ancestor-throttle-iframe-csp.https.html |
Header Inheritance CSP Reporting Page |
437 |
84 |
ancestor-throttle-iframe-xfo.https.html |
Header Inheritance XFO Reporting Page |
437 |
64 |
ancestor-throttle-inner.https.html |
Header Inheritance Inner Page |
1018 |
36 |
ancestor-throttle-nested.https.html |
Header Inheritance CSP Reporting Page |
634 |
36 |
automatic-beacon-helper.js |
5051 |
automatic-beacon-unfenced-page.html |
Page navigated to by an _unfencedTop navigation |
838 |
background-fetch-inner.https.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of background fetch |
1482 |
35 |
background-fetch-sw-inner.https.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of background fetch in SW |
1240 |
36 |
background-fetch-sw.js |
1023 |
background-sync-helper.js |
757 |
background-sync-inner.https.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of background sync's register |
1112 |
35 |
background-sync-sw-inner.https.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of background sync's register in SW |
1325 |
35 |
background-sync-sw.js |
715 |
badging-sw.js |
688 | |
Event beacon store server.
- When a request body is specified, stores the data in the body for the 'type'
specified in the query parameters and serves a 200 response without body.
- When a request body is not specified and the request is not served with an
'expected_body' parameter, stores an empty body for the 'type' specified in
the query parameters and serves a 200 response without body.
- When a request body is not specified and the request is served with an
'expected_body' parameter, serves a 200 response whose body contains the
stored value from the automatic beacon. Since the data is stored using a hash
of the data as the key, it uses the `expected_body` query parameter to know
what key to look up. If the stored value doesn't exist, serves a 200 response
with an empty body.
2960 |
before-unload-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the beforeunload event is not fired |
702 |
35 | |
<script src="utils.js"></script>
const [referrer_key, _] = parseKeylist();
writeValueToServer(referrer_key, "%s")
452 | |
<script src="utils.js"></script>
const [secfetch_key] = parseKeylist();
writeValueToServer(secfetch_key, "%s")
395 |
client-hints-iframe-inner.sub.https.html |
Client Hint Echoing Iframe |
361 |
172 |
client-hints-inner.sub.https.html |
Client Hints Helper |
859 |
173 |
client-hints-meta-iframe-inner.sub.https.html |
Client Hint Echoing Iframe |
538 |
37 |
client-hints-meta-inner.sub.https.html |
Client Hints Helper |
1041 |
67 |
close.html |
This window will close when it loads |
104 |
config-cross-origin-apis-inner.https.html |
Fenced frame attribution reporting self navigation test |
1158 |
36 |
config-cross-origin-iframe.https.html |
Fenced frame attribution reporting self navigation test |
929 |
36 |
config-embed-cross-origin-iframe.https.html |
Fenced frame attribution reporting self navigation test |
637 |
36 |
content-index-sw.js |
767 |
cookie-access.https.html |
Page loaded in a frame in a fenced frame tree |
432 |
36 |
create-credential-inner.https.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of navigator.credentials.create |
811 |
35 |
create-popup.html |
Nested frames in a Fenced Frame tree creating popups |
725 |
36 |
csp-fenced-frame-src-allowed-inner.html |
Page embedded as a fenced frame |
183 |
35 |
csp-fenced-frame-src-blocked-inner.html |
Page embedded as a fenced frame |
329 |
35 |
csp-frame-src-allowed-inner.html |
Page embedded as a fenced frame |
183 |
35 |
csp-frame-src-blocked-inner.html |
Page embedded as a fenced frame |
317 |
35 |
csp-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to test Content Security Policies |
1032 |
75 |
csp.png |
4476 |
dangling-markup-helper.js |
381 |
default-enabled-features-helper.js |
2257 |
default-enabled-features-navigate.https.html |
Fenced frame attribution reporting self navigation test |
803 |
36 |
default-enabled-features-subframe-fencedframe.https.html |
725 |
74 |
default-enabled-features-subframe-iframe.https.html |
656 |
35 |
download-helper.js |
779 |
download-inner.html |
The page triggering download embedded as a Fenced Frame |
1028 |
35 | |
896 |
dummy.html |
Dummy page |
42 |
embeddee.html |
A page embedded as a Fenced Frame for COEP tests |
197 |
35 |
embedder-policy.js |
1257 |
empty-worker.js |
15 |
fedcm-get-credential-inner.https.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of navigator.credentials.get |
1298 |
35 |
fence-api-inner.https.html |
Fenced frame content to test window.fence object |
649 |
35 |
fenced-frame-loaded.html |
Fenced frame loaded |
255 |
36 |
fenced-frame-set-name-and-report-ready-for-outermost-document-to-navigate.html |
Nested fenced frame named navigation helper |
672 |
35 | |
if (!(browserSignals.requestedSize.width === '{width}') &&
(browserSignals.requestedSize.height === '{height}')) {{
throw new Error('requestedSize missing/incorrect in browserSignals');
3860 | |
if (!(auctionConfig.requestedSize.width === '{width}') &&
(auctionConfig.requestedSize.height === '{height}')) {{
throw new Error('requestedSize missing/incorrect in auctionConfig');
2004 |
frame-navigation-inner-create-nested.https.html |
Test nested fenced frame navigation (by a parent frame setting its src). |
1821 |
36 |
frame-navigation-inner-simple.https.html |
Test that a fenced frame successfully loaded. |
453 |
36 |
frame-with-intersection-observer.html |
962 |
36 |
gamepad-inner.html |
getGamepads should throw an error in a fenced frame |
320 |
35 |
get-nested-configs-inner.html |
Send the results of getNestedConfigs() to the embedder |
313 |
35 |
get-nested-configs-nested-iframe.html |
getGamepads should throw an error in a fenced frame |
263 |
35 |
get_battery.html |
getBattery should fail in a fenced frame |
425 |
36 |
header-referrer-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the value of header.referrer |
1389 |
35 |
header-secFetchDest-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the value of `Sec-Fetch-Dest` header |
876 |
35 |
history-back-and-forward-should-not-work-in-fenced-tree-inner.html |
history-back-and-forward-should-not-work-in-fenced-tree-inner |
1758 |
36 |
history-length-fenced-navigations-replace-do-not-contribute-to-joint-inner.html |
Nested fenced frame named navigation helper |
4773 |
36 |
history-length-outer-page-navigation-not-reflected-in-fenced-inner.html |
history-length-outer-page-navigation-not-reflected-in-fenced-inner |
2624 |
36 |
ignore-child-fenced-frame-onload-event-inner.html |
child frame with delayed onload event |
1180 |
35 | |
Key-Value store server.
The request takes "key=" and "value=" URL parameters. The key must be UUID
generated by token().
- When only the "key=" is specified, serves a 200 response whose body contains
the stored value specified by the key. If the stored value doesn't exist,
serves a 200 response with an empty body.
- When both the "key=" and "value=" are specified, stores the pair and serves
a 200 response without body.
2017 |
location-ancestorOrigins-inner.https.html |
Fenced frame content to report the value of location.ancestorOrigins |
1791 |
35 |
navigate-ancestor-helper.js |
3111 |
navigate-by-name-inner.html |
Fenced frame hosting named frames |
1563 |
35 |
navigate-by-name-reporting-helper.html |
Navigate reporting helper |
1705 |
35 |
navigate-nested-config.html |
Navigate a fenced frame to a nested config |
392 |
35 |
navigator-keyboard-layout-map-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the value of navigator.keyboard.getLayoutMap |
744 |
35 |
navigator-keyboard-lock-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the value of navigator.keyboard.lock |
708 |
35 |
notification-sw.js |
564 |
opaque-ad-sizes-utils.js |
1982 |
payment-handler-sw.js |
285 |
permission-api-denied-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of navigator.permissions.query |
602 |
36 |
permission-geolocation-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() |
493 |
36 |
permission-geolocation-test-runner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() |
792 |
permission-notification-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of Notification.requestPermission |
381 |
36 |
popup-noopener-destination.html |
Destination page opened by a frame in a Fenced Frame tree |
801 |
popup-noopener-inner.html |
Fenced frame creating popups |
1478 |
36 |
postmessage-config.html |
A page opened in a pop-up that sends a FencedFrameConfig |
353 |
prerender-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of prerendering |
549 |
36 |
presentation-receiver-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of navigator.presentation.receiver |
469 |
36 |
remote-context-executor.https.html |
Script to wait for instructions from RemoteContext. |
1120 |
report-url.html |
A page embedded as a fenced frame that reports the document URL |
219 |
35 |
resize-lock-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report any changes in inner dimensions |
705 |
35 | |
119 |
sandbox-mandatory-flags-iframe.sub.html |
Iframe content to load a fenced frame and report a value to the server |
438 |
sandbox-mandatory-flags-inner.sub.html |
Fenced frame content to report a value to the server |
169 |
36 |
sandbox-mandatory-flags-looser-restriction.sub.html |
Iframe content to load a nested sandboxed iframe with all mandatory allow-* flags |
429 |
sandboxed-features-inner.sub.html |
367 |
35 |
sandboxed-features-looser-restriction.sub.html |
510 |
35 |
sandboxed-features.js |
4146 |
serviceWorker-dedicated-worker-inner.html |
948 |
35 |
serviceWorker-dedicated-worker-sw.js |
420 |
26 |
serviceWorker-dedicated-worker.js |
303 |
serviceWorker-frameType-inner.html |
1167 |
35 |
serviceWorker-frameType-nested.html |
654 |
35 |
serviceWorker-frameType.js |
505 |
serviceWorker-navigate-inner-success.html |
198 |
35 |
serviceWorker-navigate-inner.html |
399 |
35 |
serviceWorker-navigate.js |
550 |
serviceWorker-push-sw.js |
654 |
shared-worker.js |
366 |
unfenced-top-target.html |
294 |
unique-cookie-partition-inner.https.html |
Fenced frame accessing cookies |
1258 |
71 |
utils.js |
26582 |
web-nfc-inner.https.html |
Fenced frame content to report the value of Web NFC API |
588 |
36 |
window-frameElement-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the value of window.frameElement |
400 |
35 |
window-navigation-204-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the value of window.navigation |
705 |
36 |
window-outer-dimensions-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the result of prerendering |
1293 |
35 |
window-parent-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the value of window.parent |
2238 |
35 |
window-top-inner.html |
Fenced frame content to report the value of |
2121 |
35 |