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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>:visited links are partitioned by top-level site and frame origin</title>
<link rel="author" title="Kyra Seevers" href="">
<!-- Import scripts to build same- and cross-origin URLs -->
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<p>The goal of this manual test is to ensure that :visited links are
partitioned by link URL, top-level site, and frame origin. </p>
<p>(1) Clear any browsing data, including history.</p>
<p>(2) Click on the link in the first iframe. The link in this
top-level frame should turn purple. The link in the second iframe
should remain blue.</p>
<!-- This link's triple key is:
Top-Level Site: http://localhost,
Frame Origin: http://localhost:8000 -->
<a href = "">I should turn purple!</a>
<p>(3) Finally, click on the browser's back arrow.
<p>Test PASSES if: the top-level link (I should turn purple!) is purple,
the first iframe link (Click me! (Then I should turn purple)) is purple,
and the second iframe link (I should stay blue) is blue. All other
conditions: the test FAILS.
<br/> <br/>
// Associate our local HTML resources with an origin that is
// same- or cross-origin to the top-level page. This is
// important so that we can accurately compare our
// triple-partition keys.
const { HTTP_ORIGIN, HTTP_REMOTE_ORIGIN } = get_host_info();
let same_origin_url = HTTP_ORIGIN + '/css/selectors/resources/partitioned-visited-same-site-iframe.html';
let cross_origin_url = HTTP_REMOTE_ORIGIN + '/css/selectors/resources/partitioned-visited-cross-site-iframe.html';
// Construct the same-origin iframe. This link's triple key is:
// Top-Level Site: http://localhost,
// Frame Origin: http://localhost:800
let same_origin_iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
same_origin_iframe.setAttribute("src", same_origin_url);
// Construct the cross-origin iframe. This link's triple key is:
// Top-Level Site: http://localhost,
// Frame Origin: http://www1.localhost:800
let cross_origin_iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
cross_origin_iframe.setAttribute("src", cross_origin_url);