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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 40; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsNativeThemeWin.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "gfxContext.h"
#include "gfxPlatform.h"
#include "gfxWindowsNativeDrawing.h"
#include "gfxWindowsPlatform.h"
#include "gfxWindowsSurface.h"
#include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h" // for Color::FromABGR
#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
#include "mozilla/RelativeLuminanceUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_layout.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_widget.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/XULButtonElement.h"
#include "nsColor.h"
#include "nsComboboxControlFrame.h"
#include "nsDeviceContext.h"
#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"
#include "nsIContentInlines.h"
#include "nsIFrame.h"
#include "nsLayoutUtils.h"
#include "nsLookAndFeel.h"
#include "nsNameSpaceManager.h"
#include "Theme.h"
#include "nsPresContext.h"
#include "nsRect.h"
#include "nsSize.h"
#include "nsStyleConsts.h"
#include "nsTransform2D.h"
#include "nsWindow.h"
#include "prinrval.h"
#include "WinUtils.h"
using namespace mozilla;
using namespace mozilla::gfx;
using namespace mozilla::widget;
using ElementState = dom::ElementState;
extern mozilla::LazyLogModule gWindowsLog;
namespace mozilla::widget {
: Theme(ScrollbarStyle()),
mGutterSizeCacheValid(false) {}
nsNativeThemeWin::~nsNativeThemeWin() { nsUXThemeData::Invalidate(); }
bool nsNativeThemeWin::IsWidgetAlwaysNonNative(nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance) {
return Theme::IsWidgetAlwaysNonNative(aFrame, aAppearance) ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Checkbox ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Radio ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::MozMenulistArrowButton ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::SpinnerUpbutton ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::SpinnerDownbutton;
auto nsNativeThemeWin::IsWidgetNonNative(
nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance) -> NonNative {
if (IsWidgetAlwaysNonNative(aFrame, aAppearance)) {
return NonNative::Always;
// We only know how to draw light widgets, so we defer to the non-native
// theme when appropriate.
if (Theme::ThemeSupportsWidget(aFrame->PresContext(), aFrame, aAppearance) &&
LookAndFeel::ColorSchemeForFrame(aFrame) ==
LookAndFeel::ColorScheme::Dark) {
return NonNative::BecauseColorMismatch;
return NonNative::No;
static MARGINS GetCheckboxMargins(HANDLE theme, HDC hdc) {
MARGINS checkboxContent = {0};
nullptr, &checkboxContent);
return checkboxContent;
static SIZE GetCheckboxBGSize(HANDLE theme, HDC hdc) {
SIZE checkboxSize;
GetThemePartSize(theme, hdc, MENU_POPUPCHECK, MC_CHECKMARKNORMAL, nullptr,
TS_TRUE, &checkboxSize);
MARGINS checkboxMargins = GetCheckboxMargins(theme, hdc);
int leftMargin = checkboxMargins.cxLeftWidth;
int rightMargin = checkboxMargins.cxRightWidth;
int topMargin = checkboxMargins.cyTopHeight;
int bottomMargin = checkboxMargins.cyBottomHeight;
int width = leftMargin + + rightMargin;
int height = topMargin + + bottomMargin;
SIZE ret; = width; = height;
return ret;
static SIZE GetCheckboxBGBounds(HANDLE theme, HDC hdc) {
MARGINS checkboxBGSizing = {0};
MARGINS checkboxBGContent = {0};
TMT_SIZINGMARGINS, nullptr, &checkboxBGSizing);
TMT_CONTENTMARGINS, nullptr, &checkboxBGContent);
#define posdx(d) ((d) > 0 ? d : 0)
int dx =
posdx(checkboxBGContent.cxRightWidth - checkboxBGSizing.cxRightWidth) +
posdx(checkboxBGContent.cxLeftWidth - checkboxBGSizing.cxLeftWidth);
int dy =
posdx(checkboxBGContent.cyTopHeight - checkboxBGSizing.cyTopHeight) +
posdx(checkboxBGContent.cyBottomHeight - checkboxBGSizing.cyBottomHeight);
#undef posdx
SIZE ret(GetCheckboxBGSize(theme, hdc)); += dx; += dy;
return ret;
static SIZE GetGutterSize(HANDLE theme, HDC hdc) {
SIZE gutterSize;
GetThemePartSize(theme, hdc, MENU_POPUPGUTTER, 0, nullptr, TS_TRUE,
SIZE checkboxBGSize(GetCheckboxBGBounds(theme, hdc));
SIZE itemSize;
GetThemePartSize(theme, hdc, MENU_POPUPITEM, MPI_NORMAL, nullptr, TS_TRUE,
// Figure out how big the menuitem's icon will be (if present) at current DPI
// Needs the system scale for consistency with Windows Theme API.
double scaleFactor = WinUtils::SystemScaleFactor();
int iconDevicePixels = NSToIntRound(16 * scaleFactor);
SIZE iconSize = {iconDevicePixels, iconDevicePixels};
// Not really sure what margins should be used here, but this seems to work in
// practice...
MARGINS margins = {0};
TMT_CONTENTMARGINS, nullptr, &margins); += margins.cxLeftWidth + margins.cxRightWidth; += margins.cyTopHeight + margins.cyBottomHeight;
int width = std::max(, std::max(, +;
int height = std::max(, std::max(,;
SIZE ret; = width; = height;
return ret;
SIZE nsNativeThemeWin::GetCachedGutterSize(HANDLE theme) {
if (mGutterSizeCacheValid) {
return mGutterSizeCache;
mGutterSizeCache = GetGutterSize(theme, nullptr);
mGutterSizeCacheValid = true;
return mGutterSizeCache;
* Notes on progress track and meter part constants:
* xp and up:
* PP_BAR(_VERT) - base progress track
* PP_TRANSPARENTBAR(_VERT) - transparent progress track. this only works if
* the underlying surface supports alpha. otherwise
* theme lib's DrawThemeBackground falls back on
* opaque PP_BAR. we currently don't use this.
* PP_CHUNK(_VERT) - xp progress meter. this does not draw an xp style
* progress w/chunks, it draws fill using the chunk
* graphic.
* vista and up:
* PP_FILL(_VERT) - progress meter. these have four states/colors.
* PP_PULSEOVERLAY(_VERT) - white reflection - an overlay, not sure what this
* is used for.
* PP_MOVEOVERLAY(_VERT) - green pulse - the pulse effect overlay on
* determined progress bars. we also use this for
* indeterminate chunk.
* Notes on state constants:
* PBBS_NORMAL - green progress
* PBBVS_PARTIAL/PBFVS_ERROR - red error progress
* PBFS_PAUSED - yellow paused progress
* There is no common controls style indeterminate part on vista and up.
* Progress bar related constants. These values are found by experimenting and
* comparing against native widgets used by the system. They are very unlikely
* exact but try to not be too wrong.
// The amount of time we animate progress meters parts across the frame.
static const double kProgressDeterminateTimeSpan = 3.0;
static const double kProgressIndeterminateTimeSpan = 5.0;
// The width of the overlay used to animate the horizontal progress bar (Vista
// and later).
static const int32_t kProgressHorizontalOverlaySize = 120;
// The height of the overlay used to animate the vertical progress bar (Vista
// and later).
static const int32_t kProgressVerticalOverlaySize = 45;
// The height of the overlay used for the vertical indeterminate progress bar
// (Vista and later).
static const int32_t kProgressVerticalIndeterminateOverlaySize = 60;
// The width of the overlay used to animate the indeterminate progress bar
// (Windows Classic).
static const int32_t kProgressClassicOverlaySize = 40;
* GetProgressOverlayStyle - returns the proper overlay part for themed
* progress bars based on os and orientation.
static int32_t GetProgressOverlayStyle(bool aIsVertical) {
* GetProgressOverlaySize - returns the minimum width or height for themed
* progress bar overlays. This includes the width of indeterminate chunks
* and vista pulse overlays.
static int32_t GetProgressOverlaySize(bool aIsVertical, bool aIsIndeterminate) {
if (aIsVertical) {
return aIsIndeterminate ? kProgressVerticalIndeterminateOverlaySize
: kProgressVerticalOverlaySize;
return kProgressHorizontalOverlaySize;
* IsProgressMeterFilled - Determines if a progress meter is at 100% fill based
* on a comparison of the current value and maximum.
static bool IsProgressMeterFilled(nsIFrame* aFrame) {
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aFrame, false);
nsIFrame* parentFrame = aFrame->GetParent();
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(parentFrame, false);
return nsNativeTheme::GetProgressValue(parentFrame) ==
* CalculateProgressOverlayRect - returns the padded overlay animation rect
* used in rendering progress bars. Resulting rects are used in rendering
* vista+ pulse overlays and indeterminate progress meters. Graphics should
* be rendered at the origin.
RECT nsNativeThemeWin::CalculateProgressOverlayRect(nsIFrame* aFrame,
RECT* aWidgetRect,
bool aIsVertical,
bool aIsIndeterminate,
bool aIsClassic) {
NS_ASSERTION(aFrame, "bad frame pointer");
NS_ASSERTION(aWidgetRect, "bad rect pointer");
int32_t frameSize = aIsVertical ? aWidgetRect->bottom - aWidgetRect->top
: aWidgetRect->right - aWidgetRect->left;
// Recycle a set of progress pulse timers - these timers control the position
// of all progress overlays and indeterminate chunks that get rendered.
double span = aIsIndeterminate ? kProgressIndeterminateTimeSpan
: kProgressDeterminateTimeSpan;
TimeDuration period;
if (!aIsIndeterminate) {
if (TimeStamp::Now() >
(mProgressDeterminateTimeStamp + TimeDuration::FromSeconds(span))) {
mProgressDeterminateTimeStamp = TimeStamp::Now();
period = TimeStamp::Now() - mProgressDeterminateTimeStamp;
} else {
if (TimeStamp::Now() >
(mProgressIndeterminateTimeStamp + TimeDuration::FromSeconds(span))) {
mProgressIndeterminateTimeStamp = TimeStamp::Now();
period = TimeStamp::Now() - mProgressIndeterminateTimeStamp;
double percent = period / TimeDuration::FromSeconds(span);
if (!aIsVertical && IsFrameRTL(aFrame)) percent = 1 - percent;
RECT overlayRect = *aWidgetRect;
int32_t overlaySize;
if (!aIsClassic) {
overlaySize = GetProgressOverlaySize(aIsVertical, aIsIndeterminate);
} else {
overlaySize = kProgressClassicOverlaySize;
// Calculate a bounds that is larger than the meters frame such that the
// overlay starts and ends completely off the edge of the frame:
// [overlay][frame][overlay]
// This also yields a nice delay on rotation. Use overlaySize as the minimum
// size for [overlay] based on the graphics dims. If [frame] is larger, use
// the frame size instead.
int trackWidth = frameSize > overlaySize ? frameSize : overlaySize;
if (!aIsVertical) {
int xPos = aWidgetRect->left - trackWidth;
xPos += (int)ceil(((double)(trackWidth * 2) * percent));
overlayRect.left = xPos;
overlayRect.right = xPos + overlaySize;
} else {
int yPos = aWidgetRect->bottom + trackWidth;
yPos -= (int)ceil(((double)(trackWidth * 2) * percent));
overlayRect.bottom = yPos; = yPos - overlaySize;
return overlayRect;
* DrawProgressMeter - render an appropriate progress meter based on progress
* meter style, orientation, and os. Note, this does not render the underlying
* progress track.
* @param aFrame the widget frame
* @param aAppearance type of widget
* @param aTheme progress theme handle
* @param aHdc hdc returned by gfxWindowsNativeDrawing
* @param aPart the PP_X progress part
* @param aState the theme state
* @param aWidgetRect bounding rect for the widget
* @param aClipRect dirty rect that needs drawing.
* @param aAppUnits app units per device pixel
void nsNativeThemeWin::DrawThemedProgressMeter(
nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance, HANDLE aTheme, HDC aHdc,
int aPart, int aState, RECT* aWidgetRect, RECT* aClipRect) {
if (!aFrame || !aTheme || !aHdc) return;
NS_ASSERTION(aWidgetRect, "bad rect pointer");
NS_ASSERTION(aClipRect, "bad clip rect pointer");
RECT adjWidgetRect, adjClipRect;
adjWidgetRect = *aWidgetRect;
adjClipRect = *aClipRect;
nsIFrame* parentFrame = aFrame->GetParent();
if (!parentFrame) {
// We have no parent to work with, just bail.
NS_WARNING("No parent frame for progress rendering. Can't paint.");
ElementState elementState = GetContentState(parentFrame, aAppearance);
bool vertical = IsVerticalProgress(parentFrame);
bool indeterminate = elementState.HasState(ElementState::INDETERMINATE);
bool animate = indeterminate;
// Vista and up progress meter is fill style, rendered here. We render
// the pulse overlay in the follow up section below.
DrawThemeBackground(aTheme, aHdc, aPart, aState, &adjWidgetRect,
if (!IsProgressMeterFilled(aFrame)) {
animate = true;
if (animate) {
// Indeterminate rendering
int32_t overlayPart = GetProgressOverlayStyle(vertical);
RECT overlayRect = CalculateProgressOverlayRect(
aFrame, &adjWidgetRect, vertical, indeterminate, false);
DrawThemeBackground(aTheme, aHdc, overlayPart, aState, &overlayRect,
if (!QueueAnimatedContentForRefresh(aFrame->GetContent(), 60)) {
NS_WARNING("unable to animate progress widget!");
LayoutDeviceIntMargin nsNativeThemeWin::GetCachedWidgetBorder(
HTHEME aTheme, nsUXThemeClass aThemeClass, StyleAppearance aAppearance,
int32_t aPart, int32_t aState) {
int32_t cacheIndex = aThemeClass * THEME_PART_DISTINCT_VALUE_COUNT + aPart;
int32_t cacheBitIndex = cacheIndex / 8;
uint8_t cacheBit = 1u << (cacheIndex % 8);
if (mBorderCacheValid[cacheBitIndex] & cacheBit) {
return mBorderCache[cacheIndex];
// Get our info.
RECT outerRect; // Create a fake outer rect. = outerRect.left = 100;
outerRect.right = outerRect.bottom = 200;
RECT contentRect(outerRect);
HRESULT res = GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(aTheme, nullptr, aPart, aState,
&outerRect, &contentRect);
if (FAILED(res)) {
return LayoutDeviceIntMargin();
// Now compute the delta in each direction and place it in our
// nsIntMargin struct.
LayoutDeviceIntMargin result; = -;
result.bottom = outerRect.bottom - contentRect.bottom;
result.left = contentRect.left - outerRect.left;
result.right = outerRect.right - contentRect.right;
mBorderCacheValid[cacheBitIndex] |= cacheBit;
mBorderCache[cacheIndex] = result;
return result;
nsresult nsNativeThemeWin::GetCachedMinimumWidgetSize(
nsIFrame* aFrame, HANDLE aTheme, nsUXThemeClass aThemeClass,
StyleAppearance aAppearance, int32_t aPart, int32_t aState,
THEMESIZE aSizeReq, mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntSize* aResult) {
int32_t cachePart = aPart;
if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Button && aSizeReq == TS_MIN) {
// In practice, StyleAppearance::Button is the only widget type which has an
// aSizeReq that varies for us, and it can only be TS_MIN or TS_TRUE. Just
// stuff that extra bit into the aPart part of the cache, since BP_Count is
cachePart = BP_Count;
int32_t cacheIndex =
int32_t cacheBitIndex = cacheIndex / 8;
uint8_t cacheBit = 1u << (cacheIndex % 8);
if (mMinimumWidgetSizeCacheValid[cacheBitIndex] & cacheBit) {
*aResult = mMinimumWidgetSizeCache[cacheIndex];
return NS_OK;
HDC hdc = ::GetDC(NULL);
if (!hdc) {
SIZE sz;
GetThemePartSize(aTheme, hdc, aPart, aState, nullptr, aSizeReq, &sz);
aResult->width =;
aResult->height =;
::ReleaseDC(nullptr, hdc);
mMinimumWidgetSizeCacheValid[cacheBitIndex] |= cacheBit;
mMinimumWidgetSizeCache[cacheIndex] = *aResult;
return NS_OK;
mozilla::Maybe<nsUXThemeClass> nsNativeThemeWin::GetThemeClass(
StyleAppearance aAppearance) {
switch (aAppearance) {
case StyleAppearance::Button:
return Some(eUXButton);
case StyleAppearance::NumberInput:
case StyleAppearance::PasswordInput:
case StyleAppearance::Textfield:
case StyleAppearance::Textarea:
return Some(eUXEdit);
case StyleAppearance::Toolbarbutton:
case StyleAppearance::Separator:
return Some(eUXToolbar);
case StyleAppearance::ProgressBar:
case StyleAppearance::Progresschunk:
return Some(eUXProgress);
case StyleAppearance::Tab:
case StyleAppearance::Tabpanel:
case StyleAppearance::Tabpanels:
return Some(eUXTab);
case StyleAppearance::Range:
case StyleAppearance::RangeThumb:
return Some(eUXTrackbar);
case StyleAppearance::Menulist:
case StyleAppearance::MenulistButton:
return Some(eUXCombobox);
case StyleAppearance::Listbox:
return Some(eUXListview);
return Nothing();
nsNativeThemeWin::GetTheme(StyleAppearance aAppearance) {
mozilla::Maybe<nsUXThemeClass> themeClass = GetThemeClass(aAppearance);
if (themeClass.isNothing()) {
return nullptr;
return nsUXThemeData::GetTheme(themeClass.value());
int32_t nsNativeThemeWin::StandardGetState(nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance,
bool wantFocused) {
ElementState elementState = GetContentState(aFrame, aAppearance);
if (elementState.HasAllStates(ElementState::HOVER | ElementState::ACTIVE)) {
return TS_ACTIVE;
if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::HOVER)) {
return TS_HOVER;
if (wantFocused) {
if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::FOCUSRING)) {
return TS_FOCUSED;
// On Windows, focused buttons are always drawn as such by the native
// theme, that's why we check ElementState::FOCUS instead of
// ElementState::FOCUSRING.
if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Button &&
elementState.HasState(ElementState::FOCUS)) {
return TS_FOCUSED;
return TS_NORMAL;
bool nsNativeThemeWin::IsMenuActive(nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance) {
nsIContent* content = aFrame->GetContent();
if (content->IsXULElement() &&
return CheckBooleanAttr(aFrame, nsGkAtoms::selected);
return CheckBooleanAttr(aFrame, nsGkAtoms::menuactive);
* aPart is filled in with the UXTheme part code. On return, values > 0
* are the actual UXTheme part code; -1 means the widget will be drawn by
* us; 0 means that we should use part code 0, which isn't a real part code
* but elicits some kind of default behaviour from UXTheme when drawing
* (but isThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent may not work).
nsresult nsNativeThemeWin::GetThemePartAndState(nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance,
int32_t& aPart,
int32_t& aState) {
switch (aAppearance) {
case StyleAppearance::Button: {
aPart = BP_BUTTON;
if (!aFrame) {
aState = TS_NORMAL;
return NS_OK;
ElementState elementState = GetContentState(aFrame, aAppearance);
if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::DISABLED)) {
return NS_OK;
if (IsOpenButton(aFrame) || IsCheckedButton(aFrame)) {
aState = TS_ACTIVE;
return NS_OK;
aState = StandardGetState(aFrame, aAppearance, true);
// Check for default dialog buttons. These buttons should always look
// focused.
if (aState == TS_NORMAL && IsDefaultButton(aFrame)) aState = TS_FOCUSED;
return NS_OK;
case StyleAppearance::NumberInput:
case StyleAppearance::PasswordInput:
case StyleAppearance::Textfield:
case StyleAppearance::Textarea: {
ElementState elementState = GetContentState(aFrame, aAppearance);
/* Note: the NOSCROLL type has a rounded corner in each corner. The more
* specific HSCROLL, VSCROLL, HVSCROLL types have side and/or top/bottom
* edges rendered as straight horizontal lines with sharp corners to
* accommodate a scrollbar. However, the scrollbar gets rendered on top
* of this for us, so we don't care, and can just use NOSCROLL here.
if (!aFrame) {
} else if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::DISABLED)) {
} else if (IsReadOnly(aFrame)) {
/* no special read-only state */
} else if (elementState.HasAtLeastOneOfStates(ElementState::ACTIVE |
ElementState::FOCUSRING)) {
} else if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::HOVER)) {
} else {
return NS_OK;
case StyleAppearance::ProgressBar: {
bool vertical = IsVerticalProgress(aFrame);
aPart = vertical ? PP_BARVERT : PP_BAR;
return NS_OK;
case StyleAppearance::Progresschunk: {
nsIFrame* parentFrame = aFrame->GetParent();
if (IsVerticalProgress(parentFrame)) {
} else {
aPart = PP_FILL;
return NS_OK;
case StyleAppearance::Toolbarbutton: {
aPart = BP_BUTTON;
if (!aFrame) {
aState = TS_NORMAL;
return NS_OK;
ElementState elementState = GetContentState(aFrame, aAppearance);
if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::DISABLED)) {
return NS_OK;
if (IsOpenButton(aFrame)) {
aState = TS_ACTIVE;
return NS_OK;
if (elementState.HasAllStates(ElementState::HOVER | ElementState::ACTIVE))
aState = TS_ACTIVE;
else if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::HOVER)) {
if (IsCheckedButton(aFrame))
aState = TS_HOVER;
} else {
if (IsCheckedButton(aFrame))
aState = TB_CHECKED;
aState = TS_NORMAL;
return NS_OK;
case StyleAppearance::Separator: {
aState = TS_NORMAL;
return NS_OK;
case StyleAppearance::Range: {
if (IsRangeHorizontal(aFrame)) {
aPart = TKP_TRACK;
aState = TRS_NORMAL;
} else {
return NS_OK;
case StyleAppearance::RangeThumb: {
if (IsRangeHorizontal(aFrame)) {
} else {
ElementState elementState = GetContentState(aFrame, aAppearance);
if (!aFrame) {
aState = TS_NORMAL;
} else if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::DISABLED)) {
} else {
if (elementState.HasState(
ElementState::ACTIVE)) // Hover is not also a requirement for
// the thumb, since the drag is not
// canceled when you move outside the
// thumb.
aState = TS_ACTIVE;
else if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::FOCUSRING))
else if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::HOVER))
aState = TS_HOVER;
aState = TS_NORMAL;
return NS_OK;
case StyleAppearance::Listbox: {
aState = TS_NORMAL;
return NS_OK;
case StyleAppearance::Tabpanels: {
aState = TS_NORMAL;
return NS_OK;
case StyleAppearance::Tabpanel: {
aState = TS_NORMAL;
return NS_OK;
case StyleAppearance::Tab: {
aPart = TABP_TAB;
if (!aFrame) {
aState = TS_NORMAL;
return NS_OK;
ElementState elementState = GetContentState(aFrame, aAppearance);
if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::DISABLED)) {
return NS_OK;
if (IsSelectedTab(aFrame)) {
aState = TS_ACTIVE; // The selected tab is always "pressed".
} else
aState = StandardGetState(aFrame, aAppearance, true);
return NS_OK;
case StyleAppearance::MenulistButton:
case StyleAppearance::Menulist: {
nsIContent* content = aFrame->GetContent();
bool useDropBorder = content && content->IsHTMLElement();
ElementState elementState = GetContentState(aFrame, aAppearance);
/* On Vista/Win7, we use CBP_DROPBORDER instead of DROPFRAME for HTML
* content or for editable menulists; this gives us the thin outline,
* instead of the gradient-filled background */
if (useDropBorder)
if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::DISABLED)) {
} else if (IsReadOnly(aFrame)) {
aState = TS_NORMAL;
} else if (IsOpenButton(aFrame)) {
aState = TS_ACTIVE;
} else if (useDropBorder &&
elementState.HasState(ElementState::FOCUSRING)) {
aState = TS_ACTIVE;
} else if (elementState.HasAllStates(ElementState::HOVER |
ElementState::ACTIVE)) {
aState = TS_ACTIVE;
} else if (elementState.HasState(ElementState::HOVER)) {
aState = TS_HOVER;
} else {
aState = TS_NORMAL;
return NS_OK;
aPart = 0;
aState = 0;
static bool AssumeThemePartAndStateAreTransparent(int32_t aPart,
int32_t aState) {
if (!nsUXThemeData::IsHighContrastOn() && aPart == MENU_POPUPITEM &&
aState == MBI_NORMAL) {
return true;
return false;
// When running with per-monitor DPI (on Win8.1+), and rendering on a display
// with a different DPI setting from the system's default scaling, we need to
// apply scaling to native-themed elements as the Windows theme APIs assume
// the system default resolution.
static inline double GetThemeDpiScaleFactor(nsPresContext* aPresContext) {
if (WinUtils::IsPerMonitorDPIAware() ||
StaticPrefs::layout_css_devPixelsPerPx() > 0.0) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> rootWidget = aPresContext->GetRootWidget();
if (rootWidget) {
double systemScale = WinUtils::SystemScaleFactor();
return rootWidget->GetDefaultScale().scale / systemScale;
return 1.0;
static inline double GetThemeDpiScaleFactor(nsIFrame* aFrame) {
return GetThemeDpiScaleFactor(aFrame->PresContext());
nsNativeThemeWin::DrawWidgetBackground(gfxContext* aContext, nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance,
const nsRect& aRect,
const nsRect& aDirtyRect,
DrawOverflow aDrawOverflow) {
if (IsWidgetNonNative(aFrame, aAppearance) != NonNative::No) {
return Theme::DrawWidgetBackground(aContext, aFrame, aAppearance, aRect,
aDirtyRect, aDrawOverflow);
HANDLE theme = GetTheme(aAppearance);
if (!theme)
return ClassicDrawWidgetBackground(aContext, aFrame, aAppearance, aRect,
// ^^ without the right sdk, assume xp theming and fall through.
int32_t part, state;
nsresult rv = GetThemePartAndState(aFrame, aAppearance, part, state);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
if (AssumeThemePartAndStateAreTransparent(part, state)) {
return NS_OK;
gfxContextMatrixAutoSaveRestore save(aContext);
double themeScale = GetThemeDpiScaleFactor(aFrame);
if (themeScale != 1.0) {
aContext->CurrentMatrix().PreScale(themeScale, themeScale));
gfxFloat p2a = gfxFloat(aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
RECT widgetRect;
RECT clipRect;
gfxRect tr(aRect.X(), aRect.Y(), aRect.Width(), aRect.Height()),
dr(aDirtyRect.X(), aDirtyRect.Y(), aDirtyRect.Width(),
tr.Scale(1.0 / (p2a * themeScale));
dr.Scale(1.0 / (p2a * themeScale));
gfxWindowsNativeDrawing nativeDrawing(
aContext, dr, GetWidgetNativeDrawingFlags(aAppearance));
HDC hdc = nativeDrawing.BeginNativeDrawing();
if (!hdc) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
nativeDrawing.TransformToNativeRect(tr, widgetRect);
nativeDrawing.TransformToNativeRect(dr, clipRect);
#if 0
MOZ_LOG(gWindowsLog, LogLevel::Error,
(stderr, "xform: %f %f %f %f [%f %f]\n", m._11, m._21, m._12, m._22,
m._31, m._32));
MOZ_LOG(gWindowsLog, LogLevel::Error,
(stderr, "tr: [%d %d %d %d]\ndr: [%d %d %d %d]\noff: [%f %f]\n",
tr.x, tr.y, tr.width, tr.height, dr.x, dr.y, dr.width, dr.height,
offset.x, offset.y));
if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Tab) {
// For left edge and right edge tabs, we need to adjust the widget
// rects and clip rects so that the edges don't get drawn.
bool isLeft = IsLeftToSelectedTab(aFrame);
bool isRight = !isLeft && IsRightToSelectedTab(aFrame);
if (isLeft || isRight) {
// HACK ALERT: There appears to be no way to really obtain this value, so
// we're forced to just use the default value for Luna (which also happens
// to be correct for all the other skins I've tried).
int32_t edgeSize = 2;
// Armed with the size of the edge, we now need to either shift to the
// left or to the right. The clip rect won't include this extra area, so
// we know that we're effectively shifting the edge out of view (such that
// it won't be painted).
if (isLeft)
// The right edge should not be drawn. Extend our rect by the edge
// size.
widgetRect.right += edgeSize;
// The left edge should not be drawn. Move the widget rect's left coord
// back.
widgetRect.left -= edgeSize;
// widgetRect is the bounding box for a widget, yet the scale track is only
// a small portion of this size, so the edges of the scale need to be
// adjusted to the real size of the track.
if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Range) {
RECT contentRect;
GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(theme, hdc, part, state, &widgetRect,
SIZE siz;
GetThemePartSize(theme, hdc, part, state, &widgetRect, TS_TRUE, &siz);
// When rounding is necessary, we round the position of the track
// away from the chevron of the thumb to make it look better.
if (IsRangeHorizontal(aFrame)) { += (contentRect.bottom - - / 2;
contentRect.bottom = +;
} else {
if (!IsFrameRTL(aFrame)) {
contentRect.left += (contentRect.right - contentRect.left - / 2;
contentRect.right = contentRect.left +;
} else {
contentRect.right -=
(contentRect.right - contentRect.left - / 2;
contentRect.left = contentRect.right -;
DrawThemeBackground(theme, hdc, part, state, &contentRect, &clipRect);
} else if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::NumberInput ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::PasswordInput ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Textfield ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Textarea) {
DrawThemeBackground(theme, hdc, part, state, &widgetRect, &clipRect);
InflateRect(&widgetRect, -1, -1);
::FillRect(hdc, &widgetRect, reinterpret_cast<HBRUSH>(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1));
} else if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::ProgressBar) {
// DrawThemeBackground renders each corner with a solid white pixel.
// Restore these pixels to the underlying color. Tracks are rendered
// using alpha recovery, so this makes the corners transparent.
color = GetPixel(hdc, widgetRect.left,;
DrawThemeBackground(theme, hdc, part, state, &widgetRect, &clipRect);
SetPixel(hdc, widgetRect.left,, color);
SetPixel(hdc, widgetRect.right - 1,, color);
SetPixel(hdc, widgetRect.right - 1, widgetRect.bottom - 1, color);
SetPixel(hdc, widgetRect.left, widgetRect.bottom - 1, color);
} else if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Progresschunk) {
DrawThemedProgressMeter(aFrame, aAppearance, theme, hdc, part, state,
&widgetRect, &clipRect);
// If part is negative, the element wishes us to not render a themed
// background, instead opting to be drawn specially below.
else if (part >= 0) {
DrawThemeBackground(theme, hdc, part, state, &widgetRect, &clipRect);
// Draw focus rectangles for range elements
// XXX it'd be nice to draw these outside of the frame
if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Range) {
ElementState contentState = GetContentState(aFrame, aAppearance);
if (contentState.HasState(ElementState::FOCUSRING)) {
POINT vpOrg;
HPEN hPen = nullptr;
uint8_t id = SaveDC(hdc);
::SelectClipRgn(hdc, nullptr);
::GetViewportOrgEx(hdc, &vpOrg);
::SetBrushOrgEx(hdc, vpOrg.x + widgetRect.left, vpOrg.y +,
::SetTextColor(hdc, 0);
::DrawFocusRect(hdc, &widgetRect);
::RestoreDC(hdc, id);
if (hPen) {
if (nativeDrawing.ShouldRenderAgain()) goto RENDER_AGAIN;
return NS_OK;
bool nsNativeThemeWin::CreateWebRenderCommandsForWidget(
wr::DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder, wr::IpcResourceUpdateQueue& aResources,
const layers::StackingContextHelper& aSc,
layers::RenderRootStateManager* aManager, nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance, const nsRect& aRect) {
if (IsWidgetNonNative(aFrame, aAppearance) != NonNative::No) {
return Theme::CreateWebRenderCommandsForWidget(
aBuilder, aResources, aSc, aManager, aFrame, aAppearance, aRect);
return false;
static void ScaleForFrameDPI(LayoutDeviceIntMargin* aMargin, nsIFrame* aFrame) {
double themeScale = GetThemeDpiScaleFactor(aFrame);
if (themeScale != 1.0) {
aMargin->top = NSToIntRound(aMargin->top * themeScale);
aMargin->left = NSToIntRound(aMargin->left * themeScale);
aMargin->bottom = NSToIntRound(aMargin->bottom * themeScale);
aMargin->right = NSToIntRound(aMargin->right * themeScale);
static void ScaleForFrameDPI(LayoutDeviceIntSize* aSize, nsIFrame* aFrame) {
double themeScale = GetThemeDpiScaleFactor(aFrame);
if (themeScale != 1.0) {
aSize->width = NSToIntRound(aSize->width * themeScale);
aSize->height = NSToIntRound(aSize->height * themeScale);
LayoutDeviceIntMargin nsNativeThemeWin::GetWidgetBorder(
nsDeviceContext* aContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance) {
if (IsWidgetAlwaysNonNative(aFrame, aAppearance)) {
return Theme::GetWidgetBorder(aContext, aFrame, aAppearance);
LayoutDeviceIntMargin result;
mozilla::Maybe<nsUXThemeClass> themeClass = GetThemeClass(aAppearance);
HTHEME theme = NULL;
if (!themeClass.isNothing()) {
theme = nsUXThemeData::GetTheme(themeClass.value());
if (!theme) {
result = ClassicGetWidgetBorder(aContext, aFrame, aAppearance);
ScaleForFrameDPI(&result, aFrame);
return result;
if (!WidgetIsContainer(aAppearance) ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Tabpanel)
return result; // Don't worry about it.
int32_t part, state;
nsresult rv = GetThemePartAndState(aFrame, aAppearance, part, state);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return result;
result = GetCachedWidgetBorder(theme, themeClass.value(), aAppearance, part,
// Remove the edges for tabs that are before or after the selected tab,
if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Tab) {
if (IsLeftToSelectedTab(aFrame))
// Remove the right edge, since we won't be drawing it.
result.right = 0;
else if (IsRightToSelectedTab(aFrame))
// Remove the left edge, since we won't be drawing it.
result.left = 0;
if (aFrame && (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::NumberInput ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::PasswordInput ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Textfield ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Textarea)) {
nsIContent* content = aFrame->GetContent();
if (content && content->IsHTMLElement()) {
// We need to pad textfields by 1 pixel, since the caret will draw
// flush against the edge by default if we don't.;
ScaleForFrameDPI(&result, aFrame);
return result;
bool nsNativeThemeWin::GetWidgetPadding(nsDeviceContext* aContext,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance,
LayoutDeviceIntMargin* aResult) {
if (IsWidgetAlwaysNonNative(aFrame, aAppearance)) {
return Theme::GetWidgetPadding(aContext, aFrame, aAppearance, aResult);
bool ok = true;
HANDLE theme = GetTheme(aAppearance);
if (!theme) {
ok = ClassicGetWidgetPadding(aContext, aFrame, aAppearance, aResult);
ScaleForFrameDPI(aResult, aFrame);
return ok;
/* textfields need extra pixels on all sides, otherwise they wrap their
* content too tightly. The actual border is drawn 1px inside the specified
* rectangle, so Gecko will end up making the contents look too small.
* Instead, we add 2px padding for the contents and fix this. (Used to be 1px
* added, see bug 430212)
if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::NumberInput ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::PasswordInput ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Textfield ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Textarea) {
aResult->top = aResult->bottom = 2;
aResult->left = aResult->right = 2;
ScaleForFrameDPI(aResult, aFrame);
return ok;
} else if (IsHTMLContent(aFrame) &&
(aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Menulist ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::MenulistButton)) {
/* For content menulist controls, we need an extra pixel so that we have
* room to draw our focus rectangle stuff. Otherwise, the focus rect might
* overlap the control's border.
aResult->top = aResult->bottom = 1;
aResult->left = aResult->right = 1;
ScaleForFrameDPI(aResult, aFrame);
return ok;
int32_t right, left, top, bottom;
right = left = top = bottom = 0;
switch (aAppearance) {
case StyleAppearance::Button:
if (aFrame->GetContent()->IsXULElement()) {
top = 2;
bottom = 3;
left = right = 5;
return false;
if (IsFrameRTL(aFrame)) {
aResult->right = left;
aResult->left = right;
} else {
aResult->right = right;
aResult->left = left;
aResult->top = top;
aResult->bottom = bottom;
ScaleForFrameDPI(aResult, aFrame);
return ok;
bool nsNativeThemeWin::GetWidgetOverflow(nsDeviceContext* aContext,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance,
nsRect* aOverflowRect) {
if (IsWidgetNonNative(aFrame, aAppearance) != NonNative::No) {
return Theme::GetWidgetOverflow(aContext, aFrame, aAppearance,
/* This is disabled for now, because it causes invalidation problems --
* see bug 420381. The effect of not updating the overflow area is that
* for dropdown buttons in content areas, there is a 1px border on 3 sides
* where, if invalidated, the dropdown control probably won't be repainted.
* This is fairly minor, as by default there is nothing in that area, and
* a border only shows up if the widget is being hovered.
* TODO(jwatt): Figure out what do to about
* StyleAppearance::MozMenulistArrowButton too.
#if 0
/* We explicitly draw dropdown buttons in HTML content 1px bigger up, right,
* and bottom so that they overlap the dropdown's border like they're
* supposed to.
if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::MenulistButton &&
IsHTMLContent(aFrame) &&
int32_t p2a = aContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
/* Note: no overflow on the left */
nsMargin m(p2a, p2a, p2a, 0);
aOverflowRect->Inflate (m);
return true;
return false;
LayoutDeviceIntSize nsNativeThemeWin::GetMinimumWidgetSize(
nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance) {
if (IsWidgetAlwaysNonNative(aFrame, aAppearance)) {
return Theme::GetMinimumWidgetSize(aPresContext, aFrame, aAppearance);
mozilla::Maybe<nsUXThemeClass> themeClass = GetThemeClass(aAppearance);
HTHEME theme = NULL;
if (!themeClass.isNothing()) {
theme = nsUXThemeData::GetTheme(themeClass.value());
if (!theme) {
auto result = ClassicGetMinimumWidgetSize(aFrame, aAppearance);
ScaleForFrameDPI(&result, aFrame);
return result;
switch (aAppearance) {
case StyleAppearance::NumberInput:
case StyleAppearance::PasswordInput:
case StyleAppearance::Textfield:
case StyleAppearance::Progresschunk:
case StyleAppearance::Tabpanels:
case StyleAppearance::Tabpanel:
case StyleAppearance::Listbox:
return {}; // Don't worry about it.
// Call GetSystemMetrics to determine size for WinXP scrollbars
// (GetThemeSysSize API returns the optimal size for the theme, but
// Windows appears to always use metrics when drawing standard scrollbars)
THEMESIZE sizeReq = TS_TRUE; // Best-fit size
switch (aAppearance) {
case StyleAppearance::ProgressBar:
// Best-fit size for progress meters is too large for most
// themes. We want these widgets to be able to really shrink
// down, so use the min-size request value (of 0).
sizeReq = TS_MIN;
case StyleAppearance::RangeThumb: {
LayoutDeviceIntSize result(12, 20);
if (!IsRangeHorizontal(aFrame)) {
std::swap(result.width, result.height);
ScaleForFrameDPI(&result, aFrame);
return result;
case StyleAppearance::Separator: {
// that's 2px left margin, 2px right margin and 2px separator
// (the margin is drawn as part of the separator, though)
LayoutDeviceIntSize result(6, 0);
ScaleForFrameDPI(&result, aFrame);
return result;
case StyleAppearance::Button:
// We should let HTML buttons shrink to their min size.
// FIXME bug 403934: We should probably really separate
// GetPreferredWidgetSize from GetMinimumWidgetSize, so callers can
// use the one they want.
if (aFrame->GetContent()->IsHTMLElement()) {
sizeReq = TS_MIN;
int32_t part, state;
nsresult rv = GetThemePartAndState(aFrame, aAppearance, part, state);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return {};
LayoutDeviceIntSize result;
rv = GetCachedMinimumWidgetSize(aFrame, theme, themeClass.value(),
aAppearance, part, state, sizeReq, &result);
ScaleForFrameDPI(&result, aFrame);
return result;
nsNativeThemeWin::WidgetStateChanged(nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance,
nsAtom* aAttribute, bool* aShouldRepaint,
const nsAttrValue* aOldValue) {
// Some widget types just never change state.
if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Progresschunk ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::ProgressBar ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Tabpanels ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Tabpanel ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Separator) {
*aShouldRepaint = false;
return NS_OK;
// We need to repaint the dropdown arrow in vista HTML combobox controls when
// the control is closed to get rid of the hover effect.
if ((aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Menulist ||
aAppearance == StyleAppearance::MenulistButton) &&
nsNativeTheme::IsHTMLContent(aFrame)) {
*aShouldRepaint = true;
return NS_OK;
// XXXdwh Not sure what can really be done here. Can at least guess for
// specific widgets that they're highly unlikely to have certain states.
// For example, a toolbar doesn't care about any states.
if (!aAttribute) {
// Hover/focus/active changed. Always repaint.
*aShouldRepaint = true;
} else {
// Check the attribute to see if it's relevant.
// disabled, checked, dlgtype, default, etc.
*aShouldRepaint = false;
if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::disabled || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::checked ||
aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::selected ||
aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::visuallyselected ||
aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::readonly || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::open ||
aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::menuactive || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::focused)
*aShouldRepaint = true;
return NS_OK;
nsNativeThemeWin::ThemeChanged() {
memset(mBorderCacheValid, 0, sizeof(mBorderCacheValid));
memset(mMinimumWidgetSizeCacheValid, 0, sizeof(mMinimumWidgetSizeCacheValid));
mGutterSizeCacheValid = false;
return NS_OK;
bool nsNativeThemeWin::ThemeSupportsWidget(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance) {
// XXXdwh We can go even further and call the API to ask if support exists for
// specific widgets.
if (IsWidgetAlwaysNonNative(aFrame, aAppearance)) {
return Theme::ThemeSupportsWidget(aPresContext, aFrame, aAppearance);
HANDLE theme = GetTheme(aAppearance);
if (theme || ClassicThemeSupportsWidget(aFrame, aAppearance))
// turn off theming for some HTML widgets styled by the page
return !IsWidgetStyled(aPresContext, aFrame, aAppearance);
return false;
bool nsNativeThemeWin::ThemeDrawsFocusForWidget(nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance) {
if (IsWidgetNonNative(aFrame, aAppearance) != NonNative::No) {
return Theme::ThemeDrawsFocusForWidget(aFrame, aAppearance);
switch (aAppearance) {
case StyleAppearance::Menulist:
case StyleAppearance::MenulistButton:
case StyleAppearance::Textarea:
case StyleAppearance::Textfield:
case StyleAppearance::NumberInput:
case StyleAppearance::PasswordInput:
return true;
return false;
bool nsNativeThemeWin::ThemeNeedsComboboxDropmarker() { return true; }
nsITheme::Transparency nsNativeThemeWin::GetWidgetTransparency(
nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance) {
if (IsWidgetNonNative(aFrame, aAppearance) != NonNative::No) {
return Theme::GetWidgetTransparency(aFrame, aAppearance);
switch (aAppearance) {
case StyleAppearance::ProgressBar:
case StyleAppearance::Progresschunk:
case StyleAppearance::Range:
return eTransparent;
HANDLE theme = GetTheme(aAppearance);
// For the classic theme we don't really have a way of knowing
if (!theme) {
return eUnknownTransparency;
int32_t part, state;
nsresult rv = GetThemePartAndState(aFrame, aAppearance, part, state);
// Fail conservatively
NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, eUnknownTransparency);
if (part <= 0) {
// Not a real part code, so IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent may
// not work, so don't call it.
return eUnknownTransparency;
if (IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(theme, part, state))
return eTransparent;
return eOpaque;
/* Windows 9x/NT/2000/Classic XP Theme Support */
bool nsNativeThemeWin::ClassicThemeSupportsWidget(nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance) {
switch (aAppearance) {
case StyleAppearance::Button:
case StyleAppearance::NumberInput:
case StyleAppearance::PasswordInput:
case StyleAppearance::Textfield:
case StyleAppearance::Textarea:
case StyleAppearance::Range:
case StyleAppearance::RangeThumb:
case StyleAppearance::Menulist:
case StyleAppearance::MenulistButton:
case StyleAppearance::Listbox:
case StyleAppearance::ProgressBar:
case StyleAppearance::Progresschunk:
case StyleAppearance::Tab:
case StyleAppearance::Tabpanel:
case StyleAppearance::Tabpanels:
return true;
return false;
LayoutDeviceIntMargin nsNativeThemeWin::ClassicGetWidgetBorder(
nsDeviceContext* aContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance) {
LayoutDeviceIntMargin result;
switch (aAppearance) {
case StyleAppearance::Button: = result.left = result.bottom = result.right = 2;
case StyleAppearance::Listbox:
case StyleAppearance::Menulist:
case StyleAppearance::MenulistButton:
case StyleAppearance::Tab:
case StyleAppearance::NumberInput:
case StyleAppearance::PasswordInput:
case StyleAppearance::Textfield:
case StyleAppearance::Textarea: = result.left = result.bottom = result.right = 2;
case StyleAppearance::ProgressBar: = result.left = result.bottom = result.right = 1;
default: = result.bottom = result.left = result.right = 0;
return result;
bool nsNativeThemeWin::ClassicGetWidgetPadding(nsDeviceContext* aContext,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
StyleAppearance aAppearance,
LayoutDeviceIntMargin* aResult) {
switch (aAppearance) {
case StyleAppearance::ProgressBar:
(*aResult).top = (*aResult).left = (*aResult).bottom = (*aResult).right =
return true;
return false;
LayoutDeviceIntSize nsNativeThemeWin::ClassicGetMinimumWidgetSize(
nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance) {
LayoutDeviceIntSize result;
switch (aAppearance) {
case StyleAppearance::RangeThumb: {
if (IsRangeHorizontal(aFrame)) {
result.width = 12;
result.height = 20;
} else {
result.width = 20;
result.height = 12;
case StyleAppearance::Menulist:
case StyleAppearance::MenulistButton:
case StyleAppearance::Button:
case StyleAppearance::Listbox:
case StyleAppearance::NumberInput:
case StyleAppearance::PasswordInput:
case StyleAppearance::Textfield:
case StyleAppearance<