Name Description Size
.htaccess 107
accesskey.js Function that sends an accesskey using the proper key combination depending on the browser and OS. This needs that the test imports the following scripts: <script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testdriver-actions.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script> 1233
blank.html Blank Page 379
channel.sub.js Cache of WebSocket instances per channel For reading there can only be one channel with each UUID, so we just have a simple map of {uuid: WebSocket}. The socket can be closed when the channel is closed. For writing there can be many channels for each uuid. Those can share a websocket (within a specific global), so we have a map of {uuid: [WebSocket, count]}. Count is incremented when a channel is opened with a given uuid, and decremented when its closed. When the count reaches zero we can close the underlying socket. 39120
check-layout-th.js 10271
idlharness.js For user documentation see docs/_writing-tests/ 145795
idlharness.js.headers 73
META.yml 33
out-of-scope-test.js 248 # Resources 557
sriharness.js 7936
SVGAnimationTestCase-testharness.js 3715
test-only-api.js Whether the browser is Chromium-based with MojoJS enabled 932
test-only-api.js.headers 73
test-only-api.m.js Whether the browser is Chromium-based with MojoJS enabled 280
test-only-api.m.js.headers 73
testdriver-actions.js @class Builder for creating a sequence of actions The actions are dispatched once :js:func:`test_driver.Actions.send` is called. This returns a promise which resolves once the actions are complete. The other methods on :js:class:`test_driver.Actions` object are used to build the sequence of actions that will be sent. These return the `Actions` object itself, so the actions sequence can be constructed by chaining method calls. Internally :js:func:`test_driver.Actions.send` invokes :js:func:`test_driver.action_sequence`. @example let text_box = document.getElementById("text"); let actions = new test_driver.Actions() .pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: text_box}) .pointerDown() .pointerUp() .addTick() .keyDown("p") .keyUp("p"); await actions.send(); @param {number} [defaultTickDuration] - The default duration of a tick. Be default this is set ot 16ms, which is one frame time based on 60Hz display. 18831
testdriver-vendor.js 0
testdriver-vendor.js.headers 73
testdriver.js @namespace {test_driver} 72470
testdriver.js.headers 73
testharness-shadowrealm-audioworkletprocessor.js AudioWorkletProcessor intended for hosting a ShadowRealm and running a test inside of that ShadowRealm. 1648
testharness-shadowrealm-inner.js Set up all properties on the ShadowRealm's global object that tests will expect to be present. @param {string} queryString - string to use as value for, used for subsetting some tests @param {function} fetchAdaptor - a function that takes a resource URI and returns a function which itself takes a (resolve, reject) pair from the hosting realm, and calls resolve with the text result of fetching the resource, or reject with a string indicating the error that occurred 1382
testharness-shadowrealm-outer.js Convenience function for evaluating some async code in the ShadowRealm and waiting for the result. In case of error, this function intentionally exposes the stack trace (if it is available) to the hosting realm, for debugging purposes. @param {ShadowRealm} realm - the ShadowRealm to evaluate the code in @param {string} asyncBody - the code to evaluate; will be put in the body of an async function, and must return a value explicitly if a value is to be returned to the hosting realm. 5176
testharness.js global self 186840
testharness.js.headers 73
testharnessreport.js global add_completion_callback 1231
testharnessreport.js.headers 73