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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/jxl/jpeg/enc_jpeg_data_reader.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/jxl/base/common.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/printf_macros.h"
#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
#include "lib/jxl/frame_dimensions.h"
#include "lib/jxl/jpeg/enc_jpeg_huffman_decode.h"
#include "lib/jxl/jpeg/jpeg_data.h"
namespace jxl {
namespace jpeg {
namespace {
const int kBrunsliMaxSampling = 15;
// Macros for commonly used error conditions.
#define JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_LEN(n) \
if (*pos + (n) > len) { \
return JXL_FAILURE("Unexpected end of input: pos=%" PRIuS \
" need=%d len=%" PRIuS, \
*pos, static_cast<int>(n), len); \
#define JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(var, low, high, code) \
if ((var) < (low) || (var) > (high)) { \
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid " #var ": %d", static_cast<int>(var)); \
if (start_pos + marker_len != *pos) { \
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid marker length: declared=%" PRIuS \
" actual=%" PRIuS, \
marker_len, (*pos - start_pos)); \
if (pos + 2 > len || data[pos] != 0xff) { \
return JXL_FAILURE( \
"Marker byte (0xff) expected, found: 0x%.2x pos=%" PRIuS \
" len=%" PRIuS, \
(pos < len ? data[pos] : 0), pos, len); \
inline int ReadUint8(const uint8_t* data, size_t* pos) {
return data[(*pos)++];
inline int ReadUint16(const uint8_t* data, size_t* pos) {
int v = (data[*pos] << 8) + data[*pos + 1];
*pos += 2;
return v;
// Reads the Start of Frame (SOF) marker segment and fills in *jpg with the
// parsed data.
bool ProcessSOF(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len, JpegReadMode mode,
size_t* pos, JPEGData* jpg) {
if (jpg->width != 0) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Duplicate SOF marker.");
const size_t start_pos = *pos;
size_t marker_len = ReadUint16(data, pos);
int precision = ReadUint8(data, pos);
int height = ReadUint16(data, pos);
int width = ReadUint16(data, pos);
int num_components = ReadUint8(data, pos);
// 'jbrd' is hardcoded for 8bits:
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(height, 1, kMaxDimPixels, HEIGHT);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(width, 1, kMaxDimPixels, WIDTH);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(num_components, 1, kMaxComponents, NUMCOMP);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_LEN(3 * num_components);
jpg->height = height;
jpg->width = width;
// Read sampling factors and quant table index for each component.
std::vector<bool> ids_seen(256, false);
int max_h_samp_factor = 1;
int max_v_samp_factor = 1;
for (auto& component : jpg->components) {
const int id = ReadUint8(data, pos);
if (ids_seen[id]) { // (cf. section B.2.2, syntax of Ci)
return JXL_FAILURE("Duplicate ID %d in SOF.", id);
ids_seen[id] = true; = id;
int factor = ReadUint8(data, pos);
int h_samp_factor = factor >> 4;
int v_samp_factor = factor & 0xf;
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(h_samp_factor, 1, kBrunsliMaxSampling, SAMP_FACTOR);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(v_samp_factor, 1, kBrunsliMaxSampling, SAMP_FACTOR);
component.h_samp_factor = h_samp_factor;
component.v_samp_factor = v_samp_factor;
component.quant_idx = ReadUint8(data, pos);
max_h_samp_factor = std::max(max_h_samp_factor, h_samp_factor);
max_v_samp_factor = std::max(max_v_samp_factor, v_samp_factor);
// We have checked above that none of the sampling factors are 0, so the max
// sampling factors can not be 0.
int MCU_rows = DivCeil(jpg->height, max_v_samp_factor * 8);
int MCU_cols = DivCeil(jpg->width, max_h_samp_factor * 8);
// Compute the block dimensions for each component.
for (JPEGComponent& c : jpg->components) {
if (max_h_samp_factor % c.h_samp_factor != 0 ||
max_v_samp_factor % c.v_samp_factor != 0) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Non-integral subsampling ratios.");
c.width_in_blocks = MCU_cols * c.h_samp_factor;
c.height_in_blocks = MCU_rows * c.v_samp_factor;
const uint64_t num_blocks =
static_cast<uint64_t>(c.width_in_blocks) * c.height_in_blocks;
if (mode == JpegReadMode::kReadAll) {
c.coeffs.resize(num_blocks * kDCTBlockSize);
return true;
// Reads the Start of Scan (SOS) marker segment and fills in *scan_info with the
// parsed data.
bool ProcessSOS(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len, size_t* pos,
JPEGData* jpg) {
const size_t start_pos = *pos;
size_t marker_len = ReadUint16(data, pos);
size_t comps_in_scan = ReadUint8(data, pos);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(comps_in_scan, 1, jpg->components.size(),
JPEGScanInfo scan_info;
scan_info.num_components = comps_in_scan;
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_LEN(2 * comps_in_scan);
std::vector<bool> ids_seen(256, false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < comps_in_scan; ++i) {
uint32_t id = ReadUint8(data, pos);
if (ids_seen[id]) { // (cf. section B.2.3, regarding CSj)
return JXL_FAILURE("Duplicate ID %d in SOS.", id);
ids_seen[id] = true;
bool found_index = false;
for (size_t j = 0; j < jpg->components.size(); ++j) {
if (jpg->components[j].id == id) {
scan_info.components[i].comp_idx = j;
found_index = true;
if (!found_index) {
return JXL_FAILURE("SOS marker: Could not find component with id %d", id);
int c = ReadUint8(data, pos);
int dc_tbl_idx = c >> 4;
int ac_tbl_idx = c & 0xf;
scan_info.components[i].dc_tbl_idx = dc_tbl_idx;
scan_info.components[i].ac_tbl_idx = ac_tbl_idx;
scan_info.Ss = ReadUint8(data, pos);
scan_info.Se = ReadUint8(data, pos);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(static_cast<int>(scan_info.Ss), 0, 63, START_OF_SCAN);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(scan_info.Se, scan_info.Ss, 63, END_OF_SCAN);
int c = ReadUint8(data, pos);
scan_info.Ah = c >> 4;
scan_info.Al = c & 0xf;
if (scan_info.Ah != 0 && scan_info.Al != scan_info.Ah - 1) {
// section G. : Successive approximation control only improves
// by one bit at a time. But it's not always respected, so we just issue
// a warning.
JXL_WARNING("Invalid progressive parameters: Al=%d Ah=%d", scan_info.Al,
// Check that all the Huffman tables needed for this scan are defined.
for (size_t i = 0; i < comps_in_scan; ++i) {
bool found_dc_table = false;
bool found_ac_table = false;
for (const auto& code : jpg->huffman_code) {
uint32_t slot_id = code.slot_id;
if (slot_id == scan_info.components[i].dc_tbl_idx) {
found_dc_table = true;
} else if (slot_id == scan_info.components[i].ac_tbl_idx + 16) {
found_ac_table = true;
if (scan_info.Ss == 0 && !found_dc_table) {
"SOS marker: Could not find DC Huffman table with index %d",
if (scan_info.Se > 0 && !found_ac_table) {
"SOS marker: Could not find AC Huffman table with index %d",
return true;
// Reads the Define Huffman Table (DHT) marker segment and fills in *jpg with
// the parsed data. Builds the Huffman decoding table in either dc_huff_lut or
// ac_huff_lut, depending on the type and solt_id of Huffman code being read.
bool ProcessDHT(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len, JpegReadMode mode,
std::vector<HuffmanTableEntry>* dc_huff_lut,
std::vector<HuffmanTableEntry>* ac_huff_lut, size_t* pos,
JPEGData* jpg) {
const size_t start_pos = *pos;
size_t marker_len = ReadUint16(data, pos);
if (marker_len == 2) {
return JXL_FAILURE("DHT marker: no Huffman table found");
while (*pos < start_pos + marker_len) {
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_LEN(1 + kJpegHuffmanMaxBitLength);
JPEGHuffmanCode huff;
huff.slot_id = ReadUint8(data, pos);
int huffman_index = huff.slot_id;
bool is_ac_table = ((huff.slot_id & 0x10) != 0);
HuffmanTableEntry* huff_lut;
if (is_ac_table) {
huffman_index -= 0x10;
huff_lut = &(*ac_huff_lut)[huffman_index * kJpegHuffmanLutSize];
} else {
huff_lut = &(*dc_huff_lut)[huffman_index * kJpegHuffmanLutSize];
huff.counts[0] = 0;
int total_count = 0;
int space = 1 << kJpegHuffmanMaxBitLength;
int max_depth = 1;
for (size_t i = 1; i <= kJpegHuffmanMaxBitLength; ++i) {
int count = ReadUint8(data, pos);
if (count != 0) {
max_depth = i;
huff.counts[i] = count;
total_count += count;
space -= count * (1 << (kJpegHuffmanMaxBitLength - i));
if (is_ac_table) {
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(total_count, 0, kJpegHuffmanAlphabetSize,
} else {
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(total_count, 0, kJpegDCAlphabetSize, HUFFMAN_CODE);
std::vector<bool> values_seen(256, false);
for (int i = 0; i < total_count; ++i) {
int value = ReadUint8(data, pos);
if (!is_ac_table) {
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(value, 0, kJpegDCAlphabetSize - 1, HUFFMAN_CODE);
if (values_seen[value]) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Duplicate Huffman code value %d", value);
values_seen[value] = true;
huff.values[i] = value;
// Add an invalid symbol that will have the all 1 code.
huff.values[total_count] = kJpegHuffmanAlphabetSize;
space -= (1 << (kJpegHuffmanMaxBitLength - max_depth));
if (space < 0) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid Huffman code lengths.");
} else if (space > 0 && huff_lut[0].value != 0xffff) {
// Re-initialize the values to an invalid symbol so that we can recognize
// it when reading the bit stream using a Huffman code with space > 0.
for (int i = 0; i < kJpegHuffmanLutSize; ++i) {
huff_lut[i].bits = 0;
huff_lut[i].value = 0xffff;
huff.is_last = (*pos == start_pos + marker_len);
if (mode == JpegReadMode::kReadAll) {
BuildJpegHuffmanTable(,, huff_lut);
return true;
// Reads the Define Quantization Table (DQT) marker segment and fills in *jpg
// with the parsed data.
bool ProcessDQT(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len, size_t* pos,
JPEGData* jpg) {
const size_t start_pos = *pos;
size_t marker_len = ReadUint16(data, pos);
if (marker_len == 2) {
return JXL_FAILURE("DQT marker: no quantization table found");
while (*pos < start_pos + marker_len && jpg->quant.size() < kMaxQuantTables) {
int quant_table_index = ReadUint8(data, pos);
int quant_table_precision = quant_table_index >> 4;
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(quant_table_precision, 0, 1, QUANT_TBL_PRECISION);
quant_table_index &= 0xf;
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(quant_table_index, 0, 3, QUANT_TBL_INDEX);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_LEN((quant_table_precision + 1) * kDCTBlockSize);
JPEGQuantTable table;
table.index = quant_table_index;
table.precision = quant_table_precision;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kDCTBlockSize; ++i) {
int quant_val =
quant_table_precision ? ReadUint16(data, pos) : ReadUint8(data, pos);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(quant_val, 1, 65535, QUANT_VAL);
table.values[kJPEGNaturalOrder[i]] = quant_val;
table.is_last = (*pos == start_pos + marker_len);
return true;
// Reads the DRI marker and saves the restart interval into *jpg.
bool ProcessDRI(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len, size_t* pos,
bool* found_dri, JPEGData* jpg) {
if (*found_dri) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Duplicate DRI marker.");
*found_dri = true;
const size_t start_pos = *pos;
size_t marker_len = ReadUint16(data, pos);
int restart_interval = ReadUint16(data, pos);
jpg->restart_interval = restart_interval;
return true;
// Saves the APP marker segment as a string to *jpg.
bool ProcessAPP(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len, size_t* pos,
JPEGData* jpg) {
size_t marker_len = ReadUint16(data, pos);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(marker_len, 2, 65535, MARKER_LEN);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_LEN(marker_len - 2);
JXL_ENSURE(*pos >= 3);
// Save the marker type together with the app data.
const uint8_t* app_str_start = data + *pos - 3;
std::vector<uint8_t> app_str(app_str_start, app_str_start + marker_len + 1);
*pos += marker_len - 2;
return true;
// Saves the COM marker segment as a string to *jpg.
bool ProcessCOM(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len, size_t* pos,
JPEGData* jpg) {
size_t marker_len = ReadUint16(data, pos);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_INPUT(marker_len, 2, 65535, MARKER_LEN);
JXL_JPEG_VERIFY_LEN(marker_len - 2);
const uint8_t* com_str_start = data + *pos - 3;
std::vector<uint8_t> com_str(com_str_start, com_str_start + marker_len + 1);
*pos += marker_len - 2;
return true;
// Helper structure to read bits from the entropy coded data segment.
struct BitReaderState {
BitReaderState(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len, size_t pos)
: data_(data), len_(len) {
void Reset(size_t pos) {
pos_ = pos;
val_ = 0;
bits_left_ = 0;
next_marker_pos_ = len_ - 2;
// Returns the next byte and skips the 0xff/0x00 escape sequences.
uint8_t GetNextByte() {
if (pos_ >= next_marker_pos_) {
return 0;
uint8_t c = data_[pos_++];
if (c == 0xff) {
uint8_t escape = data_[pos_];
if (escape == 0) {
} else {
// 0xff was followed by a non-zero byte, which means that we found the
// start of the next marker segment.
next_marker_pos_ = pos_ - 1;
return c;
void FillBitWindow() {
if (bits_left_ <= 16) {
while (bits_left_ <= 56) {
val_ <<= 8;
val_ |= static_cast<uint64_t>(GetNextByte());
bits_left_ += 8;
int ReadBits(int nbits) {
uint64_t val = (val_ >> (bits_left_ - nbits)) & ((1ULL << nbits) - 1);
bits_left_ -= nbits;
return val;
// Sets *pos to the next stream position where parsing should continue.
// Enqueue the padding bits seen (0 or 1).
// Returns false if there is inconsistent or invalid padding or the stream
// ended too early.
bool FinishStream(JPEGData* jpg, size_t* pos) {
int npadbits = bits_left_ & 7;
if (npadbits > 0) {
uint64_t padmask = (1ULL << npadbits) - 1;
uint64_t padbits = (val_ >> (bits_left_ - npadbits)) & padmask;
if (padbits != padmask) {
jpg->has_zero_padding_bit = true;
for (int i = npadbits - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
jpg->padding_bits.push_back((padbits >> i) & 1);
// Give back some bytes that we did not use.
int unused_bytes_left = bits_left_ >> 3;
while (unused_bytes_left-- > 0) {
// If we give back a 0 byte, we need to check if it was a 0xff/0x00 escape
// sequence, and if yes, we need to give back one more byte.
if (pos_ < next_marker_pos_ && data_[pos_] == 0 &&
data_[pos_ - 1] == 0xff) {
if (pos_ > next_marker_pos_) {
// Data ran out before the scan was complete.
return JXL_FAILURE("Unexpected end of scan.");
*pos = pos_;
return true;
const uint8_t* data_;
const size_t len_;
size_t pos_;
uint64_t val_;
int bits_left_;
size_t next_marker_pos_;
// Returns the next Huffman-coded symbol.
int ReadSymbol(const HuffmanTableEntry* table, BitReaderState* br) {
int nbits;
int val = (br->val_ >> (br->bits_left_ - 8)) & 0xff;
table += val;
nbits = table->bits - 8;
if (nbits > 0) {
br->bits_left_ -= 8;
table += table->value;
val = (br->val_ >> (br->bits_left_ - nbits)) & ((1 << nbits) - 1);
table += val;
br->bits_left_ -= table->bits;
return table->value;
* Returns the DC diff or AC value for extra bits value x and prefix code s.
* CCITT Rec. T.81 (1992 E)
* Table F.1 – Difference magnitude categories for DC coding
* SSSS | DIFF values
* ------+--------------------------
* 0 | 0
* 1 | –1, 1
* 2 | –3, –2, 2, 3
* 3 | –7..–4, 4..7
* ......|..........................
* 11 | –2047..–1024, 1024..2047
* CCITT Rec. T.81 (1992 E)
* Table F.2 – Categories assigned to coefficient values
* [ Same as Table F.1, but does not include SSSS equal to 0 and 11]
* CCITT Rec. T.81 (1992 E)
* F. Structure of DC code table
* For each category,... additional bits... appended... to uniquely identify
* which difference... occurred... When DIFF is positive... SSSS... bits of DIFF
* are appended. When DIFF is negative... SSSS... bits of (DIFF – 1) are
* appended... Most significant bit... is 0 for negative differences and 1 for
* positive differences.
* In other words the upper half of extra bits range represents DIFF as is.
* The lower half represents the negative DIFFs with an offset.
int HuffExtend(int x, int s) {
JXL_DASSERT(s >= 1);
int half = 1 << (s - 1);
if (x >= half) {
JXL_DASSERT(x < (1 << s));
return x;
} else {
return x - (1 << s) + 1;
// Decodes one 8x8 block of DCT coefficients from the bit stream.
bool DecodeDCTBlock(const HuffmanTableEntry* dc_huff,
const HuffmanTableEntry* ac_huff, int Ss, int Se, int Al,
int* eobrun, bool* reset_state, int* num_zero_runs,
BitReaderState* br, JPEGData* jpg, coeff_t* last_dc_coeff,
coeff_t* coeffs) {
// Nowadays multiplication is even faster than variable shift.
int Am = 1 << Al;
bool eobrun_allowed = Ss > 0;
if (Ss == 0) {
int s = ReadSymbol(dc_huff, br);
if (s >= kJpegDCAlphabetSize) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid Huffman symbol %d for DC coefficient.", s);
int diff = 0;
if (s > 0) {
int bits = br->ReadBits(s);
diff = HuffExtend(bits, s);
int coeff = diff + *last_dc_coeff;
const int dc_coeff = coeff * Am;
coeffs[0] = dc_coeff;
// TODO(eustas): is there a more elegant / explicit way to check this?
if (dc_coeff != coeffs[0]) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid DC coefficient %d", dc_coeff);
*last_dc_coeff = coeff;
if (Ss > Se) {
return true;
if (*eobrun > 0) {
return true;
*num_zero_runs = 0;
for (int k = Ss; k <= Se; k++) {
int sr = ReadSymbol(ac_huff, br);
if (sr >= kJpegHuffmanAlphabetSize) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid Huffman symbol %d for AC coefficient %d", sr,
int r = sr >> 4;
int s = sr & 15;
if (s > 0) {
k += r;
if (k > Se) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Out-of-band coefficient %d band was %d-%d", k, Ss,
if (s + Al >= kJpegDCAlphabetSize) {
"Out of range AC coefficient value: s = %d Al = %d k = %d", s, Al,
int bits = br->ReadBits(s);
int coeff = HuffExtend(bits, s);
coeffs[kJPEGNaturalOrder[k]] = coeff * Am;
*num_zero_runs = 0;
} else if (r == 15) {
k += 15;
} else {
if (eobrun_allowed && k == Ss && *eobrun == 0) {
// We have two end-of-block runs right after each other, so we signal
// the jpeg encoder to force a state reset at this point.
*reset_state = true;
*eobrun = 1 << r;
if (r > 0) {
if (!eobrun_allowed) {
return JXL_FAILURE("End-of-block run crossing DC coeff.");
*eobrun += br->ReadBits(r);
return true;
bool RefineDCTBlock(const HuffmanTableEntry* ac_huff, int Ss, int Se, int Al,
int* eobrun, bool* reset_state, BitReaderState* br,
JPEGData* jpg, coeff_t* coeffs) {
// Nowadays multiplication is even faster than variable shift.
int Am = 1 << Al;
bool eobrun_allowed = Ss > 0;
if (Ss == 0) {
int s = br->ReadBits(1);
coeff_t dc_coeff = coeffs[0];
dc_coeff |= s * Am;
coeffs[0] = dc_coeff;
if (Ss > Se) {
return true;
int p1 = Am;
int m1 = -Am;
int k = Ss;
int r;
int s;
bool in_zero_run = false;
if (*eobrun <= 0) {
for (; k <= Se; k++) {
s = ReadSymbol(ac_huff, br);
if (s >= kJpegHuffmanAlphabetSize) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid Huffman symbol %d for AC coefficient %d", s,
r = s >> 4;
s &= 15;
if (s) {
if (s != 1) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid Huffman symbol %d for AC coefficient %d",
s, k);
s = br->ReadBits(1) ? p1 : m1;
in_zero_run = false;
} else {
if (r != 15) {
if (eobrun_allowed && k == Ss && *eobrun == 0) {
// We have two end-of-block runs right after each other, so we
// signal the jpeg encoder to force a state reset at this point.
*reset_state = true;
*eobrun = 1 << r;
if (r > 0) {
if (!eobrun_allowed) {
return JXL_FAILURE("End-of-block run crossing DC coeff.");
*eobrun += br->ReadBits(r);
in_zero_run = true;
do {
coeff_t thiscoef = coeffs[kJPEGNaturalOrder[k]];
if (thiscoef != 0) {
if (br->ReadBits(1)) {
if ((thiscoef & p1) == 0) {
if (thiscoef >= 0) {
thiscoef += p1;
} else {
thiscoef += m1;
coeffs[kJPEGNaturalOrder[k]] = thiscoef;
} else {
if (--r < 0) {
} while (k <= Se);
if (s) {
if (k > Se) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Out-of-band coefficient %d band was %d-%d", k, Ss,
coeffs[kJPEGNaturalOrder[k]] = s;
if (in_zero_run) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Extra zero run before end-of-block.");
if (*eobrun > 0) {
for (; k <= Se; k++) {
coeff_t thiscoef = coeffs[kJPEGNaturalOrder[k]];
if (thiscoef != 0) {
if (br->ReadBits(1)) {
if ((thiscoef & p1) == 0) {
if (thiscoef >= 0) {
thiscoef += p1;
} else {
thiscoef += m1;
coeffs[kJPEGNaturalOrder[k]] = thiscoef;
return true;
bool ProcessRestart(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len,
int* next_restart_marker, BitReaderState* br,
JPEGData* jpg) {
size_t pos = 0;
if (!br->FinishStream(jpg, &pos)) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid scan");
int expected_marker = 0xd0 + *next_restart_marker;
int marker = data[pos + 1];
if (marker != expected_marker) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Did not find expected restart marker %d actual %d",
expected_marker, marker);
br->Reset(pos + 2);
*next_restart_marker += 1;
*next_restart_marker &= 0x7;
return true;
bool ProcessScan(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len,
const std::vector<HuffmanTableEntry>& dc_huff_lut,
const std::vector<HuffmanTableEntry>& ac_huff_lut,
uint16_t scan_progression[kMaxComponents][kDCTBlockSize],
bool is_progressive, size_t* pos, JPEGData* jpg) {
if (!ProcessSOS(data, len, pos, jpg)) {
return false;
JPEGScanInfo* scan_info = &jpg->scan_info.back();
bool is_interleaved = (scan_info->num_components > 1);
int max_h_samp_factor = 1;
int max_v_samp_factor = 1;
for (const auto& component : jpg->components) {
max_h_samp_factor = std::max(max_h_samp_factor, component.h_samp_factor);
max_v_samp_factor = std::max(max_v_samp_factor, component.v_samp_factor);
int MCU_rows = DivCeil(jpg->height, max_v_samp_factor * 8);
int MCUs_per_row = DivCeil(jpg->width, max_h_samp_factor * 8);
if (!is_interleaved) {
const JPEGComponent& c = jpg->components[scan_info->components[0].comp_idx];
MCUs_per_row = DivCeil(jpg->width * c.h_samp_factor, 8 * max_h_samp_factor);
MCU_rows = DivCeil(jpg->height * c.v_samp_factor, 8 * max_v_samp_factor);
coeff_t last_dc_coeff[kMaxComponents] = {0};
BitReaderState br(data, len, *pos);
int restarts_to_go = jpg->restart_interval;
int next_restart_marker = 0;
int eobrun = -1;
int block_scan_index = 0;
const int Al = is_progressive ? scan_info->Al : 0;
const int Ah = is_progressive ? scan_info->Ah : 0;
const int Ss = is_progressive ? scan_info->Ss : 0;
const int Se = is_progressive ? scan_info->Se : 63;
const uint16_t scan_bitmask = Ah == 0 ? (0xffff << Al) : (1u << Al);
const uint16_t refinement_bitmask = (1 << Al) - 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < scan_info->num_components; ++i) {
int comp_idx = scan_info->components[i].comp_idx;
for (int k = Ss; k <= Se; ++k) {
if (scan_progression[comp_idx][k] & scan_bitmask) {
"Overlapping scans: component=%d k=%d prev_mask: %u cur_mask %u",
comp_idx, k, scan_progression[i][k], scan_bitmask);
if (scan_progression[comp_idx][k] & refinement_bitmask) {
"Invalid scan order, a more refined scan was already done: "
"component=%d k=%d prev_mask=%u cur_mask=%u",
comp_idx, k, scan_progression[i][k], scan_bitmask);
scan_progression[comp_idx][k] |= scan_bitmask;
if (Al > 10) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Scan parameter Al=%d is not supported.", Al);
for (int mcu_y = 0; mcu_y < MCU_rows; ++mcu_y) {
for (int mcu_x = 0; mcu_x < MCUs_per_row; ++mcu_x) {
// Handle the restart intervals.
if (jpg->restart_interval > 0) {
if (restarts_to_go == 0) {
if (ProcessRestart(data, len, &next_restart_marker, &br, jpg)) {
restarts_to_go = jpg->restart_interval;
memset(static_cast<void*>(last_dc_coeff), 0, sizeof(last_dc_coeff));
if (eobrun > 0) {
return JXL_FAILURE("End-of-block run too long.");
eobrun = -1; // fresh start
} else {
return JXL_FAILURE("Could not process restart.");
// Decode one MCU.
for (size_t i = 0; i < scan_info->num_components; ++i) {
JPEGComponentScanInfo* si = &scan_info->components[i];
JPEGComponent* c = &jpg->components[si->comp_idx];
const HuffmanTableEntry* dc_lut =
&dc_huff_lut[si->dc_tbl_idx * kJpegHuffmanLutSize];
const HuffmanTableEntry* ac_lut =
&ac_huff_lut[si->ac_tbl_idx * kJpegHuffmanLutSize];
int nblocks_y = is_interleaved ? c->v_samp_factor : 1;
int nblocks_x = is_interleaved ? c->h_samp_factor : 1;
for (int iy = 0; iy < nblocks_y; ++iy) {
for (int ix = 0; ix < nblocks_x; ++ix) {
int block_y = mcu_y * nblocks_y + iy;
int block_x = mcu_x * nblocks_x + ix;
int block_idx = block_y * c->width_in_blocks + block_x;
bool reset_state = false;
int num_zero_runs = 0;
coeff_t* coeffs = &c->coeffs[block_idx * kDCTBlockSize];
if (Ah == 0) {
if (!DecodeDCTBlock(dc_lut, ac_lut, Ss, Se, Al, &eobrun,
&reset_state, &num_zero_runs, &br, jpg,
&last_dc_coeff[si->comp_idx], coeffs)) {
return false;
} else {
if (!RefineDCTBlock(ac_lut, Ss, Se, Al, &eobrun, &reset_state,
&br, jpg, coeffs)) {
return false;
if (reset_state) {
if (num_zero_runs > 0) {
JPEGScanInfo::ExtraZeroRunInfo info;
info.block_idx = block_scan_index;
info.num_extra_zero_runs = num_zero_runs;
if (eobrun > 0) {
return JXL_FAILURE("End-of-block run too long.");
if (!br.FinishStream(jpg, pos)) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid scan.");
if (*pos > len) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Unexpected end of file during scan. pos=%" PRIuS
" len=%" PRIuS,
*pos, len);
return true;
// Changes the quant_idx field of the components to refer to the index of the
// quant table in the jpg->quant array.
bool FixupIndexes(JPEGData* jpg) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < jpg->components.size(); ++i) {
JPEGComponent* c = &jpg->components[i];
bool found_index = false;
for (size_t j = 0; j < jpg->quant.size(); ++j) {
if (jpg->quant[j].index == c->quant_idx) {
c->quant_idx = j;
found_index = true;
if (!found_index) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Quantization table with index %u not found",
return true;
size_t FindNextMarker(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len, size_t pos) {
// kIsValidMarker[i] == 1 means (0xc0 + i) is a valid marker.
static const uint8_t kIsValidMarker[] = {
1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
size_t num_skipped = 0;
while (pos + 1 < len && (data[pos] != 0xff || data[pos + 1] < 0xc0 ||
!kIsValidMarker[data[pos + 1] - 0xc0])) {
return num_skipped;
} // namespace
bool ReadJpeg(const uint8_t* data, const size_t len, JpegReadMode mode,
JPEGData* jpg) {
size_t pos = 0;
// Check SOI marker.
int marker = data[pos + 1];
pos += 2;
if (marker != 0xd8) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Did not find expected SOI marker, actual=%d", marker);
int lut_size = kMaxHuffmanTables * kJpegHuffmanLutSize;
std::vector<HuffmanTableEntry> dc_huff_lut(lut_size);
std::vector<HuffmanTableEntry> ac_huff_lut(lut_size);
bool found_sof = false;
bool found_dri = false;
uint16_t scan_progression[kMaxComponents][kDCTBlockSize] = {{0}};
bool is_progressive = false; // default
do {
// Read next marker.
size_t num_skipped = FindNextMarker(data, len, pos);
if (num_skipped > 0) {
// Add a fake marker to indicate arbitrary in-between-markers data.
jpg->inter_marker_data.emplace_back(data + pos, data + pos + num_skipped);
pos += num_skipped;
marker = data[pos + 1];
pos += 2;
bool ok = true;
switch (marker) {
case 0xc0:
case 0xc1:
case 0xc2:
is_progressive = (marker == 0xc2);
ok = ProcessSOF(data, len, mode, &pos, jpg);
found_sof = true;
case 0xc4:
ok = ProcessDHT(data, len, mode, &dc_huff_lut, &ac_huff_lut, &pos, jpg);
case 0xd0:
case 0xd1:
case 0xd2:
case 0xd3:
case 0xd4:
case 0xd5:
case 0xd6:
case 0xd7:
// RST markers do not have any data.
case 0xd9:
// Found end marker.
case 0xda:
if (mode == JpegReadMode::kReadAll) {
ok = ProcessScan(data, len, dc_huff_lut, ac_huff_lut,
scan_progression, is_progressive, &pos, jpg);
case 0xdb:
ok = ProcessDQT(data, len, &pos, jpg);
case 0xdd:
ok = ProcessDRI(data, len, &pos, &found_dri, jpg);
case 0xe0:
case 0xe1:
case 0xe2:
case 0xe3:
case 0xe4:
case 0xe5:
case 0xe6:
case 0xe7:
case 0xe8:
case 0xe9:
case 0xea:
case 0xeb:
case 0xec:
case 0xed:
case 0xee:
case 0xef:
if (mode != JpegReadMode::kReadTables) {
ok = ProcessAPP(data, len, &pos, jpg);
case 0xfe:
if (mode != JpegReadMode::kReadTables) {
ok = ProcessCOM(data, len, &pos, jpg);
return JXL_FAILURE("Unsupported marker: %d pos=%" PRIuS " len=%" PRIuS,
marker, pos, len);
if (!ok) {
return false;
if (mode == JpegReadMode::kReadHeader && found_sof) {
} while (marker != 0xd9);
if (!found_sof) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Missing SOF marker.");
// Supplemental checks.
if (mode == JpegReadMode::kReadAll) {
if (pos < len) {
jpg->tail_data = std::vector<uint8_t>(data + pos, data + len);
if (!FixupIndexes(jpg)) {
return false;
if (jpg->huffman_code.empty()) {
// Section B.2.4.2: "If a table has never been defined for a particular
// destination, then when this destination is specified in a scan header,
// the results are unpredictable."
return JXL_FAILURE("Need at least one Huffman code table.");
if (jpg->huffman_code.size() >= kMaxDHTMarkers) {
return JXL_FAILURE("Too many Huffman tables.");
return true;
} // namespace jpeg
} // namespace jxl