap: 0,
pocketSuggestIndex: null,
quickSuggestScoreMap: null,
weatherKeywordsMinimumLength: null,
weatherShowLessFrequentlyCap: null,
yelpMinKeywordLength: null,
yelpSuggestNonPriorityIndex: null,
// Maps preferences under browser.urlbar.suggest to behavior names, as defined
// in mozIPlacesAutoComplete.
history: "history",
bookmark: "bookmark",
openpage: "openpage",
searches: "search",
const PREF_TYPES = new Map([
["boolean", "Bool"],
["float", "Float"],
["number", "Int"],
["string", "Char"],
* Builds the standard result groups and returns the root group. Result
* groups determine the composition of results in the muxer, i.e., how they're
* grouped and sorted. Each group is an object that looks like this:
* {
* {UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP} [group]
* This is defined only on groups without children, and it determines the
* result group that the group will contain.
* {number} [maxResultCount]
* An optional maximum number of results the group can contain. If it's
* not defined and the parent group does not define `flexChildren: true`,
* then the max is the parent's max. If the parent group defines
* `flexChildren: true`, then `maxResultCount` is ignored.
* {boolean} [flexChildren]
* If true, then child groups are "flexed", similar to flex in HTML. Each
* child group should define the `flex` property (or, if they don't, `flex`
* is assumed to be zero). `flex` is a number that defines the ratio of a
* child's result count to the total result count of all children. More
* specifically, `flex: X` on a child means that the initial maximum result
* count of the child is `parentMaxResultCount * (X / N)`, where `N` is the
* sum of the `flex` values of all children. If there are any child groups
* that cannot be completely filled, then the muxer will attempt to overfill
* the children that were completely filled, while still respecting their
* relative `flex` values.
* {number} [flex]
* The flex value of the group. This should be defined only on groups
* where the parent defines `flexChildren: true`. See `flexChildren` for a
* discussion of flex.
* {array} [children]
* An array of child group objects.
* }
* @param {boolean} showSearchSuggestionsFirst
* If true, the suggestions group will come before the general group.
* @returns {object}
* The root group.
function makeResultGroups({ showSearchSuggestionsFirst }) {
let rootGroup = {
children: [
// heuristic
maxResultCount: 1,
children: [
{ group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC_TEST },
{ group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC_SEARCH_TIP },
{ group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC_OMNIBOX },
{ group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC_AUTOFILL },
{ group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC_FALLBACK },
// extensions using the omnibox API
group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.OMNIBOX,
// Prepare the parent group for suggestions and general.
let mainGroup = {
flexChildren: true,
children: [
// suggestions
children: [
flexChildren: true,
children: [
// If `maxHistoricalSearchSuggestions` == 0, the muxer forces
// `maxResultCount` to be zero and flex is ignored, per query.
flex: 2,
group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.FORM_HISTORY,
flex: 99,
group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.RECENT_SEARCH,
flex: 4,
// general
group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.GENERAL_PARENT,
children: [
availableSpan: 3,
group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.INPUT_HISTORY,
flexChildren: true,
children: [
flex: 1,
group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.REMOTE_TAB,
flex: 2,
group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.GENERAL,
// We show relatively many about-page results because they're
// only added for queries starting with "about:".
flex: 2,
group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.ABOUT_PAGES,
flex: 99,
group: lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.INPUT_HISTORY,
if (!showSearchSuggestionsFirst) {
mainGroup.children[0].flex = 2;
mainGroup.children[1].flex = 1;
return rootGroup;
* Preferences class. The exported object is a singleton instance.
class Preferences {
* Constructor
constructor() {
this._map = new Map();
this.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI([
Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF_URLBAR_BRANCH, this, true);
for (let pref of PREF_OTHER_DEFAULTS.keys()) {
Services.prefs.addObserver(pref, this, true);
this._observerWeakRefs = [];
// These prefs control the value of the shouldHandOffToSearchMode pref. They
// are exposed as a class variable so UrlbarPrefs observers can watch for
// changes in these prefs.
this.shouldHandOffToSearchModePrefs = [
lazy.NimbusFeatures.urlbar.onUpdate(() => this._onNimbusUpdate());
* Returns the value for the preference with the given name.
* For preferences in the "browser.urlbar."" branch, the passed-in name
* should be relative to the branch. It's also possible to get prefs from the
* PREF_OTHER_DEFAULTS Map, specifying their full name.
* @param {string} pref
* The name of the preference to get.
* @returns {*} The preference value.
get(pref) {
let value = this._map.get(pref);
if (value === undefined) {
value = this._getPrefValue(pref);
this._map.set(pref, value);
return value;
* Sets the value for the preference with the given name.
* For preferences in the "browser.urlbar."" branch, the passed-in name
* should be relative to the branch. It's also possible to set prefs from the
* PREF_OTHER_DEFAULTS Map, specifying their full name.
* @param {string} pref
* The name of the preference to set.
* @param {*} value The preference value.
set(pref, value) {
let { defaultValue, set } = this._getPrefDescriptor(pref);
if (typeof value != typeof defaultValue) {
throw new Error(`Invalid value type ${typeof value} for pref ${pref}`);
set(pref, value);
* Clears the value for the preference with the given name.
* @param {string} pref
* The name of the preference to clear.
clear(pref) {
let { clear } = this._getPrefDescriptor(pref);
* Builds the standard result groups. See makeResultGroups.
* @param {object} options
* See makeResultGroups.
* @returns {object}
* The root group.
makeResultGroups(options) {
return makeResultGroups(options);
* Gets a pref but allows the `scotchBonnet.enableOverride` pref to
* short circuit them so one pref can be used to enable multiple
* features.
* @param {string} pref
* The name of the preference to clear.
* @returns {*} The preference value.
getScotchBonnetPref(pref) {
return this.get("scotchBonnet.enableOverride") || this.get(pref);
get resultGroups() {
if (!this.#resultGroups) {
this.#resultGroups = makeResultGroups({
showSearchSuggestionsFirst: this.get("showSearchSuggestionsFirst"),
return this.#resultGroups;
* Adds a preference observer. Observers are held weakly.
* @param {object} observer
* An object that may optionally implement one or both methods:
* - `onPrefChanged` invoked when one of the preferences listed here
* change. It will be passed the pref name. For prefs in the
* `browser.urlbar.` branch, the name will be relative to the branch.
* For other prefs, the name will be the full name.
* - `onNimbusChanged` invoked when a Nimbus value changes. It will be
* passed the name of the changed Nimbus variable.
addObserver(observer) {
* Removes a preference observer.
* @param {object} observer
* An observer previously added with `addObserver()`.
removeObserver(observer) {
for (let i = 0; i < this._observerWeakRefs.length; i++) {
let obs = this._observerWeakRefs[i].get();
if (obs && obs == observer) {
this._observerWeakRefs.splice(i, 1);
* Observes preference changes.
* @param {nsISupports} subject
* The subject of the notification.
* @param {string} topic
* The topic of the notification.
* @param {string} data
* The data attached to the notification.
observe(subject, topic, data) {
let pref = data.replace(PREF_URLBAR_BRANCH, "");
if (!PREF_URLBAR_DEFAULTS.has(pref) && !PREF_OTHER_DEFAULTS.has(pref)) {
this.#notifyObservers("onPrefChanged", pref);
* Called when a pref tracked by UrlbarPrefs changes.
* @param {string} pref
* The name of the pref, relative to `browser.urlbar.` if the pref is
* in that branch.
onPrefChanged(pref) {
// Some prefs may influence others.
switch (pref) {
case "autoFill.adaptiveHistory.useCountThreshold":
case "showSearchSuggestionsFirst":
this.#resultGroups = null;
if (pref.startsWith("suggest.")) {
if (this.shouldHandOffToSearchModePrefs.includes(pref)) {
* Called when the `NimbusFeatures.urlbar` value changes.
_onNimbusUpdate() {
let oldNimbus = this._clearNimbusCache();
let newNimbus = this._nimbus;
// Callback to observers having onNimbusChanged.
let variableNames = new Set(Object.keys(oldNimbus));
for (let name of Object.keys(newNimbus)) {
for (let name of variableNames) {
if (
oldNimbus.hasOwnProperty(name) != newNimbus.hasOwnProperty(name) ||
oldNimbus[name] !== newNimbus[name]
) {
this.#notifyObservers("onNimbusChanged", name);
* Clears cached Nimbus variables. The cache will be repopulated the next time
* `_nimbus` is accessed.
* @returns {object}
* The value of the cache before it was cleared. It's an object that maps
* from variable names to values.
_clearNimbusCache() {
let nimbus = this.__nimbus;
if (nimbus) {
for (let key of Object.keys(nimbus)) {
this.__nimbus = null;
return nimbus || {};
get _nimbus() {
if (!this.__nimbus) {
this.__nimbus = lazy.NimbusFeatures.urlbar.getAllVariables({
defaultValues: NIMBUS_DEFAULTS,
return this.__nimbus;
* Returns the raw value of the given preference straight from Services.prefs.
* @param {string} pref
* The name of the preference to get.
* @returns {*} The raw preference value.
_readPref(pref) {
let { defaultValue, get } = this._getPrefDescriptor(pref);
return get(pref, defaultValue);
* Returns a validated and/or fixed-up value of the given preference. The
* value may be validated for correctness, or it might be converted into a
* different value that is easier to work with than the actual value stored in
* the preferences branch. Not all preferences require validation or fixup.
* The values returned from this method are the values that are made public by
* this module.
* @param {string} pref
* The name of the preference to get.
* @returns {*} The validated and/or fixed-up preference value.
_getPrefValue(pref) {
switch (pref) {
case "shortcuts.actions": {
return this.get("scotchBonnet.enableOverride") && this._readPref(pref);
case "defaultBehavior": {
let val = 0;
for (let type of Object.keys(SUGGEST_PREF_TO_BEHAVIOR)) {
val |=
this.get("suggest." + type) && Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete[behavior];
return val;
case "shouldHandOffToSearchMode":
return this.shouldHandOffToSearchModePrefs.some(
prefName => !this.get(prefName)
case "autoFillAdaptiveHistoryUseCountThreshold": {
const nimbusValue =
return nimbusValue === undefined
? this.get("autoFill.adaptiveHistory.useCountThreshold")
: parseFloat(nimbusValue);
case "exposureResults":
case "keywordExposureResults":
case "quicksuggest.exposureSuggestionTypes":
return new Set(
.map(s => s.trim())
.filter(s => !!s)
return this._readPref(pref);
* Returns a descriptor of the given preference.
* @param {string} pref The preference to examine.
* @returns {object} An object describing the pref with the following shape:
* { defaultValue, get, set, clear }
_getPrefDescriptor(pref) {
let branch = Services.prefs.getBranch(PREF_URLBAR_BRANCH);
let defaultValue = PREF_URLBAR_DEFAULTS.get(pref);
if (defaultValue === undefined) {
branch = Services.prefs;
defaultValue = PREF_OTHER_DEFAULTS.get(pref);
if (defaultValue === undefined) {
let nimbus = this._getNimbusDescriptor(pref);
if (nimbus) {
return nimbus;
throw new Error("Trying to access an unknown pref " + pref);
let type;
if (!Array.isArray(defaultValue)) {
type = PREF_TYPES.get(typeof defaultValue);
} else {
if (defaultValue.length != 2) {
throw new Error("Malformed pref def: " + pref);
[defaultValue, type] = defaultValue;
type = PREF_TYPES.get(type);
if (!type) {
throw new Error("Unknown pref type: " + pref);
return {
get: branch[`get${type}Pref`],
// Float prefs are stored as Char.
set: branch[`set${type == "Float" ? "Char" : type}Pref`],
clear: branch.clearUserPref,
* Returns a descriptor for the given Nimbus property, if it exists.
* @param {string} name
* The name of the desired property in the object returned from
* NimbusFeatures.urlbar.getAllVariables().
* @returns {object}
* An object describing the property's value with the following shape (same
* as _getPrefDescriptor()):
* { defaultValue, get, set, clear }
* If the property doesn't exist, null is returned.
_getNimbusDescriptor(name) {
if (!this._nimbus.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
return null;
return {
defaultValue: this._nimbus[name],
get: () => this._nimbus[name],
set() {
throw new Error(`'${name}' is a Nimbus value and cannot be set`);
clear() {
throw new Error(`'${name}' is a Nimbus value and cannot be cleared`);
* Initializes the showSearchSuggestionsFirst pref based on the matchGroups
* pref. This function can be removed when the corresponding UI migration in
* BrowserGlue.sys.mjs is no longer needed.
initializeShowSearchSuggestionsFirstPref() {
let matchGroups = [];
let pref = Services.prefs.getCharPref("browser.urlbar.matchGroups", "");
try {
matchGroups = pref.split(",").map(v => {
let group = v.split(":");
return [group[0].trim().toLowerCase(), Number(group[1])];
} catch (ex) {}
let groupNames = => group[0]);
let suggestionIndex = groupNames.indexOf("suggestion");
let generalIndex = groupNames.indexOf("general");
let showSearchSuggestionsFirst =
generalIndex < 0 ||
(suggestionIndex >= 0 && suggestionIndex < generalIndex);
let oldValue = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
// Pref observers aren't called when a pref is set to its current value, but
// we always want to set matchGroups to the appropriate default value via
// onPrefChanged, so call it now if necessary. This is really only
// necessary for tests since the only time this function is called outside
// of tests is by a UI migration in BrowserGlue.
if (oldValue == showSearchSuggestionsFirst) {
* Return whether or not persisted search terms is enabled.
* @returns {boolean} true: if enabled.
isPersistedSearchTermsEnabled() {
return (
this.getScotchBonnetPref("showSearchTerms.featureGate") &&
this.get("showSearchTerms.enabled") &&
#notifyObservers(method, changed) {
for (let i = 0; i < this._observerWeakRefs.length; ) {
let observer = this._observerWeakRefs[i].get();
if (!observer) {
// The observer has been GC'ed, so remove it from our list.
this._observerWeakRefs.splice(i, 1);
if (method in observer) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
#resultGroups = null;
export var UrlbarPrefs = new Preferences();