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Test Info:
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /svg/animations/first-interval-in-the-past-contribute.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inserting animation elements that end before current presentation time</title>
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<script src="/common/rendering-utils.js"></script>
<rect width="100" height="100" fill="orange">
<animate attributeName="fill" values="blue;red" dur="10ms" fill="freeze"/>
promise_test(t => {
const rect = document.querySelector('rect');
const endWatcher = new Promise(resolve => {
document.querySelector('animate').onend = resolve;
return endWatcher
.then(() => {
const oldAnimation = rect.firstElementChild;
const newAnimation = oldAnimation.cloneNode(false);
newAnimation.setAttribute('values', 'red;green');
rect.replaceChild(newAnimation, oldAnimation);
return waitForAtLeastOneFrame();
.then(() => {
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(rect).fill, 'rgb(0, 128, 0)', 'new animation applies');