Name Description Size Class that represents a component in a package manifest. 15303 Formatters are classes receiving packaging instructions and creating the appropriate package layout. There are three distinct formatters, each handling one of the different chrome formats: - flat: essentially, copies files from the source with the same file system layout. Manifests entries are grouped in a single manifest per directory, as well as XPT interfaces. - jar: chrome content is packaged in jar files. - omni: chrome content, modules, non-binary components, and many other elements are packaged in an omnijar file for each base directory. The base interface provides the following methods: - add_base(path [, addon]) Register a base directory for an application or GRE, or an addon. Base directories usually contain a root manifest (manifests not included in any other manifest) named chrome.manifest. The optional addon argument tells whether the base directory is that of a packed addon (True), unpacked addon ('unpacked') or otherwise (False). The method may only be called in sorted order of `path` (alphanumeric order, parents before children). - add(path, content) Add the given content (BaseFile instance) at the given virtual path - add_interfaces(path, content) Add the given content (BaseFile instance) as an interface. Equivalent to add(path, content) with the right add_manifest(). - add_manifest(entry) Add a ManifestEntry. - contains(path) Returns whether the given virtual path is known of the formatter. The virtual paths mentioned above are paths as they would be with a flat chrome. Formatters all take a FileCopier instance they will fill with the packaged data. 13557 Replace localized parts of a packaged directory with data from a langpack directory. 11991 Special Finder object that treats the source package directory as if it were in the flat chrome format, whatever chrome format it actually is in. This means that for example, paths like chrome/browser/content/... match files under jar:chrome/browser.jar!/content/... in case of jar chrome format. The only argument to the constructor is a Finder instance or a path. The UnpackFinder is populated with files from this Finder instance, or with files from a FileFinder using the given path as its root. 7690