Name Description Size
background-image-ref.html CSS Test Reference 180
background-image.html Zoom affects background-image intrinsic sizes 348
basic-ref.html CSS test reference 222
basic.html zoom property: basic test 468
border-spacing.html CSS zoom applies to border-spacing when specified and inherited 1371
canvas-ref.html 336
canvas.html zoom is ignored for canvas 695
container-queries.html Container queries use CSS pixels (i.e. not multipled by effective zoom) 969
font-size-ref.html CSS Test reference 279
font-size.html CSS zoom applies to font-size when specified and inherited 567
green-square-100px.html 112
iframe-zoom-nested.html nested iframes with CSS zoom 984
iframe-zoom.sub.html iframe in an element with CSS zoom 872
image-intrinsic-size.html Zoom affects image intrinsic sizes 455
inherited-length.html zoom property: inherited length into zoom 517
inherited.html Effective zoom value is inherited 550
letter-spacing.html CSS zoom applies to letter-spacing when specified and inherited 678
line-height-ref.html CSS zoom applies to line-height when specified and inherited 613
line-height.html CSS zoom applies to line-height when specified and inherited 640
list-style-image.html CSS zoom applies to list-style-image 893
perspective-small-effective-zoom-crash.html 219
relative-units-from-parent-ref.html 147
relative-units-from-parent.html 626
relative-units.html 1428
scroll-corner-crash.html 80
scroll-top-test-with-zoom.html Scroll Top Test with Zoom 948
scrollbar-crash.html 31
stroke.html CSS zoom applies to stroke, stroke-dasharray, and stroke-dashoffset 867
svg-path-ref.html 236
svg-path-simple-ref.html 148
svg-path-simple.html 369
svg-path.html 443
svg-ref.html 921
svg-transform-ref.html 170
svg-transform.html 389
svg-viewBox-ref.html 721
svg-viewBox.html 935
svg.html 1449
text-indent.html CSS zoom applies to text-indent when specified and inherited 520
text-shadow.html CSS zoom applies to text-shadow when specified and inherited 531
text-stroke-width.html CSS zoom applies to -webkit-text-stroke-width when specified and inherited 688
text-underline-offset.html CSS zoom applies to text-underline-offset when specified and inherited 717
textarea-very-small-zoom-crash.html 61
widget.html 763
word-spacing.html 588
zoom-with-sign-function.html 484