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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import struct
def _round2(n):
k = 1
while k < n:
k <<= 1
return k >> 1
def _leaf_hash(hash_fn, leaf):
return hash_fn(b"\x00" + leaf).digest()
def _pair_hash(hash_fn, left, right):
return hash_fn(b"\x01" + left + right).digest()
class InclusionProof:
Represents a Merkle inclusion proof for purposes of serialization,
deserialization, and verification of the proof. The format for inclusion
proofs in RFC 6962-bis is as follows:
opaque LogID<2..127>;
opaque NodeHash<32..2^8-1>;
struct {
LogID log_id;
uint64 tree_size;
uint64 leaf_index;
NodeHash inclusion_path<1..2^16-1>;
} InclusionProofDataV2;
In other words:
- 1 + N octets of log_id (currently zero)
- 8 octets of tree_size = self.n
- 8 octets of leaf_index = m
- 2 octets of path length, followed by
* 1 + N octets of NodeHash
# Pre-generated 'log ID'. Not used by Firefox; it is only needed because
# there's a slot in the RFC 6962-bis format that requires a value at least
# two bytes long (plus a length byte).
LOG_ID = b"\x02\x00\x00"
def __init__(self, tree_size, leaf_index, path_elements):
self.tree_size = tree_size
self.leaf_index = leaf_index
self.path_elements = path_elements
def from_rfc6962_bis(serialized):
start = 0
read = 1
if len(serialized) < start + read:
raise Exception("Inclusion proof too short for log ID header")
(log_id_len,) = struct.unpack("B", serialized[start : start + read])
start += read
start += log_id_len # Ignore the log ID itself
read = 8 + 8 + 2
if len(serialized) < start + read:
raise Exception("Inclusion proof too short for middle section")
tree_size, leaf_index, path_len = struct.unpack(
"!QQH", serialized[start : start + read]
start += read
path_elements = []
end = 1 + log_id_len + 8 + 8 + 2 + path_len
while start < end:
read = 1
if len(serialized) < start + read:
raise Exception("Inclusion proof too short for middle section")
(elem_len,) = struct.unpack("!B", serialized[start : start + read])
start += read
read = elem_len
if len(serialized) < start + read:
raise Exception("Inclusion proof too short for middle section")
if end < start + read:
raise Exception("Inclusion proof element exceeds declared length")
path_elements.append(serialized[start : start + read])
start += read
return InclusionProof(tree_size, leaf_index, path_elements)
def to_rfc6962_bis(self):
inclusion_path = b""
for step in self.path_elements:
step_len = struct.pack("B", len(step))
inclusion_path += step_len + step
middle = struct.pack(
"!QQH", self.tree_size, self.leaf_index, len(inclusion_path)
return self.LOG_ID + middle + inclusion_path
def _expected_head(self, hash_fn, leaf, leaf_index, tree_size):
node = _leaf_hash(hash_fn, leaf)
# Compute indicators of which direction the pair hashes should be done.
# Derived from the PATH logic in draft-ietf-trans-rfc6962-bis
lr = []
while tree_size > 1:
k = _round2(tree_size)
left = leaf_index < k
lr = [left] + lr
if left:
tree_size = k
tree_size = tree_size - k
leaf_index = leaf_index - k
assert len(lr) == len(self.path_elements)
for i, elem in enumerate(self.path_elements):
if lr[i]:
node = _pair_hash(hash_fn, node, elem)
node = _pair_hash(hash_fn, elem, node)
return node
def verify(self, hash_fn, leaf, leaf_index, tree_size, tree_head):
return self._expected_head(hash_fn, leaf, leaf_index, tree_size) == tree_head
class MerkleTree:
Implements a Merkle tree on a set of data items following the
structure defined in RFC 6962-bis. This allows us to create a
single hash value that summarizes the data (the 'head'), and an
'inclusion proof' for each element that connects it to the head.
def __init__(self, hash_fn, data):
self.n = len(data)
self.hash_fn = hash_fn
# We cache intermediate node values, as a dictionary of dictionaries,
# where the node representing data elements data[m:n] is represented by
# nodes[m][n]. This corresponds to the 'D[m:n]' notation in RFC
# 6962-bis. In particular, the leaves are stored in nodes[i][i+1] and
# the head is nodes[0][n].
self.nodes = {}
for i in range(self.n):
self.nodes[i, i + 1] = _leaf_hash(self.hash_fn, data[i])
def _node(self, start, end):
if (start, end) in self.nodes:
return self.nodes[start, end]
k = _round2(end - start)
left = self._node(start, start + k)
right = self._node(start + k, end)
node = _pair_hash(self.hash_fn, left, right)
self.nodes[start, end] = node
return node
def head(self):
return self._node(0, self.n)
def _relative_proof(self, target, start, end):
n = end - start
k = _round2(n)
if n == 1:
return []
elif target - start < k:
return self._relative_proof(target, start, start + k) + [
self._node(start + k, end)
elif target - start >= k:
return self._relative_proof(target, start + k, end) + [
self._node(start, start + k)
def inclusion_proof(self, leaf_index):
path_elements = self._relative_proof(leaf_index, 0, self.n)
return InclusionProof(self.n, leaf_index, path_elements)