Name Description Size
1x1-green.png 0
1x1-lime.png 0
1x1-maroon.png 0
1x1-navy.png 0
1x1-red.png 0
1x1-white.png 0
60x60-gg-rr.png 0
60x60-green.png 0
a-green-transition.css 76
a-green.css 21
b-green.css 20
c-red.css 18
cat.png 0
generalParallelTest.js 8964
helper.js , 9824
import-green.css 26
import-red.css 24
one.gif 0
pattern-grg-rgr-grg.png 0
pattern-grg-rrg-rgg.png 0
pattern-rgr-grg-rgr.png 0
pattern-tr.png 0
properties.js General Value Types definition they return an object of arrays of type { <name>: [<start-value>, <end-value>], ... } 13236
README CSS Global Support Directory 964
ruler-h-50%.png 0
ruler-h-50px.png 0
ruler-v-50px.png 0
ruler-v-100px.png 0
runParallelAsyncHarness.js USAGE: runParallelAsyncHarness({ // list of data to test, must be array of objects. // each object must contain a "name" property to describe the test // besides name, the object can contain whatever data you need tests: [ {name: "name of test 1", custom: "data"}, {name: "name of test 2", custom: "data"}, // ... ], // number of tests (tests, not test-cases!) to run concurrently testsPerSlice: 100, // time in milliseconds a test-run takes duration: 1000, // test-cases to run for for the test - there must be at least one // each case creates its separate async_test() instance cases: { // test case named "test1" test1: { // run as a async_test.step() this callback contains your primary assertions start: function(testCaseKey, data, options){}, // run as a async_test.step() this callback contains assertions to be run // when the test ended, immediately before teardown done: function(testCaseKey, data, options){} }, // ... } // all callbacks are optional: // invoked for individual test before it starts so you can setup the environment // like DOM, CSS, adding event listeners and such setup: function(data, options){}, // invoked after a test ended, so you can clean up the environment // like DOM, CSS, removing event listeners and such teardown: function(data, options){}, // invoked before a batch of tests ("slice") are run concurrently // tests is an array of test data objects sliceStart: function(options, tests) // invoked after a batch of tests ("slice") were run concurrently // tests is an array of test data objects sliceDone: function(options, tests) // invoked once all tests are done done: function(options){} }) 5321
square-purple.png 0
square-teal.png 0
square-white.png 0
swatch-blue.png 0
swatch-green.png 0
swatch-lime.png 0
swatch-orange.png 0
swatch-red.png 0
swatch-teal.png 0
swatch-white.png 0
swatch-yellow.png 0
test-bl.png 0
test-br.png 0
test-inner-half-size.png 0
test-outer.png 0
test-tl.png 0
test-tr.png 0
two.gif 0
vendorPrefix.js 2339