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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import { EventEmitter } from "resource://gre/modules/EventEmitter.sys.mjs";
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
generateUUID: "chrome://remote/content/shared/UUID.sys.mjs",
Log: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Log.sys.mjs",
TabManager: "chrome://remote/content/shared/TabManager.sys.mjs",
truncate: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Format.sys.mjs",
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "logger", () => lazy.Log.get());
* @typedef {object} BrowsingContextDetails
* @property {string} browsingContextId - The browsing context id.
* @property {string} browserId - The id of the Browser owning the browsing
* context.
* @property {BrowsingContext=} context - The BrowsingContext itself, if
* available.
* @property {boolean} isTopBrowsingContext - Whether the browsing context is
* top level.
* @typedef {object} NavigationInfo
* @property {boolean} finished - Whether the navigation is finished or not.
* @property {string} navigationId - The UUID for the navigation.
* @property {string} navigable - The UUID for the navigable.
* @property {string} url - The target url for the navigation.
* The NavigationRegistry is responsible for monitoring all navigations happening
* in the browser.
* It relies on a JSWindowActor pair called NavigationListener{Parent|Child},
* found under remote/shared/js-window-actors. As a simple overview, the
* NavigationListenerChild will monitor navigations in all window globals using
* content process WebProgressListener, and will forward each relevant update to
* the NavigationListenerParent
* The NavigationRegistry singleton holds the map of navigations, from navigable
* to NavigationInfo. It will also be called by NavigationListenerParent
* whenever a navigation event happens.
* This singleton is not exported outside of this class, and consumers instead
* need to use the NavigationManager class. The NavigationRegistry keeps track
* of how many NavigationListener instances are currently listening in order to
* know if the NavigationListenerActor should be registered or not.
* The NavigationRegistry exposes an API to retrieve the current or last
* navigation for a given navigable, and also forwards events to notify about
* navigation updates to individual NavigationManager instances.
* @class NavigationRegistry
class NavigationRegistry extends EventEmitter {
constructor() {
// Set of NavigationManager instances currently used.
this.#managers = new Set();
// Maps navigable to NavigationInfo.
this.#navigations = new WeakMap();
// Maps navigable id to navigation id. Only used to pre-register navigation
// ids before the actual event is detected.
this.#navigationIds = new Map();
* Retrieve the last known navigation data for a given browsing context.
* @param {BrowsingContext} context
* The browsing context for which the navigation event was recorded.
* @returns {NavigationInfo|null}
* The last known navigation data, or null.
getNavigationForBrowsingContext(context) {
if (!lazy.TabManager.isValidCanonicalBrowsingContext(context)) {
// Bail out if the provided context is not a valid CanonicalBrowsingContext
// instance.
return null;
const navigable = lazy.TabManager.getNavigableForBrowsingContext(context);
if (!this.#navigations.has(navigable)) {
return null;
return this.#navigations.get(navigable);
* Start monitoring navigations in all browsing contexts. This will register
* the NavigationListener JSWindowActor and will initialize them in all
* existing browsing contexts.
startMonitoring(listener) {
if (this.#managers.size == 0) {
* Stop monitoring navigations. This will unregister the NavigationListener
* JSWindowActor and clear the information collected about navigations so far.
stopMonitoring(listener) {
if (!this.#managers.has(listener)) {
if (this.#managers.size == 0) {
// Clear the map.
this.#navigations = new WeakMap();
* Called when a fragment navigation is recorded from the
* NavigationListener actors.
* This entry point is only intended to be called from
* NavigationListenerParent, to avoid setting up observers or listeners,
* which are unnecessary since NavigationManager has to be a singleton.
* @param {object} data
* @param {BrowsingContext} data.context
* The browsing context for which the navigation event was recorded.
* @param {string} data.url
* The URL as string for the navigation.
* @returns {NavigationInfo}
* The navigation created for this hash changed navigation.
notifyFragmentNavigated(data) {
const { contextDetails, url } = data;
const context = this.#getContextFromContextDetails(contextDetails);
const navigable = lazy.TabManager.getNavigableForBrowsingContext(context);
const navigableId = lazy.TabManager.getIdForBrowsingContext(context);
const navigationId = this.#getOrCreateNavigationId(navigableId);
const navigation = { finished: true, navigationId, url };
this.#navigations.set(navigable, navigation);
// Hash change navigations are immediately done, fire a single event.
this.emit("fragment-navigated", { navigationId, navigableId, url });
return navigation;
* Called when a same-document navigation is recorded from the
* NavigationListener actors.
* This entry point is only intended to be called from
* NavigationListenerParent, to avoid setting up observers or listeners,
* which are unnecessary since NavigationManager has to be a singleton.
* @param {object} data
* @param {BrowsingContext} data.context
* The browsing context for which the navigation event was recorded.
* @param {string} data.url
* The URL as string for the navigation.
* @returns {NavigationInfo}
* The navigation created for this same-document navigation.
notifySameDocumentChanged(data) {
const { contextDetails, url } = data;
const context = this.#getContextFromContextDetails(contextDetails);
const navigable = lazy.TabManager.getNavigableForBrowsingContext(context);
const navigableId = lazy.TabManager.getIdForBrowsingContext(context);
const navigationId = this.#getOrCreateNavigationId(navigableId);
const navigation = { finished: true, navigationId, url };
this.#navigations.set(navigable, navigation);
// Same document navigations are immediately done, fire a single event.
this.emit("same-document-changed", { navigationId, navigableId, url });
return navigation;
* Called when a navigation-started event is recorded from the
* NavigationListener actors.
* This entry point is only intended to be called from
* NavigationListenerParent, to avoid setting up observers or listeners,
* which are unnecessary since NavigationManager has to be a singleton.
* @param {object} data
* @param {BrowsingContextDetails} data.contextDetails
* The details about the browsing context for this navigation.
* @param {string} data.url
* The URL as string for the navigation.
* @returns {NavigationInfo}
* The created navigation or the ongoing navigation, if applicable.
notifyNavigationStarted(data) {
const { contextDetails, url } = data;
const context = this.#getContextFromContextDetails(contextDetails);
const navigable = lazy.TabManager.getNavigableForBrowsingContext(context);
const navigableId = lazy.TabManager.getIdForBrowsingContext(context);
let navigation = this.#navigations.get(navigable);
if (navigation && !navigation.finished) {
// If we are already monitoring a navigation for this navigable, for which
// we did not receive a navigation-stopped event, this navigation
// is already tracked and we don't want to create another id & event.
`[${navigableId}] Skipping already tracked navigation, navigationId: ${navigation.navigationId}`
return navigation;
const navigationId = this.#getOrCreateNavigationId(navigableId);
navigation = { finished: false, navigationId, url };
this.#navigations.set(navigable, navigation);
lazy.truncate`[${navigableId}] Navigation started for url: ${url} (${navigationId})`
this.emit("navigation-started", { navigationId, navigableId, url });
return navigation;
* Called when a navigation-stopped event is recorded from the
* NavigationListener actors.
* @param {object} data
* @param {BrowsingContextDetails} data.contextDetails
* The details about the browsing context for this navigation.
* @param {string} data.url
* The URL as string for the navigation.
* @returns {NavigationInfo}
* The stopped navigation if any, or null.
notifyNavigationStopped(data) {
const { contextDetails, url } = data;
const context = this.#getContextFromContextDetails(contextDetails);
const navigable = lazy.TabManager.getNavigableForBrowsingContext(context);
const navigableId = lazy.TabManager.getIdForBrowsingContext(context);
const navigation = this.#navigations.get(navigable);
if (!navigation) {
lazy.truncate`[${navigableId}] No navigation found to stop for url: ${url}`
return null;
if (navigation.finished) {
`[${navigableId}] Navigation already marked as finished, navigationId: ${navigation.navigationId}`
return navigation;
lazy.truncate`[${navigableId}] Navigation finished for url: ${url} (${navigation.navigationId})`
navigation.finished = true;
this.emit("navigation-stopped", {
navigationId: navigation.navigationId,
return navigation;
* Register a navigation id to be used for the next navigation for the
* provided browsing context details.
* @param {object} data
* @param {BrowsingContextDetails} data.contextDetails
* The details about the browsing context for this navigation.
* @returns {string}
* The UUID created the upcoming navigation.
registerNavigationId(data) {
const { contextDetails } = data;
const context = this.#getContextFromContextDetails(contextDetails);
const navigableId = lazy.TabManager.getIdForBrowsingContext(context);
const navigationId = lazy.generateUUID();
this.#navigationIds.set(navigableId, navigationId);
return navigationId;
#getContextFromContextDetails(contextDetails) {
if (contextDetails.context) {
return contextDetails.context;
return contextDetails.isTopBrowsingContext
? BrowsingContext.getCurrentTopByBrowserId(contextDetails.browserId)
: BrowsingContext.get(contextDetails.browsingContextId);
#getOrCreateNavigationId(navigableId) {
let navigationId;
if (this.#navigationIds.has(navigableId)) {
navigationId = this.#navigationIds.get(navigableId, navigationId);
} else {
navigationId = lazy.generateUUID();
return navigationId;
// Create a private NavigationRegistry singleton.
const navigationRegistry = new NavigationRegistry();
* See NavigationRegistry.notifyHashChanged.
* This entry point is only intended to be called from NavigationListenerParent,
* to avoid setting up observers or listeners, which are unnecessary since
* NavigationRegistry has to be a singleton.
export function notifyFragmentNavigated(data) {
return navigationRegistry.notifyFragmentNavigated(data);
* See NavigationRegistry.notifySameDocumentChanged.
* This entry point is only intended to be called from NavigationListenerParent,
* to avoid setting up observers or listeners, which are unnecessary since
* NavigationRegistry has to be a singleton.
export function notifySameDocumentChanged(data) {
return navigationRegistry.notifySameDocumentChanged(data);
* See NavigationRegistry.notifyNavigationStarted.
* This entry point is only intended to be called from NavigationListenerParent,
* to avoid setting up observers or listeners, which are unnecessary since
* NavigationRegistry has to be a singleton.
export function notifyNavigationStarted(data) {
return navigationRegistry.notifyNavigationStarted(data);
* See NavigationRegistry.notifyNavigationStopped.
* This entry point is only intended to be called from NavigationListenerParent,
* to avoid setting up observers or listeners, which are unnecessary since
* NavigationRegistry has to be a singleton.
export function notifyNavigationStopped(data) {
return navigationRegistry.notifyNavigationStopped(data);
export function registerNavigationId(data) {
return navigationRegistry.registerNavigationId(data);
* The NavigationManager exposes the NavigationRegistry data via a class which
* needs to be individually instantiated by each consumer. This allow to track
* how many consumers need navigation data at any point so that the
* NavigationRegistry can register or unregister the underlying JSWindowActors
* correctly.
* @fires navigation-started
* The NavigationManager emits "navigation-started" when a new navigation is
* detected, with the following object as payload:
* - {string} navigationId - The UUID for the navigation.
* - {string} navigableId - The UUID for the navigable.
* - {string} url - The target url for the navigation.
* @fires navigation-stopped
* The NavigationManager emits "navigation-stopped" when a known navigation
* is stopped, with the following object as payload:
* - {string} navigationId - The UUID for the navigation.
* - {string} navigableId - The UUID for the navigable.
* - {string} url - The target url for the navigation.
export class NavigationManager extends EventEmitter {
constructor() {
this.#monitoring = false;
destroy() {
getNavigationForBrowsingContext(context) {
return navigationRegistry.getNavigationForBrowsingContext(context);
startMonitoring() {
if (this.#monitoring) {
this.#monitoring = true;
navigationRegistry.on("fragment-navigated", this.#onNavigationEvent);
navigationRegistry.on("navigation-started", this.#onNavigationEvent);
navigationRegistry.on("navigation-stopped", this.#onNavigationEvent);
navigationRegistry.on("same-document-changed", this.#onNavigationEvent);
stopMonitoring() {
if (!this.#monitoring) {
this.#monitoring = false;
navigationRegistry.stopMonitoring(this);"fragment-navigated", this.#onNavigationEvent);"navigation-started", this.#onNavigationEvent);"navigation-stopped", this.#onNavigationEvent);"same-document-changed", this.#onNavigationEvent);
#onNavigationEvent = (eventName, data) => {
this.emit(eventName, data);