__init__.py |
0 |
apple_pkg |
archive.py |
Create a tar file deterministically.
Receives a dict mapping names of files in the archive to local filesystem
paths or ``mozpack.files.BaseFile`` instances.
The files will be archived and written to the passed file handle opened
for writing.
Only regular files can be written.
FUTURE accept a filename argument (or create APIs to write files)
5361 |
chrome |
copier.py |
Generic container to keep track of a set of BaseFile instances. It
preserves the order under which the files are added, but doesn't keep
track of empty directories (directories are not stored at all).
The paths associated with the BaseFile instances are relative to an
unspecified (virtual) root directory.
registry = FileRegistry()
registry.add('foo/bar', file_instance)
22423 |
dmg.py |
When cross compiling, we zero fill an hfs file, that we will turn into
a DMG. To do so we test the size of the staged dir, and add some slight
padding to that.
8979 |
errors.py |
Exception type raised from errors.error() and errors.fatal() |
4223 |
executables.py |
Check the signature of the give file and returns what kind of executable
3968 |
files.py |
Helper interface for BaseFile.copy. The interface works as follows:
- read() and write() can be used to sequentially read/write from the underlying file.
- a call to read() after a write() will re-open the underlying file and read from it.
- a call to write() after a read() will re-open the underlying file, emptying it, and write to it.
43655 |
macpkg.py |
7639 |
manifests.py |
Raised when an invalid install manifest is parsed. |
16834 |
mozjar.py |
Error type for Jar reader errors. |
29511 |
packager |
path.py |
Like :py:mod:`os.path`, with a reduced set of functions, and with normalized path
separators (always use forward slashes).
Also contains a few additional utilities not found in :py:mod:`os.path`.
7177 |
pkg.py |
Given <name>, open file at <TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY>/<name>, read contents and
return as a Template
name: str, Filename for the template
Template, loaded from file
10094 |
test |
unify.py |
<(?P<ns>[-._0-9A-Za-z]+:)?targetPlatform> # The targetPlatform tag, with any namespace
(?P<platform>[^<]*) # The actual platform value
</(?P=ns)?targetPlatform> # The closing tag
9984 |