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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=4 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsDragService.h"
#include "nsArrayUtils.h"
#include "nsIObserverService.h"
#include "nsWidgetsCID.h"
#include "nsWindow.h"
#include "nsSystemInfo.h"
#include "nsXPCOM.h"
#include "nsICookieJarSettings.h"
#include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h"
#include "nsIIOService.h"
#include "nsIFileURL.h"
#include "nsNetUtil.h"
#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsPrimitiveHelpers.h"
#include "prtime.h"
#include "prthread.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "nsCRT.h"
#include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h"
#include "mozilla/Services.h"
#include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
#include "mozilla/PresShell.h"
#include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h"
#include "mozilla/AutoRestore.h"
#include "mozilla/WidgetUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/WidgetUtilsGtk.h"
#include "GRefPtr.h"
#include "nsAppShell.h"
#ifdef MOZ_X11
# include "gfxXlibSurface.h"
#include "gfxContext.h"
#include "nsImageToPixbuf.h"
#include "nsPresContext.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
#include "nsViewManager.h"
#include "nsIFrame.h"
#include "nsGtkUtils.h"
#include "nsGtkKeyUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h"
#include "gfxPlatform.h"
#include "ScreenHelperGTK.h"
#include "nsArrayUtils.h"
#include "nsStringStream.h"
#include "nsDirectoryService.h"
#include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
#include "nsEscape.h"
#include "nsString.h"
using namespace mozilla;
using namespace mozilla::gfx;
// The maximum time to wait for a "drag_received" arrived in microseconds.
#define NS_DND_TIMEOUT (5 * 1000000)
// The maximum time to wait before temporary files resulting
// from drag'n'drop events will be removed in miliseconds.
// It's set to 5 min as the file has to be present some time after drop
// event to give target application time to get the data.
// (A target application can throw a dialog to ask user what to do with
// the data and will access the tmp file after user action.)
#define NS_DND_TMP_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT (1000 * 60 * 5)
// This sets how opaque the drag image is
extern mozilla::LazyLogModule gWidgetDragLog;
# define LOGDRAGSERVICE(str, ...) \
gWidgetDragLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, \
("[D %d] %*s" str, nsDragSession::GetLoopDepth(), \
nsDragSession::GetLoopDepth() > 1 ? nsDragSession::GetLoopDepth() * 2 \
: 0, \
"", ##__VA_ARGS__))
# define LOGDRAGSERVICESTATIC(str, ...) \
MOZ_LOG(gWidgetDragLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, (str, ##__VA_ARGS__))
# define LOGDRAGSERVICE(...)
// Helper class to block native events processing.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoSuspendNativeEvents {
AutoSuspendNativeEvents() {
mAppShell = do_GetService(NS_APPSHELL_CID);
~AutoSuspendNativeEvents() { mAppShell->ResumeNative(); }
nsCOMPtr<nsIAppShell> mAppShell;
// data used for synthetic periodic motion events sent to the source widget
// grabbing real events for the drag.
static guint sMotionEventTimerID;
static GdkEvent* sMotionEvent;
static GUniquePtr<GdkEvent> TakeMotionEvent() {
GUniquePtr<GdkEvent> event(sMotionEvent);
sMotionEvent = nullptr;
return event;
static void SetMotionEvent(GUniquePtr<GdkEvent> aEvent) {
sMotionEvent = aEvent.release();
static GtkWidget* sGrabWidget;
static constexpr nsLiteralString kDisallowedExportedSchemes[] = {
u"about"_ns, u"blob"_ns, u"cached-favicon"_ns,
u"chrome"_ns, u"imap"_ns, u"javascript"_ns,
u"mailbox"_ns, u"news"_ns, u"page-icon"_ns,
u"resource"_ns, u"view-source"_ns, u"moz-extension"_ns,
// _NETSCAPE_URL is similar to text/uri-list type.
// Format is UTF8: URL + "\n" + title.
// While text/uri-list tells target application to fetch, copy and store data
// from URL, _NETSCAPE_URL suggest to create a link to the target.
// Also _NETSCAPE_URL points to only one item while text/uri-list can point to
// multiple ones.
static const char gMozUrlType[] = "_NETSCAPE_URL";
static const char gMimeListType[] = "application/x-moz-internal-item-list";
static const char gTextUriListType[] = "text/uri-list";
static const char gTextPlainUTF8Type[] = "text/plain;charset=utf-8";
static const char gXdndDirectSaveType[] = "XdndDirectSave0";
static const char gTabDropType[] = "application/x-moz-tabbrowser-tab";
static const char gPortalFile[] = "application/vnd.portal.files";
static const char gPortalFileTransfer[] = "application/vnd.portal.filetransfer";
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sJPEGImageMimeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sJPGImageMimeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sPNGImageMimeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sGIFImageMimeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sCustomTypesMimeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sURLMimeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sRTFMimeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sTextMimeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sMozUrlTypeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sMimeListTypeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sTextUriListTypeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sTextPlainUTF8TypeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sXdndDirectSaveTypeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sTabDropTypeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sFileMimeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sPortalFileAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sPortalFileTransferAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sFilePromiseURLMimeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sFilePromiseMimeAtom;
GdkAtom nsDragSession::sNativeImageMimeAtom;
static const char kGtkDragResults[][100]{
static void invisibleSourceDragBegin(GtkWidget* aWidget,
GdkDragContext* aContext, gpointer aData);
static void invisibleSourceDragEnd(GtkWidget* aWidget, GdkDragContext* aContext,
gpointer aData);
static gboolean invisibleSourceDragFailed(GtkWidget* aWidget,
GdkDragContext* aContext,
gint aResult, gpointer aData);
static void invisibleSourceDragDataGet(GtkWidget* aWidget,
GdkDragContext* aContext,
GtkSelectionData* aSelectionData,
guint aInfo, guint32 aTime,
gpointer aData);
static void UTF16ToNewUTF8(const char16_t* aUTF16, uint32_t aUTF16Len,
char** aUTF8, uint32_t* aUTF8Len) {
nsDependentSubstring utf16(aUTF16, aUTF16Len);
*aUTF8 = ToNewUTF8String(utf16, aUTF8Len);
static nsString UTF8ToNewString(const char* aUTF8, uint32_t aUTF8Len = 0) {
nsDependentCSubstring utf8(aUTF8, aUTF8Len ? aUTF8Len : strlen(aUTF8));
nsString ret;
uint32_t convertedTextLen = 0;
char16_t* convertedText = UTF8ToNewUnicode(utf8, &convertedTextLen);
if (!convertedText) {
return ret;
convertedTextLen *= 2;
// Strip CRLF which might be present in the string.
// Not sure where it's added, maybe Gtk?
/* aIsSingleByteChars */ false, (void**)&convertedText,
ret.Adopt(convertedText, convertedTextLen / 2);
return ret;
static bool GetFileFromUri(const nsCString& aUri, nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>& aFile) {
nsresult rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> ioService = do_GetIOService(&rv);
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> fileURI;
ioService->NewURI(aUri, nullptr, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(fileURI)))) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIFileURL> fileURL = do_QueryInterface(fileURI, &rv);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(fileURL->GetFile(getter_AddRefs(aFile)))) {
return true;
LOGDRAG("GetFileFromUri() failed");
return false;
bool DragData::IsImageFlavor() const {
return mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sJPEGImageMimeAtom ||
mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sJPGImageMimeAtom ||
mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sPNGImageMimeAtom ||
mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sGIFImageMimeAtom;
bool DragData::IsFileFlavor() const {
return mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sFileMimeAtom ||
mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sPortalFileAtom ||
mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sPortalFileTransferAtom;
bool DragData::IsTextFlavor() const {
return mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sTextMimeAtom ||
mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sTextPlainUTF8TypeAtom;
bool DragData::IsURIFlavor() const {
// We support x-moz-url URL MIME type only
return mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sURLMimeAtom;
int DragData::GetURIsNum() const {
int urlNum = 1;
if (mDragUris) {
urlNum = g_strv_length(mDragUris.get());
} else if (IsURIFlavor()) {
urlNum = mUris.Length();
LOGDRAG("DragData::GetURIsNum() %d", urlNum);
return urlNum;
bool DragData::Export(nsITransferable* aTransferable, uint32_t aItemIndex) {
GUniquePtr<gchar> flavorName(gdk_atom_name(mDataFlavor));
LOGDRAG("DragData::Export() MIME %s index %d", flavorName.get(), aItemIndex);
if (IsFileFlavor()) {
char** list = mDragUris.get();
if (aItemIndex >= g_strv_length(list)) {
"DragData::Export(): Index %d is overflow file list len %d",
aItemIndex, g_strv_length(list))
return false;
bool fileExists = false;
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file;
if (GetFileFromUri(nsDependentCString(list[aItemIndex]), file)) {
if (!fileExists) {
LOGDRAG(" uri %s not reachable/not found\n", list[aItemIndex]);
return false;
LOGDRAG(" export file %s (flavor: %s) as %s", list[aItemIndex],
flavorName.get(), kFileMime);
aTransferable->SetTransferData(kFileMime, file);
return true;
if (IsURIFlavor()) {
if (aItemIndex >= mUris.Length()) {
"DragData::Export(): Index %d is overflow uri list len %d",
aItemIndex, (int)mUris.Length())
return false;
LOGDRAG("%d URI:\n%s", (int)aItemIndex,
// put it into the transferable.
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericDataWrapper;
nsAutoCString(kURLMime), mUris[aItemIndex].get(),
mUris[aItemIndex].Length() * 2, getter_AddRefs(genericDataWrapper));
aTransferable->SetTransferData(kURLMime, genericDataWrapper));
if (IsImageFlavor()) {
LOGDRAG(" export image %s", flavorName.get());
nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> byteStream;
mozilla::Span((char*)mDragData.get(), mDragDataLen),
aTransferable->SetTransferData(flavorName.get(), byteStream));
if (IsTextFlavor()) {
LOGDRAG(" export text %s", kTextMime);
// We get text flavors as UTF8 but we export them as UTF16.
if (mData.IsEmpty() && mDragDataLen) {
mData = UTF8ToNewString(static_cast<const char*>(mDragData.get()),
// put it into the transferable.
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericDataWrapper;
nsAutoCString(kTextMime), mData.get(), mData.Length() * 2,
aTransferable->SetTransferData(kTextMime, genericDataWrapper));
// We export obtained data directly from Gtk. In such case only
// update line endings to DOM format.
if (!mDragDataDOMEndings &&
mDataFlavor != nsDragSession::sCustomTypesMimeAtom) {
mDragDataDOMEndings = true;
void* tmpData = mDragData.release();
mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sRTFMimeAtom, &tmpData,
// put it into the transferable.
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> genericDataWrapper;
nsDependentCString(flavorName.get()), mDragData.get(), mDragDataLen,
aTransferable->SetTransferData(flavorName.get(), genericDataWrapper));
RefPtr<DragData> DragData::ConvertToMozURL() const {
// "text/uri-list" is exported as URI mime type by Gtk, perhaps in UTF8.
// We convert it to "text/x-moz-url" which is UTF16 with line breaks.
if (mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sTextUriListTypeAtom) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mAsURIData && mDragUris);
LOGDRAG("ConvertToMozURL(): text/uri-list => text/x-moz-url");
RefPtr<DragData> data = new DragData(nsDragSession::sURLMimeAtom);
data->mAsURIData = true;
int len = g_strv_length(mDragUris.get());
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
return data;
// MozUrlType (_NETSCAPE_URL) MIME is not registered as URI MIME byt Gtk
// is it exports it as plain data. We convert it to "text/x-moz-url"
// which is UTF16 with line breaks.
if (mDataFlavor == nsDragSession::sMozUrlTypeAtom) {
LOGDRAG("ConvertToMozURL(): _NETSCAPE_URL => text/x-moz-url");
RefPtr<DragData> data = new DragData(nsDragSession::sURLMimeAtom);
data->mAsURIData = true;
UTF8ToNewString((const char*)mDragData.get(), mDragDataLen));
return data;
LOGDRAG("ConvertToMozURL(): failed, wrong MIME %s to convert!",
return nullptr;
RefPtr<DragData> DragData::ConvertToFile() const {
// "text/uri-list" is exported as URI mime type by Gtk, perhaps in UTF8.
// We convert it to application/x-moz-file.
if (mDataFlavor != nsDragSession::sTextUriListTypeAtom) {
return nullptr;
MOZ_ASSERT(mAsURIData && mDragUris);
// We can use text/uri-list directly as application/x-moz-file
return new DragData(nsDragSession::sFileMimeAtom, g_strdupv(mDragUris.get()));
static int CopyURI(const nsAString& aSourceURL, nsAString& aTargetURL,
int aOffset, bool aRequestNewLine) {
int32_t uriEnd = aSourceURL.FindChar(u'\n', aOffset);
if (uriEnd == aOffset) {
return aOffset + 1;
if (uriEnd < 0) {
if (aRequestNewLine) {
return uriEnd;
// We may miss newline ending on URL title which is correct
uriEnd = aSourceURL.Length();
int32_t newOffset = uriEnd + 1;
if (aSourceURL[uriEnd - 1] == u'\r') {
nsDependentSubstring url(aSourceURL, aOffset, uriEnd - aOffset);
if (aRequestNewLine) {
return newOffset;
// It holds the URLs of links followed by their titles,
// separated by a linebreak.
void DragData::ConvertToMozURIList() {
if (mDataFlavor != nsDragSession::sURLMimeAtom) {
mAsURIData = true;
const nsDependentSubstring uris((char16_t*)mDragData.get(), mDragDataLen / 2);
int32_t uriBegin = 0;
do {
nsAutoString uri;
// First line contains URL and is terminated by newline
if ((uriBegin = CopyURI(uris, uri, uriBegin, /* aRequestNewLine */ true)) <
0) {
// Second line is URL title and may be terminated by newline
if ((uriBegin = CopyURI(uris, uri, uriBegin, /* aRequestNewLine */ false)) <
0) {
} while (uriBegin < (int32_t)uris.Length());
mDragData = nullptr;
mDragDataLen = 0;
DragData::DragData(GdkAtom aDataFlavor, gchar** aDragUris)
: mDataFlavor(aDataFlavor), mAsURIData(true), mDragUris(aDragUris) {}
void DragData::Print() const {
if (mDragData) {
if (IsTextFlavor()) {
nsCString text((char*)mDragData.get(), mDragDataLen);
LOGDRAG("DragData() plain data MIME: %s : %s",
if (IsURIFlavor()) {
nsString text((char16_t*)mDragData.get(), mDragDataLen / 2);
LOGDRAG("DragData() plain data MIME: %s : %s",
} else if (mDragUris) {
LOGDRAG("DragData() URI MIME %s",
if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(gWidgetDragLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug)) {
int i = 0;
for (gchar** uri = mDragUris.get(); uri && *uri; uri++, i++) {
LOGDRAG("%d URI %s", i, *uri);
} else if (mUris.Length()) {
LOGDRAG("DragData() URI MIME: %s len %d",
for (size_t i = 0; i < mUris.Length(); i++) {
LOGDRAG("%d URI:\n%s", (int)i, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mUris[i]).get());
} else {
LOGDRAG("DragData() MIME %s is missing data",
/* static */ int nsDragSession::sEventLoopDepth = 0;
nsDragSession::nsDragSession() {
// We have to destroy the hidden widget before the event loop stops
// running.
nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obsServ =
obsServ->AddObserver(this, "quit-application", false);
// our hidden source widget
// Using an offscreen window works around bug 983843.
mHiddenWidget = gtk_offscreen_window_new();
// make sure that the widget is realized so that
// we can use it as a drag source.
// hook up our internal signals so that we can get some feedback
// from our drag source
g_signal_connect(mHiddenWidget, "drag_begin",
G_CALLBACK(invisibleSourceDragBegin), this);
g_signal_connect(mHiddenWidget, "drag_data_get",
G_CALLBACK(invisibleSourceDragDataGet), this);
g_signal_connect(mHiddenWidget, "drag_end",
G_CALLBACK(invisibleSourceDragEnd), this);
// drag-failed is available from GTK+ version 2.12
guint dragFailedID =
g_signal_lookup("drag-failed", G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE(mHiddenWidget));
if (dragFailedID) {
mHiddenWidget, dragFailedID, 0,
g_cclosure_new(G_CALLBACK(invisibleSourceDragFailed), this, nullptr),
// set up our logging module
mTempFileTimerID = 0;
static std::once_flag onceFlag;
std::call_once(onceFlag, [] {
sJPEGImageMimeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(kJPEGImageMime, FALSE);
sJPGImageMimeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(kJPGImageMime, FALSE);
sPNGImageMimeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(kPNGImageMime, FALSE);
sGIFImageMimeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(kGIFImageMime, FALSE);
sCustomTypesMimeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(kCustomTypesMime, FALSE);
sURLMimeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(kURLMime, FALSE);
sRTFMimeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(kRTFMime, FALSE);
sTextMimeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(kTextMime, FALSE);
sMozUrlTypeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(gMozUrlType, FALSE);
sMimeListTypeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(gMimeListType, FALSE);
sTextUriListTypeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(gTextUriListType, FALSE);
sTextPlainUTF8TypeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(gTextPlainUTF8Type, FALSE);
sXdndDirectSaveTypeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(gXdndDirectSaveType, FALSE);
sTabDropTypeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(gTabDropType, FALSE);
sFileMimeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(kFileMime, FALSE);
sPortalFileAtom = gdk_atom_intern(gPortalFile, FALSE);
sPortalFileTransferAtom = gdk_atom_intern(gPortalFileTransfer, FALSE);
sFilePromiseURLMimeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(kFilePromiseURLMime, FALSE);
sFilePromiseMimeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(kFilePromiseMime, FALSE);
sNativeImageMimeAtom = gdk_atom_intern(kNativeImageMime, FALSE);
nsDragSession::~nsDragSession() {
if (mTaskSource) g_source_remove(mTaskSource);
if (mTempFileTimerID) {
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED(nsDragSession, nsBaseDragSession, nsIObserver)
mozilla::StaticRefPtr<nsDragService> sDragServiceInstance;
/* static */
already_AddRefed<nsDragService> nsDragService::GetInstance() {
if (gfxPlatform::IsHeadless()) {
return nullptr;
if (!sDragServiceInstance) {
sDragServiceInstance = new nsDragService();
RefPtr<nsDragService> service = sDragServiceInstance.get();
return service.forget();
already_AddRefed<nsIDragSession> nsDragService::CreateDragSession() {
RefPtr<nsIDragSession> session = new nsDragSession();
return session.forget();
// nsIObserver
nsDragSession::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic,
const char16_t* aData) {
if (!nsCRT::strcmp(aTopic, "quit-application")) {
if (mHiddenWidget) {
mHiddenWidget = 0;
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("unexpected topic");
return NS_OK;
// Support for periodic drag events
// and the Xdnd protocol both recommend that drag events are sent periodically,
// but GTK does not normally provide this.
// Here GTK is periodically stimulated by copies of the most recent mouse
// motion events so as to send drag position messages to the destination when
// appropriate (after it has received a status event from the previous
// message).
// (If events were sent only on the destination side then the destination
// would have no message to which it could reply with a drag status. Without
// sending a drag status to the source, the destination would not be able to
// change its feedback re whether it could accept the drop, and so the
// source's behavior on drop will not be consistent.)
static gboolean DispatchMotionEventCopy(gpointer aData) {
// Clear the timer id before OnSourceGrabEventAfter is called during event
// dispatch.
sMotionEventTimerID = 0;
GUniquePtr<GdkEvent> event = TakeMotionEvent();
// If there is no longer a grab on the widget, then the drag is over and
// there is no need to continue drag motion.
if (gtk_widget_has_grab(sGrabWidget)) {
gtk_propagate_event(sGrabWidget, event.get());
// Cancel this timer;
// We've already started another if the motion event was dispatched.
return FALSE;
static void OnSourceGrabEventAfter(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEvent* event,
gpointer user_data) {
// If there is no longer a grab on the widget, then the drag motion is
// over (though the data may not be fetched yet).
if (!gtk_widget_has_grab(sGrabWidget)) return;
if (event->type == GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY) {
// Update the cursor position. The last of these recorded gets used for
// the eDragEnd event.
nsDragService* dragService = static_cast<nsDragService*>(user_data);
nsCOMPtr<nsIDragSession> session;
dragService->GetCurrentSession(nullptr, getter_AddRefs(session));
if (session) {
gint scale = mozilla::widget::ScreenHelperGTK::GetGTKMonitorScaleFactor();
auto p = LayoutDeviceIntPoint::Round(event->motion.x_root * scale,
event->motion.y_root * scale);
session->SetDragEndPoint(p.x, p.y);
} else if (sMotionEvent &&
(event->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS || event->type == GDK_KEY_RELEASE)) {
// Update modifier state from key events.
sMotionEvent->motion.state = event->key.state;
} else {
if (sMotionEventTimerID) {
// G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE is lower priority than GDK's redraw idle source
// and lower than GTK's idle source that sends drag position messages after
// motion-notify signals.
// recommends an interval of 350ms +/- 200ms.
sMotionEventTimerID = g_timeout_add_full(
G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, 350, DispatchMotionEventCopy, nullptr, nullptr);
static GtkWindow* GetGtkWindow(dom::Document* aDocument) {
if (!aDocument) return nullptr;
PresShell* presShell = aDocument->GetPresShell();
if (!presShell) {
return nullptr;
RefPtr<nsViewManager> vm = presShell->GetViewManager();
if (!vm) return nullptr;
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = vm->GetRootWidget();
if (!widget) return nullptr;
GtkWidget* gtkWidget = static_cast<nsWindow*>(widget.get())->GetGtkWidget();
if (!gtkWidget) return nullptr;
GtkWidget* toplevel = nullptr;
toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(gtkWidget);
if (!GTK_IS_WINDOW(toplevel)) return nullptr;
return GTK_WINDOW(toplevel);
nsIWidget* aWidget, nsINode* aDOMNode, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aCsp, nsICookieJarSettings* aCookieJarSettings,
nsIArray* aArrayTransferables, uint32_t aActionType,
nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType = nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_OTHER) {
// If the previous source drag has not yet completed, signal handlers need
// to be removed from sGrabWidget and dragend needs to be dispatched to
// the source node, but we can't call EndDragSession yet because we don't
// know whether or not the drag succeeded.
if (mSourceNode) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
return nsBaseDragSession::InvokeDragSession(
aWidget, aDOMNode, aPrincipal, aCsp, aCookieJarSettings,
aArrayTransferables, aActionType, aContentPolicyType);
// nsBaseDragSession
nsresult nsDragSession::InvokeDragSessionImpl(
nsIWidget* aWidget, nsIArray* aArrayTransferables,
const Maybe<CSSIntRegion>& aRegion, uint32_t aActionType) {
// make sure that we have an array of transferables to use
if (!aArrayTransferables) return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
// set our reference to the transferables. this will also addref
// the transferables since we're going to hang onto this beyond the
// length of this call
mSourceDataItems = aArrayTransferables;
GdkDevice* device = widget::GdkGetPointer();
GdkWindow* originGdkWindow = nullptr;
if (widget::GdkIsWaylandDisplay() || widget::IsXWaylandProtocol()) {
originGdkWindow =
gdk_device_get_window_at_position(device, nullptr, nullptr);
// Check we have GdkWindow drag source.
if (!originGdkWindow) {
"nsDragSession::InvokeDragSessionImpl(): Missing origin GdkWindow!");
// get the list of items we offer for drags
GtkTargetList* sourceList = GetSourceList();
if (!sourceList) return NS_OK;
// save our action type
GdkDragAction action = GDK_ACTION_DEFAULT;
if (aActionType & nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_COPY)
action = (GdkDragAction)(action | GDK_ACTION_COPY);
if (aActionType & nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_MOVE)
action = (GdkDragAction)(action | GDK_ACTION_MOVE);
if (aActionType & nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_LINK)
action = (GdkDragAction)(action | GDK_ACTION_LINK);
GdkEvent* existingEvent = widget::GetLastMousePressEvent();
GdkEvent fakeEvent;
if (!existingEvent) {
// Create a fake event for the drag so we can pass the time (so to speak).
// If we don't do this, then, when the timestamp for the pending button
// release event is used for the ungrab, the ungrab can fail due to the
// timestamp being _earlier_ than CurrentTime.
memset(&fakeEvent, 0, sizeof(GdkEvent));
fakeEvent.type = GDK_BUTTON_PRESS;
fakeEvent.button.window = gtk_widget_get_window(mHiddenWidget);
fakeEvent.button.time = nsWindow::GetLastUserInputTime();
fakeEvent.button.device = device;
// Put the drag widget in the window group of the source node so that the
// gtk_grab_add during gtk_drag_begin is effective.
// gtk_window_get_group(nullptr) returns the default window group.
GtkWindowGroup* window_group =
gtk_window_group_add_window(window_group, GTK_WINDOW(mHiddenWidget));
// start our drag.
GdkDragContext* context = gtk_drag_begin_with_coordinates(
mHiddenWidget, sourceList, action, 1,
existingEvent ? existingEvent : &fakeEvent, -1, -1);
if (originGdkWindow) {
mSourceWindow = nsWindow::GetWindow(originGdkWindow);
if (mSourceWindow) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" GdkDragContext [%p] nsWindow [%p]", context,
nsresult rv;
if (context) {
// GTK uses another hidden window for receiving mouse events.
sGrabWidget = gtk_window_group_get_current_grab(window_group);
if (sGrabWidget) {
// Only motion and key events are required but connect to
// "event-after" as this is never blocked by other handlers.
g_signal_connect(sGrabWidget, "event-after",
G_CALLBACK(OnSourceGrabEventAfter), this);
// We don't have a drag end point yet.
mEndDragPoint = LayoutDeviceIntPoint(-1, -1);
rv = NS_OK;
} else {
return rv;
bool nsDragSession::SetAlphaPixmap(SourceSurface* aSurface,
GdkDragContext* aContext, int32_t aXOffset,
int32_t aYOffset,
const LayoutDeviceIntRect& dragRect) {
GdkScreen* screen = gtk_widget_get_screen(mHiddenWidget);
// Transparent drag icons need, like a lot of transparency-related things,
// a compositing X window manager
if (!gdk_screen_is_composited(screen)) {
return false;
#ifdef cairo_image_surface_create
# error "Looks like we're including Mozilla's cairo instead of system cairo"
// TODO: grab X11 pixmap or image data instead of expensive readback.
cairo_surface_t* surf = cairo_image_surface_create(
CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, dragRect.width, dragRect.height);
if (!surf) return false;
RefPtr<DrawTarget> dt = gfxPlatform::CreateDrawTargetForData(
nsIntSize(dragRect.width, dragRect.height),
cairo_image_surface_get_stride(surf), SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8);
if (!dt) return false;
dt->ClearRect(Rect(0, 0, dragRect.width, dragRect.height));
aSurface, Rect(0, 0, dragRect.width, dragRect.height),
Rect(0, 0, dragRect.width, dragRect.height), DrawSurfaceOptions(),
DrawOptions(DRAG_IMAGE_ALPHA_LEVEL, CompositionOp::OP_SOURCE));
cairo_surface_set_device_offset(surf, -aXOffset, -aYOffset);
// Ensure that the surface is drawn at the correct scale on HiDPI displays.
static auto sCairoSurfaceSetDeviceScalePtr =
(void (*)(cairo_surface_t*, double, double))dlsym(
RTLD_DEFAULT, "cairo_surface_set_device_scale");
if (sCairoSurfaceSetDeviceScalePtr) {
gint scale = mozilla::widget::ScreenHelperGTK::GetGTKMonitorScaleFactor();
sCairoSurfaceSetDeviceScalePtr(surf, scale, scale);
gtk_drag_set_icon_surface(aContext, surf);
return true;
nsIDragSession* nsDragService::StartDragSession(nsISupports* aWidgetProvider) {
return nsBaseDragService::StartDragSession(aWidgetProvider);
bool nsDragSession::RemoveTempFiles() {
// We can not delete the temporary files immediately after the
// drag has finished, because the target application might have not
// copied the temporary file yet. The Qt toolkit does not provide a
// way to mark a drop as finished in an asynchronous way, so most
// Qt based applications do send the dnd_finished signal before they
// have actually accessed the data from the temporary file.
// To work also with these applications we collect all temporary
// files in mTemporaryFiles array and remove them here in the timer event.
auto files = std::move(mTemporaryFiles);
for (nsIFile* file : files) {
if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(gWidgetDragLog, LogLevel::Debug)) {
nsAutoCString path;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(file->GetNativePath(path))) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" removing %s", path.get());
file->Remove(/* recursive = */ true);
mTempFileTimerID = 0;
// Return false to remove the timer added by g_timeout_add_full().
return false;
/* static */
gboolean nsDragSession::TaskRemoveTempFiles(gpointer data) {
// data is a manually addrefed drag session from EndDragSession.
// We manually deref it here.
RefPtr<nsDragSession> session = static_cast<nsDragSession*>(data);
return session->RemoveTempFiles();
nsresult nsDragSession::EndDragSessionImpl(bool aDoneDrag,
uint32_t aKeyModifiers) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragSession::EndDragSessionImpl(%p) %d",
mTargetDragContext.get(), aDoneDrag);
if (sGrabWidget) {
sGrabWidget, FuncToGpointer(OnSourceGrabEventAfter), this);
sGrabWidget = nullptr;
if (sMotionEventTimerID) {
sMotionEventTimerID = 0;
if (sMotionEvent) {
// unset our drag action
// start timer to remove temporary files
if (mTemporaryFiles.Count() > 0 && !mTempFileTimerID) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" queue removing of temporary files");
// |this| won't be used after nsDragSession delete because the timer is
// removed in the nsDragSession destructor.
// Manually addref this and pass to TaskRemoveTempFiles where it is
// derefed.
mTempFileTimerID =
g_timeout_add(NS_DND_TMP_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT, TaskRemoveTempFiles, this);
// We're done with the drag context.
if (mSourceWindow) {
mSourceWindow = nullptr;
mTargetDragContextForRemote = nullptr;
mTargetWindow = nullptr;
mPendingWindow = nullptr;
mCachedDragContext = 0;
return nsBaseDragSession::EndDragSessionImpl(aDoneDrag, aKeyModifiers);
// nsIDragSession
nsDragSession::SetCanDrop(bool aCanDrop) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragSession::SetCanDrop %d", aCanDrop);
mCanDrop = aCanDrop;
return NS_OK;
nsDragSession::GetCanDrop(bool* aCanDrop) {
*aCanDrop = mCanDrop;
return NS_OK;
// Spins event loop, called from JS.
// Can lead to another round of drag_motion events.
nsDragSession::GetNumDropItems(uint32_t* aNumItems) {
if (!mTargetWidget) {
"*** warning: GetNumDropItems \
called without a valid target widget!\n");
*aNumItems = 0;
return NS_OK;
if (IsTargetContextList()) {
if (!mSourceDataItems) {
*aNumItems = 0;
return NS_OK;
LOGDRAGSERVICE("GetNumDropItems(): TargetContextList items %d", *aNumItems);
return NS_OK;
const GdkAtom fileListFlavors[] = {sURLMimeAtom, sTextUriListTypeAtom,
sPortalFileAtom, sPortalFileTransferAtom};
for (auto fileFlavour : fileListFlavors) {
RefPtr<DragData> data = GetDragData(fileFlavour);
if (data) {
*aNumItems = data->GetURIsNum();
LOGDRAGSERVICE("GetNumDropItems(): Found MIME %s items %d",
return NS_OK;
// We're missing any file list MIME, return only one item.
*aNumItems = 1;
LOGDRAGSERVICE("GetNumDropItems(): no list available");
return NS_OK;
// Spins event loop, called from JS.
// Can lead to another round of drag_motion events.
nsDragSession::GetData(nsITransferable* aTransferable, uint32_t aItemIndex) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragSession::GetData(), index %d", aItemIndex);
// make sure that we have a transferable
if (!aTransferable) {
if (!mTargetWidget) {
"*** failed: GetData called without a valid target widget!\n");
// get flavor list that includes all acceptable flavors (including
// ones obtained through conversion).
nsTArray<nsCString> flavors;
nsresult rv = aTransferable->FlavorsTransferableCanImport(flavors);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" failed to get flavors, quit.");
return rv;
// check to see if this is an internal list
if (IsTargetContextList()) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Process as a list...");
// find a matching flavor
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < flavors.Length(); ++i) {
nsCString& flavorStr = flavors[i];
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" [%d] flavor is %s\n", i, flavorStr.get());
// get the item with the right index
nsCOMPtr<nsITransferable> item =
do_QueryElementAt(mSourceDataItems, aItemIndex);
if (!item) continue;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> data;
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" trying to get transfer data for %s\n", flavorStr.get());
rv = item->GetTransferData(flavorStr.get(), getter_AddRefs(data));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" failed.\n");
rv = aTransferable->SetTransferData(flavorStr.get(), data);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" fail to set transfer data into transferable!\n");
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" succeeded\n");
// ok, we got the data
return NS_OK;
// if we got this far, we failed
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" failed to match flavors\n");
// Now walk down the list of flavors. When we find one that is
// actually present, copy out the data into the transferable in that
// format. SetTransferData() implicitly handles conversions.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < flavors.Length(); ++i) {
nsCString& flavorStr = flavors[i];
GdkAtom requestedFlavor = gdk_atom_intern(flavorStr.get(), FALSE);
if (!requestedFlavor) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" we're getting data %s\n", flavorStr.get());
RefPtr<DragData> dragData;
if (requestedFlavor == sTextMimeAtom) {
dragData = GetDragData(sTextPlainUTF8TypeAtom);
if (!dragData) {
dragData = GetDragData(requestedFlavor);
// We're asked to get file mime type but we failed.
// Try portal variants and text/uri-list conversion.
if (!dragData && requestedFlavor == sFileMimeAtom) {
// application/vnd.portal.files
dragData = GetDragData(sPortalFileAtom);
// application/vnd.portal.filetransfer
if (!dragData) {
dragData = GetDragData(sPortalFileTransferAtom);
if (!dragData) {
" file not found, proceed with conversion %s => %s flavor\n",
gTextUriListType, kFileMime);
// Conversion text/uri-list => application/x-moz-file
dragData = GetDragData(sTextUriListTypeAtom);
if (dragData) {
dragData = dragData->ConvertToFile();
if (dragData) {
mCachedDragData.InsertOrUpdate(dragData->GetFlavor(), dragData);
if (!dragData && requestedFlavor == sURLMimeAtom) {
// if we are looking for text/x-moz-url and we failed to find
// it on the clipboard, try again with text/uri-list, and then
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" conversion %s => %s", gTextUriListType, kURLMime);
dragData = GetDragData(sTextUriListTypeAtom);
if (dragData) {
dragData = dragData->ConvertToMozURL();
mCachedDragData.InsertOrUpdate(dragData->GetFlavor(), dragData);
if (!dragData) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" conversion %s => %s", gMozUrlType, kURLMime);
dragData = GetDragData(sMozUrlTypeAtom);
if (dragData) {
dragData = dragData->ConvertToMozURL();
if (dragData) {
mCachedDragData.InsertOrUpdate(dragData->GetFlavor(), dragData);
if (dragData && dragData->Export(aTransferable, aItemIndex)) {
// We usually want to also get URL for images so continue
if (dragData->IsImageFlavor()) {
return NS_OK;
nsDragSession::IsDataFlavorSupported(const char* aDataFlavor, bool* _retval) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragSession::IsDataFlavorSupported(%p) %s",
mTargetDragContext.get(), aDataFlavor);
if (!_retval) {
// set this to no by default
*_retval = false;
// check to make sure that we have a drag object set, here
if (!mTargetWidget) {
"*** warning: IsDataFlavorSupported called without a valid target "
return NS_OK;
// check to see if the target context is a list.
// if it is, just look in the internal data since we are the source
// for it.
if (IsTargetContextList()) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" It's a list");
uint32_t numDragItems = 0;
// if we don't have mDataItems we didn't start this drag so it's
// an external client trying to fool us.
if (!mSourceDataItems) {
return NS_OK;
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" drag items %d", numDragItems);
for (uint32_t itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < numDragItems; ++itemIndex) {
nsCOMPtr<nsITransferable> currItem =
do_QueryElementAt(mSourceDataItems, itemIndex);
if (currItem) {
nsTArray<nsCString> flavors;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < flavors.Length(); ++i) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" checking %s against %s\n", flavors[i].get(),
if (flavors[i].Equals(aDataFlavor)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" found.\n");
*_retval = true;
return NS_OK;
GdkAtom requestedFlavor = gdk_atom_intern(aDataFlavor, FALSE);
if (IsDragFlavorAvailable(requestedFlavor)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" %s is supported", aDataFlavor);
*_retval = true;
return NS_OK;
// Check for file/url conversion from uri list
if ((requestedFlavor == sURLMimeAtom || requestedFlavor == sFileMimeAtom) &&
IsDragFlavorAvailable(sTextUriListTypeAtom)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" %s supported with conversion from %s", aDataFlavor,
*_retval = true;
return NS_OK;
// check for automatic _NETSCAPE_URL -> text/x-moz-url mapping
if (requestedFlavor == sURLMimeAtom &&
IsDragFlavorAvailable(sMozUrlTypeAtom)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" %s supported with conversion from %s", aDataFlavor,
*_retval = true;
return NS_OK;
// If we're asked for kURLMime/kFileMime we can get it from PortalFile
// or PortalFileTransfer flavors.
if ((requestedFlavor == sURLMimeAtom || requestedFlavor == sFileMimeAtom) &&
(IsDragFlavorAvailable(sPortalFileAtom) ||
IsDragFlavorAvailable(sPortalFileTransferAtom))) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" %s supported with conversion from %s/%s", aDataFlavor,
gPortalFile, gPortalFileTransfer);
*_retval = true;
return NS_OK;
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" %s is not supported", aDataFlavor);
return NS_OK;
void nsDragSession::ReplyToDragMotion(GdkDragContext* aDragContext,
guint aTime) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragSession::ReplyToDragMotion(%p) can drop %d",
aDragContext, mCanDrop);
GdkDragAction action = (GdkDragAction)0;
if (mCanDrop) {
// notify the dragger if we can drop
switch (mDragAction) {
case nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_COPY:
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" set explicit action copy");
case nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_LINK:
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" set explicit action link");
case nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_NONE:
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" set explicit action none");
action = (GdkDragAction)0;
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" set explicit action move");
} else {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" mCanDrop is false, disable drop");
// gdk_drag_status() is a kind of red herring here.
// It does not control final D&D operation type (copy/move) but controls
// drop/no-drop D&D state and default cursor type (copy/move).
// Actual D&D operation is determined by mDragAction which is set by
// SetDragAction() from UpdateDragAction() or gecko/layout.
// State passed to gdk_drag_status() sets default D&D cursor type
// which can be switched by key control (CTRL/SHIFT).
// If user changes D&D cursor (and D&D operation) we're notified by
// gdk_drag_context_get_selected_action() and update mDragAction.
// But if we pass mDragAction back to gdk_drag_status() the D&D operation
// becames locked and won't be returned when D&D modifiers (CTRL/SHIFT)
// are released.
// This gdk_drag_context_get_selected_action() -> gdk_drag_status() ->
// gdk_drag_context_get_selected_action() cycle happens on Wayland.
if (widget::GdkIsWaylandDisplay() && action == GDK_ACTION_COPY) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Wayland: switch copy to move");
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" gdk_drag_status() action %d", action);
gdk_drag_status(aDragContext, action, aTime);
void nsDragSession::SetCachedDragContext(GdkDragContext* aDragContext) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragService::SetCachedDragContext(): [drag %p / cached %p]",
aDragContext, (void*)mCachedDragContext);
// Clear cache data if we're going to D&D with different drag context.
uintptr_t recentDragContext = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(aDragContext);
if (recentDragContext && recentDragContext != mCachedDragContext) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" cache clear, new context %p", (void*)recentDragContext);
mCachedDragContext = recentDragContext;
bool nsDragSession::IsTargetContextList(void) {
// gMimeListType drags only work for drags within a single process. The
// gtk_drag_get_source_widget() function will return nullptr if the source
// of the drag is another app, so we use it to check if a gMimeListType
// drop will work or not.
if (mTargetDragContext &&
gtk_drag_get_source_widget(mTargetDragContext) == nullptr) {
return false;
return IsDragFlavorAvailable(sMimeListTypeAtom);
bool nsDragSession::IsDragFlavorAvailable(GdkAtom aRequestedFlavor) {
if (mCachedDragFlavors.IsEmpty()) {
for (GList* tmp = gdk_drag_context_list_targets(mTargetDragContext); tmp;
tmp = tmp->next) {
" drag context available flavor %s",
return mCachedDragFlavors.Contains(aRequestedFlavor);
// Spins event loop, called from eDragTaskMotion handler by
// DispatchMotionEvents().
// Can lead to another round of drag_motion events.
RefPtr<DragData> nsDragSession::GetDragData(GdkAtom aRequestedFlavor) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragService::GetDragData(%p) requested '%s'\n",
// Return early when requested MIME is not offered by D&D.
if (!IsDragFlavorAvailable(aRequestedFlavor)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" %s is missing",
return nullptr;
if (!mTargetDragContext) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" failed, missing mTargetDragContext");
return nullptr;
RefPtr<DragData> data =
if (data) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" %s found in cache",
return data;
// We'll get the data by nsDragService::TargetDataReceived()
gtk_drag_get_data(mTargetWidget, mTargetDragContext, aRequestedFlavor,
" about to start inner iteration, mWaitingForDragDataRequests %d",
PRTime entryTime = PR_Now();
while (mWaitingForDragDataRequests && mDoingDrag) {
// check the number of iterations
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" doing iteration, mWaitingForDragDataRequests %d ...",
PR_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(10)); /* sleep for 10 ms/iteration */
if (PR_Now() - entryTime > NS_DND_TIMEOUT) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" failed to get D&D data in time!\n");
// We failed to get all data in time
if (mWaitingForDragDataRequests) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" failed to get all data, mWaitingForDragDataRequests %d",
data = mCachedDragData.Get(GDK_ATOM_TO_POINTER(aRequestedFlavor));
if (data) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" %s received",
return data;
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" %s failed to get from system",
return nullptr;
void nsDragSession::TargetDataReceived(GtkWidget* aWidget,
GdkDragContext* aContext, gint aX,
gint aY,
GtkSelectionData* aSelectionData,
guint aInfo, guint32 aTime) {
GdkAtom target = gtk_selection_data_get_target(aSelectionData);
"nsDragService::TargetDataReceived(%p) MIME %s "
"mWaitingForDragDataRequests %d",
aContext, GUniquePtr<gchar>(gdk_atom_name(target)).get(),
auto cacheClear = MakeScopeExit([&] {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" failed to get data, MIME %s",
RefPtr<DragData> dragData;
if (gtk_targets_include_uri(&target, 1)) {
if (target == sPortalFileAtom || target == sPortalFileTransferAtom) {
const guchar* data = gtk_selection_data_get_data(aSelectionData);
if (!data || data[0] == '\0') {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" TargetDataReceived() failed");
// For the vnd.portal.filetransfer and vnd.portal.files we receive numeric
// id when it's a local file. The numeric id is then used by
// gtk_selection_data_get_uris implementation to get the actual file
// available in the flatpak environment.
// However due to GTK implementation also for example the uris like https
// are also provided by the vnd.portal.filetransfer target. In this case
// the call gtk_selection_data_get_uris fails. This is a bug in the gtk.
// To workaround it we try to create the valid uri and only if we fail
// we try to use the gtk_selection_data_get_uris. We ignore the valid uris
// for the vnd.portal.file* targets.
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> sourceURI;
nsresult rv =
NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(sourceURI), (const gchar*)data, nullptr);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
" TargetDataReceived(): got valid uri for MIME %s - this is bug "
"in GTK - expected numeric value for portal, got %s\n",
GUniquePtr<gchar>(gdk_atom_name(target)).get(), data);
dragData =
new DragData(target, gtk_selection_data_get_uris(aSelectionData));
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" TargetDataReceived(): URI data, MIME %s",
} else {
const guchar* data = gtk_selection_data_get_data(aSelectionData);
gint len = gtk_selection_data_get_length(aSelectionData);
if (len < 0 && !data) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" TargetDataReceived() failed");
dragData = new DragData(target, data, len);
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" TargetDataReceived(): plain data, MIME %s len = %d",
GUniquePtr<gchar>(gdk_atom_name(target)).get(), len);
mCachedDragData.InsertOrUpdate(target, dragData);
static void TargetArrayAddTarget(nsTArray<GtkTargetEntry*>& aTargetArray,
const char* aTarget) {
GtkTargetEntry* target = (GtkTargetEntry*)g_malloc(sizeof(GtkTargetEntry));
target->target = g_strdup(aTarget);
target->flags = 0;
LOGDRAGSERVICESTATIC("adding target %s\n", aTarget);
static bool CanExportAsURLTarget(const char16_t* aURLData, uint32_t aURLLen) {
for (const nsLiteralString& disallowed : kDisallowedExportedSchemes) {
auto len = disallowed.AsString().Length();
if (len < aURLLen) {
if (!memcmp(disallowed.get(), aURLData,
/* len is char16_t char count */ len * 2)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICESTATIC("rejected URL scheme %s\n",
return false;
return true;
GtkTargetList* nsDragSession::GetSourceList(void) {
if (!mSourceDataItems) {
return nullptr;
nsTArray<GtkTargetEntry*> targetArray;
GtkTargetEntry* targets;
GtkTargetList* targetList = 0;
uint32_t targetCount = 0;
unsigned int numDragItems = 0;
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" numDragItems = %d", numDragItems);
// Check to see if we're dragging > 1 item.
if (numDragItems > 1) {
// as the Xdnd protocol only supports a single item (or is it just
// gtk's implementation?), we don't advertise all flavours listed
// in the nsITransferable.
// the application/x-moz-internal-item-list format, which preserves
// all information for drags within the same mozilla instance.
TargetArrayAddTarget(targetArray, gMimeListType);
// check what flavours are supported so we can decide what other
// targets to advertise.
nsCOMPtr<nsITransferable> currItem = do_QueryElementAt(mSourceDataItems, 0);
if (currItem) {
nsTArray<nsCString> flavors;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < flavors.Length(); ++i) {
// check if text/x-moz-url is supported.
// If so, advertise
// text/uri-list.
if (flavors[i].EqualsLiteral(kURLMime)) {
TargetArrayAddTarget(targetArray, gTextUriListType);
} // if item is a transferable
} else if (numDragItems == 1) {
nsCOMPtr<nsITransferable> currItem = do_QueryElementAt(mSourceDataItems, 0);
if (currItem) {
nsTArray<nsCString> flavors;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < flavors.Length(); ++i) {
nsCString& flavorStr = flavors[i];
GdkAtom requestedFlavor = gdk_atom_intern(flavorStr.get(), FALSE);
if (!requestedFlavor) {
TargetArrayAddTarget(targetArray, flavorStr.get());
// If there is a file, add the text/uri-list type.
if (requestedFlavor == sFileMimeAtom) {
TargetArrayAddTarget(targetArray, gTextUriListType);
// Check to see if this is text/plain.
else if (requestedFlavor == sTextMimeAtom) {
TargetArrayAddTarget(targetArray, gTextPlainUTF8Type);
// Check to see if this is the x-moz-url type.
// If it is, add _NETSCAPE_URL
// this is a type used by everybody.
else if (requestedFlavor == sURLMimeAtom) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> data;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(currItem->GetTransferData(flavorStr.get(),
getter_AddRefs(data)))) {
void* tmpData = nullptr;
uint32_t tmpDataLen = 0;
nsDependentCString(flavorStr.get()), data, &tmpData,
if (tmpData) {
if (CanExportAsURLTarget(reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(tmpData),
tmpDataLen / 2)) {
TargetArrayAddTarget(targetArray, gMozUrlType);
// check if application/x-moz-file-promise url is supported.
// If so, advertise text/uri-list.
else if (requestedFlavor == sFilePromiseURLMimeAtom) {
TargetArrayAddTarget(targetArray, gTextUriListType);
// XdndDirectSave, use on only.
else if (widget::GdkIsX11Display() && !widget::IsXWaylandProtocol() &&
requestedFlavor == sFilePromiseMimeAtom) {
TargetArrayAddTarget(targetArray, gXdndDirectSaveType);
// kNativeImageMime
else if (requestedFlavor == sNativeImageMimeAtom) {
TargetArrayAddTarget(targetArray, kPNGImageMime);
TargetArrayAddTarget(targetArray, kJPEGImageMime);
TargetArrayAddTarget(targetArray, kJPGImageMime);
TargetArrayAddTarget(targetArray, kGIFImageMime);
// get all the elements that we created.
targetCount = targetArray.Length();
if (targetCount) {
// allocate space to create the list of valid targets
targets = (GtkTargetEntry*)g_malloc(sizeof(GtkTargetEntry) * targetCount);
uint32_t targetIndex;
for (targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < targetCount; ++targetIndex) {
GtkTargetEntry* disEntry = targetArray.ElementAt(targetIndex);
// this is a string reference but it will be freed later.
targets[targetIndex].target = disEntry->target;
targets[targetIndex].flags = disEntry->flags;
targets[targetIndex].info = 0;
targetList = gtk_target_list_new(targets, targetCount);
// clean up the target list
for (uint32_t cleanIndex = 0; cleanIndex < targetCount; ++cleanIndex) {
GtkTargetEntry* thisTarget = targetArray.ElementAt(cleanIndex);
} else {
// We need to create a dummy target list to be able initialize dnd.
targetList = gtk_target_list_new(nullptr, 0);
return targetList;
void nsDragSession::SourceEndDragSession(GdkDragContext* aContext,
gint aResult) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE("SourceEndDragSession(%p) result %s\n", aContext,
// this just releases the list of data items that we provide
mSourceDataItems = nullptr;
// Remove this property, if it exists, to satisfy the Direct Save Protocol.
GdkAtom property = sXdndDirectSaveTypeAtom;
gdk_property_delete(gdk_drag_context_get_source_window(aContext), property);
if (!mDoingDrag || mScheduledTask == eDragTaskSourceEnd)
// EndDragSession() was already called on drop
// or SourceEndDragSession on drag-failed
if (mEndDragPoint.x < 0) {
// We don't have a drag end point, so guess
gint x, y;
GdkDisplay* display = gdk_display_get_default();
GdkScreen* screen = gdk_display_get_default_screen(display);
GtkWindow* window = GetGtkWindow(mSourceDocument);
GdkWindow* gdkWindow = window ? gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(window))
: gdk_screen_get_root_window(screen);
if (!gdkWindow) {
gdkWindow, gdk_drag_context_get_device(aContext), &x, &y, nullptr);
gint scale = gdk_window_get_scale_factor(gdkWindow);
SetDragEndPoint(x * scale, y * scale);
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" guess drag end point %d %d\n", x * scale, y * scale);
// Either the drag was aborted or the drop occurred outside the app.
// The dropEffect of mDataTransfer is not updated for motion outside the
// app, but is needed for the dragend event, so set it now.
uint32_t dropEffect;
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" drop is accepted");
// With GTK+ versions 2.10.x and prior the drag may have been
// cancelled (but no drag-failed signal would have been sent).
// aContext->dest_window will be non-nullptr only if the drop was
// sent.
GdkDragAction action = gdk_drag_context_get_dest_window(aContext)
? gdk_drag_context_get_actions(aContext)
: (GdkDragAction)0;
// Only one bit of action should be set, but, just in case someone
// does something funny, erring away from MOVE, and not recording
// unusual action combinations as NONE.
if (!action) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" drop action is none");
dropEffect = nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_NONE;
} else if (action & GDK_ACTION_COPY) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" drop action is copy");
dropEffect = nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_COPY;
} else if (action & GDK_ACTION_LINK) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" drop action is link");
dropEffect = nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_LINK;
} else if (action & GDK_ACTION_MOVE) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" drop action is move");
dropEffect = nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_MOVE;
} else {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" drop action is copy");
dropEffect = nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_COPY;
} else {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" drop action is none");
dropEffect = nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_NONE;
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" drop is user chancelled\n");
mUserCancelled = true;
if (mDataTransfer) {
// Schedule the appropriate drag end dom events.
Schedule(eDragTaskSourceEnd, mTargetWindow, nullptr, LayoutDeviceIntPoint(),
static nsresult GetDownloadDetails(nsITransferable* aTransferable,
nsIURI** aSourceURI, nsAString& aFilename) {
*aSourceURI = nullptr;
MOZ_ASSERT(aTransferable != nullptr, "aTransferable must not be null");
// get the URI from the kFilePromiseURLMime flavor
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> urlPrimitive;
nsresult rv = aTransferable->GetTransferData(kFilePromiseURLMime,
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsString> srcUrlPrimitive = do_QueryInterface(urlPrimitive);
if (!srcUrlPrimitive) {
nsAutoString srcUri;
if (srcUri.IsEmpty()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> sourceURI;
NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(sourceURI), srcUri);
nsAutoString srcFileName;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> fileNamePrimitive;
rv = aTransferable->GetTransferData(kFilePromiseDestFilename,
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsString> srcFileNamePrimitive =
if (srcFileNamePrimitive) {
} else {
nsCOMPtr<nsIURL> sourceURL = do_QueryInterface(sourceURI);
if (!sourceURL) {
nsAutoCString urlFileName;
CopyUTF8toUTF16(urlFileName, srcFileName);
if (srcFileName.IsEmpty()) {
aFilename = srcFileName;
return NS_OK;
// See nsContentAreaDragDropDataProvider::GetFlavorData() for reference.
nsresult nsDragSession::CreateTempFile(nsITransferable* aItem,
nsACString& aURI) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> tmpDir;
nsresult rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_TEMP_DIR, getter_AddRefs(tmpDir));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed to get temp directory\n");
return rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> inputStream;
nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel;
// extract the file name and source uri of the promise-file data
nsAutoString wideFileName;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> sourceURI;
rv = GetDownloadDetails(aItem, getter_AddRefs(sourceURI), wideFileName);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
" Failed to extract file name and source uri from download url");
return rv;
// Check if the file is already stored at /tmp.
// It happens when drop destination is changed and SourceDataGet() is caled
// more than once.
nsAutoCString fileName;
CopyUTF16toUTF8(wideFileName, fileName);
auto fileLen = fileName.Length();
for (const auto& url : mTempFileUrls) {
auto URLLen = url.Length();
if (URLLen > fileLen &&
fileName.Equals(nsDependentCString(url, URLLen - fileLen))) {
aURI = url;
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" recycle file %s", PromiseFlatCString(aURI).get());
return NS_OK;
// create and open channel for source uri
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal = aItem->GetDataPrincipal();
nsContentPolicyType contentPolicyType = aItem->GetContentPolicyType();
nsCOMPtr<nsICookieJarSettings> cookieJarSettings =
rv = NS_NewChannel(getter_AddRefs(channel), sourceURI, principal,
contentPolicyType, cookieJarSettings);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed to create new channel for source uri");
return rv;
rv = channel->Open(getter_AddRefs(inputStream));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed to open channel for source uri");
return rv;
// build the file:///tmp/dnd_file URL
rv = tmpDir->CreateUnique(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0700);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed create tmp dir");
return rv;
// store a copy of that temporary directory so we can
// clean them up when nsDragService is destructed
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> tempFile;
if (mTempFileTimerID) {
mTempFileTimerID = 0;
nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> outputStream;
rv = NS_NewLocalFileOutputStream(getter_AddRefs(outputStream), tmpDir);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed to open output stream for temporary file");
return rv;
char buffer[8192];
uint32_t readCount = 0;
uint32_t writeCount = 0;
while (1) {
rv = inputStream->Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer), &readCount);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed to read data from source uri");
return rv;
if (readCount == 0) break;
rv = outputStream->Write(buffer, readCount, &writeCount);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed to write data to temporary file");
return rv;
rv = outputStream->Close();
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed to write data to temporary file");
return rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
rv = NS_NewFileURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), tmpDir);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed to get file URI");
return rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURL> fileURL(do_QueryInterface(uri));
if (!fileURL) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed to query file interface");
rv = fileURL->GetSpec(aURI);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed to get filepath");
return rv;
// store url of temporary file
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" storing tmp file as %s", PromiseFlatCString(aURI).get());
return NS_OK;
bool nsDragSession::SourceDataAppendURLFileItem(nsACString& aURI,
nsITransferable* aItem) {
// If there is a file available, create a URI from the file.
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> data;
nsresult rv = aItem->GetTransferData(kFileMime, getter_AddRefs(data));
if (nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file = do_QueryInterface(data)) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> fileURI;
NS_NewFileURI(getter_AddRefs(fileURI), file);
if (fileURI) {
return true;
return false;
bool nsDragSession::SourceDataAppendURLItem(nsITransferable* aItem,
bool aExternalDrop,
nsACString& aURI) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> data;
nsresult rv = aItem->GetTransferData(kURLMime, getter_AddRefs(data));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return SourceDataAppendURLFileItem(aURI, aItem);
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsString> string = do_QueryInterface(data);
if (!string) {
return false;
nsAutoString text;
if (!aExternalDrop || CanExportAsURLTarget(text.get(), text.Length())) {
AppendUTF16toUTF8(text, aURI);
return true;
// We're dropping to another application and the URL can't be exported
// as it's internal one (mailbox:// etc.)
// Try to get file target directly.
if (SourceDataAppendURLFileItem(aURI, aItem)) {
return true;
// We can't get the file directly so try to download it and save to tmp.
// The desktop or file manager expects for drags of promise-file data
// the text/uri-list flavor set to a temporary file that contains the
// promise-file data.
// We open a stream on the <protocol>:// url here and save the content
// to file:///tmp/dnd_file/<filename> and pass this url
// as text/uri-list flavor.
// check whether transferable contains FilePromiseUrl flavor...
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> promiseData;
rv = aItem->GetTransferData(kFilePromiseURLMime, getter_AddRefs(promiseData));
// ... if so, create a temporary file and pass its url
return NS_SUCCEEDED(CreateTempFile(aItem, aURI));
void nsDragSession::SourceDataGetUriList(GdkDragContext* aContext,
GtkSelectionData* aSelectionData,
uint32_t aDragItems) {
// Check if we're transfering data to another application.
// gdk_drag_context_get_dest_window() on X11 returns GdkWindow even for
// different application so use nsWindow::GetWindow() to check if that's
// our window.
const bool isExternalDrop =
? !nsWindow::GetWindow(gdk_drag_context_get_dest_window(aContext))
: !gdk_drag_context_get_dest_window(aContext);
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragSession::SourceDataGetUriLists() len %d external %d",
aDragItems, isExternalDrop);
// Disable processing of native events until we store all files to /tmp.
// Otherwise user can quit drop before we have all files saved
// and that cancels whole D&D.
AutoSuspendNativeEvents suspend;
nsAutoCString uriList;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aDragItems; i++) {
nsCOMPtr<nsITransferable> item = do_QueryElementAt(mSourceDataItems, i);
if (!item) {
nsAutoCString uri;
if (!SourceDataAppendURLItem(item, isExternalDrop, uri)) {
// text/x-moz-url is of form url + "\n" + title.
// We just want the url.
int32_t separatorPos = uri.FindChar(u'\n');
if (separatorPos >= 0) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE("URI list\n%s", uriList.get());
GdkAtom target = gtk_selection_data_get_target(aSelectionData);
gtk_selection_data_set(aSelectionData, target, 8, (guchar*)uriList.get(),
void nsDragSession::SourceDataGetImage(nsITransferable* aItem,
GtkSelectionData* aSelectionData) {
nsresult rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> data;
rv = aItem->GetTransferData(kNativeImageMime, getter_AddRefs(data));
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" posting image\n");
nsCOMPtr<imgIContainer> image = do_QueryInterface(data);
if (!image) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" do_QueryInterface failed\n");
RefPtr<GdkPixbuf> pixbuf = nsImageToPixbuf::ImageToPixbuf(image);
if (!pixbuf) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" ImageToPixbuf failed\n");
gtk_selection_data_set_pixbuf(aSelectionData, pixbuf);
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" image data set\n");
void nsDragSession::SourceDataGetXDND(nsITransferable* aItem,
GdkDragContext* aContext,
GtkSelectionData* aSelectionData) {
// Indicate failure by default.
GdkAtom target = gtk_selection_data_get_target(aSelectionData);
gtk_selection_data_set(aSelectionData, target, 8, (guchar*)"E", 1);
GdkWindow* srcWindow = gdk_drag_context_get_source_window(aContext);
if (!srcWindow) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" failed to get source GdkWindow!");
// Ensure null termination.
nsAutoCString data;
GUniquePtr<guchar> gdata;
gint length = 0;
if (!gdk_property_get(srcWindow, sXdndDirectSaveTypeAtom, sTextMimeAtom, 0,
INT32_MAX, FALSE, nullptr, nullptr, &length,
getter_Transfers(gdata))) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" failed to get gXdndDirectSaveType GdkWindow property.");
data.Assign(nsDependentCSubstring((const char*)gdata.get(), length));
GUniquePtr<char> hostname;
GUniquePtr<char> fullpath(
g_filename_from_uri(data.get(), getter_Transfers(hostname), nullptr));
if (!fullpath) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" failed to get file from uri.");
// If there is no hostname in the URI, NULL will be stored.
// We should not accept uris with from a different host.
if (hostname) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPropertyBag2> infoService =
if (!infoService) {
nsAutoCString host;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(infoService->GetPropertyAsACString(u"host"_ns, host))) {
if (!host.Equals(hostname.get())) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" ignored drag because of different host.");
// Special error code "F" for this case.
gtk_selection_data_set(aSelectionData, target, 8, (guchar*)"F", 1);
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" XdndDirectSave filepath is %s", fullpath.get());
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file;
if (NS_FAILED(NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(fullpath.get()), false,
getter_AddRefs(file)))) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" failed to get local file");
// We have to split the path into a directory and filename,
// because our internal file-promise API is based on these.
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> directory;
aItem->SetTransferData(kFilePromiseDirectoryMime, directory);
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsString> filenamePrimitive =
if (!filenamePrimitive) {
nsAutoString leafName;
aItem->SetTransferData(kFilePromiseDestFilename, filenamePrimitive);
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> promiseData;
nsresult rv =
aItem->GetTransferData(kFilePromiseMime, getter_AddRefs(promiseData));
// Indicate success.
gtk_selection_data_set(aSelectionData, target, 8, (guchar*)"S", 1);
bool nsDragSession::SourceDataGetText(nsITransferable* aItem,
const nsACString& aMIMEType,
bool aNeedToDoConversionToPlainText,
GtkSelectionData* aSelectionData) {
nsresult rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> data;
rv = aItem->GetTransferData(PromiseFlatCString(aMIMEType).get(),
void* tmpData = nullptr;
uint32_t tmpDataLen = 0;
nsPrimitiveHelpers::CreateDataFromPrimitive(aMIMEType, data, &tmpData,
// if required, do the extra work to convert unicode to plain
// text and replace the output values with the plain text.
if (aNeedToDoConversionToPlainText) {
char* plainTextData = nullptr;
char16_t* castedUnicode = reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(tmpData);
uint32_t plainTextLen = 0;
UTF16ToNewUTF8(castedUnicode, tmpDataLen / 2, &plainTextData,
if (tmpData) {
// this was not allocated using glib
tmpData = plainTextData;
tmpDataLen = plainTextLen;
if (tmpData) {
// this copies the data
GdkAtom target = gtk_selection_data_get_target(aSelectionData);
gtk_selection_data_set(aSelectionData, target, 8, (guchar*)tmpData,
// this wasn't allocated with glib
return true;
// We're asked to get data from mSourceDataItems and pass it to
// GtkSelectionData (Gtk D&D interface).
// We need to check mSourceDataItems data type and try to convert it
// to data type accepted by Gtk.
void nsDragSession::SourceDataGet(GtkWidget* aWidget, GdkDragContext* aContext,
GtkSelectionData* aSelectionData,
guint32 aTime) {
GdkAtom requestedFlavor = gtk_selection_data_get_target(aSelectionData);
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragSession::SourceDataGet(%p) MIME %s", aContext,
// check to make sure that we have data items to return.
if (!mSourceDataItems) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed to get our data items\n");
uint32_t dragItems;
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" source data items %d", dragItems);
if (requestedFlavor == sTextUriListTypeAtom) {
SourceDataGetUriList(aContext, aSelectionData, dragItems);
if (dragItems > 1) {
" There are %d data items but we're asked for %s MIME type. Only "
"first data element can be transfered!",
dragItems, GUniquePtr<gchar>(gdk_atom_name(requestedFlavor)).get());
nsCOMPtr<nsITransferable> item = do_QueryElementAt(mSourceDataItems, 0);
if (!item) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Failed to get SourceDataItems!");
if (requestedFlavor == sTextMimeAtom ||
requestedFlavor == sTextPlainUTF8TypeAtom) {
SourceDataGetText(item, nsDependentCString(kTextMime),
/* aNeedToDoConversionToPlainText */ true,
// no fallback for text mime types
// Someone is asking for the special Direct Save Protocol type.
else if (requestedFlavor == sXdndDirectSaveTypeAtom) {
SourceDataGetXDND(item, aContext, aSelectionData);
// no fallback for XDND mime types
} else if (requestedFlavor == sPNGImageMimeAtom ||
requestedFlavor == sJPEGImageMimeAtom ||
requestedFlavor == sJPGImageMimeAtom ||
requestedFlavor == sGIFImageMimeAtom) {
// no fallback for image mime types
SourceDataGetImage(item, aSelectionData);
} else if (requestedFlavor == sMozUrlTypeAtom) {
// Someone was asking for _NETSCAPE_URL. We need to get it from
// transferable as x-moz-url and convert it to plain text.
// No need to check
if (SourceDataGetText(item, nsDependentCString(kURLMime),
/* aNeedToDoConversionToPlainText */ true,
aSelectionData)) {
// Just try to get and set whatever we're asked for.
GUniquePtr<gchar> flavorName(gdk_atom_name(requestedFlavor));
SourceDataGetText(item, nsDependentCString(flavorName.get()),
/* aNeedToDoConversionToPlainText */ false, aSelectionData);
void nsDragSession::SourceBeginDrag(GdkDragContext* aContext) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragSession::SourceBeginDrag(%p)\n", aContext);
nsCOMPtr<nsITransferable> transferable =
do_QueryElementAt(mSourceDataItems, 0);
if (!transferable) return;
nsTArray<nsCString> flavors;
nsresult rv = transferable->FlavorsTransferableCanImport(flavors);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < flavors.Length(); ++i) {
if (flavors[i].EqualsLiteral(kFilePromiseDestFilename)) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> data;
rv = transferable->GetTransferData(kFilePromiseDestFilename,
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" transferable doesn't contain '%s",
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsString> fileName = do_QueryInterface(data);
if (!fileName) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" failed to get file name");
nsAutoString fileNameStr;
nsCString fileNameCStr;
CopyUTF16toUTF8(fileNameStr, fileNameCStr);
gdk_drag_context_get_source_window(aContext), sXdndDirectSaveTypeAtom,
(const guchar*)fileNameCStr.get(), fileNameCStr.Length());
void nsDragSession::SetDragIcon(GdkDragContext* aContext) {
if (!mHasImage && !mSelection) return;
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragSession::SetDragIcon(%p)", aContext);
LayoutDeviceIntRect dragRect;
nsPresContext* pc;
RefPtr<SourceSurface> surface;
DrawDrag(mSourceNode, mRegion, mScreenPosition, &dragRect, &surface, &pc);
if (!pc) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" PresContext is missing!");
const auto screenPoint =
LayoutDeviceIntPoint::Round(mScreenPosition * pc->CSSToDevPixelScale());
int32_t offsetX = screenPoint.x - dragRect.x;
int32_t offsetY = screenPoint.y - dragRect.y;
// If a popup is set as the drag image, use its widget. Otherwise, use
// the surface that DrawDrag created.
// XXX: Disable drag popups on GTK 3.19.4 and above: see bug 1264454.
// Fix this once a new GTK version ships that does not destroy our
// widget in gtk_drag_set_icon_widget.
// This is fixed in GTK 3.24
// by
bool gtk_drag_set_icon_widget_is_working =
gtk_check_version(3, 19, 4) != nullptr ||
gtk_check_version(3, 24, 0) == nullptr;
if (mDragPopup && gtk_drag_set_icon_widget_is_working) {
GtkWidget* gtkWidget = nullptr;
nsIFrame* frame = mDragPopup->GetPrimaryFrame();
if (frame) {
// DrawDrag ensured that this is a popup frame.
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget = frame->GetNearestWidget();
if (widget) {
gtkWidget = (GtkWidget*)widget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_SHELLWIDGET);
if (gtkWidget) {
// When mDragPopup has a parent it's already attached to D&D context.
// That may happens when D&D operation is aborted but not finished
// on Gtk side yet so let's remove it now.
if (GtkWidget* parent = gtk_widget_get_parent(gtkWidget)) {
gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), gtkWidget);
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" set drag popup [%p]", widget.get());
gtk_drag_set_icon_widget(aContext, gtkWidget, offsetX, offsetY);
} else {
} else {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" NearestWidget is missing!");
} else {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" PrimaryFrame is missing!");
if (surface) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" We have a surface");
if (!SetAlphaPixmap(surface, aContext, offsetX, offsetY, dragRect)) {
RefPtr<GdkPixbuf> dragPixbuf = nsImageToPixbuf::SourceSurfaceToPixbuf(
surface, dragRect.width, dragRect.height);
if (dragPixbuf) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" set drag pixbuf");
gtk_drag_set_icon_pixbuf(aContext, dragPixbuf, offsetX, offsetY);
} else {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" SourceSurfaceToPixbuf failed!");
} else {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" Surface is missing!");
static void invisibleSourceDragBegin(GtkWidget* aWidget,
GdkDragContext* aContext, gpointer aData) {
LOGDRAGSERVICESTATIC("invisibleSourceDragBegin (%p)", aContext);
nsDragSession* dragSession = (nsDragSession*)aData;
static void invisibleSourceDragDataGet(GtkWidget* aWidget,
GdkDragContext* aContext,
GtkSelectionData* aSelectionData,
guint aInfo, guint32 aTime,
gpointer aData) {
LOGDRAGSERVICESTATIC("invisibleSourceDragDataGet (%p)", aContext);
nsDragSession* dragSession = (nsDragSession*)aData;
dragSession->SourceDataGet(aWidget, aContext, aSelectionData, aTime);
static gboolean invisibleSourceDragFailed(GtkWidget* aWidget,
GdkDragContext* aContext,
gint aResult, gpointer aData) {
// Wayland and X11 uses different drag results here. When drag target is
// missing X11 passes GDK_DRAG_CANCEL_NO_TARGET
// (from gdk_dnd_handle_button_event()/gdkdnd-x11.c)
// as backend X11 has info about other application windows.
// Wayland does not have such info so it always passes
// (see data_source_cancelled/gdkselection-wayland.c).
// Emulate what X11 does here as Gecko expect it and handles NO_TARGET
// result correctly according to drop destination.
if (widget::GdkIsWaylandDisplay() && aResult == GTK_DRAG_RESULT_ERROR) {
LOGDRAGSERVICESTATIC("invisibleSourceDragFailed(%p) %s", aContext,
nsDragSession* dragSession = (nsDragSession*)aData;
// End the drag session now (rather than waiting for the drag-end signal)
// so that operations performed on dropEffect == none can start immediately
// rather than waiting for the drag-failed animation to finish.
dragSession->SourceEndDragSession(aContext, aResult);
// We should return TRUE to disable the drag-failed animation iff the
// source performed an operation when dropEffect was none, but the handler
// of the dragend DOM event doesn't provide this information.
return FALSE;
static void invisibleSourceDragEnd(GtkWidget* aWidget, GdkDragContext* aContext,
gpointer aData) {
LOGDRAGSERVICESTATIC("invisibleSourceDragEnd(%p)", aContext);
nsDragSession* dragSession = (nsDragSession*)aData;
// The drag has ended. Release the hostages!
dragSession->SourceEndDragSession(aContext, GTK_DRAG_RESULT_SUCCESS);
// The following methods handle responding to GTK drag signals and
// tracking state between these signals.
// In general, GTK does not expect us to run the event loop while handling its
// drag signals, however our drag event handlers may run the
// event loop, most often to fetch information about the drag data.
// GTK, for example, uses the return value from drag-motion signals to
// determine whether drag-leave signals should be sent. If an event loop is
// run during drag-motion the XdndLeave message can get processed but when GTK
// receives the message it does not yet know that it needs to send the
// drag-leave signal to our widget.
// After a drag-drop signal, we need to reply with gtk_drag_finish().
// However, gtk_drag_finish should happen after the drag-drop signal handler
// returns so that when the Motif drag protocol is used, the
// XmTRANSFER_SUCCESS during gtk_drag_finish is sent after the XmDROP_START
// reply sent on return from the drag-drop signal handler.
// Similarly drag-end for a successful drag and drag-failed are not good
// times to run a nested event loop as gtk_drag_drop_finished() and
// gtk_drag_source_info_destroy() don't gtk_drag_clear_source_info() or remove
// drop_timeout until after at least the first of these signals is sent.
// Processing other events (e.g. a slow GDK_DROP_FINISHED reply, or the drop
// timeout) could cause gtk_drag_drop_finished to be called again with the
// same GtkDragSourceInfo, which won't like being destroyed twice.
// Therefore we reply to the signals immediately and schedule a task to
// dispatch the Gecko events, which may run the event loop.
// Action in response to drag-leave signals is also delayed until the event
// loop runs again so that we find out whether a drag-drop signal follows.
// A single task is scheduled to manage responses to all three GTK signals.
// If further signals are received while the task is scheduled, the scheduled
// response is updated, sometimes effectively compressing successive signals.
// No Gecko drag events are dispatched (during nested event loops) while other
// Gecko drag events are in flight. This helps event handlers that may not
// expect nested events, while accessing an event's dataTransfer for example.
gboolean nsDragSession::ScheduleMotionEvent(nsWindow* aWindow,
GdkDragContext* aDragContext,
LayoutDeviceIntPoint aWindowPoint,
guint aTime) {
if (aDragContext && mScheduledTask == eDragTaskMotion) {
// The drag source has sent another motion message before we've
// replied to the previous. That shouldn't happen with Xdnd. The
// spec for Motif drags is less clear, but we'll just update the
// scheduled task with the new position reply only to the most
// recent message.
NS_WARNING("Drag Motion message received before previous reply was sent");
// Returning TRUE means we'll reply with a status message, unless we first
// get a leave.
return Schedule(eDragTaskMotion, aWindow, aDragContext, aWindowPoint, aTime);
void nsDragSession::ScheduleLeaveEvent() {
// We don't know at this stage whether a drop signal will immediately
// follow. If the drop signal gets sent it will happen before we return
// to the main loop and the scheduled leave task will be replaced.
if (!Schedule(eDragTaskLeave, nullptr, nullptr, LayoutDeviceIntPoint(), 0)) {
NS_WARNING("Drag leave after drop");
gboolean nsDragSession::ScheduleDropEvent(nsWindow* aWindow,
GdkDragContext* aDragContext,
LayoutDeviceIntPoint aWindowPoint,
guint aTime) {
if (!Schedule(eDragTaskDrop, aWindow, aDragContext, aWindowPoint, aTime)) {
NS_WARNING("Additional drag drop ignored");
return FALSE;
SetDragEndPoint(aWindowPoint.x, aWindowPoint.y);
// We'll reply with gtk_drag_finish().
return TRUE;
const char* nsDragSession::GetDragServiceTaskName(DragTask aTask) {
static const char* taskNames[] = {"eDragTaskNone", "eDragTaskMotion",
"eDragTaskLeave", "eDragTaskDrop",
MOZ_ASSERT(size_t(aTask) < ArrayLength(taskNames));
return taskNames[aTask];
gboolean nsDragSession::Schedule(DragTask aTask, nsWindow* aWindow,
GdkDragContext* aDragContext,
LayoutDeviceIntPoint aWindowPoint,
guint aTime) {
// If there is an existing leave or motion task scheduled, then that
// will be replaced. When the new task is run, it will dispatch
// any necessary leave or motion events.
// If aTask is eDragTaskSourceEnd, then it will replace even a scheduled
// drop event (which could happen if the drop event has not been processed
// within the allowed time). Otherwise, if we haven't yet run a scheduled
// drop or end task, just say that we are not ready to receive another
// drop.
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragSession::Schedule(%p) task %s window %p\n",
aDragContext, GetDragServiceTaskName(aTask), aWindow);
if (mScheduledTask == eDragTaskSourceEnd ||
(mScheduledTask == eDragTaskDrop && aTask != eDragTaskSourceEnd)) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" task does not fit recent task %s, quit!\n",
return FALSE;
mScheduledTask = aTask;
mPendingWindow = aWindow;
mPendingDragContext = aDragContext;
mPendingWindowPoint = aWindowPoint;
mPendingTime = aTime;
if (!mTaskSource) {
// High priority is used here because we want to process motion events
// right after drag_motion event handler which is called by Gtk.
// An ideal scenario is to call TaskDispatchCallback() directly here
// but we can't do that. TaskDispatchCallback() spins gtk event loop
// while nsDragSession::Schedule() is already called from event loop
// (by drag_motion* gtk_widget events) so that direct call will cause
// nested recursion.
mTaskSource = g_timeout_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0, TaskDispatchCallback,
this, nullptr);
// We need to reply to drag_motion event on Wayland immediately,
// see Bug 1730203.
if (widget::GdkIsWaylandDisplay() && mScheduledTask == eDragTaskMotion) {
ReplyToDragMotion(aDragContext, aTime);
return TRUE;
gboolean nsDragSession::TaskDispatchCallback(gpointer data) {
// Make sure we hold a strong reference to the session while we process
// the task.
RefPtr<nsDragSession> dragSession = static_cast<nsDragSession*>(data);
AutoEventLoop loop(dragSession);
return dragSession->RunScheduledTask();
gboolean nsDragSession::RunScheduledTask() {
"nsDragSession::RunScheduledTask() task %s mTargetWindow %p "
"mPendingWindow %p\n",
GetDragServiceTaskName(mScheduledTask), mTargetWindow.get(),
// Don't run RunScheduledTask() twice. As we use it in main thread only
// we don't need to be thread safe here.
if (mScheduledTaskIsRunning) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" sheduled task is already running, quit.");
return FALSE;
AutoRestore<bool> guard(mScheduledTaskIsRunning);
mScheduledTaskIsRunning = true;
if (mTargetWindow && mTargetWindow != mPendingWindow) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" dispatch eDragExit (%p)\n", mTargetWindow.get());
mTargetWindow->DispatchDragEvent(eDragExit, mTargetWindowPoint, 0);
if (!mSourceNode) {
// The drag that was initiated in a different app. End the drag
// session, since we're done with it for now (until the user drags
// back into this app).
EndDragSession(false, GetCurrentModifiers());
// It is possible that the pending state has been updated during dispatch
// of the leave event. That's fine.
// Now we collect the pending state because, from this point on, we want
// to use the same state for all events dispatched. All state is updated
// so that when other tasks are scheduled during dispatch here, this
// task is considered to have already been run.
bool positionHasChanged = mPendingWindow != mTargetWindow ||
mPendingWindowPoint != mTargetWindowPoint;
DragTask task = mScheduledTask;
mScheduledTask = eDragTaskNone;
mTargetWindow = std::move(mPendingWindow);
mTargetWindowPoint = mPendingWindowPoint;
if (task == eDragTaskLeave || task == eDragTaskSourceEnd) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" quit, selected task %s\n", GetDragServiceTaskName(task));
if (task == eDragTaskSourceEnd) {
// Dispatch drag end events.
EndDragSession(true, GetCurrentModifiers());
// Nothing more to do
// Returning false removes the task source from the event loop.
mTaskSource = 0;
return FALSE;
// mTargetWidget may be nullptr if the window has been destroyed.
// (The leave event is not scheduled if a drop task is still scheduled.)
// We still reply appropriately to indicate that the drop will or didn't
// succeeed.
mTargetWidget = mTargetWindow ? mTargetWindow->GetGtkWidget() : nullptr;
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" start drag session mTargetWindow %p mTargetWidget %p\n",
mTargetWindow.get(), mTargetWidget.get());
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" mPendingDragContext %p => mTargetDragContext %p\n",
mPendingDragContext.get(), mTargetDragContext.get());
mTargetDragContext = std::move(mPendingDragContext);
mTargetTime = mPendingTime;
// (as at 27 December 2010) indicates that a "drop" event should only be
// fired (at the current target element) if the current drag operation is
// not none. The current drag operation will only be set to a non-none
// value during a "dragover" event.
// If the user has ended the drag before any dragover events have been
// sent, then the spec recommends skipping the drop (because the current
// drag operation is none). However, here we assume that, by releasing
// the mouse button, the user has indicated that they want to drop, so we
// proceed with the drop where possible.
// In order to make the events appear to content in the same way as if the
// spec is being followed we make sure to dispatch a "dragover" event with
// appropriate coordinates and check canDrop before the "drop" event.
// When the Xdnd protocol is used for source/destination communication (as
// should be the case with GTK source applications) a dragover event
// should have already been sent during the drag-motion signal, which
// would have already been received because XdndDrop messages do not
// contain a position. However, we can't assume the same when the Motif
// protocol is used.
if (task == eDragTaskMotion || positionHasChanged) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" process motion event\n");
TakeDragEventDispatchedToChildProcess(); // Clear the old value.
if (task == eDragTaskMotion) {
if (TakeDragEventDispatchedToChildProcess()) {
mTargetDragContextForRemote = mTargetDragContext;
} else {
// Reply to tell the source whether we can drop and what
// action would be taken.
if (task == eDragTaskDrop) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" process drop task\n");
gboolean success = DispatchDropEvent();
// Perhaps we should set the del parameter to TRUE when the drag
// action is move, but we don't know whether the data was successfully
// transferred.
if (mTargetDragContext) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" drag finished\n");
gtk_drag_finish(mTargetDragContext, success,
/* del = */ FALSE, mTargetTime);
// Make sure to end the drag session. If this drag started in a
// different app, we won't get a drag_end signal to end it from.
EndDragSession(true, GetCurrentModifiers());
// We're done with the drag context.
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" clear mTargetWindow mTargetWidget and other data\n");
mTargetWidget = nullptr;
mTargetDragContext = nullptr;
// If we got another drag signal while running the sheduled task, that
// must have happened while running a nested event loop. Leave the task
// source on the event loop.
if (mScheduledTask != eDragTaskNone) return TRUE;
// We have no task scheduled.
// Returning false removes the task source from the event loop.
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" remove task source\n");
mTaskSource = 0;
return FALSE;
// This will update the drag action based on the information in the
// drag context. Gtk gets this from a combination of the key settings
// and what the source is offering.
void nsDragSession::UpdateDragAction(GdkDragContext* aDragContext) {
// This doesn't look right. dragSession.dragAction is used by
// nsContentUtils::SetDataTransferInEvent() to set the initial
// dataTransfer.dropEffect, so GdkDragContext::suggested_action would be
// more appropriate. GdkDragContext::actions should be used to set
// dataTransfer.effectAllowed, which doesn't currently happen with
// external sources.
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragSession::UpdateDragAction(%p)", aDragContext);
// default is to do nothing
int action = nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_NONE;
GdkDragAction gdkAction = GDK_ACTION_DEFAULT;
if (aDragContext) {
gdkAction = gdk_drag_context_get_actions(aDragContext);
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" gdk_drag_context_get_actions() returns 0x%X", gdkAction);
// When D&D modifiers (CTRL/SHIFT) are involved,
// gdk_drag_context_get_actions() on X11 returns selected action but
// Wayland returns all allowed actions.
// So we need to call gdk_drag_context_get_selected_action() on Wayland
// to get potential D&D modifier.
// gdk_drag_context_get_selected_action() is also affected by
// gdk_drag_status(), see nsDragSession::ReplyToDragMotion().
if (widget::GdkIsWaylandDisplay()) {
GdkDragAction gdkActionSelected =
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" gdk_drag_context_get_selected_action() returns 0x%X",
if (gdkActionSelected) {
gdkAction = gdkActionSelected;
// set the default just in case nothing matches below
if (gdkAction & GDK_ACTION_DEFAULT) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" set default move");
action = nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_MOVE;
// first check to see if move is set
if (gdkAction & GDK_ACTION_MOVE) {
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" set explicit move");
action = nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_MOVE;
} else if (gdkAction & GDK_ACTION_LINK) {
// then fall to the others
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" set explicit link");
action = nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_LINK;
} else if (gdkAction & GDK_ACTION_COPY) {
// copy is ctrl
LOGDRAGSERVICE(" set explicit copy");
action = nsIDragService::DRAGDROP_ACTION_COPY;
// update the drag information
void nsDragSession::UpdateDragAction() { UpdateDragAction(mTargetDragContext); }
nsDragSession::UpdateDragEffect() {
LOGDRAGSERVICE("nsDragSession::UpdateDragEffect() from e10s child process");
if (mTargetDragContextForRemote) {
ReplyToDragMotion(mTargetDragContextForRemote, mTargetTime);
mTargetDragContextForRemote = nullptr;
return NS_OK;
void nsDragSession::ReplyToDragMotion() {
if (mTargetDragContext) {
ReplyToDragMotion(mTargetDragContext, mTargetTime);
void nsDragSession::DispatchMotionEvents() {
if (mSourceWindow) {
FireDragEventAtSource(eDrag, GetCurrentModifiers());
if (mTargetWindow) {
mTargetWindow->DispatchDragEvent(eDragOver, mTargetWindowPoint,
// Returns true if the drop was successful
gboolean nsDragSession::DispatchDropEvent() {
// We need to check IsDestroyed here because the nsRefPtr
// only protects this from being deleted, it does NOT protect
// against nsView::~nsView() calling Destroy() on it, bug 378273.
if (!mTargetWindow || mTargetWindow->IsDestroyed()) {
return FALSE;
EventMessage msg = mCanDrop ? eDrop : eDragExit;
mTargetWindow->DispatchDragEvent(msg, mTargetWindowPoint, mTargetTime);
return mCanDrop;
/* static */
uint32_t nsDragSession::GetCurrentModifiers() {
return mozilla::widget::KeymapWrapper::ComputeCurrentKeyModifiers();