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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import argparse
import os
from io import StringIO
import buildconfig
from mozbuild.preprocessor import Preprocessor
from mozbuild.util import DefinesAction
def generate_symbols_file(output, *args):
""" """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-D", action=DefinesAction)
parser.add_argument("-U", action="append", default=[])
args = parser.parse_args(args)
input = os.path.abspath(args.input)
pp = Preprocessor()
if args.D:
for undefine in args.U:
if undefine in pp.context:
del pp.context[undefine]
# Hack until MOZ_DEBUG_FLAGS are simply part of buildconfig.defines
if buildconfig.substs.get("MOZ_DEBUG"):
pp.context["DEBUG"] = "1"
# Ensure @DATA@ works as expected (see the Windows section further below)
if buildconfig.substs["OS_TARGET"] == "WINNT":
pp.context["DATA"] = "DATA"
pp.context["DATA"] = ""
pp.out = StringIO()
symbols = [s.strip() for s in pp.out.getvalue().splitlines() if s.strip()]
libname, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(
if buildconfig.substs["OS_TARGET"] == "WINNT":
# A def file is generated for MSVC link.exe that looks like the
# following:
# LIBRARY library.dll
# symbol1
# symbol2
# ...
# link.exe however requires special markers for data symbols, so in
# that case the symbols look like:
# data_symbol1 DATA
# data_symbol2 DATA
# ...
# In the input file, this is just annotated with the following syntax:
# data_symbol1 @DATA@
# data_symbol2 @DATA@
# ...
# The DATA variable is "simply" expanded by the preprocessor, to
# nothing on non-Windows, such that we only get the symbol name on
# those platforms, and to DATA on Windows, so that the "DATA" part
# is, in fact, part of the symbol name as far as the symbols variable
# is concerned.
assert ext == ".def"
output.write("LIBRARY %s\nEXPORTS\n %s\n" % (libname, "\n ".join(symbols)))
elif (
or buildconfig.substs["OS_TARGET"] == "SunOS"
# A linker version script is generated for GNU LD that looks like the
# following:
# {
# global:
# symbol1;
# symbol2;
# ...
# local:
# *;
# };
"%s {\nglobal:\n %s;\nlocal:\n *;\n};" % (libname, ";\n ".join(symbols))
elif buildconfig.substs["OS_TARGET"] == "Darwin":
# A list of symbols is generated for Apple ld that simply lists all
# symbols, with an underscore prefix.
output.write("".join("_%s\n" % s for s in symbols))
return set(pp.includes)