Name Description Size
case-insensitive-parent-ref.html Case-insensitive parent selector matching 357
case-insensitive-parent.html Case-insensitive parent selector matching 596
child-indexed-no-parent-ref.html CSS Test reference 375
child-indexed-no-parent.html CSS Test: child-indexed selectors should match without a parent element. 1111
child-indexed-pseudo-class.html Matching of child-indexed pseudo-classes 1951
dir-pseudo-in-has.html 1115
dir-pseudo-on-bdi-element.html 2464
dir-pseudo-on-input-element.html 7449
dir-pseudo-update-document-element-ref.html 183
dir-pseudo-update-document-element.html 474
dir-selector-auto-direction-change-001.html CSS Selectors Level 4 Test: Check for correctly updating :dir=auto when the the directionality is changed in a display:none subtree 1009
dir-selector-auto.html 2576
dir-selector-change-001-ref.html 273
dir-selector-change-001.html CSS Selectors Level 4 Test: Check for correctly updating :dir matching on dir attribute change from default(ltr) to rtl 804
dir-selector-change-002.html CSS Selectors Level 4 Test: Check for correctly updating :dir matching on dir attribute change from default(ltr) to rtl 837
dir-selector-change-003-ref.html 273
dir-selector-change-003.html CSS Selectors Level 4 Test: Check for correctly updating :dir matching on dir attribute change from rtl to auto 745
dir-selector-change-004-ref.html 346
dir-selector-change-004.html CSS Selectors Level 4 Test: Check for correctly updating :dir matching on directionality change from ltr to rtl 831
dir-selector-ltr-001.html CSS Selectors Level 4 Test: basic support for dir(ltr) 854
dir-selector-ltr-002.html CSS Selectors Level 4 Test: exception handling for an invalid identifier of dir() 919
dir-selector-ltr-003.html CSS Selectors Level 4 Test: exception handling for multiple identifiers of dir() 927
dir-selector-querySelector.html 3035
dir-selector-rtl-001.html CSS Selectors Level 4 Test: basic support for dir(rtl) 867
dir-selector-white-space-001-ref.html 345
dir-selector-white-space-001.html CSS Selectors Level 4 Test: Verify for an identifier with leading and tailing whitespace of dir() 1040
dir-style-01-ref.html dir() selector reference 1234
dir-style-01a.html CSS Test: :dir() selector 1693
dir-style-01b.html CSS Test: :dir() selector 2240
dir-style-02-ref.html dir() selector reference 1080
dir-style-02a.html CSS Test: :dir() selector 1309
dir-style-02b.html CSS Test: :dir() selector 1624
dir-style-03-ref.html dir() selector reference 542
dir-style-03a.html CSS Test: :dir() selector 733
dir-style-03b.html CSS Test: :dir() selector 1225
dir-style-04-ref.html dir() selector reference 809
dir-style-04.html CSS Test: :dir() selector 1478
eof-right-after-selector-crash.html EOF immediately after selector 176
eof-some-after-selector-crash.html EOF some time after selector 185
featureless-001.html Verifying that :host works as a selector at all 1100
featureless-002.html Compound selectors only match if all simples do 1146
featureless-003.html Selector lists match if any child selector does 1122
featureless-004.html Logical combo pseudos can match if their argument is allowed to 1179
featureless-005.html :has() works on featureless elements *if* the rest of the selector does too 856
first-child.html CSS Selectors :first-child 1216
first-letter-flag-001-ref.html ::first-letter with a Regional-Indicator flag symbol - reference 244
first-letter-flag-001.html ::first-letter with a Regional-Indicator flag symbol 539
first-line-bidi-001-ref.html Reference for ::first-line selector with bidi content 3841
first-line-bidi-001.html ::first-line selector with bidi content 3600
first-line-bidi-002-ref.html Reference for ::first-line selector with bidi content 3985
first-line-bidi-002.html ::first-line selector with bidi content 3818
first-of-type.html CSS Selectors :first-of-type 2220
floating-first-letter-05d0.html Drop cap with U+05D0 in the document 553
floating-first-letter-feff.html Drop cap with U+FEFF in the document 488
floating-first-letter-ref.html Drop cap with no bidi in the document 227
focus-display-none-001.html Selectors Level 4: focus 1917
focus-in-focus-event-001.html Selectors Level 4: :focus, :focus-visible and :focus-within in focus event 2085
focus-in-focusin-event-001.html Selectors Level 4: :focus, :focus-visible and :focus-within in focusin event 1969
focus-visible-001.html CSS Test (Selectors): Keyboard focus enables :focus-visible 2468
focus-visible-002.html CSS Test (Selectors): :focus-visible always matches on texty input elements 3656
focus-visible-003.html CSS Test (Selectors): :focus-visible does not match on non-texty inputs 3730
focus-visible-004.html CSS Test (Selectors): :focus-visible does not match on non-texty inputs with appearance: none 3705
focus-visible-005.html CSS Test (Selectors): Programmatic focus causes :focus-visible to match 2141
focus-visible-006.html CSS Test (Selectors): contenteditable elements always match :focus-visible 2272
focus-visible-007.html CSS Test (Selectors): Keyboard use triggers :focus-visible 3159
focus-visible-008.html CSS Test (Selectors): Keyboard focus enables :focus-visible 2411
focus-visible-009.html CSS Test (Selectors): Keyboard focus enables :focus-visible 1857
focus-visible-010.html CSS Test (Selectors): Keyboard focus enables :focus-visible 1748
focus-visible-011.html CSS Test (Selectors): :focus-visible matches even if preventDefault() is called 2358
focus-visible-012.html CSS Test (Selectors): Keyboard shortcut combinations do not trigger :focus-visible 2853
focus-visible-013.html CSS Selectors Test: :focus-visible does not match after mouse focus even if previous focused element was matching :focus-visible 2462
focus-visible-014.html CSS Selectors Test: :focus-visible matches after script focus move 1524
focus-visible-015.html CSS Selectors Test: :focus-visible does not match after script focus move 1747
focus-visible-016.html CSS Selectors Test: :focus-visible always match on text inputs 1829
focus-visible-017-2.html CSS Test (Selectors): By default programatic focus matches :focus-visible and it shows an auto focus ring 3419
focus-visible-017.html CSS Test (Selectors): By default initial programatic focus matches :focus-visible and it shows an auto focus ring 1844
focus-visible-018-2.html CSS Test (Selectors): Mouse focus does not show a focus ring by default 3442
focus-visible-018.html CSS Test (Selectors): Mouse focus does not show a focus ring by default 1858
focus-visible-019.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus on keyboard event handler matches :focus-visible 2581
focus-visible-020.html CSS Test (Selectors): :focus-visible doesn't match on ShadowRoot 2320
focus-visible-021.html CSS Test (Selectors): Modifier key doesn't make element to stop matching :focus-visible 2541
focus-visible-022.tentative.html 1381
focus-visible-023.html CSS Test (Selectors): Element doesn't match :focus-visiblel after blur 1375
focus-visible-024.html CSS Test (Selectors): Element matches :focus-visiblel after accesskey 1922
focus-visible-025.html CSS Test (Selectors): Element matches :focus-visiblel after accesskey after previous mouse focus 2469
focus-visible-026.html CSS Test (Selectors): Checkbox doesn't match :focus-visiblel after click on label 1417
focus-visible-027.html CSS Test (Selectors): :focus-visible after click and input type change 1213
focus-visible-028.html CSS Test (Selectors): Programmatic focus causes :focus-visible to match after keyboard usage when preventDefault() is used 3329
focus-visible-script-focus-001.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus without any previous user interaction matches :focus-visible 1925
focus-visible-script-focus-002.tentative.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after mouse click does match :focus-visible 2194
focus-visible-script-focus-003.tentative.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after blur after mouse click does match :focus-visible 2261
focus-visible-script-focus-004.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after keyboard input does match :focus-visible 2158
focus-visible-script-focus-005.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after blur after keyboard input does match :focus-visible 2226
focus-visible-script-focus-006.tentative.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after mouse click on a NOT focusable element does match :focus-visible 2269
focus-visible-script-focus-007.tentative.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after blur after mouse click on a NOT focusable element does match :focus-visible 2337
focus-visible-script-focus-008-b.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after mouse click on a button that does not match :focus-visible, does NOT match :focus-visible 2359
focus-visible-script-focus-008.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after mouse click on a focusable element that does not match :focus-visible, does NOT match :focus-visible 2400
focus-visible-script-focus-009.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after blur after mouse click on a focusable element that does not match :focus-visible, does NOT match :focus-visible 2468
focus-visible-script-focus-010.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after mouse click on a focusable element that matches :focus-visible, does NOT match :focus-visible 2371
focus-visible-script-focus-011.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after blur after mouse click on a focusable element that matches :focus-visible, does NOT match :focus-visible 2439
focus-visible-script-focus-012.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after keyboard focus does match :focus-visible 2175
focus-visible-script-focus-013.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after blur after keyboard focus does match :focus-visible 2243
focus-visible-script-focus-014.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after keyboard input does match :focus-visible 2167
focus-visible-script-focus-015.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after blur after keyboard input does match :focus-visible 2235
focus-visible-script-focus-016.tentative.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after mouse click on a NOT focusable element after editing an input does match :focus-visible 2544
focus-visible-script-focus-017.tentative.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after blur after mouse click on a NOT focusable element after editing an input does match :focus-visible 2613
focus-visible-script-focus-018.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after mouse click on a focusable element after editing an input does NOT match :focus-visible 2554
focus-visible-script-focus-019.html CSS Test (Selectors): Script focus after blur after mouse click on a focusable element after editing an input does NOT match :focus-visible 2622
focus-visible-script-focus-020.html CSS Test (Selectors): Double script focus after mouse click on a focusable element that does not match :focus-visible, does NOT match :focus-visible 2528
focus-within-001-ref.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within Reference File 504
focus-within-001.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within 1228
focus-within-002.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within 1268
focus-within-003.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within 1336
focus-within-004.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within 1616
focus-within-005.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within 1401
focus-within-006-ref.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within Reference File 953
focus-within-006.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within 1536
focus-within-007-ref.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within Reference File 480
focus-within-007.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within 1231
focus-within-008.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within 1242
focus-within-009.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within 6309
focus-within-010.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within 1077
focus-within-011-ref.html CSS Test: :focus-within selector 784
focus-within-011.html CSS Test: :focus-within selector 1342
focus-within-012-ref.html CSS Test: :focus-within selector 554
focus-within-012.html CSS Test: :focus-within selector 1229
focus-within-013-ref.html CSS Test: :focus-within selector 577
focus-within-013.html CSS Test: :focus-within selector 1308
focus-within-display-none-001.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within 2696
focus-within-shadow-001-ref.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within shadow DOM Reference File 404
focus-within-shadow-001.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within with shadow DOM 1361
focus-within-shadow-002.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within with shadow DOM 1380
focus-within-shadow-003.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within with shadow DOM 1425
focus-within-shadow-004.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within with shadow DOM 1495
focus-within-shadow-005.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within with shadow DOM 1809
focus-within-shadow-006.html Selectors Level 4: focus-within with shadow DOM 1523
has-argument-with-explicit-scope.html :has pseudo class behavior with explicit ':scope' in its argument 2723
has-basic.html Basic matching behavior of :has pseudo class 3079
has-display-none-checked-ref.html CSS Test Reference 66
has-display-none-checked.html :has() invalidation inside display: none subtree 910
has-matches-to-uninserted-elements.html Matches :has pseudo class to uninserted elements 1520
has-nth-of-crash.html 687
has-relative-argument.html :has pseudo class behavior with various relative arguments 5516
has-sibling-chrome-crash.html CSS Selectors Test: Chrome crash issue 1470477 340
has-specificity.html Specificity for complex :has selectors 1715
has-style-sharing-001-ref.html 588
has-style-sharing-001.html 657
has-style-sharing-002-ref.html 588
has-style-sharing-002.html 657
has-style-sharing-003-ref.html 672
has-style-sharing-003.html 732
has-style-sharing-004-ref.html 672
has-style-sharing-004.html 732
has-style-sharing-005-ref.html 717
has-style-sharing-005.html 780
has-style-sharing-006-ref.html 717
has-style-sharing-006.html 780
has-style-sharing-007-ref.html 651
has-style-sharing-007.html 737
has-style-sharing-pseudo-001-ref.html 571
has-style-sharing-pseudo-001.html 640
has-style-sharing-pseudo-002-ref.html 571
has-style-sharing-pseudo-002.html 640
has-style-sharing-pseudo-003-ref.html 623
has-style-sharing-pseudo-003.html 711
has-style-sharing-pseudo-004-ref.html 623
has-style-sharing-pseudo-004.html 711
has-style-sharing-pseudo-005-ref.html 606
has-style-sharing-pseudo-005.html 699
has-style-sharing-pseudo-006-ref.html 606
has-style-sharing-pseudo-006.html 699
has-style-sharing-pseudo-007-ref.html 577
has-style-sharing-pseudo-007.html 625
has-style-sharing-pseudo-008-ref.html 577
has-style-sharing-pseudo-008.html 625
has-visited-ref.html :has combined with :visited/:link 713
has-visited.html :has combined with :visited/:link 801
hash-collision.html Test string hash collision in bucketing 1622
historical-xmlid.xht No xml:id support 658
hover-001-manual.html CSS Test (Selectors): hover pseudo-class when scrolling 2167
hover-002.html Selectors: Change class to enable :hover 1750
is-default-ns-001.html Default namespace gets ignored inside non-type selectors for :is() / :not() / :where(). 838
is-default-ns-002.html Default namespace gets ignored inside non-type selectors for :is() / :not() / :where(). 818
is-default-ns-003.html Default namespace respected inside :is() for non-subject compounds 906
is-nested.html CSS Selectors: :is() 1907
is-specificity-shadow.html Specificity of :host() inside :is() 627
is-specificity.html CSS Selectors: :is() 1259
is-where-basic.html Basic :is/:where matching behavior 1493
is-where-error-recovery.html CSS Selectors: :is() and :where() error recovery 2024
is-where-not.html :is() inside :not() 1839
is-where-pseudo-classes.html :is() combined with pseudo-classes 1268
is-where-pseudo-elements-ref.html :is() combined with pseudo elements 666
is-where-pseudo-elements.html :is() combined with pseudo elements 773
is-where-shadow.html :is() inside shadow pseudos 2467
is-where-visited-ref.html :is/:where combined with :visited/:link 1433
is-where-visited.html :is/:where combined with :visited/:link 1549
last-child.html CSS Selectors :last-child 1208
last-of-type.html CSS Selectors :last-of-type 2190
link-sharing-crash.html 502
META.yml 113
missing-right-token.html Selectors: attribute selectors with missing right token 1129
modal-pseudo-class.html :modal pseudo-class 2248
not-complex.html Matching behavior for :not with complex selector list 1896
not-default-ns-001.html Default namespace gets ignored inside non-type selectors for :is() / :not() / :where(). 865
not-default-ns-002.html Default namespace gets ignored inside non-type selectors for :is() / :not() / :where(). 869
not-default-ns-003.html Default namespace respected inside :is() for non-subject compounds 924
not-links-ref.html Test that *:not(:link):not(:visited) does not match links 364
not-links.html Test that *:not(:link):not(:visited) does not match links 722
not-specificity.html Specificity for complex :not selectors 1743
nth-child-and-nth-last-child-ref.html 1195
nth-child-and-nth-last-child.html :nth-child and :nth-last-child with selector list argument chained together 2019
nth-child-of-attribute.html Test nth-child selector argument 1311
nth-child-of-classname-002.html Test nth-child selector argument 1189
nth-child-of-classname-ref.html 458
nth-child-of-classname.html :nth-child with .className selector list argument 737
nth-child-of-complex-selector-many-children-2-ref.html nth-child(...of S) with many children, where only some match 722
nth-child-of-complex-selector-many-children-2.html nth-child(...of S) with many children, where only some match 1174
nth-child-of-complex-selector-many-children-ref.html 1199
nth-child-of-complex-selector-many-children.html :nth-child with complex selector list argument and more than 32 elements 1381
nth-child-of-complex-selector-ref.html 407
nth-child-of-complex-selector.html :nth-child with complex selector list argument 797
nth-child-of-compound-selector-ref.html 449
nth-child-of-compound-selector.html :nth-child with compound selector argument 982
nth-child-of-has.html Test nth-child selector argument 1223
nth-child-of-nesting-ref.html 343
nth-child-of-nesting.html :nth-last-child nesting 693
nth-child-of-no-space-after-of-ref.html CSS Test Reference 600
nth-child-of-no-space-after-of.html :nth-child with no space between "of" and the selector list 1250
nth-child-of-not.html Test nth-child selector argument 1227
nth-child-of-nth-child.html Test nth-child selector argument 1204
nth-child-of-pseudo-ref.html CSS Test Reference 213
nth-child-of-pseudo.html CSS Test: :nth-child(of) with pseudo-elements 660
nth-child-of-tagname-ref.html 449
nth-child-of-tagname.html :nth-child with tagname selector list argument 707
nth-child-of-universal-selector.html Test nth-child selector argument 1182
nth-child-specificity-1-ref.html 768
nth-child-specificity-1.html :nth-child with selector list specificity 1276
nth-child-specificity-2-ref.html 1273
nth-child-specificity-2.html :nth-child with selector list specificity 1377
nth-child-specificity-3-ref.html 988
nth-child-specificity-3.html :nth-child with selector list specificity 1396
nth-child-specificity-4-ref.html 988
nth-child-specificity-4.html :nth-child with selector list specificity 1396
nth-child-spurious-brace-crash.html Spurious left-brace in the middle of nth-child 164
nth-last-child-invalid.html CSS Selectors: :nth-last-child() with no argument 680
nth-last-child-of-classname-ref.html 448
nth-last-child-of-classname.html :nth-last-child with .className selector list argument 757
nth-last-child-of-complex-selector-ref.html 412
nth-last-child-of-complex-selector.html :nth-last-child with complex selector list argument 716
nth-last-child-of-compound-selector-ref.html 455
nth-last-child-of-compound-selector.html :nth-last-child with compound selector argument 915
nth-last-child-of-nesting.html :nth-last-child nesting 703
nth-last-child-of-no-space-after-of.html :nth-last-child with no space between "of" and the selector list 1270
nth-last-child-of-style-sharing-1-ref.html 371
nth-last-child-of-style-sharing-1.html :nth-last-child correct style-sharing 677
nth-last-child-of-style-sharing-2-ref.html 407
nth-last-child-of-style-sharing-2.html :nth-last-child correct style-sharing 743
nth-last-child-of-tagname-ref.html 490
nth-last-child-of-tagname.html :nth-last-child with tagname selector list argument 732
nth-last-child-specificity-1-ref.html 773
nth-last-child-specificity-1.html :nth-last-child with selector list specificity 1311
nth-last-child-specificity-2-ref.html 1273
nth-last-child-specificity-2.html :nth-last-child with selector list specificity 1392
nth-last-child-specificity-3-ref.html 988
nth-last-child-specificity-3.html :nth-last-child with selector list specificity 1411
nth-last-child-specificity-4-ref.html 988
nth-last-child-specificity-4.html :nth-last-child with selector list specificity 1411
nth-of-invalid.html Test nth-child selector argument 2192
nth-of-type-namespace.html CSS Selectors Test: :*-of-type with namespace 1550
of-type-selectors-ref.xhtml Selectors Level 4: :first-of-type 1108
of-type-selectors.xhtml Selectors Level 4: :first-of-type 1512
only-child.html CSS Selectors :only-child 1453
only-of-type.html CSS Selectors :only-of-type 1711
open-pseudo.html 1663
partitioned-visited-manual.tentative.html :visited links are partitioned by top-level site and frame origin 2692
placeholder-shown.html CSS Selectors Test: :placeholder-shown matching 2062
pseudo-enabled-disabled.html 1861
pseudo-where-crash.html 94
remove-hovered-element-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 189
remove-hovered-element.html Selectors: :hover style cleared on ancestor when hovered element is removed. 1190
root-siblings.html CSS Test: Parsing check for * ~ :root error handling 619
scope-selector.html 1778
scope-without-scoping.html Selectors Level 4: :scope without scoping 653
selection-image-001-no-selection-noref.html CSS Test Reference 277
selection-image-001-noref.html CSS Test Reference 457
selection-image-001.html ::selection is respected on images 635
selection-image-002.html CSS Test: Image and text selection is painted. 558
selector-placeholder-shown-emptify-placeholder.html When non-empty placeholder becomes empty, :placeholder-shown test 865
selector-placeholder-shown-type-change-001-ref.html 187
selector-placeholder-shown-type-change-001.html Check for correctly updating :placeholder-shown matching on type change 866
selector-placeholder-shown-type-change-002-ref.html 161
selector-placeholder-shown-type-change-002.html Check for correctly updating :placeholder-shown matching on type change 858
selector-placeholder-shown-type-change-003-ref.html 161
selector-placeholder-shown-type-change-003.html Check for correctly updating :placeholder-shown matching on type change 867
selector-read-write-type-change-001-ref.html 182
selector-read-write-type-change-001.html Check for correctly updating :read-write matching on type change 574
selector-read-write-type-change-002-ref.html 177
selector-read-write-type-change-002.html Check for correctly updating :read-write matching on type change 834
selector-required-ref.html CSS level4 Selector :required and :optional 391
selector-required-type-change-001-ref.html 182
selector-required-type-change-001.html Check for correctly updating :required matching on type change 569
selector-required-type-change-002-ref.html 177
selector-required-type-change-002.html Check for correctly updating :required matching on type change 829
selector-required.html CSS level4 Selector :required and :optional 679
selector-structural-pseudo-root-ref.html 77
selector-structural-pseudo-root.html 541
selectors-attr-many-ref.html Selectors: Many attribute selectors, and one that is only set 235
selectors-attr-many.html Selectors: Many attribute selectors, and one that is only set 2414
selectors-attr-white-space-001-ref.html Selectors: White space in attribute selectors (reference) 363
selectors-attr-white-space-001.html Selectors: White space in attribute selectors 796
selectors-case-sensitive-001.html Test element names are case-insensitive only in ASCII range 1332
selectors-empty-001-ref.xml CSS: 15 simple tests of :empty 730
selectors-empty-001.xml CSS: 15 simple tests of :empty 1396
selectors-namespace-001-ref.xml Selectors Reftest Reference 277
selectors-namespace-001.xml CSS: 1 simple test of namespaces (attributes) 822
sharing-in-svg-use-ref.html CSS Test reference 443
sharing-in-svg-use.html CSS Test: nth-of-type should work in an svg use subtree 783
spurious-brace-crash.html Spurious left-brace byte when converted to UTF-16 229
user-invalid-form-submission-invalidation-ref.html 289
user-invalid-form-submission-invalidation.html 600
user-invalid.html Support for the :user-invalid pseudo-class 11926
user-valid-user-invalid-multifield-inputs.tentative.html 6462
user-valid.html Support for the :user-valid pseudo-class 9699
valid-invalid-form-fieldset.html 4789
visited-inheritance-ref.html inherited link color when modifying parent 420
visited-inheritance.html inherited link color when modifying parent 551
visited-part-crash.html 169
webkit-pseudo-element.html WebKit-prefixed pseudo-elements 1856
x-pseudo-element.html CSS Test: 'x-' prefixed pseudo-elements don't parse correctly 767
xml-class-selector-ref.xml Class selectors in an XML namespace 495
xml-class-selector.xml Class selectors in an XML namespace 793