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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
TabManager: "chrome://remote/content/shared/TabManager.sys.mjs",
* The NetworkRequest class is a wrapper around the internal channel which
* provides getters and methods closer to fetch's response concept
export class NetworkRequest {
* @param {nsIChannel} channel
* The channel for the request.
* @param {object} params
* @param {NetworkEventRecord} params.networkEventRecord
* The NetworkEventRecord owning this NetworkRequest.
* @param {NavigationManager} params.navigationManager
* The NavigationManager where navigations for the current session are
* monitored.
* @param {string=} params.rawHeaders
* The request's raw (ie potentially compressed) headers
constructor(channel, params) {
const { eventRecord, navigationManager, rawHeaders = "" } = params;
this.#channel = channel;
this.#eventRecord = eventRecord;
this.#isDataURL = this.#channel instanceof Ci.nsIDataChannel;
this.#navigationManager = navigationManager;
this.#rawHeaders = rawHeaders;
const currentTime =;
this.#timedChannel =
this.#channel instanceof Ci.nsITimedChannel
? this.#channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsITimedChannel)
: {
redirectCount: 0,
channelCreationTime: currentTime,
redirectStartTime: 0,
redirectEndTime: 0,
domainLookupStartTime: currentTime,
domainLookupEndTime: currentTime,
connectStartTime: currentTime,
connectEndTime: currentTime,
secureConnectionStartTime: currentTime,
requestStartTime: currentTime,
responseStartTime: currentTime,
responseEndTime: currentTime,
this.#wrappedChannel = ChannelWrapper.get(channel);
this.#redirectCount = this.#timedChannel.redirectCount;
// The wrappedChannel id remains identical across redirects, whereas
// nsIChannel.channelId is different for each and every request.
this.#requestId =;
this.#contextId = this.#getContextId();
this.#navigationId = this.#getNavigationId();
get alreadyCompleted() {
return this.#alreadyCompleted;
get channel() {
return this.#channel;
get contextId() {
return this.#contextId;
get errorText() {
// TODO: Update with a proper error text. Bug 1873037.
return ChromeUtils.getXPCOMErrorName(this.#channel.status);
get headersSize() {
// TODO: rawHeaders will not be updated after modifying the headers via
// request interception. Need to find another way to retrieve the
// information dynamically.
return this.#rawHeaders.length;
get isHttpChannel() {
return this.#channel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel;
get method() {
return this.#isDataURL ? "GET" : this.#channel.requestMethod;
get navigationId() {
return this.#navigationId;
get postDataSize() {
const charset = lazy.NetworkUtils.getCharset(this.#channel);
const sentBody = lazy.NetworkHelper.readPostTextFromRequest(
return sentBody ? sentBody.length : 0;
get redirectCount() {
return this.#redirectCount;
get requestId() {
return this.#requestId;
get serializedURL() {
return this.#channel.URI.spec;
get wrappedChannel() {
return this.#wrappedChannel;
set alreadyCompleted(value) {
this.#alreadyCompleted = value;
* Add information about raw headers, collected from NetworkObserver events.
* @param {string} rawHeaders
* The raw headers.
addRawHeaders(rawHeaders) {
this.#rawHeaders = rawHeaders || "";
* Clear a request header from the request's headers list.
* @param {string} name
* The header's name.
clearRequestHeader(name) {
name, // aName
"", // aValue="" as an empty value
false // aMerge=false to force clearing the header
* Retrieve the Fetch timings for the NetworkRequest.
* @returns {object}
* Object with keys corresponding to fetch timing names, and their
* corresponding values.
getFetchTimings() {
const {
} = this.#timedChannel;
// fetchStart should be the post-redirect start time, which should be the
// first non-zero timing from: dispatchFetchEventStart, cacheReadStart and
const fetchStartTime =
dispatchFetchEventStartTime ||
cacheReadStartTime ||
// Bug 1805478: Per spec, the origin time should match Performance API's
// timeOrigin for the global which initiated the request. This is not
// available in the parent process, so for now we will use 0.
const timeOrigin = 0;
return {
requestTime: this.#convertTimestamp(channelCreationTime, timeOrigin),
redirectStart: this.#convertTimestamp(redirectStartTime, timeOrigin),
redirectEnd: this.#convertTimestamp(redirectEndTime, timeOrigin),
fetchStart: this.#convertTimestamp(fetchStartTime, timeOrigin),
dnsStart: this.#convertTimestamp(domainLookupStartTime, timeOrigin),
dnsEnd: this.#convertTimestamp(domainLookupEndTime, timeOrigin),
connectStart: this.#convertTimestamp(connectStartTime, timeOrigin),
connectEnd: this.#convertTimestamp(connectEndTime, timeOrigin),
tlsStart: this.#convertTimestamp(secureConnectionStartTime, timeOrigin),
tlsEnd: this.#convertTimestamp(connectEndTime, timeOrigin),
requestStart: this.#convertTimestamp(requestStartTime, timeOrigin),
responseStart: this.#convertTimestamp(responseStartTime, timeOrigin),
responseEnd: this.#convertTimestamp(responseEndTime, timeOrigin),
* Retrieve the list of headers for the NetworkRequest.
* @returns {Array.Array}
* Array of (name, value) tuples.
getHeadersList() {
const headers = [];
if (this.#channel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel) {
visitHeader(name, value) {
// The `Proxy-Authorization` header even though it appears on the channel is not
// actually sent to the server for non CONNECT requests after the HTTP/HTTPS tunnel
// is setup by the proxy.
if (name == "Proxy-Authorization") {
headers.push([name, value]);
if (this.#channel instanceof Ci.nsIDataChannel) {
// Data channels have no request headers.
return [];
if (this.#channel instanceof Ci.nsIFileChannel) {
// File channels have no request headers.
return [];
return headers;
* Set the request post body
* @param {string} body
* The body to set.
setRequestBody(body) {
// Update the requestObserversCalled flag to allow modifying the request,
// and reset once done.
this.#channel.requestObserversCalled = false;
try {
const bodyStream = Cc[
bodyStream.setData(body, body.length);
} finally {
// Make sure to reset the flag once the modification was attempted.
this.#channel.requestObserversCalled = true;
* Set a request header
* @param {string} name
* The header's name.
* @param {string} value
* The header's value.
* @param {object} options
* @param {boolean} options.merge
* True if the value should be merged with the existing value, false if it
* should override it. Defaults to false.
setRequestHeader(name, value, options) {
const { merge = false } = options;
this.#channel.setRequestHeader(name, value, merge);
* Update the request's method.
* @param {string} method
* The method to set.
setRequestMethod(method) {
// Update the requestObserversCalled flag to allow modifying the request,
// and reset once done.
this.#channel.requestObserversCalled = false;
try {
this.#channel.requestMethod = method;
} finally {
// Make sure to reset the flag once the modification was attempted.
this.#channel.requestObserversCalled = true;
* Allows to bypass the actual network request and immediately respond with
* the provided nsIReplacedHttpResponse.
* @param {nsIReplacedHttpResponse} replacedHttpResponse
* The replaced response to use.
setResponseOverride(replacedHttpResponse) {
const rawHeaders = [];
visitHeader(name, value) {
rawHeaders.push(`${name}: ${value}`);
// Setting an override bypasses the usual codepath for network responses.
// There will be no notification about receiving a response.
// However, there will be a notification about the end of the response.
// Therefore, simulate a addResponseStart here to make sure we handle
// addResponseContent properly.
channel: this.#channel,
fromCache: false,
rawHeaders: rawHeaders.join("\n"),
* Convert the provided request timing to a timing relative to the beginning
* of the request. All timings are numbers representing high definition
* timestamps.
* @param {number} timing
* High definition timestamp for a request timing relative from the time
* origin.
* @param {number} requestTime
* High definition timestamp for the request start time relative from the
* time origin.
* @returns {number}
* High definition timestamp for the request timing relative to the start
* time of the request, or 0 if the provided timing was 0.
#convertTimestamp(timing, requestTime) {
if (timing == 0) {
return 0;
return timing - requestTime;
#getContextId() {
const id = lazy.NetworkUtils.getChannelBrowsingContextID(this.#channel);
const browsingContext = BrowsingContext.get(id);
return lazy.TabManager.getIdForBrowsingContext(browsingContext);
#getNavigationId() {
if (!this.#channel.isDocument) {
return null;
const browsingContext = lazy.TabManager.getBrowsingContextById(
let navigation =
// `onBeforeRequestSent` might be too early for the NavigationManager.
// If there is no ongoing navigation, create one ourselves.
// TODO: Bug 1835704 to detect navigations earlier and avoid this.
if (!navigation || navigation.state !== "started") {
navigation = lazy.notifyNavigationStarted({
contextDetails: { context: browsingContext },
url: this.serializedURL,
return navigation ? navigation.navigationId : null;