Name Description Size
block-images.js 1134
cross-browser.js To have Puppeteer fetch a Firefox binary for you, first run: npx puppeteer browsers install firefox To get additional logging about which browser binary is executed, run this example as: DEBUG=puppeteer:launcher NODE_PATH=../ node examples/cross-browser.js You can set a custom binary with the `executablePath` launcher option. 1375
custom-event.js Attach an event listener to page to capture a custom event on page load/navigation. @param {string} type Event name. @returns {!Promise} 1001
detect-sniff.js 1449
pdf.js 433
proxy.js 622
puppeteer-in-extension # Puppeteer: Examples 543
screenshot-fullpage.js 437
screenshot.js 365
search.js @fileoverview Search for articles tagged "Headless Chrome" and scrape results from the results page. 1342
webdriver-bidi.mjs 361