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/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsWaylandDisplay.h"
#include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "WaylandSurfaceLock.h"
#include "mozilla/GRefPtr.h"
/* Workaround for bug at wayland-util.h,
* present in wayland-devel < 1.12
struct wl_surface;
struct wl_subsurface;
struct wl_egl_window;
class MessageLoop;
namespace mozilla::widget {
class WaylandBuffer;
// WaylandSurface is a wrapper for Wayland rendering target
// which is wl_surface / wl_subsurface.
class WaylandSurface final {
friend WaylandSurfaceLock;
WaylandSurface(RefPtr<WaylandSurface> aParent, gfx::IntSize aSize);
nsAutoCString GetDebugTag() const;
void* GetLoggingWidget() const { return mLoggingWidget; };
void SetLoggingWidget(void* aWidget) { mLoggingWidget = aWidget; }
void InitialFrameCallbackHandler(struct wl_callback* aCallback);
void AddOrFireInitialDrawCallback(
const std::function<void(void)>& aInitialDrawCB);
void ClearInitialDrawCallbacks();
void FrameCallbackHandler(struct wl_callback* aCallback, uint32_t aTime,
bool aRoutedFromChildSurface);
// Run only once at most.
void AddOneTimeFrameCallbackLocked(
const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
const std::function<void(wl_callback*, uint32_t)>& aFrameCallbackHandler);
// Run frame callback repeatedly. Callback is removed on Unmap.
// If aEmulateFrameCallback is set to true and WaylandSurface is mapped and
// ready to draw and we don't have buffer attached yet,
// fire aFrameCallbackHandler without frame callback from
// compositor in sFrameCheckTimeoutMs.
void AddPersistentFrameCallbackLocked(
const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
const std::function<void(wl_callback*, uint32_t)>& aFrameCallbackHandler,
bool aEmulateFrameCallback = false);
// Create and resize EGL window.
// GetEGLWindow() takes unscaled window size as we derive size from GdkWindow.
// It's scaled internally by WaylandSurface fractional scale.
wl_egl_window* GetEGLWindow(nsIntSize aUnscaledSize);
// SetEGLWindowSize() takes scaled size - it's called from rendering code
// which uses scaled sizes.
bool SetEGLWindowSize(nsIntSize aScaledSize);
bool HasEGLWindow() { return !!mEGLWindow; }
bool DoesCommitToParentSurface() { return mCommitToParentSurface; }
// Read to draw means we got frame callback from parent surface
// where we attached to.
bool IsReadyToDraw() { return mIsReadyToDraw; }
// Mapped means we have all internals created.
bool IsMapped() { return mIsMapped; }
bool IsOpaqueSurfaceHandlerSetLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock) {
return mIsOpaqueSurfaceHandlerSet;
// Mapped as direct surface of MozContainer
bool MapLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock, GdkWindow* aGdkWindow,
wl_surface* aParentWLSurface,
gfx::IntPoint aSubsurfacePosition, bool aCommitToParent);
// Mapped as child of WaylandSurface (used by layers)
bool MapLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock, GdkWindow* aGdkWindow,
WaylandSurfaceLock* aParentWaylandSurfaceLock,
gfx::IntPoint aSubsurfacePosition);
void Unmap();
// Create Viewport to manage surface transformations.
// aFollowsSizeChanges if set, Viewport destination size
// is updated according to buffer size.
bool CreateViewportLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
bool aFollowsSizeChanges);
void AddInitialDrawCallbackLocked(
const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
const std::function<void(void)>& aInitialDrawCB);
// Attach WaylandBuffer which shows WaylandBuffer content
// on screen.
bool AttachLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
RefPtr<WaylandBuffer> aWaylandBuffer);
// Notify WaylandSurface that WaylandBuffer wes released by Wayland compositor
// and can be reused. We remove WaylandBuffer from 'tracked buffers'
// internal list.
void DetachedLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
RefPtr<WaylandBuffer> aWaylandBuffer);
// If there's any WaylandBuffer recently attached, detach it.
// It makes the WaylandSurface invisible and it doesn't have any
// content.
void RemoveAttachedBufferLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock);
// CommitLocked() is needed to call after some of *Locked() method
// to submit the action to Wayland compositor by wl_surface_commit().
// It's possible to stack more *Locked() methods
// together and do commit after the last one to do the changes in atomic way.
// Need of commit is tracked by mSurfaceNeedsCommit flag and
// if it's set, CommitLocked() is called when WaylandSurfaceLock is destroyed
// and WaylandSurface is unlocked.
void CommitLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
bool aForceCommit = false, bool aForceDisplayFlush = false);
// Place this WaylandSurface above aLowerSurface
void PlaceAboveLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
WaylandSurfaceLock& aLowerSurfaceLock);
void MoveLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
gfx::IntPoint& aPosition);
void SetViewPortSourceRectLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
gfx::Rect aRect);
void SetViewPortDestLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
gfx::IntSize aDestSize);
void SetTransformFlippedLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
bool aFlippedX, bool aFlippedY);
void SetOpaqueRegion(const gfx::IntRegion& aRegion);
void SetOpaqueRegionLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
const gfx::IntRegion& aRegion);
void SetOpaqueLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock);
bool DisableUserInputLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock);
void InvalidateRegionLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
const gfx::IntRegion& aInvalidRegion);
void InvalidateLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock);
bool EnableFractionalScaleLocked(
const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
std::function<void(void)> aFractionalScaleCallback, bool aManageViewport);
bool EnableCeiledScaleLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock);
bool IsFractionalScaleLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock) {
return mScaleType == ScaleType::Disabled;
bool IsCeiledScaleLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock) {
return mScaleType == ScaleType::Ceiled;
bool IsScaleEnabledLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock) {
return mScaleType != ScaleType::Disabled;
// Returns scale as float point number. If WaylandSurface is not mapped,
// return fractional scale of parent surface.
// Returns sNoScale is we can't get it.
static constexpr const double sNoScale = -1;
double GetScale();
// Called when screen ceiled scale changed or set initial scale before we map
// and paint the surface.
void SetCeiledScaleLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
int aScreenCeiledScale);
// Called by wayland compositor when fractional scale is changed.
static void FractionalScaleHandler(void* data,
struct wp_fractional_scale_v1* info,
uint32_t wire_scale);
static void OpaqueSurfaceHandler(GdkFrameClock* aClock, void* aData);
// If child surface covers whole area of parent surface,
// Tell Gdk that this WaylandSurface may cover whole area of parent
// surface. In such case
bool AddOpaqueSurfaceHandlerLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
bool aRegisterCommitHandler = true);
bool RemoveOpaqueSurfaceHandlerLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock);
GdkWindow* GetGdkWindow() const;
static bool IsOpaqueRegionEnabled();
void SetParentLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
RefPtr<WaylandSurface> aParent);
bool MapLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock, GdkWindow* aGdkWindow,
wl_surface* aParentWLSurface,
WaylandSurfaceLock* aParentWaylandSurfaceLock,
gfx::IntPoint aSubsurfacePosition, bool aCommitToParent,
bool aSubsurfaceDesync, bool aRegisterAsOpaqueSurface);
void SetSizeLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
gfx::IntSize aSizeScaled, gfx::IntSize aUnscaledSize);
wl_surface* Lock(WaylandSurfaceLock* aWaylandSurfaceLock);
void Unlock(struct wl_surface** aSurface,
WaylandSurfaceLock* aWaylandSurfaceLock);
void Commit(WaylandSurfaceLock* aProofOfLock, bool aForceCommit,
bool aForceDisplayFlush);
bool CheckAndRemoveWaylandBuffer(WaylandBuffer* aWaylandBuffer, bool aRemove);
void RequestFrameCallbackLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock,
bool aRequestEmulated);
void ClearFrameCallbackLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock);
bool IsEmulatedFrameCallbackPending() const;
void ClearInitialDrawCallbacksLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock);
void ClearScaleLocked(const WaylandSurfaceLock& aProofOfLock);
// Weak ref to owning widget (nsWindow or NativeLayerWayland),
// used for diagnostics/logging only.
void* mLoggingWidget = nullptr;
// TODO: Change to non-atomic and request lock?
mozilla::Atomic<bool, mozilla::Relaxed> mIsMapped{false};
mozilla::Atomic<bool, mozilla::Relaxed> mIsReadyToDraw{false};
// Scaled surface size, ceiled or fractional.
// This reflects real surface size which we paint.
gfx::IntSize mSizeScaled;
// Parent GdkWindow where we paint to, directly or via subsurface.
RefPtr<GdkWindow> mGdkWindow;
// Parent wl_surface owned by mGdkWindow. It's used when we're attached
// directly to MozContainer.
wl_surface* mParentSurface = nullptr;
// Parent WaylandSurface.
// Layer rendering (compositor) uses mSurface directly attached to
// wl_surface owned by mParent.
// For non-compositing rendering (old) mParent is WaylandSurface
// owned by parent nsWindow.
RefPtr<WaylandSurface> mParent;
// wl_surface setup/states
wl_surface* mSurface = nullptr;
bool mSurfaceNeedsCommit = false;
wl_subsurface* mSubsurface = nullptr;
gfx::IntPoint mSubsurfacePosition{-1, -1};
// Wayland buffers attached to this surface AND held by Wayland compositor.
// There may be more than one buffer attached, for instance if
// previous buffer is hold by compositor. We need to keep
// there buffers live until compositor notify us that we
// can release them.
AutoTArray<RefPtr<WaylandBuffer>, 3> mAttachedBuffers;
// Indicates mSurface has buffer attached so we can attach subsurface
// to it and expect to get frame callbacks from Wayland compositor.
// We set it at AttachLocked() or when we get first frame callback
// (when EGL is used).
bool mBufferAttached = false;
// It's kind of special case here where mSurface equal to mParentSurface
// so we directly paint to parent surface without subsurface.
// It's used when Wayland compositor doesn't support subsurfaces like D&D
// popups. This rendering setup is fragile and we want to use it as less as
// possible because we usually don't have control over parent surface.
// Calling code needs to make sure mParentSurface is valid and not
// used by Gtk/GtkWidget for instance.
bool mCommitToParentSurface = false;
mozilla::Atomic<wl_egl_window*, mozilla::Relaxed> mEGLWindow{nullptr};
bool mViewportFollowsSizeChanges = true;
wp_viewport* mViewport = nullptr;
gfx::Rect mViewportSourceRect{-1, -1, -1, -1};
gfx::IntSize mViewportDestinationSize{-1, -1};
// Surface flip state on X/Y asix
bool mBufferTransformFlippedX = false;
bool mBufferTransformFlippedY = false;
// Frame callback registered to parent surface. When we get it we know
// parent surface is ready and we can paint.
wl_callback* mInitialFrameCallback = nullptr;
std::vector<std::function<void(void)>> mInitialDrawCallbacks;
// Frame callbacks of this surface
wl_callback* mFrameCallback = nullptr;
struct FrameCallback {
std::function<void(wl_callback*, uint32_t)> mCb;
bool mEmulated = false;
// Frame callback handlers called every frame
std::vector<FrameCallback> mPersistentFrameCallbackHandlers;
// Frame callback handlers called only once
std::vector<FrameCallback> mOneTimeFrameCallbackHandlers;
xx_color_management_surface_v4* mColorSurface = nullptr;
xx_image_description_v4* mImageDescription = nullptr;
xx_image_description_creator_params_v4* mImageCreatorParams = nullptr;
// WaylandSurface is used from Compositor/Rendering/Main threads.
mozilla::Mutex mMutex{"WaylandSurface"};
WaylandSurfaceLock* mSurfaceLock = nullptr;
// We may mark part of mSurface as opaque (non-transparent) if it's supported
// by Gtk which allows compositor to skip painting of covered parts.
bool mIsOpaqueSurfaceHandlerSet = false;
gulong mGdkAfterPaintId = 0;
static bool sIsOpaqueRegionEnabled;
static void (*sGdkWaylandWindowAddCallbackSurface)(GdkWindow*,
struct wl_surface*);
static void (*sGdkWaylandWindowRemoveCallbackSurface)(GdkWindow*,
struct wl_surface*);
guint mFrameCheckTimerID = 0;
constexpr static int sFrameCheckTimeoutMs = (int)(1000.0 / 60.0);
// We use two scale systems in Firefox/Wayland. Ceiled (integer) scale and
// fractional scale. Ceiled scale is easy to implement but comes with
// rendering overhead while fractional rendering paints buffers with exact
// scale.
// Fractional scale is used as rendering optimization.
// For instance if 225% scale is used, ceiled scale is 3
// and fractional 2.20.
// If we paint content with ceiled scale 3 and desktop uses scale 225%,
// Wayland compositor downscales buffer to 2.20 on rendering
// but we paint more pixels than neccessary (so we use name ceiled).
// Scale is used by wp_viewport. If a surface has a surface-local size
// of 100 px by 50 px and wishes to submit buffers with a scale of 1.5,
// then a buffer of 150px by 75 px should be used and the wp_viewport
// destination rectangle should be 100 px by 50 px.
// The wl_surface buffer scale should remain set to 1.
// For scale 2 (200%) we use surface size 200 x 100 px and set
// viewport size to 100 x 50 px.
// We're getting fractional scale number with a small delay from
// wp_fractional_scale_v1 after fist commit to surface.
// Meanwhile we can use ceiled scale number instead of fractional one or
// get fractional scale from parent window (if there's any).
enum class ScaleType {
ScaleType mScaleType = ScaleType::Disabled;
// mScreenScale is set from main thread only but read from
// different threads.
mozilla::Atomic<double, mozilla::Relaxed> mScreenScale{sNoScale};
wp_fractional_scale_v1* mFractionalScaleListener = nullptr;
// mFractionalScaleCallback is called from
// wp_fractional_scale_v1_add_listener when scale is changed.
std::function<void(void)> mFractionalScaleCallback = []() {};
} // namespace mozilla::widget
#endif /* __MOZ_WAYLAND_SURFACE_H__ */