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Test Info:

  • This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
    • /html/syntax/parsing/template/clearing-the-stack-back-to-a-given-context/clearing-stack-back-to-a-table-context.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Templates: Clearing stack back to a table context</title>
<meta name="author" title="Sergey G. Grekhov" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="Clearing the stack back to a table context must be aborted if the current node is template">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/html/resources/common.js"></script>
<div id="log"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function doTest(doc, templateInnerHTML, id, tagName, bodiesNum = null, footerIsNull,
headerIsNull) {
doc.body.innerHTML = '' +
'<table id="tbl">' +
'<template id="tmpl1">' +
// When parser meets <caption>, <colgroup>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, <thead>, <col>
// stack must be cleared back to table context.
//But <template> tag should abort this process
templateInnerHTML +
'</template>' +
'<tr id="tr">' +
'<td id="td">' +
'</td>' +
'</tr>' +
var table = doc.querySelector('#tbl');
var tr = doc.querySelector('#tr');
var td = doc.querySelector('#td');
var template = doc.querySelector('#tmpl1');
assert_equals(table.rows.length, 1, 'Wrong number of table rows');
assert_equals(table.rows[0].cells.length, 1, 'Wrong number of table cells');
assert_equals(template.parentNode, table, 'Wrong template parent');
assert_not_equals(template.content.querySelector('#' + id), null,
'Element should present in the template content');
assert_equals(doc.querySelector('#tbl').caption, null, 'Table should have no caption');
assert_equals(template.content.querySelector('#' + id).tagName, tagName,
'Wrong element in the template content');
if (bodiesNum !== null) {
assert_equals(table.tBodies.length, bodiesNum, 'Table should have '
+ bodiesNum + ' body');
if (footerIsNull) {
assert_equals(table.tFoot, null, 'Table should have no footer');
if (headerIsNull) {
assert_equals(table.tHead, null, 'Table should have no header');
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var parameters = [
['Clearing stack back to a table context. Test <caption>',
doc, '<caption id="caption1">Table caption</caption>', 'caption1', 'CAPTION'],
['Clearing stack back to a table context. Test <colgroup>',
doc, '<colgroup id="colgroup1" width="100%"></colgroup>', 'colgroup1', 'COLGROUP'],
['Clearing stack back to a table context. Test <tbody>',
doc, '<tbody id="tbody1"></tbody>', 'tbody1', 'TBODY', 1],
['Clearing stack back to a table context. Test <tfoot>',
doc, '<tfoot id="tfoot1"></tfoot>', 'tfoot1', 'TFOOT', null, true],
['Clearing stack back to a table context. Test <thead>',
doc, '<thead id="thead1"></thead>', 'thead1', 'THEAD', null, false, true],
['Clearing stack back to a table context. Test <col>',
doc, '<col id="col1" width="100%"/>', 'col1', 'COL']
// Clearing stack back to a table body context.
generate_tests(doTest, parameters);