add-fencedframe-to-detached-iframe.https.html |
Test Add Fenced Frame to Detached Iframe |
1068 |
allow-attribute-src.https.html |
Test the 'src' attribute set in fenced frames. |
2944 |
ancestor-throttle.https.html |
Test frame-ancestor |
3680 |
anchor-focus.https.html |
Anchor based focusing across a fenced frame boundary |
1775 |
autofocus-denied.https.html |
Autofocusing is blocked in a fenced frame |
952 |
automatic-beacon-anchor-click-handler.https.html |
Test window.fence.setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons |
2359 |
automatic-beacon-click-handler.https.html |
Test window.fence.setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons |
2374 |
automatic-beacon-component-ad.https.html |
Test automatic beacons in ad components |
2504 |
automatic-beacon-cross-origin-false.https.html |
Test window.fence.setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons from
SharedStorage |
1497 |
automatic-beacon-cross-origin-navigation.https.html |
Test cross-origin automatic beacons |
1391 |
automatic-beacon-cross-origin-no-data.https.html |
Test cross-origin automatic beacons without data |
1852 |
automatic-beacon-cross-origin-no-opt-in.https.html |
Test cross-origin automatic beacons without opt-in |
1649 |
automatic-beacon-data-cross-origin-ancestor.sub.https.html |
Test window.fence.setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons |
1932 |
automatic-beacon-data-cross-origin-subframe.https.html |
Test window.fence.setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons |
2077 |
automatic-beacon-data-multiple-ancestors.https.html |
Test window.fence.setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons |
2254 |
automatic-beacon-data-set-by-sibling.https.html |
Test window.fence.setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons |
2159 |
automatic-beacon-no-destination.https.html |
Test window.fence.setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons |
1603 |
automatic-beacon-no-opt-in.https.html |
Test window.fence.setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons opt out |
1685 |
automatic-beacon-shared-storage.https.html |
Test window.fence.setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons from
SharedStorage |
1797 |
automatic-beacon-two-events-clear.https.html |
Test setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons called only once |
2111 |
automatic-beacon-two-events-persist.https.html |
Test setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons called only once |
1975 |
automatic-beacon-unfenced-top.https.html |
Test automatic beacons sent from an '_unfencedTop' navigation |
2245 |
automatic-beacon-use-ancestor-data.https.html |
Test ancestor data for automatic beacons |
2283 |
background-fetch.https.html |
Test fenced frame does not allow call background fetch |
5293 |
background-sync.https.html |
Test fenced frame does not allow to register background sync |
7580 |
badging.https.html |
Test Badging API |
2822 |
battery_status.https.html |
Battery status API test |
639 |
before-unload.https.html |
Test the before unload event |
732 |
can-load-api.https.html |
Test canLoadOpaqueURL API |
3252 |
change-src-attribute-after-config-installation-does-not-trigger-navigation.https.html |
Test changing a fenced frame's src attribute when there has been a config
with url installed already does not trigger navigation. |
1858 |
client-hints-meta.https.html |
Client hints in fenced frames test |
1579 |
client-hints.https.html |
Client hints in fenced frames test |
1397 |
136 |
compute-pressure.https.html |
Verify that Compute Pressure API from a fenced frame is blocked |
1222 |
config-cross-origin-apis.https.html |
Test default permission policy features gating (*) |
1481 |
config-installation-triggers-navigation-of-navigated-fenced-frame.https.html |
Test installing an config to a navigated fenced frame triggers
1325 |
config-installation-triggers-navigation.https.html |
Test fenced frame config installation triggers navigation. |
1207 |
config-with-empty-url-installation-unloads-navigated-fenced-frame.https.html |
Test installing a config with empty url to a navigated fenced frame
unloads the original document |
1640 |
consume-user-activation.https.html |
Test that user activation propagation is fenced. |
3582 |
content-index.https.html |
Test Content Index API |
5337 |
coop-bcg-swap.https.html |
Test after bcg swap |
1387 |
create-credential.https.html |
Test WebAuthn navigator.credentials.create() |
964 |
create-in-sandbox-and-adopt-outside-sandbox.https.html |
Test fenced frame sandbox adoption |
1397 |
csp-allowed-transparent.https.html |
Test transparent fenced frame navigations with allowed CSP |
1344 |
csp-allowed.https.html |
Test opaque fenced frame navigations with allowed CSP |
1640 |
csp-ancestors.https.sub.html |
Test Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors |
1741 |
csp-blocked-transparent.https.html |
Test transparent fenced frame navigations with blocked CSP |
1302 |
csp-blocked.https.html |
Test opaque fenced frame navigations with disallowed CSP blocked |
2927 |
csp-fenced-frame-src-allowed.https.html |
Test Content-Security-Policy fenced-frame-src |
714 |
csp-fenced-frame-src-blocked.https.html |
Test Content-Security-Policy fenced-frame-src |
1311 |
csp-frame-src-allowed.https.html |
Test Content-Security-Policy fenced-frame-src falling back to frame-src |
719 |
csp-frame-src-blocked.https.html |
Test Content-Security-Policy fenced-frame-src falling back to frame-src |
1376 |
csp.https.html |
Test Content Security Policy |
1397 |
cspee.https.html |
Test fenced frame in CSPEE |
2489 |
deep-copy-config.https.html |
Test deep copying FencedFrameConfig objects |
3958 |
default-enabled-features-allow-all.https.html |
Test default permission policy features gating (*) |
3163 |
90 |
default-enabled-features-allow-none.https.html |
Test default permission policy features gating () |
1915 |
87 |
default-enabled-features-allow-self.https.html |
Test default permission policy features gating (self) |
2838 |
99 |
default-enabled-features-allow-unspecified.https.html |
Test permission policies with no permissions specified |
2430 |
default-enabled-features-attribute-allow.https.html |
Test default permission policy features with allow="" attribute |
2967 |
default-enabled-features-attribute-change.https.html |
Test changing the allow="" attribute after a navigation |
1760 |
default-enabled-features-attribute-disallow.https.html |
Test default permission policy features with allow="" attribute |
1386 |
default-enabled-features-attribution-disabled.https.html |
Test where attribution-reporting is disabled in the top-level page |
1123 |
44 |
default-enabled-features-subframe.https.html |
Test nested iframes inheriting permissions from fenced frames |
1541 |
default-enabled-features-unset.https.html |
Test default permission policy features gating unset |
1145 |
35 |
deprecated-config-apis.https.html |
Tests for configs as arguments to `deprecatedReplaceInURN` and `deprecatedURNToURL`. |
1679 |
disallowed-navigation-to-blob.https.html |
Fenced frame disallowed navigations to blob: URL |
1414 |
disallowed-navigation-to-data.https.html |
Fenced frame disallowed navigations to data: URL |
1329 |
disallowed-navigation-to-http.https.html |
Fenced frame disallowed navigations |
1687 |
disallowed-navigations-dangling-markup-urn.https.html |
Fenced frame disallowed navigations with potentially-dangling markup |
2459 |
disallowed-navigations-dangling-markup.https.html |
Fenced frame disallowed navigations with potentially-dangling markup |
1255 |
disallowed-navigations.https.html |
Fenced frame disallowed navigations |
4432 |
document-activeelement.https.html |
Test document.activeElement |
1209 |
document-hasfocus.https.html |
Test document.hasFocus |
1288 |
document-picture-in-picture-denied.https.html |
Test that fencedframes cannot open a DocumentPictureInPicture window. |
1025 |
document-referrer.https.html |
Test document.referrer referrer |
2089 |
download.https.html |
Test fenced frame does not allow triggering download |
1700 |
embedder-coop-coep-blocked.https.html |
Test COOP/COEP properties set for a Fenced Frame Tree |
832 |
81 |
embedder-csp-not-propagate.https.html |
Test embedder CSP not propagate to fenced frame |
845 |
embedder-no-coep.https.html |
Test COEP properties set for a Fenced Frame Tree |
930 |
embedder-require-corp.https.html |
Test COEP properties set for a Fenced Frame Tree |
1462 |
43 |
fedcm-get-credential.https.html |
Test FedCM navigator.credentials.get() |
770 |
fence-api.https.html |
Test window.fence object |
911 |
fence-object-urn-iframe.https.html |
Test window.fence exists in URN iframes. |
869 |
fence-report-event-cross-origin-content-initiated.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent from cross-origin subframes. |
1894 |
fence-report-event-cross-origin-nested-urn-iframe.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent from nested cross-origin subframes. |
2386 |
fence-report-event-cross-origin-nested.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent from nested cross-origin subframes. |
2482 |
fence-report-event-cross-origin-no-embedder-opt-in.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent from cross-origin subframes. |
1884 |
fence-report-event-cross-origin-no-subframe-opt-in.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent from cross-origin subframes. |
1563 |
fence-report-event-cross-origin-urn-iframe-content-initiated.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent from cross-origin subframes. |
1874 |
fence-report-event-cross-origin-urn-iframe-no-embedder-opt-in.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent from cross-origin subframes. |
1864 |
fence-report-event-cross-origin-urn-iframe-no-subframe-opt-in.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent from cross-origin subframes. |
1572 |
fence-report-event-cross-origin-urn-iframe.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent from cross-origin subframes. |
1516 |
fence-report-event-cross-origin.sub.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent from cross-origin subframes. |
2455 |
fence-report-event-destination-url.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent destination URL. |
1513 |
fence-report-event-sub-fencedframe.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent from nested fenced frames. |
1593 |
fence-report-event.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent |
907 |
fence-urn-iframes.https.html |
Test window.fence availability in iframes. |
1771 |
fledge-container-size-mutation-observer.https.html |
Test that mutation observer doesn't break noassert container size setter. |
1807 |
fledge-container-size.https.html |
Test container size in FLEDGE fenced frames. |
4624 |
fragment-navigation.https.html |
Test that embedder-initiated fragment navigations are forced to be cross-document. |
1815 |
frame-navigation.https.html |
Test fenced frame navigations (by a parent frame setting its src). |
3697 |
gamepad.https.html |
Gamepad API test |
629 |
get-mode-in-nested-frame.https.html |
Test GetFencedFrameMode() on a nested nested iframe. |
1345 |
get-nested-configs.https.html |
window.fence.getNestedConfigs() test |
4675 |
header-referrer.https.html |
Test `Referer` header |
2076 |
header-secFetchDest.https.html |
Test `Sec-Fetch-Dest` header |
1396 |
hid.https.html |
Test of Web Bluetooth API |
1243 |
history-back-and-forward-should-not-work-in-fenced-tree.https.html |
history-back-and-forward-should-not-work-in-fenced-tree |
2954 |
history-length-fenced-navigations-replace-do-not-contribute-to-joint.https.html |
Test history.length in outermost document |
2685 |
history-length-outer-page-navigation-not-reflected-in-fenced.https.html |
history-length-outer-page-navigation-not-reflected-in-fenced |
3011 |
http-localhost-url.https.html |
Test navigate fenced frame to http://localhost URL |
801 |
ignore-child-fenced-frame-onload-event.https.html |
Ignore child fenced frame onload event |
1116 |
insecure-context.html |
Insecure Context Test |
1100 |
intersection-observer.https.html |
Test Intersection Observer in fenced frame |
1699 |
invalid-url.https.html |
Test Navigate Fenced Frame to Invalid URL |
481 |
key-scrolling.https.html |
Test keyboard scroll bubbling from a fenced frame. |
2319 |
key-value-store.https.html |
Test the key value store |
1515 |
load-ad-with-size.https.html |
Fenced frames loading a winning ad from FLEDGE auction with size |
990 |
loading.https.html |
Fenced frames loading tests |
756 |
location-ancestorOrigins.https.html |
Test location.ancestorOrigins |
2081 |
mediaDevices-setCaptureHandle.https.html |
Test MediaDevice navigator.mediaDevices.setCaptureHandleConfig() |
1223 |
multiple-component-ads.https.html |
Test loading multiple component ads |
1004 |
navigate-ancestor-by-name.https.html |
Test named frame navigation of ancestors. |
2238 |
navigate-ancestor-nested-fenced-frame.https.html |
Test navigating an ancestor frame from a nested fenced frame |
1037 |
navigate-ancestor-nested-iframe.https.html |
Test navigating an ancestor frame from a iframe in a fenced frame |
952 |
navigate-ancestor-top-level-fenced-frame.https.html |
Test navigating an ancestor frame from a fenced frame |
994 |
navigate-by-name-succeed.https.html |
Test successful named frame navigation. |
1266 |
navigate-descendant-by-name.https.html |
Test named frame navigation of descendants |
3612 |
navigate-related-page-by-name.https.html |
Test named frame navigation of related pages. |
1972 |
navigator-keyboard-layout-map.https.html |
Test navigator.keyboard.getLayoutMap() |
1213 |
navigator-keyboard-lock.https.html |
Test navigator.keyboard.lock |
674 |
navigator-subapp.https.html |
navigator.subApp API test |
1085 |
navigator-vibrate.https.html |
Test that navigator.vibrate is disabled in fenced frames. |
2182 |
navigator-virtualkeyboard.https.html |
Test navigator.virtualKeyboard.overlaysContent |
701 |
nested-opaque-ad-sizes.https.html |
Test cases when fenced frame size shouldn't be restricted.. |
1814 |
notification.https.html |
Test Notification |
3796 |
notify-event-iframe.https.html |
Test fenced frame notifyEvent() functionality with iframes |
4007 |
notify-event-invalid.https.html |
Test that fenced frame notifyEvent() fails with invalid event parameters |
3689 |
notify-event-nested-fenced-frames.https.html |
Test that notifyEvent() in a nested fenced frame only notifies the immediate parent. |
1546 |
notify-event-prevent-caching.https.html |
Test that fenced frame notifyEvent() cannot reuse a cached event |
8672 |
notify-event-success.https.html |
Test that fenced frame notifyEvent() succeeds on click |
2047 |
notify-event-top-level-navigation.https.html |
Test that fenced frame notifyEvent() prevents top-level navigation |
2135 |
notify-event-transient-user-activation.https.html |
Test that fenced frame notifyEvent() requires transient activation |
3643 |
opaque-ad-sizes-exact-size.https.html |
Test frame size restrictions in FLEDGE. |
1465 |
opaque-ad-sizes-special-cases.https.html |
Test frame size restrictions in FLEDGE. |
1410 |
parse-from-string-sandboxed-iframe.https.html |
Test HTML parsing a fencedframe element in a sandboxed iframe |
797 |
payment-handler.https.html |
Test Payment Handler API |
2030 |
payment-request.https.html |
Test Payment Rrequest API |
1047 |
permission-api-denied-non-standard.https.html |
Permission API in fenced frames should always return denied |
1406 |
permission-api-denied.https.html |
Permission API in fenced frames should always return denied |
1527 |
permission-geolocation.https.html |
Test permission of geolocation |
2679 |
permission-notification.https.html |
Test permission of notification |
940 |
picture-in-picture.https.html |
Test of picture-in-picture |
1032 |
popup-noopener.https.html |
Test popup created from a Fenced Frame Tree |
2030 |
prerender.https.html |
Test prerendering |
1953 |
presentation-receiver.https.html |
Test permission of notification |
832 | |
# Fenced Frames |
9337 |
reinsert.https.html |
Test Content Security Policy |
1090 |
report-event-inactive-document.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent |
1661 |
report-event-reserved-event.https.html |
Test window.fence.reportEvent |
1301 |
report-event-sandboxed-iframe.https.html |
Test that window.fence.reportEvent does not crash in sandboxed iframes |
1186 |
report-event.https.html |
Test that window.fence.reportEvent() succeeds in a fenced frame. |
2014 |
resize-lock-input.https.html |
Test FencedFrames Resize Lock |
4596 |
resize-lock-zoom.https.html |
Test FencedFrames does not leak the CSS zoom property |
1330 |
resize-lock.https.html |
Test cases when fenced frame size shouldn't be restricted.. |
3879 |
resolve-to-config-promise.https.html |
Test setting auction config's resolveToConfig to a promise |
2693 |
resources |
sandbox-attribute.https.html |
Test fenced frame sandbox attribute. |
2505 |
sandbox-mandatory-flags.https.html |
Test of sandbox mandatory flags |
4874 |
sandboxed-features-alert.https.html |
Test of sandboxed features - alert |
445 |
sandboxed-features-confirm.https.html |
Test of sandbox features - confirm |
449 |
sandboxed-features-documentdomain.https.html |
Test of sandboxed features - document.domain |
467 |
sandboxed-features-pointerlock.https.html |
Test of sandboxed features - pointer lock |
626 |
sandboxed-features-presentation-request.https.html |
Test of sandboxed features - PresentationRequest |
482 |
sandboxed-features-printdialog.https.html |
Test of sandboxed features - print |
439 |
sandboxed-features-prompt.https.html |
Test of sandboxed features - prompt |
440 |
sandboxed-features-screen-orientation-lock.https.html |
Test of sandboxed features - screen.orientation.lock |
491 |
script-focus.https.html |
Test Script-Based Focus for Fenced Frames |
6823 |
scroll-into-view.https.html |
Test scrollIntoView() inside a fenced frame |
1464 |
selecturl-flexible-size.https.html |
Test frame size behavior in selectURL fenced frames. |
2333 |
self-urn-navigation.https.html |
Test that fenced frame-initiated self urn navigations fail. |
1262 |
serviceWorker-dedicated-worker.https.html |
Service Worker: Check if dedicated workers are controlled |
2983 |
serviceWorker-frameType.https.html |
Service Worker: Clients.matchAll with includeUncontrolled |
1297 |
serviceWorker-push.https.html |
Service Worker: Push Messaging Test |
2234 |
set-automatic-beacon.https.html |
Test window.fence.setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons |
1775 |
setting-null-config-navigates-to-about-blank.https.html |
Test fenced frame null config installation triggers about:blank navigation. |
2058 |
shared-workers.https.html |
Test shared workers aren't shared across fenced frame boundaries. |
1517 |
show-directory-picker.https.html |
showDirectoryPicker API test |
1279 |
show-open-file-picker.https.html |
showOpenFilePicker API test |
1278 |
storage-partitioning.https.html |
Test storage partitioning in fenced frames |
6437 |
subframe-loading.https.html |
Test Subframe Loading Disabler |
983 |
unfenced-top-navigation-default.https.html |
Test '_unfencedTop' navigation from a default-mode fenced frame |
1263 |
unique-cookie-partition.https.html |
Test cookies accessed from a Fenced Frame Tree |
1974 |
user-activation.https.html |
Test that user activation propagation is fenced. |
3475 |
visual-viewport.https.html |
Test visualViewport inside a fenced frame. |
3136 |
web-bluetooth.https.html |
Test of Web Bluetooth API |
1192 |
web-nfc.https.html |
Test Web NFC API |
839 |
web-share.https.html |
Test of Web Share |
1292 |
web-usb.https.html |
Test WebUSB navigator.usb.requestDevice() |
1083 |
webrtc-peer-connection.https.html |
Test that RTCPeerConnection construction fails in a fenced frame. |
1314 |
window-close.https.html |
Test window.close has no effect |
668 |
window-frameElement.https.html |
Test window.parent |
631 |
window-navigation-204.https.html |
Test window.navigation.204 |
746 |
window-open-user-activation.https.html |
Test activation behavior with in fenced frames |
1428 |
window-outer-dimensions.https.html |
Test window.prompt |
1830 |
window-parent.https.html |
Test window.parent |
1798 |
window-top.https.html |
Test |
1764 |