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#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
import itertools
import json
import math
import os
import posixpath
import sys
import mozinfo
class SingleTestMixin(object):
"""Utility functions for per-test testing like test verification and per-test coverage."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(SingleTestMixin, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.suites = {}
self.tests_downloaded = False
self.reftest_test_dir = None
self.jsreftest_test_dir = None
# Map from full test path on the test machine to a relative path in the source checkout.
# Use self._map_test_path_to_source(test_machine_path, source_path) to add a mapping.
self.test_src_path = {}
self.per_test_log_index = 1
def _map_test_path_to_source(self, test_machine_path, source_path):
test_machine_path = test_machine_path.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep)
source_path = source_path.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep)
self.test_src_path[test_machine_path] = source_path
def _is_gpu_suite(self, suite):
if suite and (suite == "gpu" or suite.startswith("webgl")):
return True
return False
def _find_misc_tests(self, dirs, changed_files, gpu=False):
manifests = [
os.path.join(dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"], "tests", "mochitest.toml"),
os.path.join(dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"], "chrome", "chrome.toml"),
dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"], "browser", "browser-chrome.toml"
os.path.join(dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"], "a11y", "a11y.toml"),
os.path.join(dirs["abs_xpcshell_dir"], "tests", "xpcshell.toml"),
is_fission = "fission.autostart=true" in self.config.get("extra_prefs", [])
tests_by_path = {}
all_disabled = []
# HACK: import here so we don't need import for rest of class
from manifestparser import TestManifest
for path, suite in manifests:
if os.path.exists(path):
man = TestManifest([path], strict=False)
active = man.active_tests(
exists=False, disabled=True, filters=[], **
# Remove disabled tests. Also, remove tests with the same path as
# disabled tests, even if they are not disabled, since per-test mode
# specifies tests by path (it cannot distinguish between two or more
# tests with the same path specified in multiple manifests).
disabled = [t["relpath"] for t in active if "disabled" in t]
all_disabled += disabled
new_by_path = {
t["relpath"]: (suite, t.get("subsuite"), None)
for t in active
if "disabled" not in t and t["relpath"] not in disabled
"Per-test run updated with manifest %s (%d active, %d skipped)"
% (path, len(new_by_path), len(disabled))
ref_manifests = [
), # gpu
import manifest
self.reftest_test_dir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_reftest_dir"], "tests")
for path, suite, subsuite in ref_manifests:
if os.path.exists(path):
man = manifest.ReftestManifest()
for t in man.tests:
relpath = os.path.relpath(t["path"], self.reftest_test_dir)
referenced = (
t["referenced-test"] if "referenced-test" in t else None
tests_by_path[relpath] = (suite, subsuite, referenced)
self._map_test_path_to_source(t["path"], relpath)
"Per-test run updated with manifest %s (%d tests)"
% (path, len(man.tests))
suite = "jsreftest"
self.jsreftest_test_dir = os.path.join(
dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "jsreftest", "tests"
path = os.path.join(self.jsreftest_test_dir, "jstests.list")
if os.path.exists(path):
man = manifest.ReftestManifest()
for t in man.files:
# expect manifest test to look like:
# ".../tests/jsreftest/tests/jsreftest.html?test=test262/.../some_test.js"
# while the test is in mercurial at:
# js/src/tests/test262/.../some_test.js
epos = t.find("=")
if epos > 0:
relpath = t[epos + 1 :]
test_path = os.path.join(self.jsreftest_test_dir, relpath)
relpath = os.path.join("js", "src", "tests", relpath)
self._map_test_path_to_source(test_path, relpath)
tests_by_path.update({relpath: (suite, None, None)})
self.warning("unexpected jsreftest test format: %s" % str(t))
"Per-test run updated with manifest %s (%d tests)"
% (path, len(man.files))
# for each changed file, determine if it is a test file, and what suite it is in
for file in changed_files:
# manifest paths use os.sep (like backslash on Windows) but
# automation-relevance uses posixpath.sep
file = file.replace(posixpath.sep, os.sep)
entry = tests_by_path.get(file)
if not entry:
if file in all_disabled:"'%s' has been skipped on this platform." % file)
if os.environ.get("MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS", None) is not None:"Per-test run could not find requested test '%s'" % file)
if gpu and not self._is_gpu_suite(entry[1]):
"Per-test run (gpu) discarded non-gpu test %s (%s)"
% (file, entry[1])
elif not gpu and self._is_gpu_suite(entry[1]):
"Per-test run (non-gpu) discarded gpu test %s (%s)"
% (file, entry[1])
if is_fission and (
(entry[0] == "mochitest-a11y") or (entry[0] == "mochitest-chrome")
"Per-test run (fission) discarded non-e10s test %s (%s)"
% (file, entry[0])
if entry[2] is not None and "about:" not in entry[2]:
# Test name substitution, for reftest reference file handling:
# - if both test and reference modified, run the test file
# - if only reference modified, run the test file
test_file = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(file), os.path.basename(entry[2])
)"Per-test run substituting %s for %s" % (test_file, file))
file = test_file"Per-test run found test %s (%s/%s)" % (file, entry[0], entry[1]))
subsuite_mapping = {
# Map (<suite>, <subsuite>): <full-suite>
# <suite> is associated with a manifest, explicitly in code above
# <subsuite> comes from "subsuite" tags in some manifest entries
# <full-suite> is a unique id for the suite, matching desktop mozharness configs
): "mochitest-browser-a11y",
): "mochitest-browser-media",
): "mochitest-devtools-chrome",
("mochitest-browser-chrome", "remote", None): "mochitest-remote",
): "mochitest-browser-screenshots", # noqa
("mochitest-plain", "media", None): "mochitest-media",
# below should be on test-verify-gpu job
("mochitest-chrome", "gpu", None): "mochitest-chrome-gpu",
("mochitest-plain", "gpu", None): "mochitest-plain-gpu",
("mochitest-plain", "webgl1-core", None): "mochitest-webgl1-core",
("mochitest-plain", "webgl1-ext", None): "mochitest-webgl1-ext",
("mochitest-plain", "webgl2-core", None): "mochitest-webgl2-core",
("mochitest-plain", "webgl2-ext", None): "mochitest-webgl2-ext",
("mochitest-plain", "webgl2-deqp", None): "mochitest-webgl2-deqp",
("mochitest-plain", "webgpu", None): "mochitest-webgpu",
if entry in subsuite_mapping:
suite = subsuite_mapping[entry]
suite = entry[0]
suite_files = self.suites.get(suite)
if not suite_files:
suite_files = []
if file not in suite_files:
self.suites[suite] = suite_files
def _find_wpt_tests(self, dirs, changed_files):
# Setup sys.path to include all the dependencies required to import
# the web-platform-tests manifest parser. web-platform-tests provides
# the to do the path manipulation, which we load,
# providing the __file__ variable so it can resolve the relative
# paths correctly.
paths_file = os.path.join(
dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"], "tests", "tools", ""
with open(paths_file, "r") as f:
exec(, {"__file__": paths_file})
import manifest as wptmanifest
tests_root = os.path.join(dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"], "tests")
for extra in ("", "mozilla"):
base_path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"], extra)
man_path = os.path.join(base_path, "meta", "MANIFEST.json")
man = wptmanifest.manifest.load(tests_root, man_path)"Per-test run updated with manifest %s" % man_path)
repo_tests_path = os.path.join("testing", "web-platform", extra, "tests")
tests_path = os.path.join("tests", "web-platform", extra, "tests")
for type, path, test in man:
if type not in ["testharness", "reftest", "wdspec"]:
repo_path = os.path.join(repo_tests_path, path)
# manifest paths use os.sep (like backslash on Windows) but
# automation-relevance uses posixpath.sep
repo_path = repo_path.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep)
if repo_path in changed_files:
"Per-test run found web-platform test '%s', type %s"
% (path, type)
suite_files = self.suites.get(type)
if not suite_files:
suite_files = []
test_path = os.path.join(tests_path, path)
self.suites[type] = suite_files
self._map_test_path_to_source(test_path, repo_path)
if os.environ.get("MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS", None) is not None:
for file in changed_files:
"Per-test run could not find requested web-platform test '%s'"
% file
def find_modified_tests(self):
For each file modified on this push, determine if the modified file
is a test, by searching test manifests. Populate self.suites
with test files, organized by suite.
This depends on test manifests, so can only run after test zips have
been downloaded and extracted.
repository = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY")
revision = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REV")
if not repository or not revision:
self.warning("unable to run tests in per-test mode: no repo or revision!")
self.suites = {}
self.tests_downloaded = True
def get_automationrelevance():
response = self.load_json_url(url)
return response
dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
e10s = self.config.get("e10s", False)
mozinfo.update({"e10s": e10s})
is_fission = "fission.autostart=true" in self.config.get("extra_prefs", [])
mozinfo.update({"fission": is_fission})
headless = self.config.get("headless", False)
mozinfo.update({"headless": headless})
if["buildapp"] == "mobile/android":
# extra android mozinfo normally comes from device queries, but this
# code may run before the device is ready, so rely on configuration
{"android_version": str(self.config.get("android_version", 24))}
mozinfo.update({"is_emulator": self.config.get("is_emulator", True)})
mozinfo.update({"verify": True})"Per-test run using mozinfo: %s" % str(
# determine which files were changed on this push
changed_files = set()
url = "%s/json-automationrelevance/%s" % (repository.rstrip("/"), revision)
contents = self.retry(get_automationrelevance, attempts=2, sleeptime=10)
for c in contents["changesets"]:
" {cset} {desc}".format(
desc=c["desc"].splitlines()[0].encode("ascii", "ignore"),
changed_files |= set(c["files"])
changed_files = list(changed_files)
# check specified test paths, as from 'mach try ... <path>'
if os.environ.get("MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS", None) is not None:
suite_to_paths = json.loads(os.environ["MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS"])
specified_paths = itertools.chain.from_iterable(suite_to_paths.values())
specified_paths = list(specified_paths)
# filter the list of changed files to those found under the
# specified path(s)
changed_and_specified = set()
for changed in changed_files:
for specified in specified_paths:
if changed.startswith(specified):
if changed_and_specified:
changed_files = changed_and_specified
# if specified paths do not match changed files, assume the
# specified paths are explicitly requested tests
changed_files = set()
changed_files.update(specified_paths)"Per-test run found explicit request in MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS:")
if self.config.get("per_test_category") == "web-platform":
self._find_wpt_tests(dirs, changed_files)
elif self.config.get("gpu_required", False) is not False:
self._find_misc_tests(dirs, changed_files, gpu=True)
self._find_misc_tests(dirs, changed_files)
# per test mode run specific tests from any given test suite
# _find_*_tests organizes tests to run into suites so we can
# run each suite at a time
# chunk files
total_tests = sum([len(self.suites[x]) for x in self.suites])
if total_tests == 0:
self.warning("No tests to verify.")
self.suites = {}
self.tests_downloaded = True
files_per_chunk = total_tests / float(self.config.get("total_chunks", 1))
files_per_chunk = int(math.ceil(files_per_chunk))
chunk_number = int(self.config.get("this_chunk", 1))
suites = {}
start = (chunk_number - 1) * files_per_chunk
end = chunk_number * files_per_chunk
current = -1
for suite in self.suites:
for test in self.suites[suite]:
current += 1
if current >= start and current < end:
if suite not in suites:
suites[suite] = []
if current >= end:
self.suites = suites
self.tests_downloaded = True
def query_args(self, suite):
For the specified suite, return an array of command line arguments to
be passed to test harnesses when running in per-test mode.
Each array element is an array of command line arguments for a modified
test in the suite.
# not in verify or per-test coverage mode: run once, with no additional args
if not self.per_test_coverage and not self.verify_enabled:
return [[]]
files = []
jsreftest_extra_dir = os.path.join("js", "src", "tests")
# For some suites, the test path needs to be updated before passing to
# the test harness.
for file in self.suites.get(suite):
if self.config.get("per_test_category") != "web-platform" and suite in [
file = os.path.join(self.reftest_test_dir, file)
elif (
self.config.get("per_test_category") != "web-platform"
and suite == "jsreftest"
file = os.path.relpath(file, jsreftest_extra_dir)
file = os.path.join(self.jsreftest_test_dir, file)
if file is None:
file = file.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep)
files.append(file)"Per-test file(s) for '%s': %s" % (suite, files))
args = []
for file in files:
cur = []
return args
def query_per_test_category_suites(self, category, all_suites):
In per-test mode, determine which suites are active, for the given
suite category.
suites = None
if self.verify_enabled or self.per_test_coverage:
if self.config.get("per_test_category") == "web-platform":
suites = list(self.suites)"Per-test suites: %s" % suites)
elif all_suites and self.tests_downloaded:
suites = dict(
(key, all_suites.get(key))
for key in self.suites
if key in all_suites.keys()
)"Per-test suites: %s" % suites)
# Until test zips are downloaded, manifests are not available,
# so it is not possible to determine which suites are active/
# required for per-test mode; assume all suites from supported
# suite categories are required.
if category in ["mochitest", "xpcshell", "reftest"]:
suites = all_suites
return suites
def log_per_test_status(self, test_name, tbpl_status, log_level):
Log status of a single test. This will display in the
Job Details pane in treeherder - a convenient summary of per-test mode.
Special test name formatting is needed because treeherder truncates
lines that are too long, and may remove duplicates after truncation.
max_test_name_len = 40
if len(test_name) > max_test_name_len:
head = test_name
new = ""
previous = None
max_test_name_len = max_test_name_len - len(".../")
while len(new) < max_test_name_len:
head, tail = os.path.split(head)
previous = new
new = os.path.join(tail, new)
test_name = os.path.join("...", previous or new)
test_name = test_name.rstrip(os.path.sep)
"TinderboxPrint: Per-test run of %s<br/>: %s" % (test_name, tbpl_status),
def get_indexed_logs(self, dir, test_suite):
Per-test tasks need distinct file names for the raw and errorsummary logs
on each run.
index = ""
if self.verify_enabled or self.per_test_coverage:
index = "-test%d" % self.per_test_log_index
self.per_test_log_index += 1
raw_log_file = os.path.join(dir, "%s%s_raw.log" % (test_suite, index))
error_summary_file = os.path.join(
dir, "%s%s_errorsummary.log" % (test_suite, index)
return raw_log_file, error_summary_file