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# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
import re
import time
from mozlog.structuredlog import StructuredLogger
from . import chrome_spki_certs
from .base import BrowserError
from .base import WebDriverBrowser, require_arg
from .base import NullBrowser # noqa: F401
from .base import OutputHandler
from .base import get_free_port
from .base import get_timeout_multiplier # noqa: F401
from .base import cmd_arg
from ..executors import executor_kwargs as base_executor_kwargs
from ..executors.base import WdspecExecutor # noqa: F401
from ..executors.executorchrome import ( # noqa: F401
from ..testloader import GroupMetadata
from typing import Any, List, Optional
__wptrunner__ = {"product": "chrome",
"check_args": "check_args",
"browser": "ChromeBrowser",
"executor": {"testharness": "ChromeDriverTestharnessExecutor",
"reftest": "ChromeDriverRefTestExecutor",
"print-reftest": "ChromeDriverPrintRefTestExecutor",
"wdspec": "WdspecExecutor",
"crashtest": "ChromeDriverCrashTestExecutor"},
"browser_kwargs": "browser_kwargs",
"executor_kwargs": "executor_kwargs",
"env_extras": "env_extras",
"env_options": "env_options",
"update_properties": "update_properties",
"timeout_multiplier": "get_timeout_multiplier",}
def debug_args(debug_info):
if debug_info.interactive:
# Keep in sync with:
return [
return []
def check_args(**kwargs):
require_arg(kwargs, "webdriver_binary")
def browser_kwargs(logger, test_type, run_info_data, config, **kwargs):
return {"binary": kwargs["binary"],
"webdriver_binary": kwargs["webdriver_binary"],
"webdriver_args": kwargs.get("webdriver_args"),
"leak_check": kwargs.get("leak_check", False)}
def executor_kwargs(logger, test_type, test_environment, run_info_data, subsuite,
sanitizer_enabled = kwargs.get("sanitizer_enabled")
if sanitizer_enabled:
test_type = "crashtest"
executor_kwargs = base_executor_kwargs(test_type, test_environment, run_info_data,
subsuite, **kwargs)
executor_kwargs["close_after_done"] = True
executor_kwargs["sanitizer_enabled"] = sanitizer_enabled
executor_kwargs["reuse_window"] = kwargs.get("reuse_window", False)
capabilities = {
"goog:chromeOptions": {
"prefs": {
"profile": {
"default_content_setting_values": {
"popups": 1
"excludeSwitches": ["enable-automation"],
"w3c": True,
chrome_options = capabilities["goog:chromeOptions"]
if kwargs["binary"] is not None:
chrome_options["binary"] = kwargs["binary"]
# Here we set a few Chrome flags that are always passed.
# ChromeDriver's "acceptInsecureCerts" capability only controls the current
# browsing context, whereas the CLI flag works for workers, too.
chrome_options["args"] = []
chrome_options["args"].append("--ignore-certificate-errors-spki-list=%s" %
# Allow audio autoplay without a user gesture.
# Allow WebRTC tests to call getUserMedia and getDisplayMedia.
# Use a fake UI for FedCM to allow testing it.
# is merged.
# Use a fake UI for digital identity to allow testing it.
# Point all .test domains to localhost for Chrome
chrome_options["args"].append("--host-resolver-rules=MAP nonexistent.*.test ^NOTFOUND, MAP *.test, MAP *.test.")
# Enable Secure Payment Confirmation for Chrome. This is normally disabled
# on Linux as it hasn't shipped there yet, but in WPT we enable virtual
# authenticator devices anyway for testing and so SPC works.
# For WebTransport tests.
# The GenericSensorExtraClasses flag enables the browser-side
# implementation of sensors such as Ambient Light Sensor.
# Do not show Chrome for Testing infobar. For other Chromium build this
# flag is no-op. Required to avoid flakiness in tests, as the infobar
# changes the viewport, which can happen during the test run.
# For WebNN tests.
# Classify `http-private`, `http-public` and https variants in the
# appropriate IP address spaces.
# For more details, see:
address_space_overrides_ports = [
("http-private", "private"),
("http-public", "public"),
("https-private", "private"),
("https-public", "public"),
address_space_overrides_arg = ",".join(
for port_name, address_space in address_space_overrides_ports
for port_number in test_environment.config.ports.get(port_name, [])
if address_space_overrides_arg:
"--ip-address-space-overrides=" + address_space_overrides_arg)
# Always disable antialiasing on the Ahem font.
blink_features = ['DisableAhemAntialias']
if kwargs["enable_mojojs"]:
chrome_options["args"].append("--enable-blink-features=" + ','.join(blink_features))
if kwargs["enable_swiftshader"]:
chrome_options["args"].extend(["--use-gl=angle", "--use-angle=swiftshader", "--enable-unsafe-swiftshader"])
if kwargs["enable_experimental"]:
# Copy over any other flags that were passed in via `--binary-arg`
for arg in kwargs.get("binary_args", []):
if arg not in chrome_options["args"]:
for arg in subsuite.config.get("binary_args", []):
if arg not in chrome_options["args"]:
# Pass the --headless=new flag to Chrome if WPT's own --headless flag was
# set. '--headless' should always mean the new headless mode, as the old
# headless mode is not used anyway.
if kwargs["headless"] and ("--headless=new" not in chrome_options["args"] and
"--headless=old" not in chrome_options["args"] and
"--headless" not in chrome_options["args"]):
if test_type == "wdspec":
executor_kwargs["binary_args"] = chrome_options["args"]
executor_kwargs["capabilities"] = capabilities
return executor_kwargs
def env_extras(**kwargs):
return []
def env_options():
# TODO( Support text-based debuggers for `chrome` through
# `chromedriver`.
return {"server_host": ""}
def update_properties():
return (["debug", "os", "processor"], {"os": ["version"], "processor": ["bits"]})
class ChromeBrowser(WebDriverBrowser):
def __init__(self,
logger: StructuredLogger,
leak_check: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any):
super().__init__(logger, **kwargs)
self._leak_check = leak_check
self._actual_port = None
def restart_on_test_type_change(self, new_test_type: str, old_test_type: str) -> bool:
# Restart the test runner when switch from/to wdspec tests. Wdspec test
# is using a different protocol class so a restart is always needed.
if "wdspec" in [old_test_type, new_test_type]:
return True
return False
def create_output_handler(self, cmd: List[str]) -> OutputHandler:
return ChromeDriverOutputHandler(
def make_command(self):
# TODO( Don't pass port unless specified explicitly
# after M132.
port = get_free_port() if self._port is None else self._port
return [self.webdriver_binary,
cmd_arg("port", str(port)),
# TODO( Remove --ignore-explicit-port after
# M132.
cmd_arg("ignore-explicit-port", None),
cmd_arg("url-base", self.base_path),
cmd_arg("enable-chrome-logs")] + self.webdriver_args
def port(self):
# We read the port from WebDriver on startup
if self._actual_port is None:
if self._output_handler is None or self._output_handler.port is None:
raise ValueError("Can't get WebDriver port from its stdout")
self._actual_port = self._output_handler.port
return self._actual_port
def start(self, group_metadata: GroupMetadata, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
if self._actual_port is not None:
raise BrowserError('Unable to start a new WebDriver instance while the old instance is still running')
super().start(group_metadata=group_metadata, **kwargs)
def stop(self, force: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> bool:
self._actual_port = None
return super().stop(force=force, **kwargs)
def executor_browser(self):
browser_cls, browser_kwargs = super().executor_browser()
return browser_cls, {**browser_kwargs, "leak_check": self._leak_check}
class ChromeDriverOutputHandler(OutputHandler):
PORT_RE = re.compile(rb'.*was started successfully on port (\d+)\.')
NO_PORT_RE = re.compile(rb'.*was started successfully\.')
REQUESTED_PORT_RE = re.compile(r'.*-port=(\d+)')
def __init__(self,
logger: StructuredLogger,
command: List[str],
init_deadline: Optional[float] = None):
super().__init__(logger, command)
self.port = None
# TODO( Remove requested_port logic below after M132.
self._requested_port = None
for arg in command:
m = self.REQUESTED_PORT_RE.match(arg)
if m is not None:
self._requested_port = int(m.groups()[0])
self.init_deadline = init_deadline
def after_process_start(self, pid):
while self.port is None:
if self.init_deadline is not None and time.time() > self.init_deadline:
raise TimeoutError("Failed to get WebDriver port within the timeout")
def __call__(self, line):
if self.port is None:
m = self.PORT_RE.match(line)
if m is not None:
self.port = int(m.groups()[0])"Got WebDriver port {self.port}")
# TODO( Remove requested_port logic below after M132.
m = self.NO_PORT_RE.match(line)
if m is not None:
self.port = self._requested_port"Got WebDriver port {self.port}")