accesskey.tentative.html |
Shadow DOM: accesskey |
1351 |
capturing-and-bubbling-event-listeners-across-shadow-trees.html |
Shadow DOM: Capturing event listeners should be invoked before bubbling event listeners |
9448 |
crashtests |
declarative |
directionality-001-ref.html |
CSS Test Reference |
348 |
directionality-001.tentative.html |
Test: directionality propagation in Shadow DOM. |
885 |
directionality-002-ref.html |
CSS Test Reference |
278 |
directionality-002.tentative.html |
Directionality is properly computed for slotted children |
811 |
Document-caretPositionFromPoint.tentative.html |
15064 |
Document-prototype-adoptNode.html |
DOM and Shadow DOM: Document.prototype.adoptNode |
1069 |
Document-prototype-currentScript.html |
HTML: Document.prototype.currentScript |
4551 |
Document-prototype-importNode.html |
DOM and Shadow DOM: Document.prototype.importNode |
1071 |
DocumentOrShadowRoot-prototype-elementFromPoint.html |
Shadow DOM and CSSOM View: Document.prototype.elementFromPoint |
14813 |
Element-interface-attachShadow-custom-element.html |
Shadow DOM: Attaching a ShadowRoot for custom elements |
4058 |
Element-interface-attachShadow.html |
Shadow DOM: Attaching a ShadowRoot |
5287 |
Element-interface-shadowRoot-attribute.html |
Shadow DOM: Element interface shadowRoot attribute |
2658 |
event-composed-path-after-dom-mutation.html |
Shadow DOM: Event.composedPath() should return the same result even if DOM is mutated |
1934 |
event-composed-path-with-related-target.html |
Shadow DOM: Event path and Event.composedPath() (with related target) |
12034 |
event-composed-path.html |
Shadow DOM: Event path and Event.composedPath() |
10180 |
event-composed.html |
Shadow DOM: Event composed |
2972 |
event-dispatch-order.tentative.html |
Shadow DOM: event dispatch order for capture and non-capture listerns at a shadow host |
1502 |
event-inside-shadow-tree.html |
Shadow DOM: Firing an event inside a shadow tree |
7601 |
event-inside-slotted-node.html |
Shadow DOM: Firing an event inside a node assigned to a slot |
14764 |
event-on-pseudo-element-crash.html |
550 |
event-post-dispatch.html |
Shadow DOM: Event dispatch post result for event properties. |
10919 |
event-with-related-target.html |
Shadow DOM: Firing an event with relatedTarget inside a shadow tree |
12860 |
execcommand-insertList-in-shadow.html |
In this test, we do execCommand('InsertUnorderedList') on the
unordered list inside the ShadowRoot to confirm that list toggle off
for all the child nodes.
1544 |
Extensions-to-Event-Interface.html |
Shadow DOM: Extensions to Event Interface |
11195 |
focus |
focus-navigation |
focus-within-shadow.html |
853 |
form-control-form-attribute.html |
Form controls' form attribute |
2107 |
getElementById-dynamic-001.html |
Shadow DOM: ShadowRoot.getElementById in shadow trees keeps working after host is removed from tree |
973 |
getElementById-dynamic-002.html |
Shadow DOM: Modifying an element ID inside a disconnected shadow root does not break getElementById |
891 |
HighlightRegistry-highlightsFromPoint.html |
9611 |
historical.html |
Shadow DOM v0 features should NOT be present |
789 |
host-with-namespace.xhtml |
1100 |
HTMLSlotElement-interface.html |
Shadow DOM: HTMLSlotElement interface |
16485 |
imperative-slot-api-crash.html |
810 |
imperative-slot-api-slotchange.html |
Shadow DOM: Imperative Slot API slotchange event |
11732 |
imperative-slot-api.html |
Shadow DOM: Imperative Slot API |
11892 |
imperative-slot-assign-not-slotable-crash.html |
436 |
imperative-slot-fallback-clear.html |
Imperative Slot API: fallback should be cleared after slot assignment |
1480 |
imperative-slot-initial-fallback.html |
Imperative Slot API: intial fallback should be correctly set up |
1306 |
imperative-slot-layout-invalidation-001-ref.html |
CSS Test Reference |
92 |
imperative-slot-layout-invalidation-001.html |
Imperative slotting API: Invalidation on re-assignment |
859 |
innerHTML-setter.xhtml |
Test for Shadow DOM innerHTML setter in XML |
3122 |
input-element-list.html |
Input.list |
1172 |
input-type-radio.html |
2378 |
invalidate-shadow-dom-crash.html |
188 |
invalidate-sibling-different-slots-ref.html |
Invalidation works properly across siblings on different slots |
288 |
invalidate-sibling-different-slots.html |
Invalidation works properly across siblings on different slots |
599 |
layout-slot-no-longer-assigned.html |
Layout using slot elements |
555 |
layout-slot-no-longer-fallback.html |
Layout using slot elements |
541 |
leaktests |
META.yml |
125 |
MouseEvent-prototype-offsetX-offsetY.html |
Shadow DOM: MouseEvent's offsetX and offsetY attributes must be relative to the relative target. |
7020 |
nested-slot-remove-crash.html |
1048 |
Node-prototype-cloneNode.html |
DOM: cloneNode(deep) |
2500 |
offsetParent-across-shadow-boundaries.html |
9552 |
offsetTop-offsetLeft-across-shadow-boundaries.html |
2093 |
Range-prototype-insertNode.html |
635 |
reference |
reference-target |
resources |
scroll-to-the-fragment-in-shadow-tree.html |
Shadow DOM: The indicated part of the document should not match an element inside a shadow tree |
6240 |
shadow-root-clonable.html |
Shadow root clonable flag |
3823 |
shadow-style-invalidation-vw-units-ref.html |
114 |
shadow-style-invalidation-vw-units.html |
949 |
ShadowRoot-interface.html |
Shadow DOM: ShadowRoot interface |
6689 |
slot-dir-attach-child-crash.html |
498 |
slot-fallback-content-001-ref.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
394 |
slot-fallback-content-001.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
684 |
slot-fallback-content-002-ref.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
390 |
slot-fallback-content-002.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
728 |
slot-fallback-content-003-ref.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
495 |
slot-fallback-content-003.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
1450 |
slot-fallback-content-004-ref.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
586 |
slot-fallback-content-004.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
1755 |
slot-fallback-content-005-ref.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
288 |
slot-fallback-content-005.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
623 |
slot-fallback-content-006-ref.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
810 |
slot-fallback-content-006.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
2782 |
slot-fallback-content-007-ref.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
332 |
slot-fallback-content-007.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
910 |
slot-fallback-content-008-ref.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
342 |
slot-fallback-content-008.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
1000 |
slotchange-customelements.html |
Shadow DOM: slotchange customelements |
1910 |
slotchange-event.html |
Shadow DOM: slotchange event |
24032 |
slotchange.html |
Shadow DOM: slotchange Events |
7608 |
slots-fallback-in-document.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents in Document tree |
1609 |
slots-fallback.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents |
8228 |
slots-outside-shadow-dom.html |
515 |
slots.html |
Shadow DOM: Slots and assignments |
15806 |
Slottable-mixin.html |
Shadow DOM: Slottable mixin |
4613 |
untriaged |
user-agent-shadow-root-crash.html |
573 |
94 |