border-spacing-ref.html |
CSS zoom applies to border-spacing when specified and inherited |
1358 |
container-queries-ref.html |
Reference for container-queries.html |
801 |
iframe-zoom-nested-ref.html |
ref for nested iframes with css zoom |
1052 |
iframe-zoom-ref.html |
ref for iframe in an element with css zoom |
857 |
letter-spacing-ref.html |
CSS zoom applies to letter-spacing when specified and inherited |
640 |
list-style-image-ref.html |
CSS zoom applies to list-style-image |
903 |
stroke-ref.html |
CSS zoom applies to stroke, stroke-dasharray, and stroke-dashoffset |
881 |
text-indent-ref.html |
CSS zoom applies to text-indent when specified and inherited |
491 |
text-shadow-ref.html |
CSS zoom applies to text-shadow when specified and inherited |
511 |
text-stroke-width-ref.html |
CSS zoom applies to -webkit-text-stroke-width when specified and inherited |
569 |
text-underline-offset-ref.html |
CSS zoom applies to text-underline-offset when specified and inherited |
536 |
word-spacing-ref.html |
CSS zoom applies to word-spacing when specified and inherited |
596 |