1-iframe |
2-iframes |
about-blank.https.sub.html |
The initial about:blank respects origin isolation |
1996 |
25 |
document-domain.sub.https.html |
Setting document.domain does not change same-originness when origin-keyed |
1860 |
25 |
getter-special-cases |
going-back.sub.https.html |
Parent is origin-keyed, child1 is site-keyed, child1 navigates to a different site, child2 gets inserted and is origin-keyed, child1 navigates back |
2242 |
25 |
iframe-navigation |
insecure-http.sub.html |
Parent requests origin-keying, child requests origin-keying, child is a subdomain of the parent, but all over insecure HTTP |
746 |
25 |
META.yml |
132 |
popups |
popups-crash.https.html |
Crash test for https://crbug.com/1099718 |
212 |
# Origin-keyed agent clusters tests |
993 |
regression-1399759.https.sub.html |
Origin-Isolation after navigating about:blank. |
4249 |
removing-iframes.sub.https.html |
A site-keyed child at a given origin causes future children to also be site-keyed even after the iframe is removed |
1568 |
25 |
resources |