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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import json
import logging
from functools import partial
from taskgraph.util.taskcluster import get_artifact, get_task_definition, list_artifacts
from .registry import register_callback_action
from .retrigger import retrigger_action
from .util import add_args_to_command, create_tasks, fetch_graph_and_labels
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_failures(task_id, task_definition):
"""Returns a dict containing properties containing a list of
directories containing test failures and a separate list of
individual test failures from the errorsummary.log artifact for
the task.
Find test path to pass to the task in
MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS. If no appropriate test path can be
determined, nothing is returned.
def fix_wpt_name(test):
# TODO: find other cases to handle
if ".any." in test:
test = "%s.any.js" % test.split(".any.")[0]
if ".window.html" in test:
test = test.replace(".window.html", ".window.js")
if test.startswith("/_mozilla"):
test = "testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests" + test[len("_mozilla") :]
test = "testing/web-platform/tests/" + test.strip("/")
# some wpt tests have params, those are not supported
test = test.split("?")[0]
return test
# collect dirs that don't have a specific manifest
dirs = []
tests = []
artifacts = list_artifacts(task_id)
for artifact in artifacts:
if "name" not in artifact or not artifact["name"].endswith("errorsummary.log"):
stream = get_artifact(task_id, artifact["name"])
if not stream:
# We handle the stream as raw bytes because it may contain invalid
# UTF-8 characters in portions other than those containing the error
# messages we're looking for.
for line in"\n"):
if not line.strip():
l = json.loads(line)
if "group_results" in l.keys() and l["status"] != "OK":
elif "test" in l.keys():
if not l["test"]:
print("Warning: no testname in errorsummary line: %s" % l)
test_path = l["test"].split(" ")[0]
found_path = False
# tests with url params (wpt), will get confused here
if "?" not in test_path:
test_path = test_path.split(":")[-1]
# edge case where a crash on shutdown has a "test" name == group name
if (
or test_path.endswith(".ini")
or test_path.endswith(".list")
# TODO: consider running just the manifest
# edge cases with missing test names
if (
test_path is None
or test_path == "None"
or "SimpleTest" in test_path
if "signature" in l.keys():
# dealing with a crash
found_path = True
if "web-platform" in task_definition["extra"]["suite"]:
test_path = fix_wpt_name(test_path)
if "status" not in l and "expected" not in l:
if l["status"] != l["expected"]:
if l["status"] not in l.get("known_intermittent", []):
found_path = True
if "web-platform" in task_definition["extra"]["suite"]:
test_path = fix_wpt_name(test_path)
if found_path and test_path:
fpath = test_path.replace("\\", "/")
tval = {"path": fpath, "group": l["group"]}
# only store one failure per test
if not [t for t in tests if t["path"] == fpath]:
# only run the failing test not both test + dir
if l["group"] in dirs:
# TODO: 10 is too much; how to get only NEW failures?
if len(tests) > 10:
dirs = [{"path": "", "group": d} for d in list(set(dirs))]
return {"dirs": dirs, "tests": tests}
def get_repeat_args(task_definition, failure_group):
task_name = task_definition["metadata"]["name"]
repeatable_task = False
if (
"crashtest" in task_name
or "mochitest" in task_name
or "reftest" in task_name
or "xpcshell" in task_name
or "web-platform" in task_name
and "jsreftest" not in task_name
repeatable_task = True
repeat_args = ""
if not repeatable_task:
return repeat_args
if failure_group == "dirs":
# execute 3 total loops
repeat_args = ["--repeat=2"] if repeatable_task else []
elif failure_group == "tests":
# execute 5 total loops
repeat_args = ["--repeat=4"] if repeatable_task else []
return repeat_args
def confirm_modifier(task, input):
if task.label != input["label"]:
return task
logger.debug(f"Modifying paths for {task.label}")
# If the original task has defined test paths
suite = input.get("suite")
test_path = input.get("test_path")
test_group = input.get("test_group")
if test_path or test_group:
repeat_args = input.get("repeat_args")
if repeat_args:
task.task["payload"]["command"] = add_args_to_command(
task.task["payload"]["command"], extra_args=repeat_args
# TODO: do we need this attribute?
task.attributes["test_path"] = test_path
task.task["payload"]["env"]["MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS"] = json.dumps(
{suite: [test_group]}, sort_keys=True
task.task["payload"]["env"]["MOZHARNESS_CONFIRM_PATHS"] = json.dumps(
{suite: [test_path]}, sort_keys=True
task.task["payload"]["env"]["MOZLOG_DUMP_ALL_TESTS"] = "1"
task.task["metadata"]["name"] = task.label
task.task["tags"]["action"] = "confirm-failure"
return task
title="Confirm failures in job",
description="Re-run Tests for original manifest, directories or tests for failing tests.",
context=[{"kind": "test"}],
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"label": {"type": "string", "description": "A task label"},
"suite": {"type": "string", "description": "Test suite"},
"test_path": {"type": "string", "description": "A full path to test"},
"test_group": {
"type": "string",
"description": "A full path to group name",
"repeat_args": {
"type": "string",
"description": "args to pass to test harness",
"additionalProperties": False,
def confirm_failures(parameters, graph_config, input, task_group_id, task_id):
task_definition = get_task_definition(task_id)
decision_task_id, full_task_graph, label_to_taskid, _ = fetch_graph_and_labels(
parameters, graph_config
# create -cf label; ideally make this a common function
cfname = "%s-cf" % task_definition["metadata"]["name"]
if cfname not in full_task_graph.tasks:
raise Exception(f"{cfname} was not found in the task-graph")
to_run = [cfname]
suite = task_definition["extra"]["suite"]
if "-coverage" in suite:
suite = suite[: suite.index("-coverage")]
if "-qr" in suite:
suite = suite[: suite.index("-qr")]
failures = get_failures(task_id, task_definition)
if failures["dirs"] == [] and failures["tests"] == []:"need to retrigger task as no specific test failures found")
retrigger_action(parameters, graph_config, input, decision_task_id, task_id)
# for each unique failure, create a new confirm failure job
for failure_group in failures:
for failure_path in failures[failure_group]:
repeat_args = get_repeat_args(task_definition, failure_group)
input = {
"label": cfname,
"suite": suite,
"test_path": failure_path["path"],
"test_group": failure_path["group"],
"repeat_args": repeat_args,
}"confirm_failures: %s" % failures)
modifier=partial(confirm_modifier, input=input),