Name Description Size
contacts_manager_mock.js 2847
content-index-helpers.js 374
enable-hyperlink-auditing.js 93
fake-hid.js 10471
fake-serial.js 11418
mock-barcodedetection.js 4142
mock-barcodedetection.js.headers 44
mock-battery-monitor.headers 45
mock-battery-monitor.js 1744
mock-facedetection.js 4134
mock-facedetection.js.headers 44
mock-idle-detection.js This is a testing framework that enables us to test the user idle detection by intercepting the connection between the renderer and the browser and exposing a mocking API for tests. Usage: 1) Include <script src="mock.js"></script> in your file. 2) Set expectations expect(addMonitor).andReturn((threshold, monitorPtr, callback) => { // mock behavior }) 3) Call navigator.idle.query() The mocking API is blink agnostic and is designed such that other engines could implement it too. Here are the symbols that are exposed to tests: - function addMonitor(): the main/only function that can be mocked. - function expect(): the main/only function that enables us to mock it. - function close(): disconnects the interceptor. - enum UserIdleState {IDLE, ACTIVE}: blink agnostic constants. - enum ScreenIdleState {LOCKED, UNLOCKED}: blink agnostic constants. 2312
mock-imagecapture.js 8882
mock-managed-config.js 2596
mock-subapps.js 2471
mock-textdetection.js 2556
mock-textdetection.js.headers 44
nfc-mock.js 14131 This directory contains Chromium-specific test resources, including mocks for 416
web-bluetooth-test.js 24488
web-bluetooth-test.js.headers 45
webusb-child-test.js 1757
webusb-child-test.js.headers 45
webusb-test.js 18369
webusb-test.js.headers 45
webxr-test-math-helper.js 9410
webxr-test-math-helper.js.headers 45
webxr-test.js 70376
webxr-test.js.headers 45