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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>getInnerHTML </title>
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function testElementType(allowsShadowDom, elementType, applyToShadow, mode, delegatesFocus) {
const t = test(t => {
// Create and attach element
let wrapper;
if (applyToShadow) {
const host = document.createElement('div');
t.add_cleanup(function() { host.remove(); });
wrapper = host.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
} else {
wrapper = document.createElement('div');
t.add_cleanup(function() { wrapper.remove(); });
const element = document.createElement(elementType);
const isOpen = mode === 'open';
if (allowsShadowDom) {
const delegatesAttr = delegatesFocus ? ' shadowrootdelegatesfocus=""' : '';
const correctShadowHtml = `<template shadowrootmode="${mode}"${delegatesAttr}><slot></slot></template>`;
const correctHtml = `<${elementType}>${correctShadowHtml}</${elementType}>`;
const emptyElement = `<${elementType}></${elementType}>`;
const shadowRoot = element.attachShadow({mode: mode, delegatesFocus: delegatesFocus});
if (isOpen) {
// We can only test this for open roots
assert_equals(wrapper.getInnerHTML(),correctHtml,'The default for includeShadowRoots should be true');
} else {
// Closed shadow roots should not be returned unless closedRoots contains the shadow root:
assert_equals(wrapper.getInnerHTML({includeShadowRoots: true}), emptyElement);
assert_equals(wrapper.getInnerHTML({includeShadowRoots: true, closedRoots: []}), emptyElement);
assert_equals(wrapper.getInnerHTML({includeShadowRoots: true, closedRoots: [shadowRoot]}),correctHtml);
// ClosedRoots are not included if includeShadowRoots is false:
assert_equals(wrapper.getInnerHTML({includeShadowRoots: false, closedRoots: [shadowRoot]}),emptyElement);
} else {
// For non-shadow hosts, getInnerHTML() should also match .innerHTML
assert_equals(wrapper.getInnerHTML({includeShadowRoots: true}),wrapper.innerHTML);
// Either way, make sure getInnerHTML({includeShadowRoots: false}) matches .innerHTML
assert_equals(wrapper.getInnerHTML({includeShadowRoots: false}),wrapper.innerHTML,'getInnerHTML() with includeShadowRoots false should return the same as .innerHTML');
}, `${applyToShadow ? 'ShadowRoot' : 'Element'}.getInnerHTML() on <${elementType}>${allowsShadowDom ? `, with mode=${mode}, delegatesFocus=${delegatesFocus}.` : ''}`);
function runAllTests() {
const allElements = [...HTML5_ELEMENTS, 'htmlunknown'];
for (const elementName of allElements) {
const allowsShadowDom = safelisted.includes(elementName);
for (const applyToShadow of [false, true]) {
if (allowsShadowDom) {
for (const delegatesFocus of [false, true]) {
for (const mode of ['open', 'closed']) {
testElementType(true, elementName, applyToShadow, mode, delegatesFocus);
} else {
testElementType(false, elementName, applyToShadow);