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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import re
from fluent.syntax import FluentParser as FTLParser
from fluent.syntax import ast as ftl
from fluent.syntax.serializer import serialize_comment
from fluent.syntax.visitor import Visitor
from .base import (
Entry, Entity, Comment, Junk, Whitespace,
class WordCounter(Visitor):
def __init__(self):
self.word_count = 0
def generic_visit(self, node):
if isinstance(
(ftl.Span, ftl.Annotation, ftl.BaseComment)
def visit_SelectExpression(self, node):
# optimize select expressions to only go through the variants
def visit_TextElement(self, node):
self.word_count += len(node.value.split())
class FluentAttribute(Entry):
ignored_fields = ['span']
def __init__(self, entity, attr_node):
self.ctx = entity.ctx
self.attr = attr_node
self.key_span = (,
self.val_span = (attr_node.value.span.start, attr_node.value.span.end)
def equals(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, FluentAttribute):
return False
return self.attr.equals(
other.attr, ignored_fields=self.ignored_fields)
class FluentEntity(Entity):
# Fields ignored when comparing two entities.
ignored_fields = ['comment', 'span']
def __init__(self, ctx, entry):
start = entry.span.start
end = entry.span.end
self.ctx = ctx
self.span = (start, end)
if isinstance(entry, ftl.Term):
# Terms don't have their '-' as part of the id, use the prior
# character
self.key_span = ( - 1,
# Message
self.key_span = (,
if entry.value is not None:
self.val_span = (entry.value.span.start, entry.value.span.end)
self.val_span = None
self.entry = entry
# Entry instances are expected to have pre_comment. It's used by
# other formats to associate a Comment with an Entity. FluentEntities
# don't need it because message comments are part of the entry AST and
# are not separate Comment instances.
self.pre_comment = None
def root_node(self):
'''AST node at which to start traversal for count_words.
By default we count words in the value and in all attributes.
return self.entry
_word_count = None
def count_words(self):
if self._word_count is None:
counter = WordCounter()
self._word_count = counter.word_count
return self._word_count
def equals(self, other):
return self.entry.equals(
other.entry, ignored_fields=self.ignored_fields)
# In Fluent we treat entries as a whole. FluentChecker reports errors at
# offsets calculated from the beginning of the entry.
def value_position(self, offset=None):
if offset is None:
# no offset given, use our value start or id end
if self.val_span:
offset = self.val_span[0] - self.span[0]
offset = self.key_span[1] - self.span[0]
return self.position(offset)
def attributes(self):
for attr_node in self.entry.attributes:
yield FluentAttribute(self, attr_node)
def unwrap(self):
return self.all
def wrap(self, raw_val):
"""Create literal entity the given raw value.
For Fluent, we're exposing the message source to tools like
We also recreate the comment from this entity to the created entity.
all = raw_val
if self.entry.comment is not None:
all = serialize_comment(self.entry.comment) + all
return LiteralEntity(self.key, raw_val, all)
class FluentMessage(FluentEntity):
class FluentTerm(FluentEntity):
# Fields ignored when comparing two terms.
ignored_fields = ['attributes', 'comment', 'span']
def root_node(self):
'''AST node at which to start traversal for count_words.
In Fluent Terms we only count words in the value. Attributes are
private and do not count towards the word total.
return self.entry.value
class FluentComment(Comment):
def __init__(self, ctx, span, entry):
super().__init__(ctx, span)
self._val_cache = entry.content
class FluentParser(Parser):
capabilities = CAN_SKIP
def __init__(self):
self.ftl_parser = FTLParser()
def walk(self, only_localizable=False):
if not self.ctx:
# loading file failed, or we just didn't load anything
resource = self.ftl_parser.parse(self.ctx.contents)
last_span_end = 0
for entry in resource.body:
if not only_localizable:
if entry.span.start > last_span_end:
yield Whitespace(
self.ctx, (last_span_end, entry.span.start))
if isinstance(entry, ftl.Message):
yield FluentMessage(self.ctx, entry)
elif isinstance(entry, ftl.Term):
yield FluentTerm(self.ctx, entry)
elif isinstance(entry, ftl.Junk):
start = entry.span.start
end = entry.span.end
# strip leading whitespace
start += re.match('[ \t\r\n]*', entry.content).end()
if not only_localizable and entry.span.start < start:
yield Whitespace(
self.ctx, (entry.span.start, start)
# strip trailing whitespace
ws, we ='[ \t\r\n]*$', entry.content).span()
end -= we - ws
yield Junk(self.ctx, (start, end))
if not only_localizable and end < entry.span.end:
yield Whitespace(
self.ctx, (end, entry.span.end)
elif isinstance(entry, ftl.BaseComment) and not only_localizable:
span = (entry.span.start, entry.span.end)
yield FluentComment(self.ctx, span, entry)
last_span_end = entry.span.end
# Yield Whitespace at the EOF.
if not only_localizable:
eof_offset = len(self.ctx.contents)
if eof_offset > last_span_end:
yield Whitespace(self.ctx, (last_span_end, eof_offset))