Name Description Size 5210
dec_jpeg_data.h 523 for memset, memcpy 33652
dec_jpeg_data_writer.h 844
dec_jpeg_output_chunk.h A chunk of output data. Data producer creates OutputChunks and adds them to the end output queue. Once control flow leaves the producer code, it is considered that chunk of data is final and can not be changed; to underline this fact |next| is a const-pointer. Data consumer removes OutputChunks from the beginning of the output queue. It is possible to consume OutputChunks partially, by updating |next| and |len|. There are 2 types of output chunks: - owning: actual data is stored in |buffer| field; producer fills data after the instance it created; it is legal to reduce |len| to show that not all the capacity of |buffer| is used - non-owning: represents the data stored (owned) somewhere else 2142
dec_jpeg_serialization_state.h 2453 14477
enc_jpeg_data.h Decodes bytes containing JPEG codestream into a CodecInOut as coefficients only, for lossless JPEG transcoding. 1438 35602
enc_jpeg_data_reader.h 1072 3229
enc_jpeg_huffman_decode.h 1915 18308
jpeg_data.h clang-format off 7176