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<meta name="author" title="Fernando Fiori" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="HighlightRegistry.highlightsFromPoint returns the Highlights present at at a given point inside the shadow roots passed as argument.">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
::highlight(example-highlight) {
background-color: rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.5);
::highlight(example-highlight-2) {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5);
body {
font-family: monospace;
<span id="container"></span>
test(() => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint(10, 10, {shadowRoots: [container]}); });
<div id="host">
<template shadowrootmode=open></template>
const shadowRoot = host.shadowRoot;
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint(10, 10, {shadowRoots: [shadowRoot, container]}); });
}, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() should throw when called with nodes that are not ShadowRoot objects in options.');
test(() => {
<div id="host">
<template shadowrootmode=open>
const shadowRoot = host.shadowRoot;
const spanInShadowDOM = shadowRoot.querySelector("span");
let range = new Range();
range.setStart(spanInShadowDOM.childNodes[0], 2);
range.setEnd(spanInShadowDOM.childNodes[0], 10);
let range2 = new Range();
range2.setStart(spanInShadowDOM.childNodes[0], 5);
range2.setEnd(spanInShadowDOM.childNodes[0], 10);
// Set two Highlights in the shadow tree in this way: 01[234[56789]]
let highlight = new Highlight(range);
CSS.highlights.set("example-highlight", highlight);
let highlight2 = new Highlight(range2);
CSS.highlights.set("example-highlight-2", highlight2);
const spanBoundingRectangle = spanInShadowDOM.getBoundingClientRect();
const characterWidth = spanBoundingRectangle.width / spanInShadowDOM.textContent.length;
// Get x and y coordinates between '0' and '1'.
let x = spanBoundingRectangle.left + characterWidth;
let y = + spanBoundingRectangle.height / 2;
let highlights = CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint(x, y, {shadowRoots: [shadowRoot]});
assert_equals(highlights.length, 0, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns no Highlights when the coordinates provided point at no Highlights');
// Get x and y coordinates between '2' and '3'.
x = spanBoundingRectangle.left + 3 * characterWidth;
highlights = CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint(x, y, {shadowRoots: [shadowRoot]});
assert_equals(highlights.length, 1, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns exactly one Highlight when the given coordinates point at a Highlight under the shadow root provided');
assert_equals(highlights[0], highlight, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns the Highlight present at the given coordinates when it\'s under the shadow root provided');
highlights = CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint(x, y);
assert_equals(highlights.length, 0, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns no Highlights when the coordinates provided point at one Highlight in the shadow DOM but shadowRoots provided is empty');
// Get x and y coordinates between '6' and '7'.
// Same priority for the Highlights, break tie by order of registration.
x = spanBoundingRectangle.left + 7 * characterWidth;
highlights = CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint(x, y, {shadowRoots: [shadowRoot]});
assert_equals(highlights.length, 2, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns exactly two Highlights when the coordinates provided point at two overlapping Highlights');
assert_equals(highlights[0], highlight2, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns first the Highlight registered last when both Highlights present at the point provided have the same priority');
assert_equals(highlights[1], highlight, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns last the Highlight registered first when both Highlights present at the point provided have the same priority');
}, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns Highlights present at a given point inside a shadow tree in the right order.');
test(() => {
`0123456789<div id=host>
<template shadowrootmode=open>
const host = document.querySelector("#host");
const shadowRoot = host.shadowRoot;
const spanInShadowDOM = shadowRoot.querySelector("span");
const spanBoundingRectangle = spanInShadowDOM.getBoundingClientRect();
const characterWidth = spanBoundingRectangle.width / spanInShadowDOM.textContent.length;
const characterHeight = spanBoundingRectangle.height;
let range = new Range();
range.setStart(container.childNodes[0], 0);
range.setEnd(container.childNodes[2], 5);
// Set a Highlight with a range like this one:
// [0123456789
// 0123456789
// 01234]56789
// But only the first and third lines are highlighted because the second line belongs on a shadow tree.
const highlight = new Highlight(range);
CSS.highlights.set("example-highlight", highlight);
// Get x and y coordinates between '0' and '1' in the first line.
let x = spanBoundingRectangle.left + characterWidth;
let y = container.getBoundingClientRect().top + characterHeight / 2.0;
let highlights = CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint(x, y);
assert_equals(highlights.length, 1, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns one Highlight present at the coordinates provided');
assert_equals(highlights[0], highlight, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns the Highlight present at the given coordinates even when no shadowRoots are provided because it\'s outside the shadow DOM');
// Now move y to the second line (inside shadow DOM).
y += characterHeight;
highlights = CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint(x, y, {shadowRoots: [shadowRoot]});
assert_equals(highlights.length, 0, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns no Highlights when the given coordinates point at text under the shadow root provided even when there is a Highlight set with a Range that starts and ends in the regular DOM surrounding it, even when shadowRoots are provided');
highlights = CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint(x, y);
assert_equals(highlights.length, 0, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns no Highlights when the given coordinates point at text under the shadow root provided even when there is a Highlight set with a Range that starts and ends in the regular DOM surrounding it');
// Now move y to the third line.
y += characterHeight;
highlights = CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint(x, y);
assert_equals(highlights.length, 1, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns one Highlight present at the coordinates provided');
assert_equals(highlights[0], highlight, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns the Highlight present at the given coordinates because it\'s outside of the shadow DOM');
// Set a Highlight with a range like this one:
// [0123456789
// 01234]56789
// 0123456789
// Here nothing is highlighted since the range starts in the light DOM and ends in the shadow DOM.
const staticRange = new StaticRange({startContainer: container.childNodes[0], startOffset: 0, endContainer: spanInShadowDOM.childNodes[0], endOffset: 5})
CSS.highlights.set("example-highlight", new Highlight(staticRange));
// Set x and y coordinates between '0' and '1' in the first line.
y = container.getBoundingClientRect().top + characterHeight / 2.0;
highlights = CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint(x, y, {shadowRoots: [shadowRoot]});
assert_equals(highlights.length, 0, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns no Highlights when the given coordinates point at text in the light DOM that is not highlighted even when there is a Highlight set with a StaticRange that starts in the light DOM and ends in the shadow DOM surrounding it');
// Now move y to the second line (inside shadow DOM).
y += characterHeight;
highlights = CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint(x, y, {shadowRoots: [shadowRoot]});
assert_equals(highlights.length, 0, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() returns no Highlights when the given coordinates point at text in the shadow DOM that is not highlighted even when there is a Highlight set with a StaticRange that starts in the light DOM and ends in the shadow DOM surrounding it');
}, 'CSS.highlights.highlightsFromPoint() doesn\'t return Highlights that are not painted at the given coordinates even when they fall inside the Highlights\' ranges');