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import os.path
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
from inspect import isabstract
from typing import (Any, Dict, Hashable, List, Optional, Sequence, Text, Tuple, Type,
TYPE_CHECKING, Union, cast)
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse, parse_qs
from .utils import to_os_path
from .manifest import Manifest
Fuzzy = Dict[Optional[Tuple[str, str, str]], List[int]]
PageRanges = Dict[str, List[int]]
item_types: Dict[str, Type["ManifestItem"]] = {}
class ManifestItemMeta(ABCMeta):
"""Custom metaclass that registers all the subclasses in the
item_types dictionary according to the value of their item_type
attribute, and otherwise behaves like an ABCMeta."""
def __new__(cls: Type["ManifestItemMeta"], name: str, bases: Tuple[type], attrs: Dict[str, Any]) -> "ManifestItemMeta":
inst = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
if isabstract(inst):
return inst
assert issubclass(inst, ManifestItem)
item_type = cast(str, inst.item_type)
item_types[item_type] = inst
return inst
class ManifestItem(metaclass=ManifestItemMeta):
__slots__ = ("_tests_root", "path")
def __init__(self, tests_root: Text, path: Text) -> None:
self._tests_root = tests_root
self.path = path
def id(self) -> Text:
"""The test's id (usually its url)"""
def item_type(self) -> str:
"""The item's type"""
def path_parts(self) -> Tuple[Text, ...]:
return tuple(self.path.split(os.path.sep))
def key(self) -> Hashable:
"""A unique identifier for the test"""
return (self.item_type,
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not hasattr(other, "key"):
return False
return bool(self.key() == other.key())
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(self.key())
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{self.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__} id={!r}, path={self.path!r}>"
def to_json(self) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
return ()
def from_json(cls,
manifest: "Manifest",
path: Text,
obj: Any
) -> "ManifestItem":
path = to_os_path(path)
tests_root = manifest.tests_root
assert tests_root is not None
return cls(tests_root, path)
class URLManifestItem(ManifestItem):
__slots__ = ("url_base", "_url", "_extras", "_flags")
def __init__(self,
tests_root: Text,
path: Text,
url_base: Text,
url: Optional[Text],
**extras: Any
) -> None:
super().__init__(tests_root, path)
assert url_base[0] == "/"
self.url_base = url_base
assert url is None or url[0] != "/"
self._url = url
self._extras = extras
parsed_url = urlparse(self.url)
self._flags = (set(parsed_url.path.rsplit("/", 1)[1].split(".")[1:-1]) |
set(parse_qs(parsed_url.query).get("wpt_flags", [])))
def id(self) -> Text:
return self.url
def url(self) -> Text:
rel_url = self._url or self.path.replace(os.path.sep, "/")
# we can outperform urljoin, because we know we just have path relative URLs
if self.url_base == "/":
return "/" + rel_url
return urljoin(self.url_base, rel_url)
def https(self) -> bool:
return "https" in self._flags or "serviceworker" in self._flags or "serviceworker-module" in self._flags
def h2(self) -> bool:
return "h2" in self._flags
def subdomain(self) -> bool:
# Note: this is currently hard-coded to check for `www`, rather than
# all possible valid subdomains. It can be extended if needed.
return "www" in self._flags
def to_json(self) -> Tuple[Optional[Text], Dict[Any, Any]]:
rel_url = None if self._url == self.path.replace(os.path.sep, "/") else self._url
rv: Tuple[Optional[Text], Dict[Any, Any]] = (rel_url, {})
return rv
def from_json(cls,
manifest: "Manifest",
path: Text,
obj: Tuple[Text, Dict[Any, Any]]
) -> "URLManifestItem":
path = to_os_path(path)
url, extras = obj
tests_root = manifest.tests_root
assert tests_root is not None
return cls(tests_root,
class TestharnessTest(URLManifestItem):
__slots__ = ()
item_type = "testharness"
def timeout(self) -> Optional[Text]:
return self._extras.get("timeout")
def pac(self) -> Optional[Text]:
return self._extras.get("pac")
def testdriver_features(self) -> Optional[List[Text]]:
return self._extras.get("testdriver_features")
def testdriver(self) -> Optional[bool]:
return self._extras.get("testdriver")
def jsshell(self) -> Optional[Text]:
return self._extras.get("jsshell")
def script_metadata(self) -> Optional[List[Tuple[Text, Text]]]:
return self._extras.get("script_metadata")
def to_json(self) -> Tuple[Optional[Text], Dict[Text, Any]]:
rv = super().to_json()
if self.timeout is not None:
rv[-1]["timeout"] = self.timeout
if self.pac is not None:
rv[-1]["pac"] = self.pac
if self.testdriver_features is not None:
rv[-1]["testdriver_features"] = self.testdriver_features
if self.testdriver:
rv[-1]["testdriver"] = self.testdriver
if self.jsshell:
rv[-1]["jsshell"] = True
if self.script_metadata:
rv[-1]["script_metadata"] = [(k, v) for (k,v) in self.script_metadata]
return rv
class RefTest(URLManifestItem):
__slots__ = ("references",)
item_type = "reftest"
def __init__(self,
tests_root: Text,
path: Text,
url_base: Text,
url: Optional[Text],
references: Optional[List[Tuple[Text, Text]]] = None,
**extras: Any
super().__init__(tests_root, path, url_base, url, **extras)
if references is None:
self.references: List[Tuple[Text, Text]] = []
self.references = references
def timeout(self) -> Optional[Text]:
return self._extras.get("timeout")
def viewport_size(self) -> Optional[Text]:
return self._extras.get("viewport_size")
def dpi(self) -> Optional[Text]:
return self._extras.get("dpi")
def fuzzy(self) -> Fuzzy:
fuzzy: Union[Fuzzy, List[Tuple[Optional[Sequence[Text]], List[int]]]] = self._extras.get("fuzzy", {})
if not isinstance(fuzzy, list):
return fuzzy
rv: Fuzzy = {}
for k, v in fuzzy: # type: Tuple[Optional[Sequence[Text]], List[int]]
if k is None:
key: Optional[Tuple[Text, Text, Text]] = None
# mypy types this as Tuple[Text, ...]
assert len(k) == 3
key = tuple(k) # type: ignore
rv[key] = v
return rv
def testdriver(self) -> Optional[bool]:
return self._extras.get("testdriver")
def to_json(self) -> Tuple[Optional[Text], List[Tuple[Text, Text]], Dict[Text, Any]]: # type: ignore
rel_url = None if self._url == self.path else self._url
rv: Tuple[Optional[Text], List[Tuple[Text, Text]], Dict[Text, Any]] = (rel_url, self.references, {})
extras = rv[-1]
if self.timeout is not None:
extras["timeout"] = self.timeout
if self.viewport_size is not None:
extras["viewport_size"] = self.viewport_size
if self.dpi is not None:
extras["dpi"] = self.dpi
if self.fuzzy:
extras["fuzzy"] = list(self.fuzzy.items())
if self.testdriver:
extras["testdriver"] = self.testdriver
return rv
def from_json(cls, # type: ignore
manifest: "Manifest",
path: Text,
obj: Tuple[Text, List[Tuple[Text, Text]], Dict[Any, Any]]
) -> "RefTest":
tests_root = manifest.tests_root
assert tests_root is not None
path = to_os_path(path)
url, references, extras = obj
return cls(tests_root,
class PrintRefTest(RefTest):
__slots__ = ("references",)
item_type = "print-reftest"
def page_ranges(self) -> PageRanges:
return cast(PageRanges, self._extras.get("page_ranges", {}))
def to_json(self): # type: ignore
rv = super().to_json()
if self.page_ranges:
rv[-1]["page_ranges"] = self.page_ranges
return rv
class ManualTest(URLManifestItem):
__slots__ = ()
item_type = "manual"
class ConformanceCheckerTest(URLManifestItem):
__slots__ = ()
item_type = "conformancechecker"
class VisualTest(URLManifestItem):
__slots__ = ()
item_type = "visual"
class CrashTest(URLManifestItem):
__slots__ = ()
item_type = "crashtest"
def timeout(self) -> Optional[Text]:
return None
def testdriver(self) -> Optional[bool]:
return self._extras.get("testdriver")
def to_json(self): # type: ignore
rel_url, extras = super().to_json()
if self.testdriver:
extras["testdriver"] = self.testdriver
return rel_url, extras
class WebDriverSpecTest(URLManifestItem):
__slots__ = ()
item_type = "wdspec"
def timeout(self) -> Optional[Text]:
return self._extras.get("timeout")
def to_json(self) -> Tuple[Optional[Text], Dict[Text, Any]]:
rv = super().to_json()
if self.timeout is not None:
rv[-1]["timeout"] = self.timeout
return rv
class SupportFile(ManifestItem):
__slots__ = ()
item_type = "support"
def id(self) -> Text:
return self.path
class SpecItem(ManifestItem):
__slots__ = ("specs")
item_type = "spec"
def __init__(self,
tests_root: Text,
path: Text,
specs: List[Text]
) -> None:
super().__init__(tests_root, path)
self.specs = specs
def id(self) -> Text:
return self.path
def to_json(self) -> Tuple[Optional[Text], Dict[Text, Any]]:
rv: Tuple[Optional[Text], Dict[Any, Any]] = (None, {})
for i in range(len(self.specs)):
spec_key = f"spec_link{i+1}"
rv[-1][spec_key] = self.specs[i]
return rv
def from_json(cls,
manifest: "Manifest",
path: Text,
obj: Any
) -> "ManifestItem":
"""Not properly implemented and is not used."""
return cls("/", "", [])