after-change-style-inherited-try-fallback.html |
CSS Transitions Test: trigger transitions on inherited after-change styles for anchored element using fallback |
1917 |
after-change-style-inherited.html |
CSS Transitions Test: trigger transitions on inherited after-change styles |
6329 |
allow-discrete-auto-inset.html |
CSS Transitions Test: discrete transition for auto inset |
714 |
AnimationEffect-getComputedTiming.tentative.html |
AnimationEffect.getComputedTiming() for CSS transitions |
10267 |
animations |
before-load-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Transitioning before load event |
1478 |
changing-while-transition-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: behavior when transition-duration changes while transitioning |
1738 |
changing-while-transition-002.html |
CSS Transitions Test: behavior when transition-timing-function changes while transitioning |
1813 |
changing-while-transition-003.html |
CSS Transitions Test: behavior when transition-delay changes while transitioning |
1709 |
changing-while-transition-004.html |
CSS Transitions Test: behavior when transition changes to default while transitioning |
1753 |
crashtests |
CSSTransition-canceling.tentative.html |
Canceling a CSS transition |
8558 |
CSSTransition-currentTime.tentative.html |
CSSTransition.currentTime |
4568 |
CSSTransition-effect.tentative.html |
CSSTransition.effect |
7355 |
CSSTransition-finished.tentative.html |
CSSTransition.finished |
1052 |
CSSTransition-not-canceling.tentative.html |
Not canceling a CSS transition |
1612 |
CSSTransition-ready.tentative.html |
CSSTransition.ready |
2478 |
CSSTransition-startTime.tentative.html |
CSSTransition.startTime |
3671 |
CSSTransition-transitionProperty.tentative.html |
CSSTransition.transitionProperty |
812 |
currentcolor-animation-001.html |
CSS Transitions of currentcolor |
1767 |
custom-property-and-allow-discrete.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition of a custom property with "transition-behavior: allows-discrete" |
2111 |
disconnected-element-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Transitions do not run for a disconnected element |
5676 |
display-none-no-animations.html |
703 |
Document-getAnimations.tentative.html |
Document.getAnimations() for CSS transitions |
6174 |
dynamic-root-element.html |
1254 |
Element-getAnimations.tentative.html |
Element.getAnimations() for CSS transitions |
4145 |
event-dispatch.tentative.html |
CSS transition event dispatch |
16872 |
events-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transitionend event for shorthand property |
5867 |
events-002.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transitionend event for implied property value |
1810 |
events-003.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transitionend event with negative delay |
1313 |
events-004.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transitionend event with non matching lists |
2120 |
events-005.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transitionend event with property specificity |
2134 |
events-006.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transitionend event for pseudo elements |
1903 |
events-007.html |
CSS Transitions Test: no transitionend event after display:none |
2098 |
historical.html |
Historical CSS Transition features must be removed |
579 |
idlharness-2.html |
css-transitions-2 IDL tests |
763 |
idlharness.html |
css-transitions IDL tests |
709 |
inert-while-transitioning-to-display-none.html |
891 |
infinite-duration-crash.html |
523 |
inherit-background-color-transition-ref.html |
145 |
inherit-background-color-transition.html |
Verifies that 'background-color' from a transition inherits explicitly down if requested |
1281 |
inherit-height-transition.html |
807 |
inheritance.html |
Inheritance of CSS Transitions properties |
872 |
KeyframeEffect-getKeyframes-width-and-height-transition.tentative.html |
AnimationEffect.getKeyframes() for CSS transitions of the width and height properties |
1337 |
KeyframeEffect-getKeyframes.tentative.html |
KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() for CSS transitions |
4974 |
KeyframeEffect-setKeyframes.tentative.html |
KeyframeEffect.setKeyframes() for CSS transitions |
6373 |
KeyframeEffect-target.tentative.html | |
2888 |
META.yml |
80 |
non-rendered-element-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Transitions do not run for an element that is not being rendered |
3440 |
non-rendered-element-002.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Transitions do not run for a pseudo-element that is not being rendered |
1574 |
non-rendered-element-004.tentative.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Transitions do not run for a ::marker-element that is not being rendered |
1462 |
parsing |
properties-value-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Intermediate Property Values |
6555 |
properties-value-002.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Intermediate Property Values of missing value types |
6688 |
properties-value-003.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Intermediate Property Values of unspecified properties |
6812 |
properties-value-implicit-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: font-size-relative properties transition by implicit value change |
7164 |
properties-value-inherit-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transitioning inherited property values |
7519 |
properties-value-inherit-002.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transitioning inherited property values |
7529 |
properties-value-inherit-003.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transitioning implicitly inherited property values |
7404 |
pseudo-element-transform-ref.html |
Reference for transition on pseudo-element |
437 |
pseudo-element-transform.html |
Transition on pseudo-element |
1472 |
pseudo-elements-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Transitioning Pseudo Elements |
7194 |
pseudo-elements-002.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Transition pseudo element with ancestor display change |
1060 | |
# CSSWG Compatible Tests # |
8536 |
reference |
render-blocking |
retargetted-transition-with-box-sizing.html |
1330 |
root-color-transition-ref.html |
76 |
root-color-transition.html |
Verifies that 'color' stays the color it's transitioned to on :root |
1104 |
shadow-root-insertion.html |
CSS Transitions: behavior when a shadow root is inserted while transitioning |
1276 |
starting-of-transitions-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: behavior when transition-property changes while transitioning |
1424 |
starting-style-adjustment.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Style adjustments for @starting-style |
800 |
starting-style-cascade.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Cascading @starting-style |
4319 |
starting-style-name-defining-rules.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Name defining @-rules in @starting-style |
1613 |
starting-style-rule-basic.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Basic tests for @starting-style |
2348 |
starting-style-rule-none.html |
CSS Transitions Test: No transition if @starting-style display value is none |
1107 |
starting-style-rule-pseudo-elements.html |
CSS Transitions Test: @starting-style for pseudo elements |
2465 |
starting-style-size-container.html |
CSS Transitions Test: @starting-style inside size @container |
2802 |
support |
transition-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Parsing transition shorthand |
3673 |
transition-after-animation-001.html |
Starting transition after animation has ended |
1218 |
transition-background-position-with-edge-offset.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - background-position |
1591 |
transition-base-response-001.html |
Test that non-transitioned style is responsive to transitioning properties |
1839 |
transition-base-response-002.html |
Test that rem units are responsive to transitioning font-size on root |
808 |
transition-base-response-003.html |
Tests that identical elements in the base style responds to font-size transition |
832 |
transition-behavior-events.html |
CSS transition event dispatch depending on transition-behavior |
1668 |
transition-behavior.html |
4359 |
transition-delay-000-manual.html |
CSS Transition Test: transition-delay - positive number |
1261 |
transition-delay-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Parsing transition-delay |
3003 |
transition-delay-002-manual.html |
CSS Transition Test: transition-delay - 0s |
1525 |
transition-delay-003-manual.html |
CSS Transition Test: transition-delay - negative number |
1553 |
transition-duration-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Parsing transition-duration |
3050 |
transition-duration-002-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-duration - positive number |
1293 |
transition-duration-003-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-duration - 0s(initial value) |
1601 |
transition-duration-004-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-duration - negative number |
1416 |
transition-duration-shorthand.html |
transition-duration when looking at shorthand properties should be correct |
1504 |
transition-events-with-document-change.html |
CSS Transitions: transition events for an element changing document |
1494 |
transition-important.html |
CSS Transitions Test: !important property |
776 |
transition-property-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Parsing transition-property |
1791 |
transition-property-002.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Parsing invalid transition-property |
2123 |
transition-property-003-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - none |
1382 |
transition-property-004-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - all |
1075 |
transition-property-005-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - height width(more than one properties specified) |
1245 |
transition-property-006-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - background-position |
1240 |
transition-property-007-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - border-bottom-color |
1136 |
transition-property-008-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - border-bottom-width |
1142 |
transition-property-009-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - border-left-color |
1129 |
transition-property-010-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - border-left-width |
1134 |
transition-property-011-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - border-right-color |
1134 |
transition-property-012-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - border-right-width |
1139 |
transition-property-013-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - border-top-color |
1124 |
transition-property-014-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - border-top-width |
1130 |
transition-property-015-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - border-spacing |
1137 |
transition-property-016-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - bottom |
1109 |
transition-property-017-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - clip |
1142 |
transition-property-018-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - color |
1077 |
transition-property-019-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - font-size |
1096 |
transition-property-020-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - font-weight |
1112 |
transition-property-021-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - left |
1154 |
transition-property-022-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - letter-spacing |
1281 |
transition-property-023-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - line-height |
1077 |
transition-property-024-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - margin-bottom |
1165 |
transition-property-025-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - margin-left |
1127 |
transition-property-026-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - margin-right |
1258 |
transition-property-027-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - max-height |
1130 |
transition-property-028-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - max-width |
1124 |
transition-property-029-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - min-height |
1130 |
transition-property-030-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - min-width |
1124 |
transition-property-031-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - opacity |
1083 |
transition-property-032-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - outline-color |
1157 |
transition-property-033-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - outline-width |
1162 |
transition-property-034-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - padding-bottom |
1137 |
transition-property-035-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - padding-left |
1174 |
transition-property-036-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - padding-right |
1221 |
transition-property-037-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - padding-top |
1155 |
transition-property-038-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - right |
1110 |
transition-property-039-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - text-indent |
1058 |
transition-property-040-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - text-shadow |
1078 |
transition-property-041-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - top |
1083 |
transition-property-042-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - vertical-align |
1179 |
transition-property-043-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - visibility |
1101 |
transition-property-044-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - word-spacing |
1223 |
transition-property-045-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-property - z-index |
1248 |
transition-reparented.html |
CSS Transition should cancel when an element is reparented |
1293 |
transition-test.html |
CSS Transition Test: invalid values cause all properites to animate. |
1563 |
transition-timing-function-002-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-timing-function - 'ease' equivalent to 'cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0)' |
1494 |
transition-timing-function-003-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-timing-function - 'ease-in' equivalent to 'cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0)' |
1439 |
transition-timing-function-004-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-timing-function - 'ease-in-out' equivalent to 'cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0)' |
1454 |
transition-timing-function-005-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-timing-function - 'ease-out' equivalent to 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0)' |
1436 |
transition-timing-function-006-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-timing-function - 'linear' equivalent to 'cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)' |
1435 |
transition-timing-function-010-manual.html |
CSS Transitions Test: transition-timing-function - steps(2) |
1024 |
transitioncancel-001.html |
CSS Transitions Test: display:none causes transitioncancel |
2361 |
transitioncancel-002.html |
CSS Transitions Test: Removing transitioning property from transition-property triggers transitioncancel |
1616 |
transitionevent-interface.html |
CSS Transitions Test: TransitionEvent interface |
7756 |
transitions-retarget.html |
Retargeted CSS transition |
1294 |
129 |
zero-duration-multiple-transition.html |
951 |