.ruff.toml |
81 |
__init__.py |
Used to register Gecko specific extensions.
graph_config: The graph configuration object.
2493 |
actions |
config.py |
6087 |
decision.py |
Parse the try syntax out of a commit message, returning '' if none is
18447 |
docker.py |
Build a context.tar for image with specified name. |
1859 |
files_changed.py |
Support for optimizing tasks based on the set of files that have changed.
2622 |
filter_tasks.py |
Target the tasks which have indicated they should be run on autoland
(rather than try) via the `run_on_projects` attributes.
Should do the same thing as the `default` target tasks method.
3639 |
loader |
main.py |
20898 |
manifests |
morph.py |
Graph morphs are modifications to task-graphs that take place *after* the
optimization phase.
These graph morphs are largely invisible to developers running `./mach`
locally, so they should be limited to changes that do not modify the meaning of
the graph.
9387 |
optimize |
parameters.py |
5552 |
target_tasks.py |
Filter out tasks that run via cron.
61569 |
test |
transforms |
try_option_syntax.py |
28432 |
util |