Name Description Size
ascends-to-parent-focusgroup.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus ascends to parent focusgroup successfully. 1474
does-not-ascend-out-of-non-extending-focusgroup.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus does not ascend out of current focusgroup if it does not extend the parent focusgroup. 1164
does-not-move-when-axis-not-supported.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus does not move to previous focusgroup item when the axis of the arrow key pressed isn't supported. 1136
does-not-wrap-in-orthogonal-axis.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus does not wrap in the arrow key pressed orthogonal axis. 1170
moves-when-only-current-axis-supported.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus moves to previous focusgroup item when only the axis of the arrow key pressed is supported. 1157
skips-focusgroup-that-extends-in-orthogonal-axis-complex-case.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus moves to previous item, skipping the focusgroup that extends in the orthogonal axis (complex case). 1760
skips-focusgroup-that-extends-in-orthogonal-axis.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus moves to previous item, skipping the focusgroup that extends in the orthogonal axis. 1483
wraps-in-axis.html HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus wraps in the arrow key pressed axis. 1227