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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Search service utilities for urlbar. The only reason these functions aren't
* a part of UrlbarUtils is that we want O(1) case-insensitive lookup for search
* aliases, and to do that we need to observe the search service, persistent
* state, and an init method. A separate object is easier.
import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs";
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
const SEARCH_ENGINE_TOPIC = "browser-search-engine-modified";
* Search service utilities for urlbar.
class SearchUtils {
constructor() {
this._refreshEnginesByAliasPromise = Promise.resolve();
this.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI([
* Initializes the instance and also
async init() {
if (!this._initPromise) {
this._initPromise = this._initInternal();
await this._initPromise;
* Gets the engines whose domains match a given prefix.
* @param {string} prefix
* String containing the first part of the matching domain name(s).
* @param {object} [options]
* Options object.
* @param {boolean} [options.matchAllDomainLevels]
* Match at each sub domain, for example "" will be matched at
* "", "", and "". Partial matches are always returned
* after perfect matches.
* @returns {Array<nsISearchEngine>}
* An array of all matching engines. An empty array if there are none.
async enginesForDomainPrefix(prefix, { matchAllDomainLevels = false } = {}) {
try {
await this.init();
} catch {
return [];
prefix = prefix.toLowerCase();
// Array of partially matched engines, added through matchPrefix().
let partialMatchEngines = [];
function matchPrefix(engine, engineHost) {
let parts = engineHost.split(".");
for (let i = 1; i < parts.length - 1; ++i) {
if (parts.slice(i).join(".").startsWith(prefix)) {
// Array of perfectly matched engines. We also keep a Set for O(1) lookup.
let perfectMatchEngines = [];
let perfectMatchEngineSet = new Set();
for (let engine of await {
if (engine.hideOneOffButton) {
let domain = engine.searchUrlDomain;
if (domain.startsWith(prefix) || domain.startsWith("www." + prefix)) {
if (matchAllDomainLevels) {
// The prefix may or may not contain part of the public suffix. If
// it contains a dot, we must match with and without the public suffix,
// otherwise it's sufficient to just match without it.
if (prefix.includes(".")) {
matchPrefix(engine, domain);
domain.substr(0, domain.length - engine.searchUrlPublicSuffix.length)
// Build the final list of matching engines. Partial matches come after
// perfect matches. Partial matches may be included in the perfect matches
// list, so be careful not to include the same engine more than once.
let engines = perfectMatchEngines;
let engineSet = perfectMatchEngineSet;
for (let engine of partialMatchEngines) {
if (!engineSet.has(engine)) {
return engines;
* Gets the engine with a given alias.
* @param {string} alias
* A search engine alias. The alias string comparison is case insensitive.
* @param {string} [searchString]
* Optional. If provided, we also enforce that there must be a space after
* the alias in the search string.
* @returns {nsISearchEngine}
* The matching engine or null if there isn't one.
async engineForAlias(alias, searchString = null) {
try {
await Promise.all([this.init(), this._refreshEnginesByAliasPromise]);
} catch {
return null;
let engine = this._enginesByAlias.get(alias.toLocaleLowerCase());
if (engine && searchString) {
let query = lazy.UrlbarUtils.substringAfter(searchString, alias);
// Match an alias only when it has a space after it. If there's no trailing
// space, then continue to treat it as part of the search string.
if (!lazy.UrlbarTokenizer.REGEXP_SPACES_START.test(query)) {
return null;
return engine || null;
* The list of engines with token ("@") aliases.
* @returns {Array}
* Array of objects { engine, tokenAliases } for token alias engines or
* null if SearchService has not initialized.
async tokenAliasEngines() {
try {
await this.init();
} catch {
return [];
let tokenAliasEngines = [];
for (let engine of await {
let tokenAliases = this._aliasesForEngine(engine).filter(a =>
if (tokenAliases.length) {
tokenAliasEngines.push({ engine, tokenAliases });
return tokenAliasEngines;
* @param {nsISearchEngine} engine
* The engine to get the root domain of
* @returns {string}
* The root domain of a search engine. e.g. If `engine` has the domain
*, `rootdomain` is returned. Returns the
* engine's domain if the engine's URL does not have a valid TLD.
getRootDomainFromEngine(engine) {
let domain = engine.searchUrlDomain;
let suffix = engine.searchUrlPublicSuffix;
if (!suffix) {
if (domain.endsWith(".test")) {
suffix = "test";
} else {
return domain;
domain = domain.substr(
// -1 to remove the trailing dot.
domain.length - suffix.length - 1
let domainParts = domain.split(".");
return domainParts.pop();
* @param {boolean} [isPrivate]
* True if in a private context.
* @returns {nsISearchEngine}
* The default engine or null if SearchService has not initialized.
getDefaultEngine(isPrivate = false) {
if (! {
return null;
return this.separatePrivateDefaultUIEnabled &&
this.separatePrivateDefault &&
* To make analysis easier, we sanitize some engine names when
* recording telemetry about search mode. This function returns the sanitized
* key name to record in telemetry.
* @param {object} searchMode
* A search mode object. See UrlbarInput.setSearchMode.
* @returns {string}
* A sanitized scalar key, used to access Telemetry data.
getSearchModeScalarKey(searchMode) {
let scalarKey;
if (searchMode.engineName) {
let engine =;
let resultDomain = engine.searchUrlDomain;
// For built-in engines, sanitize the data in a few special cases to make
// analysis easier.
if (!engine.isAppProvided) {
scalarKey = "other";
} else if (resultDomain.includes("amazon.")) {
// Group all the localized Amazon sites together.
scalarKey = "Amazon";
} else if (resultDomain.endsWith("")) {
// Group all the localized Wikipedia sites together.
scalarKey = "Wikipedia";
} else {
scalarKey = searchMode.engineName;
} else if (searchMode.source) {
scalarKey =
lazy.UrlbarUtils.getResultSourceName(searchMode.source) || "other";
return scalarKey;
async _initInternal() {
await this._refreshEnginesByAlias();
Services.obs.addObserver(this, SEARCH_ENGINE_TOPIC, true);
async _refreshEnginesByAlias() {
// See the comment at the top of this file. The only reason we need this
// class is for O(1) case-insensitive lookup for search aliases, which is
// facilitated by _enginesByAlias.
this._enginesByAlias = new Map();
for (let engine of await {
if (!engine.hidden) {
for (let alias of this._aliasesForEngine(engine)) {
this._enginesByAlias.set(alias, engine);
* Checks if the given uri is constructed by the default search engine.
* When passing URI's to check against, it's best to use the "original" URI
* that was requested, as the server may have redirected the request.
* @param {nsIURI | string} uri
* The uri to check.
* @returns {string}
* The search terms used.
* Will return an empty string if it's not a default SERP, the search term
* looks too similar to a URL, the string exceeds the maximum characters,
* or the default engine hasn't been initialized.
getSearchTermIfDefaultSerpUri(uri) {
if (! || !uri) {
return "";
// Creating a URI can throw.
try {
if (typeof uri == "string") {
uri =;
} catch (e) {
return "";
let searchTerm =;
if (!searchTerm || searchTerm.length > lazy.UrlbarUtils.MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) {
return "";
let searchTermWithSpacesRemoved = searchTerm.replaceAll(/\s/g, "");
// Check if the search string uses a commonly used URL protocol. This
// avoids doing a fixup if we already know it matches a URL. Additionally,
// it ensures neither http:// nor https:// will appear by themselves in
// UrlbarInput. This is important because http:// can be trimmed, which in
// the Persisted Search Terms case, will cause the UrlbarInput to appear
// blank.
if (
searchTermWithSpacesRemoved.startsWith("https://") ||
) {
return "";
// We pass the search term to URIFixup to determine if it could be
// interpreted as a URL, including typos in the scheme and/or the domain
// suffix. This is to prevent search terms from persisting in the Urlbar if
// they look too similar to a URL, but still allow phrases with periods
// that are unlikely to be a URL.
try {
let info = Services.uriFixup.getFixupURIInfo(
if (info.keywordAsSent) {
return searchTerm;
} catch (e) {}
return "";
* Compares the query parameters of two SERPs to see if one is equivalent to
* the other. URL `x` is equivalent to URL `y` if
* (a) `y` contains at least all the query parameters contained in `x`, and
* (b) The values of the query parameters contained in both `x` and `y `are
* the same.
* This function does not compare the SERPs' origins or pathnames.
* `historySerp` can have a different origin and/or pathname than
* `generatedSerp` and still be considered equivalent.
* @param {string} historySerp
* The SERP from history whose params should be contained in
* `generatedSerp`.
* @param {string} generatedSerp
* The search URL we would generate for a search result with the same search
* string used in `historySerp`.
* @param {Array} [ignoreParams]
* A list of params to ignore in the matching, i.e. params that can be
* contained in `historySerp` but not be in `generatedSerp`.
* @returns {boolean} True if `historySerp` can be deduped by `generatedSerp`.
serpsAreEquivalent(historySerp, generatedSerp, ignoreParams = []) {
let historyParams = new URL(historySerp).searchParams;
let generatedParams = new URL(generatedSerp).searchParams;
if (
([key, value]) =>
ignoreParams.includes(key) || value === generatedParams.get(key)
) {
return false;
return true;
* Gets the aliases of an engine. For the user's convenience, we recognize
* token versions of all non-token aliases. For example, if the user has an
* alias of "foo", then we recognize both "foo" and "@foo" as aliases for
* foo's engine. The returned list is therefore a superset of
* `engine.aliases`. Additionally, the returned aliases will be lower-cased
* to make lookups and comparisons easier.
* @param {nsISearchEngine} engine
* The aliases of this search engine will be returned.
* @returns {Array}
* An array of lower-cased string aliases as described above.
_aliasesForEngine(engine) {
return engine.aliases.reduce((aliases, aliasWithCase) => {
// We store lower-cased aliases to make lookups and comparisons easier.
let alias = aliasWithCase.toLocaleLowerCase();
if (!alias.startsWith("@")) {
aliases.push("@" + alias);
return aliases;
}, []);
* @param {string} engineName
* Name of the search engine.
* @returns {nsISearchEngine}
* The engine based on engineName or null if SearchService has not
* initialized.
getEngineByName(engineName) {
if (! {
return null;
observe(subject, topic, data) {
switch (data) {
case "engine-added":
case "engine-changed":
case "engine-removed":
case "engine-default":
this._refreshEnginesByAliasPromise = this._refreshEnginesByAlias();
export var UrlbarSearchUtils = new SearchUtils();