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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
from collections import defaultdict
import mozpack.path as mozpath
import six
import six.moves.cPickle as pickle
from mozbuild.backend.base import PartialBackend
from import TestManifest
class TestManifestBackend(PartialBackend):
"""Partial backend that generates test metadata files."""
def _init(self):
self.tests_by_path = defaultdict(list)
self.installs_by_path = defaultdict(list)
self.deferred_installs = set()
self.manifest_defaults = {}
# Add config.status so performing a build will invalidate this backend.
mozpath.join(self.environment.topobjdir, "config.status")
def consume_object(self, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, TestManifest):
self.backend_input_files |= obj.context_all_paths
for source in obj.source_relpaths:
self.backend_input_files.add(mozpath.join(obj.topsrcdir, source))
from reftest import ReftestManifest
if isinstance(obj.manifest, ReftestManifest):
# Mark included files as part of the build backend so changes
# result in re-config.
self.backend_input_files |= obj.manifest.manifests
except ImportError:
# Ignore errors caused by the reftest module not being present.
# This can happen when building SpiderMonkey standalone, for example.
for test in obj.tests:
self.add(test, obj.flavor, obj.topsrcdir)
self.add_installs(obj, obj.topsrcdir)
def consume_finished(self):
topobjdir = self.environment.topobjdir
with self._write_file(
mozpath.join(topobjdir, "all-tests.pkl"), readmode="rb"
) as fh:
pickle.dump(dict(self.tests_by_path), fh, protocol=2)
with self._write_file(
mozpath.join(topobjdir, "test-defaults.pkl"), readmode="rb"
) as fh:
pickle.dump(self.manifest_defaults, fh, protocol=2)
path = mozpath.join(topobjdir, "test-installs.pkl")
with self._write_file(path, readmode="rb") as fh:
k: v
for k, v in self.installs_by_path.items()
if k in self.deferred_installs
def add(self, t, flavor, topsrcdir):
t = dict(t)
t["flavor"] = flavor
path = mozpath.normpath(t["path"])
manifest = mozpath.normpath(t["manifest"])
assert mozpath.basedir(path, [topsrcdir])
assert mozpath.basedir(manifest, [topsrcdir])
key = path[len(topsrcdir) + 1 :]
t["file_relpath"] = key
t["dir_relpath"] = mozpath.dirname(key)
t["srcdir_relpath"] = key
t["manifest_relpath"] = manifest[len(topsrcdir) + 1 :]
def add_defaults(self, manifest):
if not hasattr(manifest, "manifest_defaults"):
for sub_manifest, defaults in manifest.manifest_defaults.items():
self.manifest_defaults[sub_manifest] = defaults
def add_installs(self, obj, topsrcdir):
for src, (dest, _) in six.iteritems(obj.installs):
key = src[len(topsrcdir) + 1 :]
self.installs_by_path[key].append((src, dest))
for src, pat, dest in obj.pattern_installs:
key = mozpath.join(src[len(topsrcdir) + 1 :], pat)
self.installs_by_path[key].append((src, pat, dest))
for path in obj.deferred_installs: