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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef DMABufSurface_h__
#define DMABufSurface_h__
#include <functional>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "mozilla/widget/va_drmcommon.h"
#include "GLTypes.h"
#include "ImageContainer.h"
#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h"
#include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
#include "mozilla/webgpu/ffi/wgpu.h"
#include "mozilla/widget/DMABufFormats.h"
typedef void* EGLImageKHR;
typedef void* EGLSyncKHR;
#ifndef VA_FOURCC_NV12
# define VA_FOURCC_NV12 0x3231564E
#ifndef VA_FOURCC_YV12
# define VA_FOURCC_YV12 0x32315659
#ifndef VA_FOURCC_P010
# define VA_FOURCC_P010 0x30313050
namespace mozilla {
namespace gfx {
class DataSourceSurface;
class FileHandleWrapper;
} // namespace gfx
namespace layers {
class MemoryOrShmem;
class SurfaceDescriptor;
class SurfaceDescriptorBuffer;
class SurfaceDescriptorDMABuf;
} // namespace layers
namespace gl {
class GLContext;
namespace webgpu {
namespace ffi {
struct WGPUDMABufInfo;
} // namespace webgpu
} // namespace mozilla
typedef enum {
// Use alpha pixel format
DMABUF_ALPHA = 1 << 0,
// Surface is used as texture and may be also shared
// Surface is used for direct rendering (wl_buffer).
// Use modifiers. Such dmabuf surface may have more planes
// and complex internal structure (tiling/compression/etc.)
// so we can't do direct rendering to it.
} DMABufSurfaceFlags;
class DMABufSurfaceRGBA;
class DMABufSurfaceYUV;
struct wl_buffer;
class DMABufSurface {
enum SurfaceType {
constexpr static const char* sSurfaceTypeNames[] = {"RGBA", "YUV"};
// Import surface from SurfaceDescriptor. This is usually
// used to copy surface from another process over IPC.
// When a global reference counter was created for the surface
// (see bellow) it's automatically referenced.
static already_AddRefed<DMABufSurface> CreateDMABufSurface(
const mozilla::layers::SurfaceDescriptor& aDesc);
// Export surface to another process via. SurfaceDescriptor.
virtual bool Serialize(
mozilla::layers::SurfaceDescriptor& aOutDescriptor) = 0;
virtual int GetWidth(int aPlane = 0) = 0;
virtual int GetHeight(int aPlane = 0) = 0;
virtual mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat GetFormat() = 0;
virtual mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat GetFormatGL() = 0;
virtual bool CreateTexture(mozilla::gl::GLContext* aGLContext,
int aPlane = 0) = 0;
virtual void ReleaseTextures() = 0;
virtual GLuint GetTexture(int aPlane = 0) = 0;
virtual EGLImageKHR GetEGLImage(int aPlane = 0) = 0;
SurfaceType GetSurfaceType() { return mSurfaceType; };
const char* GetSurfaceTypeName() {
return sSurfaceTypeNames[static_cast<int>(mSurfaceType)];
int32_t GetFOURCCFormat() const { return mFOURCCFormat; };
virtual int GetTextureCount() = 0;
bool IsMapped(int aPlane = 0) { return (mMappedRegion[aPlane] != nullptr); };
void Unmap(int aPlane = 0);
virtual DMABufSurfaceRGBA* GetAsDMABufSurfaceRGBA() { return nullptr; }
virtual DMABufSurfaceYUV* GetAsDMABufSurfaceYUV() { return nullptr; }
virtual already_AddRefed<mozilla::gfx::DataSourceSurface>
virtual nsresult BuildSurfaceDescriptorBuffer(
mozilla::layers::SurfaceDescriptorBuffer& aSdBuffer,
mozilla::layers::Image::BuildSdbFlags aFlags,
const std::function<mozilla::layers::MemoryOrShmem(uint32_t)>& aAllocate);
virtual mozilla::gfx::YUVColorSpace GetYUVColorSpace() {
return mozilla::gfx::YUVColorSpace::Default;
bool IsFullRange() { return mColorRange == mozilla::gfx::ColorRange::FULL; };
void SetColorRange(mozilla::gfx::ColorRange aColorRange) {
mColorRange = aColorRange;
virtual bool IsHDRSurface() { return false; }
void FenceSet();
void FenceWait();
void FenceDelete();
void MaybeSemaphoreWait(GLuint aGlTexture);
// Set and get a global surface UID. The UID is shared across process
// and it's used to track surface lifetime in various parts of rendering
// engine.
uint32_t GetUID() const { return mUID; };
// Creates a global reference counter objects attached to the surface.
// It's created as unreferenced, i.e. IsGlobalRefSet() returns false
// right after GlobalRefCountCreate() call.
// The counter is shared by all surface instances across processes
// so it tracks global surface usage.
// The counter is automatically referenced when a new surface instance is
// created with SurfaceDescriptor (usually copied to another process over IPC)
// and it's unreferenced when surface is deleted.
// So without any additional GlobalRefAdd()/GlobalRefRelease() calls
// the IsGlobalRefSet() returns true if any other process use the surface.
void GlobalRefCountCreate();
void GlobalRefCountDelete();
// If global reference counter was created by GlobalRefCountCreate()
// returns true when there's an active surface reference.
bool IsGlobalRefSet() const;
// Add/Remove additional reference to the surface global reference counter.
void GlobalRefAdd();
void GlobalRefRelease();
// Release all underlying data.
virtual void ReleaseSurface() = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
virtual void DumpToFile(const char* pFile) {};
// Create wl_buffer over DMABuf surface, ownership is transfered to caller.
// If underlying DMABuf surface is deleted before wl_buffer destroy,
// behaviour is undefined and may lead to rendering artifacts as
// GPU memory may be reused.
// Every CreateWlBuffer() creates new wl_buffer and one DMABuf surface
// can have multiple wl_buffers created over it.
// That's correct as one DMABuf surface may be attached and rendred by
// more wl_surfaces at the same time.
virtual wl_buffer* CreateWlBuffer() = 0;
DMABufSurface(SurfaceType aSurfaceType);
virtual bool Create(const mozilla::layers::SurfaceDescriptor& aDesc) = 0;
// Import global ref count object from IPC by file descriptor.
// This adds global ref count reference to the surface.
void GlobalRefCountImport(int aFd);
// Export global ref count object by file descriptor.
int GlobalRefCountExport();
void ReleaseDMABuf();
void* MapInternal(uint32_t aX, uint32_t aY, uint32_t aWidth, uint32_t aHeight,
uint32_t* aStride, int aGbmFlags, int aPlane = 0);
// We want to keep number of opened file descriptors low so open/close
// DMABuf file handles only when we need them, i.e. when DMABuf is exported
// to another process or to EGL.
virtual bool OpenFileDescriptorForPlane(
const mozilla::MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock, int aPlane) = 0;
virtual void CloseFileDescriptorForPlane(
const mozilla::MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock, int aPlane,
bool aForceClose = false) = 0;
bool OpenFileDescriptors(const mozilla::MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock);
void CloseFileDescriptors(const mozilla::MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock,
bool aForceClose = false);
nsresult ReadIntoBuffer(uint8_t* aData, int32_t aStride,
const mozilla::gfx::IntSize& aSize,
mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat);
virtual ~DMABufSurface();
// Surface type (RGBA or YUV)
SurfaceType mSurfaceType;
// Actual FOURCC format of whole surface (includes all planes).
int32_t mFOURCCFormat = 0;
// Configuration of surface planes, it depends on surface modifiers.
// RGBA surface may use one RGBA plane or two planes (RGB + A)
// YUV surfaces use various planes setup (Y + UV planes or Y+U+V planes)
int mBufferPlaneCount = 0;
RefPtr<mozilla::gfx::FileHandleWrapper> mDmabufFds[DMABUF_BUFFER_PLANES];
int32_t mDrmFormats[DMABUF_BUFFER_PLANES];
int32_t mStrides[DMABUF_BUFFER_PLANES];
int32_t mOffsets[DMABUF_BUFFER_PLANES];
uint64_t mBufferModifiers[DMABUF_BUFFER_PLANES];
struct gbm_bo* mGbmBufferObject[DMABUF_BUFFER_PLANES];
void* mMappedRegion[DMABUF_BUFFER_PLANES];
void* mMappedRegionData[DMABUF_BUFFER_PLANES];
uint32_t mMappedRegionStride[DMABUF_BUFFER_PLANES];
RefPtr<mozilla::gfx::FileHandleWrapper> mSyncFd;
EGLSyncKHR mSync;
RefPtr<mozilla::gfx::FileHandleWrapper> mSemaphoreFd;
RefPtr<mozilla::gl::GLContext> mGL;
int mGlobalRefCountFd;
uint32_t mUID;
mozilla::Mutex mSurfaceLock MOZ_UNANNOTATED;
mozilla::gfx::ColorRange mColorRange = mozilla::gfx::ColorRange::LIMITED;
class DMABufSurfaceRGBA final : public DMABufSurface {
static already_AddRefed<DMABufSurfaceRGBA> CreateDMABufSurface(
int aWidth, int aHeight, int aDMABufSurfaceFlags);
static already_AddRefed<DMABufSurfaceRGBA> CreateDMABufSurface(
int aWidth, int aHeight, RefPtr<mozilla::widget::DRMFormat> aFormat,
int aDMABufSurfaceFlags);
static already_AddRefed<DMABufSurface> CreateDMABufSurface(
mozilla::gl::GLContext* aGLContext, const EGLImageKHR aEGLImage,
int aWidth, int aHeight);
static already_AddRefed<DMABufSurface> CreateDMABufSurface(
RefPtr<mozilla::gfx::FileHandleWrapper>&& aFd,
const mozilla::webgpu::ffi::WGPUDMABufInfo& aDMABufInfo, int aWidth,
int aHeight);
bool Serialize(mozilla::layers::SurfaceDescriptor& aOutDescriptor) override;
DMABufSurfaceRGBA* GetAsDMABufSurfaceRGBA() override { return this; }
void Clear();
void ReleaseSurface() override;
bool CopyFrom(class DMABufSurface* aSourceSurface);
int GetWidth(int aPlane = 0) override { return mWidth; };
int GetHeight(int aPlane = 0) override { return mHeight; };
mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat GetFormat() override;
mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat GetFormatGL() override;
bool HasAlpha();
void* MapReadOnly(uint32_t aX, uint32_t aY, uint32_t aWidth, uint32_t aHeight,
uint32_t* aStride = nullptr);
void* MapReadOnly(uint32_t* aStride = nullptr);
void* Map(uint32_t aX, uint32_t aY, uint32_t aWidth, uint32_t aHeight,
uint32_t* aStride = nullptr);
void* Map(uint32_t* aStride = nullptr);
void* GetMappedRegion(int aPlane = 0) { return mMappedRegion[aPlane]; };
uint32_t GetMappedRegionStride(int aPlane = 0) {
return mMappedRegionStride[aPlane];
bool CreateTexture(mozilla::gl::GLContext* aGLContext,
int aPlane = 0) override;
void ReleaseTextures() override;
GLuint GetTexture(int aPlane = 0) override { return mTexture; };
EGLImageKHR GetEGLImage(int aPlane = 0) override { return mEGLImage; };
wl_buffer* CreateWlBuffer() override;
int GetTextureCount() override { return 1; };
#ifdef DEBUG
void DumpToFile(const char* pFile) override;
DMABufSurfaceRGBA(const DMABufSurfaceRGBA&) = delete;
DMABufSurfaceRGBA& operator=(const DMABufSurfaceRGBA&) = delete;
bool Create(int aWidth, int aHeight, int aDMABufSurfaceFlags);
bool Create(int aWidth, int aHeight,
RefPtr<mozilla::widget::DRMFormat> aFormat,
int aDMABufSurfaceFlags);
bool Create(const mozilla::layers::SurfaceDescriptor& aDesc) override;
bool Create(mozilla::gl::GLContext* aGLContext, const EGLImageKHR aEGLImage,
int aWidth, int aHeight);
bool Create(RefPtr<mozilla::gfx::FileHandleWrapper>&& aFd,
const mozilla::webgpu::ffi::WGPUDMABufInfo& aDMABufInfo,
int aWidth, int aHeight);
bool ImportSurfaceDescriptor(const mozilla::layers::SurfaceDescriptor& aDesc);
bool OpenFileDescriptorForPlane(const mozilla::MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock,
int aPlane) override;
void CloseFileDescriptorForPlane(const mozilla::MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock,
int aPlane, bool aForceClose) override;
int mWidth;
int mHeight;
EGLImageKHR mEGLImage;
GLuint mTexture;
uint32_t mGbmBufferFlags;
class DMABufSurfaceYUV final : public DMABufSurface {
static already_AddRefed<DMABufSurfaceYUV> CreateYUVSurface(
int aWidth, int aHeight, void** aPixelData = nullptr,
int* aLineSizes = nullptr);
static already_AddRefed<DMABufSurfaceYUV> CreateYUVSurface(
const VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor& aDesc, int aWidth, int aHeight);
static already_AddRefed<DMABufSurfaceYUV> CopyYUVSurface(
const VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor& aVaDesc, int aWidth, int aHeight);
static void ReleaseVADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor(
VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor& aDesc);
bool Serialize(mozilla::layers::SurfaceDescriptor& aOutDescriptor) override;
DMABufSurfaceYUV* GetAsDMABufSurfaceYUV() override { return this; };
nsresult BuildSurfaceDescriptorBuffer(
mozilla::layers::SurfaceDescriptorBuffer& aSdBuffer,
mozilla::layers::Image::BuildSdbFlags aFlags,
const std::function<mozilla::layers::MemoryOrShmem(uint32_t)>& aAllocate)
int GetWidth(int aPlane = 0) override { return mWidth[aPlane]; }
int GetHeight(int aPlane = 0) override { return mHeight[aPlane]; }
mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat GetFormat() override;
mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat GetFormatGL() override;
bool CreateTexture(mozilla::gl::GLContext* aGLContext,
int aPlane = 0) override;
void ReleaseTextures() override;
void ReleaseSurface() override;
GLuint GetTexture(int aPlane = 0) override { return mTexture[aPlane]; };
EGLImageKHR GetEGLImage(int aPlane = 0) override {
return mEGLImage[aPlane];
int GetTextureCount() override;
void SetYUVColorSpace(mozilla::gfx::YUVColorSpace aColorSpace) {
mColorSpace = aColorSpace;
mozilla::gfx::YUVColorSpace GetYUVColorSpace() override {
return mColorSpace;
void SetColorPrimaries(mozilla::gfx::ColorSpace2 aColorPrimaries) {
mColorPrimaries = aColorPrimaries;
void SetTransferFunction(mozilla::gfx::TransferFunction aTransferFunction) {
mTransferFunction = aTransferFunction;
bool IsHDRSurface() override {
return mColorPrimaries == mozilla::gfx::ColorSpace2::BT2020 &&
mTransferFunction == mozilla::gfx::TransferFunction::PQ;
bool UpdateYUVData(void** aPixelData, int* aLineSizes);
bool UpdateYUVData(const VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor& aDesc, int aWidth,
int aHeight, bool aCopy);
bool VerifyTextureCreation();
wl_buffer* CreateWlBuffer() override;
DMABufSurfaceYUV(const DMABufSurfaceYUV&) = delete;
DMABufSurfaceYUV& operator=(const DMABufSurfaceYUV&) = delete;
bool Create(const mozilla::layers::SurfaceDescriptor& aDesc) override;
bool Create(int aWidth, int aHeight, void** aPixelData, int* aLineSizes);
bool CreateYUVPlane(int aPlane);
bool CreateLinearYUVPlane(int aPlane, int aWidth, int aHeight,
int aDrmFormat);
void UpdateYUVPlane(int aPlane, void* aPixelData, int aLineSize);
bool MoveYUVDataImpl(const VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor& aDesc, int aWidth,
int aHeight);
bool CopyYUVDataImpl(const VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor& aDesc, int aWidth,
int aHeight);
bool ImportPRIMESurfaceDescriptor(const VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor& aDesc,
int aWidth, int aHeight);
bool ImportSurfaceDescriptor(
const mozilla::layers::SurfaceDescriptorDMABuf& aDesc);
bool OpenFileDescriptorForPlane(const mozilla::MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock,
int aPlane) override;
void CloseFileDescriptorForPlane(const mozilla::MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock,
int aPlane, bool aForceClose) override;
bool CreateEGLImage(mozilla::gl::GLContext* aGLContext, int aPlane);
void ReleaseEGLImages(mozilla::gl::GLContext* aGLContext);
// Aligned size of the surface imported from VADRMPRIMESurfaceDescriptor.
// It's used only internally to create EGLImage as some GL drivers
int mWidthAligned[DMABUF_BUFFER_PLANES];
int mHeightAligned[DMABUF_BUFFER_PLANES];
mozilla::gfx::YUVColorSpace mColorSpace =
mozilla::gfx::ColorSpace2 mColorPrimaries =
mozilla::gfx::TransferFunction mTransferFunction =