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// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Utility function for building a Huffman lookup table for the jpeg decoder.
#include <stdint.h>
namespace jxl {
namespace jpeg {
constexpr int kJpegHuffmanRootTableBits = 8;
// Maximum huffman lookup table size.
// According to zlib/examples/enough.c, 758 entries are always enough for
// an alphabet of 257 symbols (256 + 1 special symbol for the all 1s code) and
// max bit length 16 if the root table has 8 bits.
constexpr int kJpegHuffmanLutSize = 758;
struct HuffmanTableEntry {
// Initialize the value to an invalid symbol so that we can recognize it
// when reading the bit stream using a Huffman code with space > 0.
HuffmanTableEntry() : bits(0), value(0xffff) {}
uint8_t bits; // number of bits used for this symbol
uint16_t value; // symbol value or table offset
// Builds jpeg-style Huffman lookup table from the given symbols.
// The symbols are in order of increasing bit lengths. The number of symbols
// with bit length n is given in counts[n] for each n >= 1.
void BuildJpegHuffmanTable(const uint32_t* counts, const uint32_t* symbols,
HuffmanTableEntry* lut);
} // namespace jpeg
} // namespace jxl