descends-into-extending-focusgroup.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus moves to previous item within extending focusgroup. |
1452 |
does-not-move-when-on-focusgroup-root.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus does not move when initially set on the focusgroup root. |
1181 |
does-not-move-when-on-non-focusgroup-item.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus does not move when initially set a focusable element that isn't a focusgroup item. |
1293 |
does-not-move-when-only-one-item-and-wraps.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus does not move when there is only one item, even though it wraps. |
1213 |
does-not-move-when-only-one-item.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus does not move when there is only one item. |
1124 |
does-not-move-when-outside-focusgroup.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus does not move when initially set on an element not included in the focusgroup. |
1216 |
does-not-wrap-when-not-supported.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus does not wrap when 'wrap' not specified. |
1187 |
horizontal |
moves-to-previous-item-and-skips-focusable-item.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus moves to previous item and skips non-focusable elements. |
1293 |
moves-to-previous-item.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus moves to previous focusgroup item. |
1191 |
skips-empty-wrapping-focusgroup.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus moves to previous item, skipping over an empty extending focusgroup that wraps on itself. |
1590 |
skips-non-focusgroup-subtree.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus moves to previous item, skipping over a subtree that isn't an extending focusgroup. |
1471 |
skips-root-focusgroup-complex-case.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus moves to previous item and skips focusgroup root subtree (complex case). |
1743 |
skips-root-focusgroup.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus moves to previous item, skipping over a subtree that is a root focusgroup (unrelated to the one we're in). |
1558 |
vertical |
wraps-in-extending-focusgroup.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus wraps from first to last element when 'wrap' is specified (jumping into extending focusgroup). |
1803 |
wraps-successfully-complex-case.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus wraps from first to last focusgroup item, even though there are non items in the way. |
1652 |
wraps-successfully.html |
HTML Test: focusgroup - Focus wraps from first to last element when 'wrap' is specified. |
1312 |