accumulate-values-width-animation.html |
This tests values animation and accumulate='sum' |
3293 |
additive-from-to-width-animation.html |
This tests multiple additive='sum' animations running at the same time |
2300 |
additive-type-by-animation.html |
This by animation for all XML property types |
16420 |
additive-values-width-animation.html |
This tests values animation and additive='sum' |
3093 |
animate-calcMode-spline-by.html |
Test calcMode spline with by animation. You should see a green 100x100 rect and only PASS messages |
2021 |
animate-calcMode-spline-from-by.html |
Test calcMode spline with from-by animation. You should see a green 100x100 rect and only PASS messages |
2063 |
animate-calcMode-spline-from-to.html |
Test calcMode spline with from-to animation. You should see a green 100x100 rect and only PASS messages |
2060 |
animate-calcMode-spline-to.html |
Test calcMode spline with to animation. You should see a green 100x100 rect and only PASS messages |
2018 |
animate-calcMode-spline-values.html |
Test calcMode spline with values animation. You should see a green 100x100 rect and only PASS messages |
2030 |
animate-color-calcMode-discrete.html |
Test calcMode discrete with from-to animation on colors. You should see a green 100x100 rect and only PASS messages |
1770 |
animate-color-fill-currentColor.html |
Tests animation on 'currentColor'. |
1588 |
animate-color-fill-from-by.html |
Tests animation on 'currentColor'. |
1601 |
animate-color-transparent.html |
Tests that 'transparent' is treated as a valid color. |
1410 |
animate-css-xml-attributeType.html |
Tests that XML and CSS attributeTypes can be switched between. |
2763 |
animate-currentColor.html |
Tests animation on 'currentColor'. |
1768 |
animate-display-to-none-001.html |
Test that underlying style gets restored when seeking away from the
'to' portion of a SVG/SMIL animation to 'display:none' |
1160 |
animate-dynamic-update-attributeName.html |
Test behavior on dynamic-update of attributeName |
1902 |
animate-elem-02-t-drt.html |
A copy of the corresponding W3C-SVG-1.1 test, which dumps the animation at certain times |
9717 |
animate-elem-14-t-drt.html |
A copy of the corresponding W3C-SVG-1.1 test, which dumps the animation at certain times |
7016 |
animate-elem-15-t-drt.html |
A copy of the corresponding W3C-SVG-1.1 test, which dumps the animation at certain times |
6907 |
animate-elem-16-t-drt.html |
A copy of the corresponding W3C-SVG-1.1 test, which dumps the animation at certain times |
6808 |
animate-elem-17-t-drt.html |
A copy of the corresponding W3C-SVG-1.1 test, which dumps the animation at certain times |
7075 |
animate-elem-18-t-drt.html |
A copy of the corresponding W3C-SVG-1.1 test, which dumps the animation at certain times |
6915 |
animate-elem-19-t-drt.html |
A copy of the corresponding W3C-SVG-1.1 test, which dumps the animation at certain times |
6830 |
animate-end-attribute-numeric-precision.html |
Tests end conditions are respected properly near the limits of float numeric precision |
1594 |
animate-fill-freeze-with-repeatDur.html |
Test for animation freeze when repeatDur is not a multiple of dur |
1478 |
animate-from-to-keyTimes.html |
Tests discrete from-to-keyTimes animations |
1598 |
animate-gradient-transform.html |
Tests if gradientTransform of a gradient is animateable. |
3886 |
animate-inherit-css-property.html |
Tests animation with 'inherit'. |
1862 |
animate-insert-begin.html |
Test behavior of dynamically inserting animate with begin attribute |
1592 |
animate-insert-no-begin.html |
Test behavior of dynamically inserting animate without begin attribute |
1560 |
animate-keySplines.html |
Testing correct parsing of keySplines. |
2251 |
animate-marker-orient-from-angle-to-angle.html |
Animate SVGMarkerElement orientAttr from an angle to an angle |
3582 |
animate-marker-orient-from-angle-to-auto.html |
Animate SVGMarkerElement orientAttr from an angle to auto |
3281 |
animate-marker-orient-from-auto-to-auto-start-reverse.html |
Animate SVGMarkerElement orientAttr from auto to auto-start-reverse |
3317 |
animate-marker-orient-to-angle.html |
Animate SVGMarkerElement orientAttr to an angle |
3158 |
animate-number-calcMode-discrete-keyTimes.html |
Test calcMode discrete with from-to animation on numbers. You should see a green 100x100 rect and only PASS messages |
1920 |
animate-number-calcMode-discrete.html |
Test calcMode discrete with from-to animation on numbers. You should see a green 100x100 rect and only PASS messages |
1778 |
animate-path-animation-cC-sS-inverse.tentative.html |
Path animation where coordinate modes of start and end differ (c-C and s-S) |
1983 |
animate-path-animation-Cc-Ss.tentative.html |
Path animation where coordinate modes of start and end differ (C-c and S-s) |
2010 |
animate-path-animation-lL-vV-hH-inverse.tentative.html |
Path animation where coordinate modes of start and end differ (l-L, v-V and h-H) |
1839 |
animate-path-animation-Ll-Vv-Hh.tentative.html |
Path animation where coordinate modes of start and end differ (L-l, V-v and H-h) |
2005 |
animate-path-animation-mM-aA-Z-inverse.tentative.html |
Path animation where coordinate modes of start and end differ (m-M, a-A and Z) |
2317 |
animate-path-animation-Mm-Aa-Z.tentative.html |
Path animation where coordinate modes of start and end differ (M-m, A-a and Z) |
2646 |
animate-path-animation-qQ-tT-inverse.tentative.html |
Path animation where coordinate modes of start and end differ (q-Q and t-T) |
1871 |
animate-path-animation-Qq-Tt.tentative.html |
Path animation where coordinate modes of start and end differ (Q-q and T-t) |
2056 |
animate-path-to-animation.tentative.html |
calcMode spline with 'to' animation |
1609 |
animate-reset-freeze.html |
SVG Animations: Rewinding fill='freeze' animations |
1073 |
animate-stop-currentcolor.html |
Animating 'stop-color' from 'currentcolor' |
869 |
animated-classname-crash.svg |
197 |
animateMotion-base.html |
Test for checking position of the svg element when there is a <base> attribute |
1349 |
animateMotion-circle.html |
Test for checking position of the svg element when animateMotion's mpath is a circle |
1786 |
animateMotion-display-none.html |
Test for checking position of the svg element when animateMotion's mpath is display:none |
1583 |
animateMotion-ellipse.html |
Test for checking position of the svg element when animateMotion's mpath is an ellipse |
1792 |
animateMotion-fill-freeze.html |
Test for animation freeze when repeatDur is not a multiple of dur |
1599 |
animateMotion-fill-remove.html |
Test for animation freeze when repeatDur is not a multiple of dur |
1595 |
animateMotion-from-to-rotate-auto.html |
<animateMotion> from/to animation with rotate=auto |
1226 |
animateMotion-keyPoints-001.html |
'calcMode' paced and 'keyPoints' on <animateMotion> with 'path' |
1298 |
animateMotion-line.html |
Test for checking position of the svg element when animateMotion's mpath is a line |
1571 |
animateMotion-mpath.html |
animateMotion with mpath |
1406 |
animateMotion-multiple.html |
Test for checking position of the svg element when multiple animateMotion are acting on it |
1912 |
animateMotion-rect.html |
Test for checking position of the svg element when animateMotion's mpath is a rect |
1586 |
animateMotion-still.html |
Test animations that only express an offset |
1759 |
animateTransform-pattern-transform.html |
Tests animation of 'patternTransform'. Should result in a 100x100 rect and only PASS messages. |
3328 |
animVal-basics.html |
Trivial animVal testcase, to see wheter we support it at all. Should result in a 200x200 rect and only PASS messages |
1910 |
attribute-value-unaffected-by-animation-001.html |
An animation of an attribute ('class') does not change the DOM attribute value |
1147 |
attribute-value-unaffected-by-animation-002.html |
An animation of an attribute ('orient') does not change the DOM attribute value |
728 |
attributeTypes.html |
This verifies several attributeTypes combiniations |
4586 |
begin-attribute-mutation.html |
Mutating the 'begin' attribute after the element has started |
955 |
begin-event.svg |
740 |
beginelement-instance-time-1.html |
beginElement() timing |
1048 |
beginevents-1.html |
beginEvent dispatching |
831 |
change-css-property-while-animating-fill-freeze.html |
This tests scripting a CSS property while animation is running |
2087 |
change-css-property-while-animating-fill-remove.html |
This tests scripting a CSS property while animation is running |
2073 |
change-target-while-animating-SVG-property.html |
This changes the target of an animation while its running |
3286 |
conditional-processing-01.html |
Test animation as children of failed conditional processing test elements |
648 |
correct-events-for-short-animations-with-syncbases.html |
Correct events for short animations with syncbases |
1982 |
crashtests |
custom-events.html |
Custom events with the names "end" and "endEvent" and their effects on various types of event listeners |
4058 |
cyclic-syncbase-2.html |
Cyclic syncbase dependency with syncbase trigger |
960 |
cyclic-syncbase-events.html |
Cyclic syncbase dependency with syncbase trigger - event dispatching |
1173 |
cyclic-syncbase.html |
Test cyclic for svg animations for syncbases |
1632 |
dependent-begin-on-syncbase.html |
Dependent timed element begin (restart) on syncbase |
1589 |
dependent-end-on-syncbase.html |
Dependent timed element end on syncbase |
1576 |
discard-check-removal-order.html |
This tests for the remove order of discard elements. |
1720 |
end-attribute-change-end-time.html |
Mutation of the 'end' attribute changes current interval end |
681 |
end-event.svg |
778 |
end-of-time-001-crash.html |
Seeking the time container to a large value does not cause a crash (or hang) |
614 |
end-of-time-002-crash.html |
Seeking the time container to a large value does not cause a crash (or hang) |
610 |
event-listeners.html |
Event handling of endEvent with various types of event listeners |
3310 |
eventbase-non-svg-element.html |
Non-SVGElements are allowed as event-bases |
493 |
first-interval-in-the-past-contribute.html |
Inserting animation elements that end before current presentation time |
1167 |
first-interval-in-the-past-dont-contribute.html |
Animation element that end before time container begin |
974 |
force-use-shadow-tree-recreation-while-animating.html |
This test forces use shadow tree recreation while an animating is running |
1873 |
interval-restart-events.html |
Event dispatching on interval restart |
1033 |
keysplines-x-limits.html |
'keySplines' with x-values outside of the 0 to 1 range |
3153 |
keysplines-y-limits.html |
'keySplines' with y-values outside of the 0 to 1 range |
3154 |
multiple-animations-ending.html |
This checks the effect on multiple animations ending on one target |
15182 |
multiple-animations-fill-freeze.html |
This checks the effect on multiple animations on one target |
4863 |
multiple-begin-additive-animation.html |
This tests additive='sum' support on animate elements with multiple begin times |
4079 |
non-additive-type-by-animation.html |
This by animation for all non-additive property types - should have no effect. |
3088 |
non-additive-type-from-by-animation.html |
This is a from by animation for all non-additive property types - should have no effect. |
3168 |
onbegin.svg |
827 |
onend.svg |
879 |
onrepeat.svg |
902 |
pruning-first-interval.html |
Timed element not active after first interval active duration changes to unresolved |
1026 |
reftests |
reinserting-svg-into-document.html |
Reinserting SVG animation into document should continue the animation |
1260 |
remove-animation-element-while-animation-is-running.html |
This removes an animation element while the animation is running |
2730 |
repeat-event.svg |
814 |
repeat-iteration-event-001.svg |
990 |
repeat-iteration-event-002.svg |
788 |
repeat-iteration-event-003.svg |
788 |
repeat-iteration-event-004.svg |
788 |
repeat-iteration-event-005.svg |
1085 |
repeat-iteration-event-006.svg |
2207 |
repeatcount-attribute-mutation.html |
Mutating the 'repeatCount' attribute after the element has been inserted |
660 |
repeatcount-numeric-limit.tentative.svg |
1422 |
repeatn-remove-add-animation.html |
Remove and add an animation element while the animation is repeating |
3507 |
restart-never-and-begin-click.html |
1727 |
scripted |
seeking-events-1.html |
Seeking forwards does not dispatch events for skipped elements |
940 |
seeking-events-2.html |
Seeking backwards dispatches 'endEvent' if the element is not active at the seeked-to time |
1167 |
seeking-events-3.html |
Seeking backwards does not dispatch events for skipped elements |
1039 |
seeking-events-4.html |
Seeking forwards dispatches 'endEvent' if the element is not active at the seeked-to time |
1066 |
seeking-events-5.html |
Seeking forwards does not dispatch 'repeatEvent' |
852 |
seeking-events-6.html |
Seeking backwards does not dispatch 'repeatEvent' |
853 |
seeking-events-7.html |
Seeking forwards to a new interval dispatches both 'endEvent' and 'beginEvent' |
870 |
seeking-events-8.html |
Seeking backwards to a new interval dispatches both 'endEvent' and 'beginEvent' |
871 |
seeking-to-large-time.html |
SVGSVGElement.prototype.setCurrentTime: Large time argument |
788 |
short-simple-duration-and-fractional-repeatcount.html |
Short simple duration and fractional repeatCount does not hang |
725 |
single-values-animation.html |
This tests values animation with just a single entry |
1532 |
slider-switch.html |
Check correct event bases for onclick |
1747 |
spaces-at-end-of-path-data.html |
Allow trailing empty entry in value list |
919 |
stop-animation-01.html |
Animate a <stop> element |
670 |
support |
svg-style-animate-crash.html |
Starting a CSS Animation and Web Animation at the same time on SVG style elements |
482 |
svgangle-animation-deg-to-grad.html |
Tests SVGAngle animation from deg to grad. |
3075 |
svgangle-animation-deg-to-rad.html |
Tests SVGAngle animation from deg to rad. |
3080 |
svgangle-animation-grad-to-deg.html |
Tests SVGAngle animation from grad to deg. |
3075 |
svgangle-animation-grad-to-rad.html |
Tests SVGAngle animation from grad to rad. |
3082 |
svgangle-animation-rad-to-deg.html |
Tests SVGAngle animation from rad to deg. |
3073 |
svgangle-animation-rad-to-grad.html |
Tests SVGAngle animation from rad to grad. |
3075 |
svgangle-animation-unitType.html |
Test change of unit type for SVGAngle animation. |
2650 |
svgboolean-animation-1.html |
Test 'to' animation of SVGBoolean. |
2286 |
svgenum-animation-1.html |
Test SVGUnitTypes enumeration animations |
2464 |
svgenum-animation-2.html |
Test EdgeModeType enumeration animations |
2766 |
svgenum-animation-3.html |
Test SVGLengthAdjustType enumeration animations |
1906 |
svgenum-animation-4.html |
Test CompositeOperationType enumeration animations |
6245 |
svgenum-animation-5.html |
Test MorphologyOperatorType enumeration animations |
2458 |
svgenum-animation-6.html |
Test ColorMatrixType enumeration animations |
3020 |
svgenum-animation-7.html |
Test SVGStitchOptions/TurbulenceType enumeration animations |
3291 |
svgenum-animation-8.html |
Test ComponentTransferType enumeration animations |
4069 |
svgenum-animation-9.html |
Test SVGTextPathSpacingType/SVGTextPathMethodType enumeration animations |
2820 |
svgenum-animation-10.html |
Test SVGMarkerUnitsType enumeration animations |
2696 |
svgenum-animation-11.html |
Test BlendModeType enumeration animations |
3126 |
svgenum-animation-12.html |
Test SVGSpreadMethodType enumeration animations |
2612 |
svgenum-animation-13.html |
Test ChannelSelectorType enumeration animations |
3672 |
svginteger-animation-1.html |
Test animation of SVGInteger. |
2300 |
svginteger-animation-2.html |
Test animation of SVGInteger. |
2613 |
svglength-additive-by-1.html |
This tests by-animations adding to previous underlying values |
2204 |
svglength-additive-by-2.html |
This tests by-animations adding to previous underlying values |
2208 |
svglength-additive-by-3.html |
This tests by-animations adding to previous underlying values |
2400 |
svglength-additive-by-4.html |
This tests by-animations adding to previous underlying values |
2404 |
svglength-additive-by-6.html |
This tests by-animations adding to previous underlying values |
2385 |
svglength-additive-by-7.html |
This tests by-animations adding to previous underlying values |
2417 |
svglength-additive-by-8.html |
This tests by-animations adding to previous underlying values |
2428 |
svglength-additive-from-by-1.html |
This tests from-by-animations adding to previous underlying values |
2228 |
svglength-additive-from-by-2.html |
This tests from-by-animations adding to previous underlying values |
2441 |
svglength-additive-from-by-3.html |
This tests from-by-animations adding to previous underlying values |
2441 |
svglength-additive-from-by-4.html |
This tests from-by-animations adding to previous underlying values |
2445 |
svglength-animation-invalid-value-1.html |
Test SVGLength animation with invalid value: No spaces between number and unit. |
1733 |
svglength-animation-invalid-value-2.html |
Test SVGLength animation with invalid value: No spaces before value. |
1732 |
svglength-animation-invalid-value-3.html |
Test SVGLength animation with invalid value: No spaces after number and unit. |
1741 |
svglength-animation-LengthModeHeight.html |
Test SVGLength animation on LengthModeHeight. |
1956 |
svglength-animation-LengthModeOther.html |
Test SVGLength animation on LengthModeOther. |
1905 |
svglength-animation-LengthModeWidth.html |
Test SVGLength animation on LengthModeWidth. |
1948 |
svglength-animation-number-to-number.html |
Test SVGLength animation from px to cm. |
1788 |
svglength-animation-px-to-cm.html |
Test SVGLength animation from px to cm. |
1792 |
svglength-animation-px-to-ems.html |
Test SVGLength animation from px to ems. |
1832 |
svglength-animation-px-to-in.html |
Test SVGLength animation from px to inch. |
1794 |
svglength-animation-px-to-number.html |
Test SVGLength animation from px to number. |
1794 |
svglength-animation-px-to-pc.html |
Test SVGLength animation from px to pc. |
1791 |
svglength-animation-px-to-pt.html |
Test SVGLength animation from px to cm. |
1792 |
svglength-animation-px-to-px.html |
Test SVGLength animation from px to cm. |
1792 |
svglength-animation-unitType.html |
Test change of unit type for SVGLength animation. |
1973 |
svglength-animation-values.html |
Test SVGLength animation set with 'values', different units and different count of spaces. |
2193 |
svglengthlist-animation-1.html |
Test 'to' animation of SVGLengthList with LengthType number. |
3260 |
svglengthlist-animation-2.html |
Test 'to' animation of SVGLengthList with different LengthTypes. |
3279 |
svglengthlist-animation-3.html |
Test 'to' animation of SVGLengthList with different count of items. |
2558 |
svglengthlist-animation-4.html |
Test 'by' animation of SVGLengthList. |
3226 |
svglengthlist-animation-5.html |
Test additive='sum' animation of SVGLengthList. |
3273 |
svglengthlist-animation-unitType.html |
Test change of unit type for SVGLengthList animation. |
3655 |
svgnumber-animation-1.html |
Test for SVGNumber animation. |
1711 |
svgnumber-animation-2.html |
Test for SVGNumber animation with different exponents. |
1742 |
svgnumber-animation-3.html |
Test for SVGNumber animation with invalid units. |
1489 |
svgnumber-animation-4.html |
Test for SVGNumber animation on SVG DOM properties. |
2283 |
svgnumberlist-animation-1.html |
Test SVGNumberList animation on 'rotate' attribute of text. |
3208 |
svgnumberlist-animation-2.html |
Test 'by' animation of SVGNumberList on 'rotate' attribute of text. |
3228 |
svgnumberoptionalnumber-animation-1.html |
Test 'to' animation of SVGNumberOptionalNumber with optional number. |
2906 |
svgnumberoptionalnumber-animation-2.html |
Test 'to' animation of SVGNumberOptionalNumber without optional number. |
2905 |
svgnumberoptionalnumber-animation-3.html |
Test 'to' animation of SVGNumberOptionalNumber without optional number. |
2915 |
svgnumberoptionalnumber-animation-4.html |
Test 'by' animation of SVGNumberOptionalNumber. |
2853 |
svgpath-animation-1.tentative.html |
'by' path animation |
2010 |
svgpointlist-animation-1.html |
Tests from-to animation of points on polygons. |
2246 |
svgpointlist-animation-2.html |
Tests from-by animation of points on polygons. |
2246 |
svgrect-animation-1.html |
Test from-to SVGRect animation. |
3091 |
svgrect-animation-2.html |
Tests from-by SVGRect animation. |
3096 |
svgstring-animation-1.html |
Test animVal support for SVGAnimatedString animations. |
1817 |
svgstring-animation-fallback-to-discrete.html |
Tests fallback to calcMode='discrete' on animation of SVGString with 'values'. |
1799 |
svgtransform-animation-1.html |
Test accumulate=sum animation on SVGAnimateTransform. |
4719 |
svgtransform-animation-discrete.html |
Test calcMode=discrete animation on SVGAnimateTransform. |
2538 |
switch-animation-01.html |
Test animation as children of switch elements |
702 |
switch-animation-02.html |
Test animation as children of switch elements |
740 |
switching-animated-target-to-unknown-element.html |
Switching animated target to an unknown element |
753 |
syncbase-remove-add-while-running.html |
Remove/Add syncbase while animation is running |
1700 |
use-animate-display-none-symbol-2.html |
Animate a symbol in a display: none subtree 2 |
726 |
use-animate-display-none-symbol.html |
Animate a symbol in a display: none subtree |
533 |