parent-no-1-no-same-2-yes-port.sub.https.html |
Parent is site-keyed, navigate a frame from same-origin site-keyed to different-origin (different-port) origin-keyed |
1179 |
parent-no-1-no-same-2-yes-subdomain.sub.https.html |
Parent is site-keyed, navigate a frame from same-origin site-keyed to different-origin (subdomain) origin-keyed |
1157 |
parent-no-1-no-subdomain-2-yes-subdomain.sub.https.html |
Parent is site-keyed, navigate a frame from a subdomain site-keyed to the same subdomain origin-keyed |
1168 |
parent-no-1-no-subdomain-2-yes-subdomain2.sub.https.html |
Parent is site-keyed, navigate a frame from a subdomain site-keyed to a second-subdomain origin-keyed |
1178 |
parent-no-1-subdomain-yes-2-subdomain2-no.sub.https.html |
Parent is site-keyed, navigate a frame from a subdomain origin-keyed to a second-subdomain site-keyed |
1264 |
parent-no-1-yes-subdomain-2-no-subdomain.sub.https.html |
Parent is site-keyed, navigate a frame from a subdomain origin-keyed to the same subdomain site-keyed |
1221 |
parent-yes-1-no-same-2-no-port.sub.https.html |
Parent is origin-keyed, navigate a frame from same-origin site-keyed to different-origin (different-port) origin-keyed |
1238 |
25 |
parent-yes-1-no-same-2-no-subdomain.sub.https.html |
Parent is origin-keyed, navigate a frame from same-origin site-keyed to different-origin (subdomain) origin-keyed |
1216 |
25 |